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D-day One Week Away!


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Tuesday the 29th of November 2005 heralds the staging of the second annual JAIDEE APPEAL JW DRUNKATHOLON fundraiser in support of the Camillian Centre, Rayong.

As many will already be aware, this year’s event is being dedicated to the memory of richardb’s ex-girlfriend AOM who sadly passed away at the Camillian Centre on Monday the 12th of September 2005. If you are unfamiliar with the background, please click on: Dying Girlfriend?

The JAIDEE APPEAL is an initiative launched on the 31st of December 2001 under the BAHTBUS.COM umbrella to help the children orphaned by and/or born with HIV who live under Father Giovanni Contarin’s care.

100% of all monies raised go in toto to the Centre; to date over one million baht has been raised.

Last year the event raised 103,000 Baht; this year our sights are set on at least doubling that figure.

Whilst the title ‘Drunkatholon’ may conjure up visions of people behaving badly by over indulging, this is far from the reality. The title actually reflects the light hearted nature of the event, although it would be true to say that some participants may well in fact seek refuge in the occasional can of amber nectar to take their minds off their lack of ability in the four ‘sporting’ activities, which include: 8 Ball Pool, 9 Holes of golf, 10 Pin Bowling and a Darts competition.

The format of the event is as follows:

9.30 am Meet at the Navy 9 Hole Golf course, Bang Saray for a 10.00 am tee off.

Directions from Pattaya: Go south along the Sukhumvit Highway to the 167 km marker and turn right into the Navy compound. The Golf Course is situated 200m from the main gate on the right.

The dress code prohibits jeans and shirts must have a collar.

1.00 pm. Bangsaray Club for lunch and refreshments.

Shower facilities will be available as well as use of the swimming pool.

3.00 pm. Ten Pin Bowling at Soi Zero, Pattaya Second Rd

5.00 pm The Harley Pub, Eden Hotel Complex Soi 17

The pool and darts competitions will be held at the Harley Pub and a buffet will be laid on courtesy of the Master Butcher, Wayne Harper of Western Foods.

Father Giovanni will be in attendance for the evening festivities and will close the day by presenting prizes to the winners.

A minibus service will be available with individual hotel or home pick up, and will also be on hand to return you safely home at the end of the evening.

The event promises to be a great day out and full of fun as we raise money to help the unfortunates dealt such a cruel hand in life. All are welcome to ‘compete’ (in the loosest sense of the word!) so please let us know as soon as possible if you plan to participate.

Some TV members will be participating in the full day’s events and more are of course welcome.

If you will not be participating during the day, please feel free to drop in to the Harley Pub for the evening session and put some faces to board names.

For further details on the event, to arrange minibus pick up or for any other enquiries, please post accordingly or PM me.


If you are unable to attend on the 29th but would like to make a donation, however small, directly to the Camillian Centre (from within Thailand or anywhere in the world) to help kids like this little one above, please CLICK HERE!

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Looking forward to the "competition" and meeting the "Pattaya Folks".  I've PM'ed you for info on that "mini bus" pick up. :o

Minibus arranged to pick you up at your hotel, Ken.

I will let you know the exact time a little nearer the day, once the required routes have been finalized.

Let the 'games' begin! :D

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Looking forward to the "competition" and meeting the "Pattaya Folks".  I've PM'ed you for info on that "mini bus" pick up. :o

Minibus arranged to pick you up at your hotel, Ken.

I will let you know the exact time a little nearer the day, once the required routes have been finalized.

Let the 'games' begin! :D

Missus is as big as a whale, about to drop at any time, but she did give me permission to go to Patters, although very reluctantly...... I will catch up with you in the Honda Bar or whatever it's called now? Keep a tag team for me Noel

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As already posted above, the 2005 JAIDEE APPEAL JW DRUNKATHOLON: IN MEMORY OF AOM day, the 29th of November, constitutes four segments with 9 holes of golf in the morning, Ten-pin bowling in the afternoon followed by the evening session at the Harley Pub on Soi 17 where darts and pool competitions will be played.

There will be a trophy for each segment, plus a separate one for the overall ‘winner’. The event promises to be well attended and it is strongly rumoured that the local media will be in attendance to cover proceedings.

Check out the programme for approximate timings and please be aware that if you are available and would like to play in any of the segments, you will be most welcome. :o

Just turn up and make yourself known!

Failing that, just pop in to The Harley Pub for a glass of whatever in the evening, make new friends and join in the fun! :D

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Just wanted to say, what a great bunch of people I met in Pattaya for this Charity Event. I had a wonderful time. Truly impressed with the fact that there are so many wonderful people in Pattaya, doing a really good thing. This HIV/AIDS thing is something we should all be "thinking about" IMHO.

Thanks again, to Noel and others for your hospitality.


