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Seeing A Boss Somewhere Where He Shouldn't Be.

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No showing at Nana. So me and my mates went into Obsession, where some sort of exposure can be expected and by some contortion of imagination, deemed acceptable.

There in the corner was one of my Bosses. He feigned not to know me. He was on his own (bit dodgy), not on a genuine chums outing (true, true its true...its true....honest)

What to do?

I marched up to him and extended a hand, and he still said he didn't know me.

You think he might have said. "Fancy seeing you here, The Eye of Sauron."

We sat down.

One nanosecond later he scarpered.

I can't help but feel rejected. Should I share my experience with everyone at work?

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Well if he's a farang then dont beat around the bush (so to speak) pull him aside sometime aand ask him to go for a beer. When you lubricate him with a few beers then you canjust lay it on him. 'Hey boss lets go to that dodgy slop house I saw you in.........' But give him a wink......he might become your best mate !!

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No showing at Nana. So me and my mates went into Obsession, where some sort of exposure can be expected and by some contortion of imagination, deemed acceptable.

There in the corner was one of my Bosses. He feigned not to know me. He was on his own (bit dodgy), not on a genuine chums outing (true, true its true...its true....honest)

What to do?

I marched up to him and extended a hand, and he still said he didn't know me.

You think he might have said. "Fancy seeing you here, The Eye of Sauron."

We sat down.

One nanosecond later he scarpered.

I can't help but feel rejected. Should I share my experience with everyone at work?

Next time you stand next to him in the elevator just give him a nudge in the ribs, failing that wink when you pass him in the corridor or give him a thumbs-up. Only two things can happen:

1) You get a pay raise

2) The company has a bad quarter and must downsize

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You need to use your brains a bit here. Next time you see him give the normal good morning. How is the wife and kids. If he replies I do not have any, then you reply the same as he did before, you must of mistaken him for someone else that lived at such and such place ( of course make sure you have his address and you know if he is married or not). It is all part of your career advancement course.

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No showing at Nana. So me and my mates went into Obsession, where some sort of exposure can be expected and by some contortion of imagination, deemed acceptable.

There in the corner was one of my Bosses. He feigned not to know me. He was on his own (bit dodgy), not on a genuine chums outing (true, true its true...its true....honest)

What to do?

I marched up to him and extended a hand, and he still said he didn't know me.

You think he might have said. "Fancy seeing you here, The Eye of Sauron."

We sat down.

One nanosecond later he scarpered.

I can't help but feel rejected. Should I share my experience with everyone at work?

Strange.. It doesn't seem like THAT big a deal to be seen in Nana, even if it was Obsessions?

After endless samey bars going through the "where are you flom - buy me coke" routine, can anyone be blamed for trying something new?

Also if I had friends visiting who I had to show the nightlife, you bet I would take them to Obsessions; much more interesting than the other bars. Someone who doesn't want to be seen there should not go there. Simple as that. Do you ever go to Nana and NOT meet someone you know from somewhere?

Is it possible that it really wasn't who you think it was?

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Your best bet is to go to your boss and pretend to be the one who should be embarrased. Just say, "Boss, I hope what happened the other night won't impact your view of me as an employee and/or my job performance at work. I was just out with a few blokes and we stumbled in the place."

This prevents you from putting him in a defensive position. Obviously, if someone you know pretends not to know you, he was in an ultra-defensive posture. This helps defuse it a bit. He may still claim not have been there but now thinking that you think you have as much or more to lose as he does, he no longer may feel he has to fire you or otherwise deal with you in order to make sure this situation never comes up in public.

I'm really not sure why you think it would have been a good idea to tell a bunch of people at the office. If the tables had been turned and one of your employees walked in and caught you in the midst of something you found embarrasing, what would be your reaction? No, not the "I would just be cool with it" sort of reaction but the "If this gets out my career may be in the sh*tter" type of reaction. Wouldn't you immediately take steps to make sure this threat went away? Some would just pull the employee aside and either try to smooth things out a bit or they might try to intimidate them but if your boss is in serious denial (as it sounds like he is) then he sounds more like the type of guy who's going to start documenting every I that isn't dotted and every T not crossed so he can bring a quick and definative end to this potential career threat.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Ah Hah! I knew that I would find you somewhere. I have returned to torment well intentioned but deluded folks everywhere.

Who do you support in November and why? I don't vote but I like to hear from those that do.

Lets have a warmup before I open a thread hereabouts...we will set screens ablaze from Bangkok to Hongkong.

All the best (and I mean it...best regards)


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Ah Hah! I knew that I would find you somewhere. I have returned to torment well intentioned but deluded folks everywhere.

Who do you support in November and why? I don't vote but I like to hear from those that do.

Lets have a warmup before I open a thread hereabouts...we will set screens ablaze from Bangkok to Hongkong.

All the best (and I mean it...best regards)


Say what?

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