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Immigration now has the following notice:

ตั้งแต่วันที่ ๑๓ ธันวาคม ๒๕๕๔ เป็นต้นไป

คนต่างด้าวที่พักอาศัยหรือทำงานในพื้นที่จังหวัดกรุงเทพมหานคร นนทบุรี ปทุมธานี

และพระนครศรีอยุธยา กรุณาติดต่องานคนเข้าเมือง ณ ศูนย์ราชการเฉลิมพระเกียรติ ๘๐

พรรษา ๕ ธันวาคม ๒๕๕๐ ถนนแจ้งวัฒนะ เขตหลักสี่ กรุงเทพมหานคร

หรือโทรสอบถามได้ที่หมายเลข ๑๑๑๑

posted on8 Dec 2011

I have a problem translating it so I'm not sure. But I believe it means that people of Nonthaburi, Pathumthani and Ayutthaya must, just as people in Bangkok, start using their regular immirgation office again starting Tuseday Dec. the 13th

Remember, the Mo. the 12th is a government holiday.

I hope someone with better Thai reading skills can confirm the information is correct.

EDIT: Seems my translation is wrong: It should reead that people in Nonthaburi, Pathumthani and Ayutthaya should start using Chiang Wattana Road per 13th as temporary office.See posts below.


From December 13, 2554 onwards.

Persons living or working in the area of ​​Bangkok, Nonthaburi, Pathum Thani.

And Ayutthaya. Please contact the immigration office at the Government Centre, Chaengwattana Road, Khet Laksi.

Or call the number 1111.


I have another confirmation that my translation is wrong. It should be that Nonthaburi, Pathumthani and Ayutthaya must now use Chiang Wattana Road as temporary office.

Thanks for your help in translating!:jap:


wonderful...Ayutthaya has a temporary office in operation at the Amlo Mall for those that can access it, same same for Nonthaburi and Pathum Thani...does this mean that the local temporary operation is no longer available or that there is an alternate facility available at Cheang-Wattana for those that were previously allowed to use Suan Plu???

sometimes the dumb somchais are better off keeping their mouths shut rather than adding to the confusion and letting us falangs figure it out for ourselves...:angry:


Immigration now has now posted it's own translation:

Effective 13 December, 2011. Aliens, who stay or work at Bangkok, Nonthanuri, Pathumthani and Ayutthaya province, please contact Immigration office at the

Government Complex, Chaengwattana road, Bangkok. For more information, please contact Government Center Services, Telephone number 1111.

Best is to call 1111 and hope they can give an answer.


Immigration now has now posted it's own translation:

Effective 13 December, 2011. Aliens, who stay or work at Bangkok, Nonthanuri, Pathumthani and Ayutthaya province, please contact Immigration office at the

Government Complex, Chaengwattana road, Bangkok. For more information, please contact Government Center Services, Telephone number 1111.

Best is to call 1111 and hope they can give an answer.

Hmmmm, if they're at CW, does that mean that us folks from Pathum Thani can use the mail-in service for the 90-day report? They didn't do that at Sam Koke.



Would it be too much to ask the Immigration office to translate this into English as not many Thais need to use the Immigration services!!

Again, another sign of not giving a dam_n about us!


Would it be too much to ask the Immigration office to translate this into English as not many Thais need to use the Immigration services!!

Again, another sign of not giving a dam_n about us!

They did translate it. I just qouted that.


Immigration now has now posted it's own translation:

Effective 13 December, 2011. Aliens, who stay or work at Bangkok, Nonthanuri, Pathumthani and Ayutthaya province, please contact Immigration office at the

Government Complex, Chaengwattana road, Bangkok. For more information, please contact Government Center Services, Telephone number 1111.

Best is to call 1111 and hope they can give an answer.

Hmmmm, if they're at CW, does that mean that us folks from Pathum Thani can use the mail-in service for the 90-day report? They didn't do that at Sam Koke.


somebody said that the mailing address for flooded immigration offices should be sufficient for mailing in 90 day reports, or so I understood...hope so as I just mailed a 90 report in to Ayuthayya last week :unsure:

(tutsi approaches the office to renew his retirement extension on 27 December)

IO: 'and your 90 report Mr(ahem)tutsi?'

tutsi: 'I sent it in to the usual address as I had it on good advice that it would reach you...'

IO: '(laughing malevolently) well your advice was wrong, and I'm afraid that we have not received anything from you in this regard and I regret to advise (giggle) that you are now presently under arrest...'



Would it be too much to ask the Immigration office to translate this into English as not many Thais need to use the Immigration services!!

Again, another sign of not giving a dam_n about us!

They did translate it. I just qouted that.

Sorry, I just saw that. Apologies!! Jumped the gun on that one!! :sorry:


Ayuddhya, Pathum Thani and Nonthaburi are all located on the 3td floor almost above the Bangkok immigration office at Chaengwattana. I renewed my retirement extension today. The Nonthaburi office was crowded but including a wait I was in and out in 40 minutes. I presented the basic required documents and was not asked for anything additional. The staff say the Bang Rak Pattana office is still flooded and there is no news as to when it might reopen. They were also not using a queuing system so it was a case of jump in as soon as you could.

I was surprised by the number of people who turned up without the necessary documents - I saw several refused renewals because of it.

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