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Thai Govt Lawmakers Seek Abhisit, MP's Impeachment


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Govt lawmakers seek Abhisit, MP's impeachment

The Nation


MPs from the ruling Pheu Thai Party yesterday asked the House speaker to seek impeachment of opposition leader Abhisit Vejjajiva and another Democrat Party MP for allegedly interfering with provincial authorities' work for their own benefit.

Justice Minister Pracha Promnok led a group of Pheu Thai MPs in submitting their written request to House of Representatives Speaker Somsak Kiartsuranond. The MPs urged Somsak, who is also their party colleague, to seek a Constitutional Court ruling terminating the MP status of Democrat leader Abhisit and Warong Dejkitwikorn, Democrat MP for Phitsanulok.

The Pheu Thai politicians accused Abhisit and Warong of abusing their MP status by pressuring the Phitsanulok governor to give them 500 bags of relief items from the Energy Ministry to be distributed to flood victims selected by them.

"Abhisit and Warong wanted the relief items to be distributed the way they and the Democrat Party saw fit, which was not in line with the authorities' assistance plan. Their act is against the Constitution," Pracha said.

Pracha, who also serves as director of the government's Flood Relief Operations Centre, was recently grilled in a censure debate.

He was assailed by Democrat MPs, who accused him of condoning irregularities regarding the government's procurement of relief items for flood victims, among other allegations.

Somsak said yesterday he would study the Pheu Thai MPs' petition and determine when to refer the matter to the Constitutional Court.

"I will follow the framework set by the Constitution and the relevant laws. There is no double standard," he said.

Regarding an earlier petition by Democrat MPs against eight Pheu Thai MPs accused of irregularities regarding procurement of flood-relief supplies, Somsak said he had not seen that petition, which was submitted to House Deputy Speaker Charoen Jankomol while Somsak was away.

"I think the petition filed with Charoen is in the process of being examined. There is no reason the two petitions have to be forwarded to the Constitutional Court at the same time," Somsak said.

The Democrat MPs submitted their impeachment petition against the Pheu Thai MPs during the censure debate against Pracha late last month.

When asked about another case in which the Election Commission decided to seek a Constitutional Court ruling on whether Pheu Thai MP Jatuporn Promphan lost his MP status for failing to cast his ballot in the last elections, Somsak said he had not received any request from the EC to forward the matter to the court. "I hear that they want one month [to consider the matter]," the House speaker said.


-- The Nation 2011-12-09

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Impeached for helping out in the flood? Is that the essence of this?

The essence is taking reliefs meant for everyone to help some "special individual". To me that is very wrong.

Where does the quoted italics "special individual" come from, as it's not in the OP?

500 bags went to one person?


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Impeached for helping out in the flood? Is that the essence of this?

The essence is taking reliefs meant for everyone to help some "special individual". To me that is very wrong.

Some "special individual"?? Do you mean flood victims?

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Impeached for helping out in the flood? Is that the essence of this?

The essence is taking reliefs meant for everyone to help some "special individual". To me that is very wrong.

Some "special individual"?? Do you mean flood victims?

"The Pheu Thai politicians accused Abhisit and Warong of abusing their MP status by pressuring the Phitsanulok governor to give them 500 bags of relief items from the Energy Ministry to be distributed to flood victims selected by them."

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If the dems tefforts were to direct the relief supplies to the more needy, then surely this is in line with "working together" but depending on the pheu thai definition of pressuring, however I suspect their definition of pressuring may be different to everyone else's

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Impeached for helping out in the flood? Is that the essence of this?

The essence is taking reliefs meant for everyone to help some "special individual". To me that is very wrong.

Some "special individual"?? Do you mean flood victims?

"The Pheu Thai politicians accused Abhisit and Warong of abusing their MP status by pressuring the Phitsanulok governor to give them 500 bags of relief items from the Energy Ministry to be distributed to flood victims selected by them."

"Flood victims"... is there something wrong with giving relief items to "flood victims"?

"selected by them" ... are there people complaining that they weren't selected? Is this just Pracha saying that the Democrats decided to go to a flooded area, the same as Yingluck does when she does a photo op?

Did people that weren't deserving get given relief items?

