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UN says greenhouse gas concentrations hit record levels


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UN says greenhouse gas concentrations hit record levels

2011-11-21 18:23:19 GMT+7 (ICT)

GENEVA (BNO NEWS) -- The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) on Monday warned in a new report that the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere reached a new high in 2010, exceeding worst case scenarios set in 2001.

Between 1990 and 2010, the WMO recorded a 29 percent increase in radiative forcing - the warming effect on our climate system - from greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide accounted for 80 percent of this increase, according to the WMO's Greenhouse Gas Bulletin.

"The atmospheric burden of greenhouse gases due to human activities has yet again reached record levels since pre-industrial time," said WMO Secretary-General Michel Jarraud. "Even if we managed to halt our greenhouse gas emissions today - and this is far from the case - they would continue to linger in the atmosphere for decades to come and so continue to affect the delicate balance of our living planet and our climate."

According to the WMO, heat-trapping carbon dioxide concentrations are the single most important man-made greenhouse gas in the atmosphere and have reached 389 parts per million, which is the highest level since the start of the industrial era in 1750.

The high concentrations of carbon dioxide are primarily because of emissions from combustion of fossil fuels, deforestation and changes in land-use. Between 2009 and 2010, its atmospheric abundance increased by 2.3 parts per million.

Carbon dioxide currently contributes about 64 percent to the total increase in climate forcing by greenhouse gases. For about 10,000 years before the start of the industrial era in the mid-18th century, atmospheric carbon dioxide remained almost constant at around 280 parts per million.

In addition to water vapor and carbon dioxide, the most prevalent long-lived greenhouse gases are methane and nitrous oxide. Since 1750, the concentration of methane has increased 158 percent, mostly because of activities such as cattle-rearing, rice planting, fossil fuel exploitation and landfills. Human activities now account for 60 percent of methane emissions, with the remaining 40 percent being from natural sources such as wetlands.

Nitrous oxide contributes about six percent to the overall global increase in radiative forcing since 1750. It is emitted into the atmosphere from natural and man-made sources, including the oceans, biomass burning, fertilizer use and various industrial processes. It is now the third most important greenhouse gas, according to WMO.

The atmospheric burden of nitrous oxide in 2010 was 323.2 parts per billion - 20 percent higher than in the pre-industrial era. It has grown at an average of about 0.75 parts per billion over the past ten years, mainly as a result of the use of nitrogen containing fertilizers, including manure, which has profoundly affected the global nitrogen cycle.

Scientists say the impact of nitrous oxide on climate, over a 100 year period, is 298 times greater than equal emissions of carbon dioxide. It also plays an important role in the destruction of the stratospheric ozone layer which protects us from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.

"Now more than ever before, we need to understand the complex, and sometimes unexpected, interactions between greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, Earth's biosphere and oceans," said Jarraud. The WMO report released on Monday shows greenhouse gas concentrations have now exceeded the worst case scenarios of a United Nations expert climate panel in 2001.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-11-21

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Also interesting: bit by bit, some of the naysayers, who insisted human abetted global warming was a hoax, are coming around to reason. I don't know their individual reasons, but it's been clear to me, ever since (years ago) I started hearing stories of retreating glaciers and less ice cover in the Arctic and Antarctic - much of which is not recovering when their winters roll around. Similar stories keep gaining light. I don't think it's a conspiracy of thousands of scientists and observers. I think it's real. Closer to home, it's yet another reason why Bangkok should cut its losses and relocate as much as possible to higher ground. This year's flood, as bad as it is, will pale in comparison to floods coming in the not-too-distant future.

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I think Al Gore is on the right track that the time has come to refer to man made climate change deniers as socially unacceptable.


Climate change deniers will be despised just like racists one day, says Al Gore

Former Vice President Al Gore believes people who are sceptical about climate change will be seen in the same negative as racists in years to come.

