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Love Thailand Party Leader Chuwit: No Massage Parlor Near Schools


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I used to work at a school where Chuwit's daughter went, and some teachers walked to Silom for a massage during lunch.

I think the possibly the last thing on earth I'd want to do after having my knob polished would be to walk back to school and teach kids all afternoon. :lol:

Just don't keep rubbing or scratching at it is all.... :ph34r:;)


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Whats wrong with a massage parlor, I enjoy a good oil massage after a hard weeks work, if you get a skilled person its very therapeutic.

Doctors recommend massage as treatment for tired muscles and sometimes trapped nerves.

Next they will ban Doctors clinics.

I don't understand what this fuss is about, anyone like to explain to me why a massage parlor should not be in fact right next to the school, don't we want to teach good health to all the students? The masseurs could even go into the school to teach their skills to the kids, with live demonstrations with real clients, it would be very educational.

Would you not appreciate your young daughter or son coming home from school and practice their new learned skill on you?


Is your post for real or are you joking, I can't believe this is a real opinion. Do you go to a 'Straight only massage' - or what???? Are you so naieve that you don't know what massage parlours really are (at least 98.3% of them - probably not including the one you visit)?????? In any case, If you knew what the 'average guy' goes to a massage parlour for, you'd probably blush (ie: be red faced) and I doubt if you would want your daughter to have any interest in that trade. Many Buddhist temples teach 'Traditional Massage' -- Send them there if you want them to come home and give you a good massage..............

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