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My wife is pregnant, is it true in the most of the time doctor practise a ceasarean section during the delivery even without good reason ?



If you go to a private hospital they often advise Cesarean, IMHO so they can charge more.

At the government hospitals, the advice is the opposite, but it is almost free (extra for a private room)

Having used a government hospital two months ago, everything was fine, small Thai lady, very large baby delivered normally.

Costs 3k for 3 nights in a private room, 500bht for random optional stuff during the pregnancy.


It is common practice here among the upper classes to have elective c-section and many private hospitals will expect that you want it. in addition, as it is both easier for the doctor in terms of scheduling and more lucrative, they tend to encourage it.

However you should have no problem if you make it clear from the outset that you want a natural delivery.

Also no problems if at a government hospital and not likely any at a non-profit.

Need to be sure though that you and your wife are on the same page regarding this.

FYI as far as I can gather reasons why Thai women tend to prefer c-s if they can afford it include 1) a perception that the whole business of delivery is undignified ("too posh to push") and (2) a widespread belief that after delivery the vagina will be too wide and therefore not pleasurable for the man and the husband may then stray (should not be the case with a competent obstretrician...but it's a widespread belief here I find).


(2) a widespread belief that after delivery the vagina will be too wide and therefore not pleasurable for the man and the husband may then stray (should not be the case with a competent obstretrician...but it's a widespread belief here I find).

When usually the exact opposite is the case.

When giving birth naturally, they tend to snip a little to prevent a tear, then put in a couple of stitches.

By the time it heals, it's usually smaller than when they started.

I know of at least one case, where they stitched up too much, and the lady had to return to hospital a few months later, for them to make it bigger.


So it's mostly the rich who ask for C-cut ?

The rich and the upper middle class.

Those who rely on the government health system -- which is the vast majority of people -- don't have a choice in the matter, they can't get a c-s unless it is medically indicated.

Those who can afford private pay and chose to spend their money accordingly have the option. This is true pretty much everywhere in the world, the difference is one of degree. Comparatively speaking Thai doctors are more willing to do a c-s in the absence of any sort of medical indioctaion for it, and Thai patients are more likely to want one.

Should remember that this is in regard to elective c-s only. in 10-15% of deliveries there is a medical indication for c-s. That's a whole other matter. Government hospitals will perform them when medically indicated.

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