In an interview that was broadcast on UStream on Friday, Mr Gore said that in order for climate change alarmists to succeed, they must 'win the conversation' against those who deny there is a crisis.

Edited by Jingthing
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I think Al Gore is on the right track that the time has come to refer to man made climate change deniers as socially unacceptable.


Climate change deniers will be despised just like racists one day, says Al Gore

Former Vice President Al Gore believes people who are sceptical about climate change will be seen in the same negative as racists in years to come.

In an interview that was broadcast on UStream on Friday, Mr Gore said that in order for climate change alarmists to succeed, they must 'win the conversation' against those who deny there is a crisis.

Hmmm, Yes the McCarthyism of the global warmists indeed. Actually if you look at Earth temperatures over the 4 billion years or so we are only just flipping from a cool period to a warm period.


Climatologists have used various techniques and evidence to reconstruct a history of the Earth's past climate. From this data, they have found that during most of the Earth's history global temperatures were probably 8 to 15 degrees Celsius warmer than today.

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They changed label from Global Warming since it was clear that their own data didn't support the conclusions - so now it is Climate Change.

Next step is to over-estimate how much is man-made as oppose to the cycles climate has changed over the past million years.

And then start to charge people and corporations for their alleged 'share' of the Climate Change, at some arbitrary price. Now if only that price was linked to some counter-Climate Change or clean-up-the-earth-work...

The trading of carbon credits is the real scam and shame. Imagine that, Al Gore making money out of our alleged and presumed guilt. Of course he is an White Knight.

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Look at the big picture.

Al Gore's ethics or lack of ethics -- meaningless.

Demonizing him or any individual is just a diversionary trick by ideological true believers, such as right wing Christian fundamentalist/corporatist one percenters like Governor Rick Perry who have an irrational death culture apocalyptic vision and don't care about the future of the planet anyway.

Human activity ruining earth as a place to live -- to the human species, everything

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Look at the big picture.

Al Gore's ethics or lack of ethics -- meaningless.

Demonizing him or any individual is just a diversionary trick by ideological true believers, such as right wing Christian fundamentalist/corporatist one percenters like Governor Rick Perry who have an irrational death culture apocalyptic vision and don't care about the future of the planet anyway.

Human activity ruining earth as a place to live -- to the human species, everything

How can anyone say that man alone is responsible for global warming ? They can't !

The earth goes through cycles which are linked to the sun, this science is 100% fact, unlike the man made global warming theory.

The Vikings did grow grapes on Greenland 1000+ years ago rolleyes.gif

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How can anyone say that man alone is responsible for global warming ? They can't !

The earth goes through cycles which are linked to the sun, this science is 100% fact, unlike the man made global warming theory.

The Vikings did grow grapes on Greenland 1000+ years ago rolleyes.gif

Yes agreed

It is simplistic to say man has as great an impact as some suggest.

Yes perhaps it is possible to speed up the inevitable with the burning of fossil fuels...perhaps...

But it will not in the long run change a cycle...only the length of time between them.

The world moves in cycles. They are not all short cycles but they exist with or without mans influence.

There was a time when the earth had no ice at all.

Sea levels were 220' higher than now...The America's not yet joined by continental drift.

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Sadly, we may well have passed the tipping point on this issue. Very sad when we have 7 Billion people on the earth. That's a lot of people to affected by the problem.

If you could take all 7 billion and stand them up shoulder to shoulder, we would all fit in Singapore.

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I think Al Gore is on the right track that the time has come to refer to man made climate change deniers as socially unacceptable.


Climate change deniers will be despised just like racists one day, says Al Gore

Former Vice President Al Gore believes people who are sceptical about climate change will be seen in the same negative as racists in years to come.

In an interview that was broadcast on UStream on Friday, Mr Gore said that in order for climate change alarmists to succeed, they must 'win the conversation' against those who deny there is a crisis.

When and why did Gore stop using "Global Warming" and switch to "Climate Change"?

