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New Thai Airline Launches Maiden Flight With Transsexual Attendants


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Gay != transsexual.

A man can be gay but not necessarily transexual. A transexual is a man ... or a woman ... who emotionally/sexually feels like the other gender and wants to be seen as such ... including dressing the part, taking sexual hormones, and even transexual surgery.

I have a Thai friend who is a well-know musician/singer/TV-personality, and "she" is very beautiful/feminine/sexy and is married to a wealthy European man. I met this person several times and never knew "he" was a "she" until my other friends told me. I'm still amazed every time I see her.

Now, of course, there are some Thai male transexuals/transvestites/katoy/ladyboys who are very obvious and would only fool the deaf and blind ... until they cop a feel "down there."

Actually, virtually all men ... including those reading this .... can be fooled at some point. I have a male friend who very handsome and attractive to women, and over the past twenty years has been with well over a thousand Thai women (both pros and non pros) .... and he also does quite well in USA and Europe with non-pro women. Anyway, this guy lived with a beautiful Thai woman for three months and had a very active sexual relationship (including lots of cunnilingus) and was very happy with his lady. However, one day his girlfriend's friend betrayed her and told him his girlfriend was actually a katoy. He says that all of a sudden he had certain memories flash in his mind of incidents/situations that he now realized were overlooked small clues to her actual gender ... things that by themselves and out-of-context told him nothing, but when looked at together indeed showed him the truth about her biological gender. Things like:

"Honey no turn on the light. I too shy" ..... and her vulva/labia and vagina feeling somewhat different. Of course, women's vulva/labia are as individually different as their faces, but he now realized that hers was too different. This guy was very romantically attached to his girlfriend, but with his new revelation he dropped her immediately and never looked back.

I find it humorous that so many men are soooo grossed out at the idea of a katoy. I think they doth protest too much and are way over compensating. Also, many of these guys fool themselves into thinking that they can "always" spot a katoy right away .... and any guy that can't is not a true man. It's all quite amusing.

Edited by HerbalEd
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If they try it on regular Thai flights I will never fly them again. I'll go the long way if I have too.

But you're OK with the many very gay male flight attendants that work on most airlines, are you? If not then have a good bus/train/boat trip.

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I wonder if any airline with such an idea would survive outside of Thailand.

Why are you so ignorant? Does it really matter who's serving you a drink?jap.gif

And, why are you so rude?. I'm all for the transexual flight attendants, but I think the question is a valid one. While I do hope they succeed, I wonder the same question.

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As an American, I would take the "third genders" (who work hard to look like a "perfect female") over the unsmiling, granny bully flight attendants they have on Delta and United Airlines.

Don't forget Air Canada. It is a terrible cultural shock to fly from BKK to Narita with lovely slim Thai attendants (female, but prob all kinds), and THEN to step on an Air Canada for Vancouver and to be met at the door by a 6 foot wide (erm, Female, I think) behemoth, with dyed blonde hair, shouting greetings and reminding one so bleakly of the hell of Political Correctness we are about to fly into......

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Forget "truly asia", this is just truly pathetic.

Exploiting transexuals for cheap headlines to exploit sad sexpats to pay premium prices for crap flights, boy sounds like Hooters Air, another memorable commercial disaster.

Let's hope it's another short-lived tacky gimmick masquerading as an airline.

oh, here we go.. exploitation.. who is exploiting who exactly ?

totster :D

Try reading the post.

I've read the post and can't see any hint of exploitation. Where exactly is it?

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I've read the post and can't see any hint of exploitation. Where exactly is it?

Because they are the first airline to hire transsexuals, they get a lot of publicity.

Some call it exploitation, others will claim its a clever way to be in the papers.

But surely it generates more publicity than if they didn't hire transsexuals.

Anyway, win - win situation no ?

Transsexuals gets jobs, airline gets publicity.

All we need now, is paying customers.

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if it keeps them off the streets and gives them a decent income then it's a big improvement for all, especially them.

You seem to make the misassumption that they're all on the street. I think most expats in Thailand only see the working prostitute katoys in Sukhumvit/Nana/Soi-Cowboy area, when actually there are also many katoys working straight jobs and trying to live as normal a life as possible.

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Ageism at its best.

