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Thailand Likely To Lose 400,000-750,000 Foreign Visitors: Flood


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Thailand likely to lose Bt16-19 bln in revenue from flood crisis: TAT


BANGKOK, Nov 28 - Thailand is forecasted to lose approximately Bt16-19 billion in revenue from the loss of 400,000-750,000 foreign visitors as a result of the ongoing flood crisis should it conclude by December, according the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT).

This figure was reported to the Tourism and Sports Ministry on Sunday, said Tourism and Sports Ministry Spokesman Watchara Kannikar.

The number of domestic tourists was also predicted to fall by about 6 million by the year-end, representing a loss of about Bt13 billion in revenue, resulting in a total tally of domestic and international travellers for 2011 at 18-19 million.

TAT pointed out that foreign visitors have either cancelled or delayed their trips to Thailand owing to the enduring image of flooded Don Mueang Airport, the issuance of travel advisory against Thailand by many countries, and rumours of contagious diseases resulting from floods.

As the overall flood situation has improved, Deputy Prime Minister and Tourism and Sports Minister Chumpol Silpa-archa assigned related agencies and personnel to clarify the situation to foreign countries and many have already cancelled their travel advisories against visiting Thailand.

Concerning rumours of contagious diseases, the ministry - together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the World Health Organization (WHO) - would clarify the matter by this week to ease fear and tension among travellers.

The Tourism Authority of Thailand, meanwhile, proposed to the Tourism and Sports Ministry its plans to revive the country's tourism, such as tourism promotions and activities as well as marketing communications both for domestic and overseas markets.

About 500 members of the press and media worldwide have already been invited by the TAT as a part of the plans and will be visiting Thailand on Dec 13.

According to Tourism Department's statistics, the cost of damages from flooding at 175 tourist attractions in 21 provinces countrywide was estimated at nearly Bt560 million. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2011-11-28

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Got to love the photo, used to illustrate this story, which shows tourists checking-in, ie queuing to leave the country. :rolleyes:

And didn't the Minister tell everyone, just a short time ago, that the floods had had & would have no effect on tourism ? <_<

Time to double the prices on jet-skis and bargain-gems ! :lol:

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TAT pointed out that foreign visitors have either cancelled or delayed their trips to Thailand owing to the enduring image of flooded Don Mueang Airport, the issuance of travel advisory against Thailand by many countries, and rumours of contagious diseases resulting from floods.

Right. The image of Don Mueang flooded is the only reason people are avoiding Thailand. Has nothing to do with the images of flooded Bangkok, Ayutthaya, etc.

Rumors of contagious diseases? Don't think they are rumors.

These people are unreal.

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Two 'quotations' spring to mind:

"To lose one foreign visitor, Mr Thailand, may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose 400,000-750,000 looks like carelessness."


"The loss of one tourist is a tragedy. The loss of millions is a statistic"

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This is a coded message for "don't worry, we are drafting a very good smoke and mirrors pr (propaganda) piece that will really "snow" the tourists into thinking that there is absolutely no disease, bacteria, mould, or any contaminated food, pharmacies, supermarkets, etc..." It will be some great Thai "smoke and mirrors" pr. By the time we get WHO on board - everyone will think Thailand is the cleanest place in town.-<div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="color: rgb(28, 40, 55); font-size: 14px; line-height: 20px; background-color: rgb(250, 251, 252); ">"Concerning rumours of contagious diseases, the ministry - together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the World Health Organization (WHO) - would clarify the matter by this week to ease fear and tension among travellers."</span></div>

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ABSOLUTE FALSEHOOD! To say that Thailand is going to lose 400-700k tourists is a blatant lie. Another on the part of the TAT, and the AOT. They continue to read the daily fax put out by Yingluck, and continue to perpetrate the lies. If Thailand truly gets 1.25 million tourists a year, as they say, and the flooding started in late October, and the peak season is coming next month, how on earth is it possible that Thailand can only lose 400-700k tourists? Who is doing the math? Are they intentionally adding incorrectly, or are they just reading the instructions in the fax? I compute a rock bottom minimum of 2,000,000 tourists lost, and possibly many more. The devastation to the economy is going to be massive. It is only starting to be felt. I have read interview with travel operators, travel agents, and others who reported a cancellation rate of up to 90%. It is nearly impossible to get accurate info overseas. Someone is operating the TAT, and the AOT who has NO IDEA what they are doing, and should not be in that post. It would be relatively easy to engage in a PR campaign, and LET THE WORLD KNOW, what is going on here, and that it is safe and easy to travel here right now. But, are they doing that? Are they getting the word out there? Are they showing ANY DEGREE OF COMPETENCE? No. Yingluck is responsible, but so are all of her underlings.