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If the dems tefforts were to direct the relief supplies to the more needy, then surely this is in line with "working together" but depending on the pheu thai definition of pressuring, however I suspect their definition of pressuring may be different to everyone else's

Yes. It would be interesting to see what "the pressure" was that forced the local government to hand over relief bags.

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Impeached for helping out in the flood? Is that the essence of this?

The essence is taking reliefs meant for everyone to help some "special individual". To me that is very wrong.

Is there a difference between that and Yingluck taking them to distribute to people for a photo op.

It might not have been specific people for her but it was defiantly a specific group.

How about impeaching every one involved in froc for letting supplies go out with Thaksin being portrayed as the Donner.

How about impeachment of every PT for trying to white wash a criminal through secret meetings of the cabinet instead of trying to help the people suffering from the flood.

How about a real government.:jap:

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"Abhisit and Warong wanted the relief items to be distributed the way they and the Democrat Party saw fit, which was not in line with the authorities' assistance plan.

Do they mean that they were concerned that no "With love from Thaksin" would be added to the relief bags,so not in line with the authorities assistance plan?

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If the dems tefforts were to direct the relief supplies to the more needy, then surely this is in line with "working together" but depending on the pheu thai definition of pressuring, however I suspect their definition of pressuring may be different to everyone else's

When was the last time the dems have directed ANYTHING at the most needy? They do not even acknowledge that the most needy exist. the reason they lost power was because they spent all of those years ignoring the most needy. Had Abhisit visited Issan, and the south a few times, and offered the most needy some assistance, he may have gotten re-elected. Ignoring more than half the country, and favoring the rich, and the military is no way to win an election. If there is one thing you can count on from the (let's think within the box) conventional dems, it is that they will ignore the needy, every time. I am not saying the other party is the answer, but their power comes from not ignoring the needy.

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Impeached for helping out in the flood? Is that the essence of this?

The essence is taking reliefs meant for everyone to help some "special individual". To me that is very wrong.

Thank you. To me, you are very right.

Yes you are very right, but as usual the IQ level of many of the members of this forum is toooooooooooooo low to understand thatbiggrin.gif

Edited by caribbeanman
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Impeached for helping out in the flood? Is that the essence of this?

The essence is taking reliefs meant for everyone to help some "special individual". To me that is very wrong.

Thank you. To me, you are very right.

Yes you are very right, but as usual the IQ level of many of the members of this forum is toooooooooooooo low to understand thatbiggrin.gif




Empty vessels.

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If the dems tefforts were to direct the relief supplies to the more needy, then surely this is in line with "working together" but depending on the pheu thai definition of pressuring, however I suspect their definition of pressuring may be different to everyone else's

When was the last time the dems have directed ANYTHING at the most needy? They do not even acknowledge that the most needy exist. the reason they lost power was because they spent all of those years ignoring the most needy. Had Abhisit visited Issan, and the south a few times, and offered the most needy some assistance, he may have gotten re-elected. Ignoring more than half the country, and favoring the rich, and the military is no way to win an election. If there is one thing you can count on from the (let's think within the box) conventional dems, it is that they will ignore the needy, every time. I am not saying the other party is the answer, but their power comes from not ignoring the needy.

First , I would like to ask JONNYSCOT how long he has lived here in Thailand. Abhisits government could have been the very best thing to happen to this Thai Nation if it were not for the fact of trying to hold together a very broad coalition party.. Those coalition members crucified Khun Abhisit at every turn... had he and his Dem party had an absolute majority, Thailand and all its people poor and rich, would be much happier and much better off spiritually and financially ... but that was not to be and such we will never know.... what we do know however is we have a government full of Red Shirts and MPs who do not know their ass from their elbows and are only in Government for one thing.... corruption..... Thailand is on a slippery slope with no Brake .... Reap what you Sow...!

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If he had fired the bags out of a scatter canon someone would claim it was pointing the wrong way.

A nation of children controlled by a bunch of spoilt children for the benefit of the school bully.

no truer a word spoken, if it wasn't so serious it would be funny, I have often likened Thais to children, it's like being at school but without the teachers to keep control.

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Impeached for helping out in the flood? Is that the essence of this?

Did you not read? Handed-out they way they saw fit. Afraid to Abhisit and his cohorts are corrupt, besides having a hand in the murdering of protesters?

See every time it rains, something or some one comes out with it

I have always believed no to argue with an idiot

as they will always win by experience

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I think that the people in the current should be the last people to start a an impeachment against abhisit looking at their track record during the floods.