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Just wanted to say, what a great bunch of people I met in Pattaya for this Charity Event.  I had a wonderful time.  Truly impressed with the fact that there are so many wonderful people in Pattaya, doing a really good thing.  This HIV/AIDS thing is something we should all be "thinking about" IMHO.

Thanks again, to Noel and others for your hospitality.


You are most welcome, Ken and thanks very much for your support and in making such an effort to be part of this memoral event.

Yes, it was indeed a great day and a bundle of cash was raised for the Camillian Centre. :D

Below is the report of the day's events that I posted on BAHTBUS.COM:

D-DAY finally dawned; the long awaited second staging of the JAIDEE APPEAL JW DRUNKATHOLON, this year dedicated to the memory of AOM, a young Thai lady who sadly lost her battle with the unforgiving HIV/AIDS condition recently at the Camillian Centre, was about to get underway.

At the unearthly hour of 7.00 am, ‘Mission Control, Sub-Office’ sprang into life as the durability and capacity of my mobile phone was put to a rugged test.

Text messages were flying in thick and fast as frustrated soon to be revellers received the engaged tone as they were beaten to the voice facility by the earlier birds.

This activity, whilst being a bloody nuisance, was actually welcome as it confirmed previous commitments to attend the annual bash rather than the predictable cancellations made on the basis of totally implausible excuses.

JW, in his capacity as Transport Manager (one of his many roles) was doing his utmost to overcome some last minute hitches due to the unforeseen. Suffice it to say, to the casual observer unaware of the activity behind the scenes, everything went like clockwork as everybody needing transport was accommodated.

Some time later, following JW’s previously posted directions to the letter, I somewhat surprisingly arrived at the Thai Navy Golf Course without getting lost once.

There was good crowd already there, some players having already started their round.

Whilst I am of the opinion that there is no such thing as an ‘easy’ golf course, suffice it to say that even if there was such a venue this was certainly not it. The course was clearly designed by someone with a deep-set loathing for golfers, or possibly by someone with shares in a golf ball manufacturing company. :D

I actually came out rather well on the latter front: lost six balls, found eight. :D

The last player to arrive was Ken, one of the four Thaivisa.com contributors, albeit the only contestant.

Ken had previously driven his motorbike down to Pattaya from north of Korat, spending a couple of nights in the fair city to break his journey. Ken arrived later than he had planned, thanks to some bastard who stole his crash helmet, but he was still in good time.

I had already been allocated a caddy, doubtless organized by JW in his role as Caddy Master. It had to have been the work of JW as rather than me have the devoted attention of a cute little Thai girl to hump my bag around the course and clean my balls, my golf bag was snatched away from me by a Thai lad. :D

I think it must have been Somchai’s first day on the job, or he was just a compulsive liar and had no clue about yardages…

Ken just happened to be assigned a little darling of a girl despite his tardy arrival. Coincidence? I think not...

Rather than relive the pain of the following two hours or more with a blow by blow account of the debacle, let’s just say I will retain my very amateur golfing status for the foreseeable future.

The misery over, and leaving my clubs with Somchai as I hoped he would sell them or just lob them in the klong, I made my way to the bar and promptly ordered a much needed Heineken.

I was then accosted by the semi-intelligible Garibaldi who introduced me to Susie, JW’s sister.

Susie had never played golf before but thoroughly enjoyed her round, or so she claimed.

She was larger than life to say the least.

In Garibaldi’s inimitable words to me directly in front of Susie: “She’s a bloody cracking lass, Noel, she’s like a bloke with tits!”

He has a way with words, does Garibaldi, and all the charm of a weeping abscess.

Following a few stress relievers, the entourage headed off to the nearby Bang Saray Club.

There was an immediate queue for the shower facilities, so I politely let others go first as I started on the Kloster leg of the event.

At least I knew I had to have a good chance of winning…

Pulling rank in his capacity as Chief Barroom Barrister, JW declined to accept and control the receipt of ‘Entrance Fees’ and donations.

Whilst being initially taken aback at this abdication of duty on JW’s part, I delegated the task to Fossil.

Fossil selflessly attended the full day, although unfortunately was unable to participate due to injury.

Rumour has it that he had swerved to avoid a child and fell out of bed, but Fossil claimed he was suffering from acute Tennis Elbow.

Most attendees had the sense to partake of lunch, Richardb ordering enough to feed six people comfortably (by mistake, so he pleaded, as he ate the lot...).

As if to confirm Garibaldi’s analysis, Susie insisted on buying drinks for all. I am always wary of people who wait for me to get a fresh drink before offering me one, particularly when they refuse to give me the money in lieu, but the friendly staff did put it in the stable for me.

Cheers Susie!

After a shower, some time later Richardb and I realised that we were the only ones still in the bar. It then dawned on me that we should already be at the Bowling venue. As a matter of urgency, another two beers later we were on our way.

