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Court To Consider Red-Shirt Arisman's Fresh Bail Plea


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Court to consider fresh Arisman plea for bail

The Nation


The Criminal Court is scheduled today to reconsider releasing red-shirt Arisman Pongruangrong after he explains why he had to hide from the law for more than a year before surrendering last week.

His escape and the severe sentence at stake were the two critical factors for the court's first rejection of his bail bid.

Arisman's lawyers yesterday applied for another review of his request for temporary release and raised the offer of bail to Bt4 million cash.

Arisman's wife Rapeepan also proposed her position as a Pheu Thai MP to guarantee her husband's compliance with bail.

Arisman was remanded on Wednesday pending trial on terrorism charges related to last year's political chaos, in which he reportedly had a leading role.

He left the country for Cambodia following the May 19 crackdown on the red-shirt rally at Ratchaprasong Intersection.

Defence lawyer Wasuthep Sisoda said the bail application cited a threat on Arisman's life as the reason why he had to flee and live the life of a fugitive for more than a year.

Wasuthep said Arisman was a victim of intimidation. A gang had tried to assault him at Chiang Rai International Airport in 2009 and unidentified men had stalked him, triggering a fear for his life, he said.

In the latest incident in May 2010, police fired teargas canisters and smoke bombs in an attempt to arrest him inside a hotel in Bangkok.

The bail application covers three cases. The cash would serve as surety for the terrorism case and Rapeepan's MP status for two libel cases.

Arisman has been sued for allegedly defaming then prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and Pol Maj General Amnuay Nimmano in connection with the political mayhem.


-- The Nation 2011-12-14

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Arisman is claiming the reason he ran away was because he is a victim of intimidation by the police...one incident he describes to support his claim is

the police attempt to arrest him involved tear gas and smoke bombs.He doesn't claim he was beaten or tortured. Imagine if every suspected criminal claimed they were victims of intimidation due to standard police methods- canine search, use of handcuffs, swat teams, etc. He led red shirt protesters to disrupt the ASEAN conference. I guess he doesn't define his behavior as intimidation of the ASEAN leaders.

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Arisman is claiming the reason he ran away was because he is a victim of intimidation by the police...one incident he describes to support his claim is

the police attempt to arrest him involved tear gas and smoke bombs.He doesn't claim he was beaten or tortured. Imagine if every suspected criminal claimed they were victims of intimidation due to standard police methods- canine search, use of handcuffs, swat teams, etc. He led red shirt protesters to disrupt the ASEAN conference. I guess he doesn't define his behavior as intimidation of the ASEAN leaders.

Arisman is a superstar in his own little mind.:bah:

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Arisman is claiming the reason he ran away was because he is a victim of intimidation by the police...one incident he describes to support his claim is

the police attempt to arrest him involved tear gas and smoke bombs.He doesn't claim he was beaten or tortured. Imagine if every suspected criminal claimed they were victims of intimidation due to standard police methods- canine search, use of handcuffs, swat teams, etc. He led red shirt protesters to disrupt the ASEAN conference. I guess he doesn't define his behavior as intimidation of the ASEAN leaders.

Also a gang tried to assult him in Chiang Rai in 2009 why didn't he run then instead of 2010.

Did the 5,000,000 Baht come out of the closet in Rapeepan's house.

Some how I do not believe Thaksin pays that well.:D

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Court to Decide on Arisman's Bail on Dec 19

The Criminal Court is scheduled to release its decision on the appeal for bail by red-shirt hardliner Arisman Pongruengrong on 2 PM on Monday, December 19.

The court earlier refused Arisman bail, citing the severe penalties for his charges may induce him to flee, but he appealed the decision.

Today the court listened to his testimony, as well as that of his wife Pheu Thai partylist MP Rapeepan Pongruengrong and 2 other witnesses.

Arisman's lawyer also posted additonal bond money from the initial 1.4 million baht to 4 million baht, in addition to Rapeepan using her MP status as bond for her husband.


-- Tan Network 2011-12-14


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His wife says she will guarantee for him. If he does a runner after getting out on bail, will she serve his sentance for him? This guy is a joke even to the Thai people.

His Wife's status should have absolutely no bearing on the case, which should be taken on it's merits in respect of his actions in the past. The only involvement she might have is posting the bail money, if bail is granted. We of course all know how trustworthy and believable "some" Thai Politicians are - look at the fine example set by the fugitive ex-Prime Minister!:rolleyes:

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His wife says she will guarantee for him. If he does a runner after getting out on bail, will she serve his sentance for him? This guy is a joke even to the Thai people.