An Abhisit sympathizer..how noble.

Or maybe some one who has a brain, not air to hold his ears apart

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If the dems tefforts were to direct the relief supplies to the more needy, then surely this is in line with "working together" but depending on the pheu thai definition of pressuring, however I suspect their definition of pressuring may be different to everyone else's

When was the last time the dems have directed ANYTHING at the most needy? They do not even acknowledge that the most needy exist. the reason they lost power was because they spent all of those years ignoring the most needy. Had Abhisit visited Issan, and the south a few times, and offered the most needy some assistance, he may have gotten re-elected. Ignoring more than half the country, and favoring the rich, and the military is no way to win an election. If there is one thing you can count on from the (let's think within the box) conventional dems, it is that they will ignore the needy, every time. I am not saying the other party is the answer, but their power comes from not ignoring the needy.

Subsidies for school books and uniforms, and a B500 old age payment would be much appreciated by he needy IMHO. Of course the school necessities subsidy has been cancelled, the funding directed to the tablet computers which may, or may not, appear at some time, but not soon.

Meanwhile, those students with parents on or close to the poverty line and relying on that assistance, no longer attend school. Presumably they will grow up to be PTP voters as they are too uneducated to know better.

Have you considered that when PM Abhisit's person and home were being attacked in Phuket and Bangkok, that not visiting Isaan was a rather sensible arrangement? And just how close to the democratic ideal is this country when politicians are afraid to campaign in opposition areas?

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If the dems tefforts were to direct the relief supplies to the more needy, then surely this is in line with "working together" but depending on the pheu thai definition of pressuring, however I suspect their definition of pressuring may be different to everyone else's

When was the last time the dems have directed ANYTHING at the most needy? They do not even acknowledge that the most needy exist. the reason they lost power was because they spent all of those years ignoring the most needy. Had Abhisit visited Issan, and the south a few times, and offered the most needy some assistance, he may have gotten re-elected. Ignoring more than half the country, and favoring the rich, and the military is no way to win an election. If there is one thing you can count on from the (let's think within the box) conventional dems, it is that they will ignore the needy, every time. I am not saying the other party is the answer, but their power comes from not ignoring the needy.

The truth is they won power by promising things that they had no intention to do

The ex PM visited Issan and was told he was not wanted by the red shirts

Some people love to re write history

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If the dems tefforts were to direct the relief supplies to the more needy, then surely this is in line with "working together" but depending on the pheu thai definition of pressuring, however I suspect their definition of pressuring may be different to everyone else's

When was the last time the dems have directed ANYTHING at the most needy? They do not even acknowledge that the most needy exist. the reason they lost power was because they spent all of those years ignoring the most needy. Had Abhisit visited Issan, and the south a few times, and offered the most needy some assistance, he may have gotten re-elected. Ignoring more than half the country, and favoring the rich, and the military is no way to win an election. If there is one thing you can count on from the (let's think within the box) conventional dems, it is that they will ignore the needy, every time. I am not saying the other party is the answer, but their power comes from not ignoring the needy.

First , I would like to ask JONNYSCOT how long he has lived here in Thailand. Abhisits government could have been the very best thing to happen to this Thai Nation if it were not for the fact of trying to hold together a very broad coalition party.. Those coalition members crucified Khun Abhisit at every turn... had he and his Dem party had an absolute majority, Thailand and all its people poor and rich, would be much happier and much better off spiritually and financially ... but that was not to be and such we will never know.... what we do know however is we have a government full of Red Shirts and MPs who do not know their ass from their elbows and are only in Government for one thing.... corruption..... Thailand is on a slippery slope with no Brake .... Reap what you Sow...!

Nice to see someone can use the brain God gave him

and is not a puppet to the Red Shirts

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Impeached for helping out in the flood? Is that the essence of this?

The essence is taking reliefs meant for everyone to help some "special individual". To me that is very wrong.

"Abhisit and Warong wanted the relief items to be distributed the way they and the Democrat Party saw fit, which was not in line with the authorities' assistance plan. Their act is against the Constitution," Pracha said".

Abhisit probably wanted the flood relief supplies to go to those deserving people instead of to the "red shirt's families" to hold boot-sales of the goods after the flood waters have gone - is that a crime????

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