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Look at the big picture.

Al Gore's ethics or lack of ethics -- meaningless.

Demonizing him or any individual is just a diversionary trick by ideological true believers, such as right wing Christian fundamentalist/corporatist one percenters like Governor Rick Perry who have an irrational death culture apocalyptic vision and don't care about the future of the planet anyway.

Human activity ruining earth as a place to live -- to the human species, everything

How can anyone say that man alone is responsible for global warming ? They can't !

The earth goes through cycles which are linked to the sun, this science is 100% fact, unlike the man made global warming theory.

The Vikings did grow grapes on Greenland 1000+ years ago rolleyes.gif

Too true. I'm sure some warming effect is due to mankind alone, but whenever you scrape away the hyperbole there is very little true research done on quantifying the relative effect of man made warming compared to other cyclical factors, one being we are overdue an ice age. And as ever those with a vested interest keep massaging the data to fit their view.


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Seems to be a lot of discussion as to whether and how much 'man' has to do with climate change. Personally, I don't mind the earlier term 'global warming' as it's appropriate. The surface of the planet is warming. Seas are rising. and pollution is increasing. Astronauts tell how, looking down at earth, they see vast smudges of yellowish-brown clouds/dust - particularly over areas with many big cities - like China.

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"The atmospheric burden of nitrous oxide in 2010 was 323.2 parts per billion - 20 percent higher than in the pre-industrial era. It has grown at an average of about 0.75 parts per billion"

Since these readings were probably done using a modern day "mass spectrometer" how the h*ll do they know it is now 20% higher than it was in 1750 ? It is all pure and utter conjecture.

Does any one know what 0.75 parts per Billion looks like on a graph or a pie chart ? I know. you need a bleeding electron microscope to see the blip on a very flat line...assuming it is higher than in 1750 !!!!

All <deleted>...plain and simple.

The main factor about the planet is there are too many humans producing too much crap you can live without and then dumping it all over the place and into the seas. This climate change totally distract the masses from real issues closer to home. i.e land fill sites, garbage and raw sewage. Do you we really need 4 cubic meters of polystyrene around your new flat screen t.v. made from rare earth materials ???

A previous post mentions the flooding in Bangkok - once again we need to remind ourselves this is rain water that fell hundreds of miles away from Bangkok that is being controlled by out dated drainage facilities by a government that cannot make its mind up who is higher up the pecking order when it comes to losing their house or business....not a Global Warming issue. Another fact - Monsoon rains fall in S.E. Asia every year and have done so for thousands of years.... But BBC World and CNN would have us believe it is a man made cause that shocks us with the resulting damage. Which never happened in 1750 because back then every one lived in a bamboo hut on stilts and cared not a jot about the monsoon other than timing their rice crops....the same goes for Japanese houses - formally rice paper and bamboo - Oh dear there goes another earthquake but having rice paper crash down on your head was not the same effect as a hundred floor concrete building...:blink:

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[/i]The main factor about the planet is there are too many humans producing too much crap you can live without and then dumping it all over the place and into the seas. This climate change totally distract the masses from real issues closer to home. i.e land fill sites, garbage and raw sewage. Do you we really need 4 cubic meters of polystyrene around your new flat screen t.v. made from rare earth materials ???

Steady, I'm using polystyrene boxes to do vermiposting, we aim to be food self-sufficient eventually and already recycle tins, bottles, cardboard and plastics. As for so called global warming I'm agnostic as to the degree to which it contributes to climate change however living sustainably and treading lightly on the land is a separate philosophy and I would agree it should be regarded as such rather than uncritically lumped in under the global warming umbrella.

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Look at the big picture.

Al Gore's ethics or lack of ethics -- meaningless.

Demonizing him or any individual is just a diversionary trick by ideological true believers, such as right wing Christian fundamentalist/corporatist one percenters like Governor Rick Perry who have an irrational death culture apocalyptic vision and don't care about the future of the planet anyway.