His Wife's status should have absolutely no bearing on the case, which should be taken on it's merits in respect of his actions in the past. The only involvement she might have is posting the bail money, if bail is granted. We of course all know how trustworthy and believable "some" Thai Politicians are - look at the fine example set by the fugitive ex-Prime Minister!:rolleyes:

Interesting that his wife has been able to overcome the negative publicity from the compromising photo of her husband Arisaman with Yingluck and continues to stand by him.

A lot of Thai wives wouldn't do that.

But then, most wholly inexperienced Thai wives aren't selected for political positions based entirely on their surname like this MP, or the PM for that matter.

Maybe that's where Rapeepan's tolerance comes from. She shares a lot in common with Yingluck.



Edited by Buchholz
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Red Shirt activist appears at bail request hearing

BANGKOK, Dec 14 -- Red Shirt activist Arisman Pongruangrong was escorted from Bangkok Remand Prison where he is detained to the Criminal Court for his bail request hearing after his lawyer filed his second bail bid with the court on Tuesday.

The fugitive hardliner activist of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD)--the Red Shirts--surrendered to the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) last Thursday and submitted a request for bail with a Bt1.2 million bail bond but the court rejected the request.

Mr Arisman’s lawyer resubmitted the request seeking temporary release on bail for his client, posting Bt4 million in cash as collateral for the terrorism case, and for the defamation cases against former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and deputy metropolitan police chief Pol Maj Gen Amnuay Nimmano Mr Arisman's wife, Rapeepan Pongruangrong, now a Pheu Thai party-list MP, offered her position as MP as bail bond.

The Red Shirt activist was in prison uniform and was expected to give his statement to the court, which was also to question witnesses before making its decision on the bail bid.

Upon the arrival, he looked grim-faced and did not speak to the media.

Some Red Shirt supporters were present at court to give Mr Arisman moral support.


-- TNA 2011-12-14

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His wife says she will guarantee for him. If he does a runner after getting out on bail, will she serve his sentance for him? This guy is a joke even to the Thai people.

His Wife's status should have absolutely no bearing on the case, which should be taken on it's merits in respect of his actions in the past. The only involvement she might have is posting the bail money, if bail is granted. We of course all know how trustworthy and believable "some" Thai Politicians are - look at the fine example set by the fugitive ex-Prime Minister!:rolleyes:

Interesting that his wife has been able to overcome the negative publicity from the compromising photo of her husband Arisaman with Yingluck and continues to stand by him.

A lot of Thai wives wouldn't do that.

But then, most wholly inexperienced Thai wives aren't selected for political positions based entirely on their surname like this MP, or the PM for that matter.

Maybe that's where Rapeepan's tolerance comes from. She shares a lot in common with Yingluck.



Mioew..............or similar cat like sound.

My kid sisters pre-puberty high school mates couldn't be as pointlessly bitchy as this.

Do keep it up, it's vastly amusing.

The compromising photo, no less.

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His wife says she will guarantee for him. If he does a runner after getting out on bail, will she serve his sentance for him? This guy is a joke even to the Thai people.

His Wife's status should have absolutely no bearing on the case, which should be taken on it's merits in respect of his actions in the past. The only involvement she might have is posting the bail money, if bail is granted. We of course all know how trustworthy and believable "some" Thai Politicians are - look at the fine example set by the fugitive ex-Prime Minister!:rolleyes:

Interesting that his wife has been able to overcome the negative publicity from the compromising photo of her husband Arisaman with Yingluck and continues to stand by him.

A lot of Thai wives wouldn't do that.

But then, most wholly inexperienced Thai wives aren't selected for political positions based entirely on their surname like this MP, or the PM for that matter.

Maybe that's where Rapeepan's tolerance comes from. She shares a lot in common with Yingluck.

Mioew..............or similar cat like sound.

My kid sisters pre-puberty high school mates couldn't be as pointlessly bitchy as this.

Do keep it up, it's vastly amusing.

The compromising photo, no less.

I can appreciate that some don't concern themselves with the societal and relational aspects of situations.


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Wasuthep said Arisman was a victim of intimidation.

His lawyer has it backward. :bah:


Irony writ large!

Or is that stupidity spread about for all to see.