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well instead of taking care about tourists , could be a good idea of taking care about flood victim , such as me .. my house have been under 1m50 to 2m of water for 5 weeks now, the soi to my office is still under 70cm of water . This is the reality , flood is not over yet ....

I totally understand people who choose SAFE destination for their holidays. Remember what happen with the yellow shirts blocking the airport ( I was block in Dubai for 9 days) ...

There are so many other destination in the world anyway ...Thailand must have long term planing otherwise when the next rainy season will hit the country the same problem might happen again . :annoyed::annoyed::annoyed::annoyed::annoyed::annoyed::annoyed:

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Doesn't seem to be affecting Pattaya. I was there recently and the place is packed with Iranian men ,Russian couples and thousands of old single European men sitting at tables looking at Isan girls. :bah:

remove those people and pattaya can go bankrupt ....

The Russians will never leave, they run the place.

No Pattaya for me.

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ABSOLUTE FALSEHOOD! To say that Thailand is going to lose 400-700k tourists is a blatant lie. Another on the part of the TAT, and the AOT. They continue to read the daily fax put out by Yingluck, and continue to perpetrate the lies. If Thailand truly gets 1.25 million tourists a year, as they say, and the flooding started in late October, and the peak season is coming next month, how on earth is it possible that Thailand can only lose 400-700k tourists? Who is doing the math? Are they intentionally adding incorrectly, or are they just reading the instructions in the fax? I compute a rock bottom minimum of 2,000,000 tourists lost, and possibly many more. The devastation to the economy is going to be massive. It is only starting to be felt. I have read interview with travel operators, travel agents, and others who reported a cancellation rate of up to 90%. It is nearly impossible to get accurate info overseas. Someone is operating the TAT, and the AOT who has NO IDEA what they are doing, and should not be in that post. It would be relatively easy to engage in a PR campaign, and LET THE WORLD KNOW, what is going on here, and that it is safe and easy to travel here right now. But, are they doing that? Are they getting the word out there? Are they showing ANY DEGREE OF COMPETENCE? No. Yingluck is responsible, but so are all of her underlings.

1.25 million tourists per year? ... I'll assume you meant "per month".

I don't think 90% of tourists will have cancelled their whole trip. There would still be a lot travelling on to Phuket, Chiang Mai, Samui, Pattaya etc. Also, there would be a lot of "tourists" who are living here permanently that are still coming and going. There would probably be a lot of cancellations in Bangkok, particularly business related tourists.

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Doesn't seem to be affecting Pattaya. I was there recently and the place is packed with Iranian men ,Russian couples and thousands of old single European men sitting at tables looking at Isan girls. :bah:

Don't look down on the old single European men sitting at tables looking at Isan girls.

These guys are serious investors in buffaloes and real estate in Buriram, and the Isan gals are just facilitators for the deal.

The guys have a bulge in their trousers (where their wallet is/was) and the girls can accommodate those bulges with a smile and a realistic groan of extasy. One hand washes the other.

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Doesn't seem to be affecting Pattaya. I was there recently and the place is packed with Iranian men ,Russian couples and thousands of old single European men sitting at tables looking at Isan girls. :bah:

why the disgusted face ? :bah:

if you don't like it why do you still go there ?

i spent years and years in the pattaya style and tourist places of Thailand. I'm full and sick of it. I now prefer unspoilt natural and quiet beauty by the beach. There are no tourists where I am now ... bliss. Natural genuine bliss with honesty and no harrassments ;)

a few more mosquitos and intruding insects though ... but I've trained the wall lizards to attack them ...

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Doesn't seem to be affecting Pattaya. I was there recently and the place is packed with Iranian men ,Russian couples and thousands of old single European men sitting at tables looking at Isan girls. :bah:

Don't look down on the old single European men sitting at tables looking at Isan girls.