Human activity ruining earth as a place to live -- to the human species, everything

Is Rick Perry the new Republican 'Ogre du jour'?

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Look at the big picture.

Al Gore's ethics or lack of ethics -- meaningless.

Demonizing him or any individual is just a diversionary trick by ideological true believers, such as right wing Christian fundamentalist/corporatist one percenters like Governor Rick Perry who have an irrational death culture apocalyptic vision and don't care about the future of the planet anyway.

Human activity ruining earth as a place to live -- to the human species, everything

Is Rick Perry the new Republican 'Ogre du jour'?

No, just an example of their crew. All of their front runners are at least publicly, shamelessly anti-science in every regard.
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Sadly, we may well have passed the tipping point on this issue. Very sad when we have 7 Billion people on the earth. That's a lot of people to affected by the problem.

I have my own hypothesis that it is the body heat from the 7 billion people and the heat released by their machines, as well, that is the primary source of global warming. I have pursued some models to reinforce this hypothesis, but they refused to even talk to me.

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Himeji Castle

< snip >

Which never happened in 1750 because back then every one lived in a bamboo hut on stilts and cared not a jot about the monsoon other than timing their rice crops....the same goes for Japanese houses - formally rice paper and bamboo - Oh dear there goes another earthquake but having rice paper crash down on your head was not the same effect as a hundred floor concrete building...:blink:

I wonder what sort of head-crashing an earthquake would have caused with the Japanese, 12th - 14th century Himeji Castle .

Not exactly 'rice paper', by the looks of it.himeji-castle-himeji-japan.jpg


? Edited by MaxYakov
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I think Al Gore is on the right track that the time has come to refer to man made climate change deniers as socially unacceptable.


Climate change deniers will be despised just like racists one day, says Al Gore

Former Vice President Al Gore believes people who are sceptical about climate change will be seen in the same negative as racists in years to come.

In an interview that was broadcast on UStream on Friday, Mr Gore said that in order for climate change alarmists to succeed, they must 'win the conversation' against those who deny there is a crisis.

Hmmm, Yes the McCarthyism of the global warmists indeed. Actually if you look at Earth temperatures over the 4 billion years or so we are only just flipping from a cool period to a warm period.


Climatologists have used various techniques and evidence to reconstruct a history of the Earth's past climate. From this data, they have found that during most of the Earth's history global temperatures were probably 8 to 15 degrees Celsius warmer than today.

According to internationally agreed standards, the world is moving out of the latest of very many Ice-Ages.

The statements and claims of the 'Global Warmists' maybe true, but they are a very long way for proving anything yet.

Looking back over the existance of planet Earth, there never has been a prolonged state of equilibrium in the world's atmposphere.

The so-called Balance of Nature is a myth. Evolution is a constant battle ground.

But, these facts are no reason for pollution from any industrial activity.

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I agree it's incumbent for everyone to tread as lightly as possible. Someone mentioned styrofoam. Currently, there's is no value for styrofoam at rec-cyclers'. Yet, it can be useful: ground up and mixed with potting soil, for one. Thais don't yet know that, but there's a lot they don't know about recycling.

I try to tread softly. I no longer fly in jet planes because of their pollution. My lifestyle is not as clean as some peoples', but am working on it. I still believe the #1 thing a person can do to lessen pollution load on the planet - is to have less children.

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Sadly, we may well have passed the tipping point on this issue. Very sad when we have 7 Billion people on the earth. That's a lot of people to affected by the problem.

I agree we have tax everyone 10 per cent of his income to stop this. I am going to send a check to the UN. I hope other do the same

Me too! Now, where did I put that check book? Will the UN take a credit card or PayPal? They probably prefer cash.

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But, these facts are no reason for pollution from any industrial activity.

Al Gore and his politicizing of the issue is hurting our environment IMO. I'm all for a cleaner, greener planet but don't believe his line of BS for a minute. Because of him and his kind, instead of having all people united in cleaning up the planet (who doesn't like clean air?), it has turned into a hot political issue. Thanks a lot Al.