The Ten Pin Bowling leg was in full swing upon our arrival. A quick glance at some of the scores tempted me not to bother, but I dutifully went off to hire some shoes and play regardless. The chap bowling in the lane next to me must have been new to the game as he hardly got his money’s worth from what I saw. The silly sod was knocking all the pins down in one go, rather than use the two goes available… :o

He was also rather economical with the truth as I was to later discover. Before leaving the Bowling venue, I was approached by a mobile Gold Shop display case who turned out to be the chap’s girlfriend. She poutingly asked me as to why the evening session at The Harley was restricted to players only. Being the ever helpful type I am, I told her she had been misinformed and all were welcome.

I think it was Terry who ‘thanked’ me later as he growled something through gritted teeth about ‘owing me one’.

Computer generated score sheets collected as the bowling leg came to an end, the contingent made its way across town to The Harley Pub, part of the Eden Complex on Soi 17.

JW, in his capacity as Drawers Director was soon barking instructions to Fossil as to who was playing whom, his minion dutifully advising players accordingly.

Although we did have the use of two tables, given the number of players it took some time for a winner to emerge.

Meanwhile, the Master Butcher Wayne Harper’s kindly provided pork pies, sausage rolls etc were demolished by a clearly peckish crowd.

Thanks go to Wayne, and of course to Steve the Harley Pub Manager and to Jamie the owner of the establishment for their respective efforts in hosting the evening festivities and making all welcome.

As time was marching on, I asked JW about the darts leg.

I could not make out his reply above all the chatter, but it sounded something like ‘our bucket’ which made little sense to me.

Simply put, it transpired that the majority of would be contestants were more interested in arm bending without having to aim, so the darts segment was shelved.

It was a wise move to succumb to the general apathy in my view, particularly as the make-shift dart playing area was positioned outside the communal entrance to the Ladies and Gents Rest Rooms.

The carnage could have been gruesome as young ladies and men alike would have been pricked without warning…

Throughout the proceedings at The Harley Pub, Father G was floating around chatting with various people, as is his wont.

He was an absolute pain when I was playing pool against JW, as he found it necessary to advise on each shot.

When I was on the black and nominated my pocket, I missed the target by a country mile, only for the black to rebound around the table before disappearing in a sympathetic pocket.

That obviously meant that I had lost the game, but Father G declared me the victor of this half-hearted battle of questionable skill sets.

JW seemed less than keen to protest the result, although it did prompt him to use the ‘our bucket’ phrase again as he sloped off in the direction of his replenished drink.

Not to worry, because as JW’s proxy I was beaten by the eventual winner in the next round so justice was done.

A few of us had an interesting chat with a chap that Father G brought along with him.

‘Mark’ was the author of a very interesting article on the Camillian Centre that was recently published in the Bangkok Post.

The absentee Three Leg Cowboy posted it on Bahtbus as I recall.

Mark is an interesting guy who is actually a journalist in his own right, and clearly more. He has a photographic talent within his armoury, most likely amongst several others that he could have reeled off but self-effacingly declined to share.

Moreover, Mark clearly has some excellent connections in the media; proven supporters of the Camillian Centre with such arrows in their quiver have to be good news for the Jaidee Appeal. :D

Several of the ‘congregation’ made their excuses and were on their way a short while before the Witching Hour approached, thereby missing the presentations of trophies.

Having made his presence widely felt, coupled with the fact that The Pattaya Mail camera crew had not shown up as promised, Father G ‘left the building’.

If the truth be told, the man was dead on his feet following being extremely busy and having had but a few hours sleep in the preceding forty-eight.

In his capacity as Trophy Purchasing Manager, I suggested to JW that the Darts trophy be used for the newly introduced ‘Kloster Consumption King’ leg, but despite my bleating he remained unconvinced that such an accomplishment had merit.

Accordingly, in his capacity as Jaidee Appeal JW Drunkatholon Chairman, JW decided that the Darts trophy be used to recognize the prowess of the competing ladies.

A sound idea I would say, especially as his threatening divorce is now off the cards following the restoration of domestic harmony as a direct result of his ‘brainwave’… :!:

So, we all had a great time but who won?

I will leave it to JW to announce the secondary winners who took away the five trophies, and will simply declare The Camillian Centre and all those under Father G’s care as the indisputable primary winners! 8)

On behalf of Father G and those unfortunates who live under the protection of the Camillian Centre umbrella:


So how much did we raise?

Wait for it…

No, not yet…

This year’s JAIDEE APPEAL JW DRUNKATHOLON:IN MEMORY OF AOM raised, in total, exactly:


A truly magnificent result! :D

Many of you will know that Thailand-UK.com also made a sterling effort in support of the event.

They managed to raise a cool 103,000 Baht! in record time. :D

There will be further follow up in that regard, but believe it or not Thailand-UK.com equalled the full total raised for the first Drunkatholon last year!

Outstanding! :D

So for now:


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