These guys are serious investors in buffaloes and real estate in Buriram, and the Isan gals are just facilitators for the deal.

The guys have a bulge in their trousers (where their wallet is/was) and the girls can accommodate those bulges with a smile and a realistic groan of extasy. One hand washes the other.


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If you don't like it,stay away!

Doesn't seem to be affecting Pattaya. I was there recently and the place is packed with Iranian men ,Russian couples and thousands of old single European men sitting at tables looking at Isan girls. :bah:

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So they will lose tourist. but those that us that are here and like to be tourists are getting no encouragement to stay and spend out Baht. I have heard this week of at least

5 people that have been refused extensions on there Tourists visa at both Laos and Cambodia. So not only are new tourists not coming the ones that are here are being told to go home.

Really they just dont see past the end of the day.

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Thursday night I was driving around Chiang Mai on the bike from around 9:30 to 11:00. I could count the number of western tourists on my hands and not use all my fingers. Mostly saw nothing but Thai going about their business...and business seemed to be slow.

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Doesn't seem to be affecting Pattaya. I was there recently and the place is packed with Iranian men ,Russian couples and thousands of old single European men sitting at tables looking at Isan girls. :bah:

Thats because you hang around the bars ,in the parts of Pattaya and surrounding areas where you and your kind never come its lovely ,peacfull countryside ,so you just stay looking at old men ,Russians and Iranians and leave us in peace. :D

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Thursday night I was driving around Chiang Mai on the bike from around 9:30 to 11:00. I could count the number of western tourists on my hands and not use all my fingers. Mostly saw nothing but Thai going about their business...and business seemed to be slow.

..... and how many bars going out of business?

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Doesn't seem to be affecting Pattaya. I was there recently and the place is packed with Iranian men ,Russian couples and thousands of old single European men sitting at tables looking at Isan girls. :bah:

I live i Pattaya and have been here through the whole flood. There is almost a complete absence of tour buses and mini van tour vans. Before the fllod problems started, Pattaya was still fiiled with those buses and vans, then they like disappeared. Hotels that catered to tours were like mini ghost towns, no people. The Beer Bars had some customers on Saturday nites, many men from Bangkok, but every nite the beer bars were missing one important item, customers. I live smack dab in the middle of Pattaya City, traffic is way down exceptr for Sat nites. Yes, there are many Russians in Pattaya, but the majority are Condo owners who will come to Pattaya with no concern to turn them away unless it happens in Pattaya, and the floods did not come to Pattaya.

If Thai Govt says tourism down 30%, then you know for sure it is down 50-60%

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It's very difficult to understand Thai thinking in a business sense. I stay at a very nice guest house, and have for years. When the son ran the place, I never payed over 15,000 baht a month. High or low season. Now, the Mother runs the place. I'm the only one staying here, and have been for the last few months, and she's charging me 21,000 baht a month. She told me they're full next month so I have to move. From what I can tell, her dreams will soon be shattered, but she can only see the what she thinks will be a "full occupancy" high-season at higher prices. I found a nice place to move at a much lower rate, and it's time for a change, anyway, but I can't wait to see how many reservations show up. Som Nan Na.

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Doesn't seem to be affecting Pattaya. I was there recently and the place is packed with Iranian men ,Russian couples and thousands of old single European men sitting at tables looking at Isan girls. :bah:

Business in Pattaya is down 30% on last November, the number of Russian tourist has dropped, my wife has a good small business in big hotel, Manicure Pedicure, it has mainly Russian Tourist, I go there once a week to check on the shop and it is very quite, not the same as last year, the hotel manager tells us the Russian are scared of the floods and think Crocodiles are running around the place, sound stupid but that is what the travel agency in Moscow is telling them. they also tell me most hotels are the same.

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So they will lose tourist. but those that us that are here and like to be tourists are getting no encouragement to stay and spend out Baht. I have heard this week of at least

5 people that have been refused extensions on there Tourists visa at both Laos and Cambodia. So not only are new tourists not coming the ones that are here are being told to go home.

Really they just dont see past the end of the day.

Why are these people applying for extensions to their tourist visas in Laos & Cambodia? Are they applying for new tourist visas, or are there a lot of people who think you need to leave the country to extend them?

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