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Gunman opens fire in Hollywood before being killed by police


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I've just had a look for the latest available news on this story.

Time http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2102042,00.html

The Washington Post


The Daily Mail


All of them tell much the same story, a white man, (though the Daily Mail describes him as Hispanic), who became seriously depressed due to the break up of a relationship, who unfortunately couldn't cope, and took a gun on to the streets of Hollywood and opened fire at passers by, before being shot by the Police. The Daily Mail has several photos showing the man wearing what would probably be described as a vest in the UK, but is referred to as a tank top in the articles. There is no mention whatsoever, in any of the three sites of anything to do with Muslims, or terrorists.

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There is an eye witness that was interviewed by KTLA that claims that is what he heard.

I'm surprised Youtube have not taken it down yet.

It wasn't some "white supremist" type claiming that the guy was shouting "allahu akhbar". With this piece of video evidence I don't see how other posters here can be blamed for bringing up Islam. Personally I buy that he was depressed and religion had nothing to do with it. One way to commit suicide in America is to start shooting a gun in public and pointing it at cops.

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