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Amway Make-Up - Skin Problems


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A Thai woman friend has serious face discoloration - strange brown patches, plus dozens of smaller spots - as a result of using Amway moisturiser. I just saw her again this week: she says the problem has been going for several months.

The problem was much worse a month or two ago, she said. But it looks bad enough now - it's changed her appearance radically.

She had medical attention, & the doc said just to wait - it might improve more with time.

Her pharmacist said that many Thai women had had similar problems with Amway stuff.

Anyone else had this problem?

I think Amway is mail-order stuff.

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She may have gotten a fake batch as well, there are alot of fakes in Thailand as we all know and sadly, in cosmetics as well. I always steer clear of those super cheap "name brand" creams that are on display at some malls in Bangkok, god only knows where they come from or whats in them.

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Not sure about Amway but most women I know who use whitening cream also have skin problems . As far as I understand whitening creams and lotions inhibit the secretion of melanine which is what causes the darkening of the skin. Skin darkening occurs naturally as a shield to avoid sunburn. When the melanine is reduced the skin goes kind of crazy and the dark spots appear. I use sesame or coconut oil most nights, they seem to protect my skin in the daytime.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Some say, Amway is a legal pyramid scheme, and their products are way overpriced because of so many bonuses to all the intermediary.

I would be extremely cautious with any Amway product. And I don't know if they are FDA approved.

Never used it, sold it or wanted it but from what I see, can't be 70 percent of women here using it and they have the same issues.

Do you really think a company that size could run around selling products that weren't fda approved?

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No I do not believe they could. Its too large and too well known to be able to avoid FDA approval.

That said there is a reason that these products all say test a bit on your arm before applying it all over, its because some people do have allergic reactions.

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Some say, Amway is a legal pyramid scheme, and their products are way overpriced because of so many bonuses to all the intermediary.

I would be extremely cautious with any Amway product. And I don't know if they are FDA approved.

So I guess you are an expert on pyramid schemes if you don't know how it works don't

commend, Amway is in over 80 countries all over the world Thailand included there is nothing

wrong with the system otherwise millions of people would be in jail now.

And yes I am a member of Amway myself

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I visited a small village in Phatthalung, I met several women with severe skin problems after using Amway products. There was a guy in the village who was on commission selling it to people and different companies in the area. The product was official Amway and not some fake brand. Their skins returned back to normal after they all stopped using it within a month.

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Thanks. My friend still has bad skin problems several months after using Amway.

Obviously the message here, for those who don't wish to incur longterm skin damage, is to avoid Amway.

When I visited a small village in Phatthalung, I met several women with severe skin problems after using Amway products. There was a guy in the village who was on commission selling it to people and different companies in the area. The product was official Amway and not some fake brand. Their skins returned back to normal after they all stopped using it within a month.

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