I always thought that all the male cabin crew on Quantas were gay because it was safer for them up there.

Or so I was told by a Fosters swilling Aussie "bloke" one time.

Thats why Qantas has the nickname Quaint arse! and better them than some of the Battle axes you see on some USA ailines ,where the retirement age iis Death !

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When you expect the worst, you are seldom disappointed.

Of course it's something of a gimmick. And it has attracted some attention so perhaps it has worked for PC Air.

Wouldn't work for me, can't stand them! Avoid contact with them whenever I can.

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Your time and money are yours to do with as you like. However, it would be interesting to understand why you would never fly them again.

If they try it on regular Thai flights I will never fly them again. I'll go the long way if I have too.

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Why do you feel anyone on an airline might approach you in a sexual manner?

All flights that I know of for any airline always have a gay chief flight attendant for some reason.

For the trannies I dont have anything against them, just dont bother me with sexual approaches.

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And the big deal ???

I get served food and drinks in bars and restaurants by transsexuals too ?!?!?!

Of course but keep in mind that flight attendant jobs carry much more responsibility than just a waiter. Of course some transgendered people would be qualified just as any group.

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As an American, I would take the "third genders" (who work hard to look like a "perfect female") over the unsmiling, granny bully flight attendants they have on Delta and United Airlines.

:cheesy: Same goes for some of the hard nosed nordic gnomes of SAS and others. They only do the job for the purks. Service is beneath their dignity.

Edited by TechnikaIII
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As an American, I would take the "third genders" (who work hard to look like a "perfect female") over the unsmiling, granny bully flight attendants they have on Delta and United Airlines.

"GRANNY BULLY" hahaha Ya, I noticed that myself, I thought Delta might be a record holder for oldest average attendant.:yohan:

Senior flight attendants on US airlines get priority on choosing flights, and guess which most will choose between LAX-BKK-LAX or hopping on LAX-Omaha-Denver-Little Rock-Memphis-Des Moines-Denver-LAX? And personally, I have never found the service from these older flight attendants lacking.

As far as the ladyboy flight attendants, who cares? I want my food on time, my drinks, my tray picked up quickly, and any issues taken care of. I don't care who pours my glass of wine: female, male, or ladyboy. The wine tastes the same when I drink it.

In this case the Service will be better, but the Cervix will be lacking! rolleyes.gif

For any open minded thinking person this should be a non-issue, a novelty or irrelevant. I don't expect my Air Attendant to titilate me, just do their job efficiently, safely, with a smile and a good attitude.

I get to the hotel, and there's a good chance one of the reception or service staff will be a ladyboy, same for the restaurant, etc. You come to Thailand you interact with ladyboys, usually in a positive way, not a walking street 'hit on, or by them' or over the top Cabaret way.

Heck our regular pharmacist is a ladyboy, very competent, attractive without being sexual or flirty, has excellent English skills and knows her products and gives good advice. Better than most of the naturally female pharmacy staff. Especially the better English.

It's a schtick, but it's also a positive thing, in that it lets one real segment of the population, have one more legitimate job prospect ,and a more positive image.

Edited by animatic
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Why do you feel anyone on an airline might approach you in a sexual manner?

All flights that I know of for any airline always have a gay chief flight attendant for some reason.

For the trannies I dont have anything against them, just dont bother me with sexual approaches.

That is EXACTLY the point!

As so many say: I don't mind gays- as long as they don't hit on me!

Is EVERY hetero sexual woman hitting on you?

Why woul anyone assume, gays or katoeys have standards that are that low, they would hit on everybody?

Get a life, guys!

Edited by DocN
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Your comments makes me believe that you might have trouble getting your compass to point northward. It's probably in a permanent southern-pointing state.

Don't see what all the fuss is about. It's a good idea. Jobs for people who want to work in the travel industry no matter if their compass needle has been tampered with. I say let them fly! smile.gif

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I CAN'T WAIT TO FLY WITH THIS AIRLINE!!! And for all the people who dislike this , all I can say is Hypicrets .. Everyone have the right to live there life as they wish as long as they arnt hurting others.. Why are people so unsecure that the push anything different away? Well I'm proud of the Ladyboys on Bord and I wish them luck on all the pressure they will be facing to prefect the rout ..

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