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But, these facts are no reason for pollution from any industrial activity.

Al Gore and his politicizing of the issue is hurting our environment IMO. I'm all for a cleaner, greener planet but don't believe his line of BS for a minute. Because of him and his kind, instead of having all people united in cleaning up the planet (who doesn't like clean air?), it has turned into a hot political issue. Thanks a lot Al.

Al Gore has been the most important person on the planet in mass publicizing the issue. He has been demonized by the reactionary right wing. Of course, it is a political issue. It should be about science and of course the science overwhelmingly much more in favor what Al Gore has said vs. the American republican fundamentalist anti-science activists.

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But, these facts are no reason for pollution from any industrial activity.

Al Gore and his politicizing of the issue is hurting our environment IMO. I'm all for a cleaner, greener planet but don't believe his line of BS for a minute. Because of him and his kind, instead of having all people united in cleaning up the planet (who doesn't like clean air?), it has turned into a hot political issue. Thanks a lot Al.

Al Gore has been the most important person on the planet in mass publicizing the issue. He has been demonized by the reactionary right wing. Of course, it is a political issue. It should be about science and of course the science overwhelmingly much more in favor what Al Gore has said vs. the American republican fundamentalist anti-science activists.

And what if Al Gore won the 2000 US election (the one he did win) if it was not for Jeb Bush and Florida recounts..If he won would he still be the most important person on the planet mass publicizing the issue?? I think not because we all know his views/actions would seriously harm the US economy at the time if he was president.

I have watched a lot of Al Gore's stuff on TV and the net, and yes I believe some of what he says, I also think there is more to it than meet the eyes, he defo makes a lot cash out of the climate change debate etc so that makes me wonder.

Man defo causes pollution, the evidence is clear for all to see, as for climate change man MAYBE contributes to it, human activity probably accounts for less than 15% of greenhouse gases put into the atmosphere..

As for clean air, yes we all love clean air, I'm lucky enough to stay very close to the hills and mountains of Scotland, I think the US and European countries and also the UN should be doing more to protect the Amazon basin from further deforestation, we all know this area of the earth acts like lungs and cleans our air.

In Scotland we have a vision to have at least 50% of our energy come renewable energy with 20 years! We have built lots of wind farms and we are at the cutting edge of wave power technology, other countries like the US and China have to do more.

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And what if Al Gore won the 2000 US election (the one he did win) if it was not for Jeb Bush and Florida recounts..If he won would he still be the most important person on the planet mass publicizing the issue?? I think not because we all know his views/actions would seriously harm the US economy at the time if he was president.

It is important to point out that while we had Clinton-Gore in the White House, the US Senate voted 99-0 AGAINST the Kyoto Protocol. Apparently Gore didn't make it as big of an issue until later. Things might have turned out differently if he had put as much into it as his wife did in trying to put warning labels on music ten years earlier.

I still think it (saving the environment) has been twisted and approached from a totally wrong angle (money in pockets from carbon credits, etc) thanks to the Global Warming alarmists led by Gore. EVERYONE should be for a cleaner planet & air yet they managed to turn into one side against the other. Amazing.

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And what if Al Gore won the 2000 US election (the one he did win) if it was not for Jeb Bush and Florida recounts..If he won would he still be the most important person on the planet mass publicizing the issue?? I think not because we all know his views/actions would seriously harm the US economy at the time if he was president.

Jeb Bush and the Florida recounts? :cheesy:

As far as Gore is concerned, all one has to do is follow his net worth, which has seen a rise from his admitted net worth of $800 Thousand in 2000 to a somewhat secretive net worth of over $100 million today. Virtually all of it the result of crying 'wolf' at every opportunity.

Global warming is a scam. Climate change has been around for millions of years and the input from man is insignificant in the long term.

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