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Can Anyone Recommend A Good Hand Doctor In Cm?


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Hi all, am posting this on behalf of a friend who isn't registered on TV - hope someone can advise.

I slipped on some water at work whilst holding a glass bowl and have damaged the nerves in my hand. I was rushed to McCormick Hospital where the ER surgeon put stitches in. When I asked about future care and the use of my hand she said that we would have to wait and see. Shortly after the stitches were removed, I went to see the neuro-surgeon at Chiang Mai Ram. He also stated that there was nothing he could really do because the nerves in the hand are so small. He asked whether or not the nerve had been completely cut which I'm still not sure of. Apparently the ER surgeon at McCormick was supposed to have checked for that when she was digging the glass out of my palm.

It's now 3 months later and I still have severe hand damage. I'm not sure of where to go or who to see. I'm fairly certain that I may have permanent numbness in my thumb which doesn't bother me nearly as much the long term swelling and muscular damage that has occurred. I am thinking about visiting the orthopedic doctor at Chiang Mai Ram, but would like to know of any other recommendations that people have. I have been going to acupuncture on occasion, but need a qualified hand doctor at this point.

I would also like to know if anyone knows anything about Thai workers compensation laws or a good lawyer in this area. My contract states that I am entitled to legalities pertaining to all Thai private school laws. We also have insurance through my work though it is limited. If I do need physical therapy or there is permanent damage, I want to make sure that the expenses and rightful payments are covered without having to cause a stir in the personnel office.

Any help or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. A friend recommended a hospital in Bangkok for their general high quality of care, but the flooding hit and I wasn't able to go.

Thanks in advance.

Edited by StevieH
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So many people who have serious injuries in CM just don't realize that many doctors here are not that good. You have a serious injury....get on a plane and go to Bumrungrad Hosp in BKK. Go to their website and look at neuro-surgeons. You can see all their qualifications. Don't worry about an appointment, just go their and register. Make sure the doc you want works on the day you arrive. Inexpensive hotels in close proximity if you have to stay overnight. Good luck.

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So many people who have serious injuries in CM just don't realize that many doctors here are not that good. You have a serious injury....get on a plane and go to Bumrungrad Hosp in BKK. Go to their website and look at neuro-surgeons. You can see all their qualifications. Don't worry about an appointment, just go their and register. Make sure the doc you want works on the day you arrive. Inexpensive hotels in close proximity if you have to stay overnight. Good luck.

that's really helpful, thanks. . . .do you have any idea at all about fees at bumrungrad? or whether they take insurance policies etc?

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So many people who have serious injuries in CM just don't realize that many doctors here are not that good. You have a serious injury....get on a plane and go to Bumrungrad Hosp in BKK. Go to their website and look at neuro-surgeons. You can see all their qualifications. Don't worry about an appointment, just go their and register. Make sure the doc you want works on the day you arrive. Inexpensive hotels in close proximity if you have to stay overnight. Good luck.

You're always talking down the medical care in C.M. for some reason. Nonsense about BKK hospitals being better. Some are good and others aren't. Just like here; some good, others just O.K. And your statement regarding neurosurgeons being better in BKK is without merit. When a BKK policeman was shot in the head earlier this year (I think by the guy that went berserk and shot several people on the street - I forget), guess where he was treated? He was flown up here to be treated in the C.M. Neurological Hospital.

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RE: 'My contract states that I am entitled to legalities pertaining to all Thai private school laws. We also have insurance through my work though it is limited. If I do need physical therapy or there is permanent damage, I want to make sure that the expenses and rightful payments are covered without having to cause a stir in the personnel office'.

Excuse me, but two things spring to mind:

1. It's been over three months and he still has yet to clarify insurance? Whatz with that?

2. It's been over three months and he has yet to have at least a respected surgeon's opinion? The needed opinion and expected costs should have already been done, with no need to wait for the insurer's stance.

Knowing the surgical facts/expected costs can be helpful re insurance. Possibly a return to his home country to take advantage of the medical coverage there, is in order.

I'm no doctor, but I have suffered injuries severe enough for a surgeon's intervention: FWIW, the longer you wait the worse it may get, to the point where it could become inoperable. :unsure:

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