If he was worried about being intimidated, why did he get in the face of so many millions of people screaming nasty stuff? Did think no one would react? Or is he incapable of thinking that far ahead?

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His wife says she will guarantee for him. If he does a runner after getting out on bail, will she serve his sentance for him? This guy is a joke even to the Thai people.

His Wife's status should have absolutely no bearing on the case, which should be taken on it's merits in respect of his actions in the past. The only involvement she might have is posting the bail money, if bail is granted. We of course all know how trustworthy and believable "some" Thai Politicians are - look at the fine example set by the fugitive ex-Prime Minister!:rolleyes:

Interesting that his wife has been able to overcome the negative publicity from the compromising photo of her husband Arisaman with Yingluck and continues to stand by him.

A lot of Thai wives wouldn't do that.

But then, most wholly inexperienced Thai wives aren't selected for political positions based entirely on their surname like this MP, or the PM for that matter.

Maybe that's where Rapeepan's tolerance comes from. She shares a lot in common with Yingluck.



The same source of their financing of their comfy lives?

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Court to decide Monday whether to grant bail to Arisman

The Nation

The Criminal Court is scheduled to announce its decision Monday whether to release red-shirt leader Arisman Pongruangrong on bail.

The court set the schedule holding a hearing Wednesday for Arisman to give his reasons for remaining on the run until his surrender last week. Some defence witnesses also promised the court that Arisman would not jump bail.

Arisman told the court that he would stop organising violent demonstrations and would focus on educating the red-shirt people about democracy.

Arisman was remanded last Wednesday pending trial on terrorism charges related to last year's political chaos, in which he reportedly had a leading role. He was also charged with defaming former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and Pol Maj Gen Amnuay Nimmano, a deputy metropolitan police chief.

Arisman left the country for Cambodia following the May 19 crackdown on the red-shirt rally at Ratchaprasong Intersection.

His first request for temporary release was rejected by the court, which cited his escape and the severe sentence at stake as two critical factors for the rejection.

Arisman was taken from the Bangkok Remand Prison the Criminal Court at 10.20am.

Arisman told the court that he did not want to escape trial in the three cases but he had to flee because he learned that he had become a target of assassination.

During the hearing, the judge asked Arisman several questions as to why he had not turned himself in earlier. Arisman replied that he had received tips-off from reporters, officials and military offices that he could be killed.

Arisman said he was ready to comply with all conditions of the court to guarantee that he would not jump bail and he promised that he would not hold political rallies again.


-- The Nation 2011-12-14

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His wife says she will guarantee for him. If he does a runner after getting out on bail, will she serve his sentance for him? This guy is a joke even to the Thai people.

His Wife's status should have absolutely no bearing on the case, which should be taken on it's merits in respect of his actions in the past. The only involvement she might have is posting the bail money, if bail is granted. We of course all know how trustworthy and believable "some" Thai Politicians are - look at the fine example set by the fugitive ex-Prime Minister!:rolleyes:

Interesting that his wife has been able to overcome the negative publicity from the compromising photo of her husband Arisaman with Yingluck and continues to stand by him.

A lot of Thai wives wouldn't do that.

But then, most wholly inexperienced Thai wives aren't selected for political positions based entirely on their surname like this MP, or the PM for that matter.

Maybe that's where Rapeepan's tolerance comes from. She shares a lot in common with Yingluck.



Come on Buchholz, show as that compromising photo again - you make me laugh at times, honestly, the lengths you go to.

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His wife says she will guarantee for him. If he does a runner after getting out on bail, will she serve his sentance for him? This guy is a joke even to the Thai people.

His Wife's status should have absolutely no bearing on the case, which should be taken on it's merits in respect of his actions in the past. The only involvement she might have is posting the bail money, if bail is granted. We of course all know how trustworthy and believable "some" Thai Politicians are - look at the fine example set by the fugitive ex-Prime Minister!:rolleyes:

Interesting that his wife has been able to overcome the negative publicity from the compromising photo of her husband Arisaman with Yingluck and continues to stand by him.

A lot of Thai wives wouldn't do that.

But then, most wholly inexperienced Thai wives aren't selected for political positions based entirely on their surname like this MP, or the PM for that matter.

Maybe that's where Rapeepan's tolerance comes from. She shares a lot in common with Yingluck.



Come on Buchholz, show as that compromising photo again - you make me laugh at times, honestly, the lengths you go to.

Come on give him a chance - he has a huge photo library to search and he might have given his research team the day off for Xmas shopping.

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