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Vanilla With E/Thing?


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Bought some Oz butter from Tesco. It had a horrible vanilla flavor. This manky taste seems to be in many Thai-Farang (savoury) foods. I used to think some clot had stored stuff too near the ice-cream. Then I remembered the same taint in o/wise decent baguette sandwiches in Laos. A pal I asked (who knows a thing or two about this & that) said it isn't real vanilla, but a chemical additive put in becoz it is addictive. He quoted one vanilla victim who tasted his home-made bread (minus additives). "This bread tastes funny". I find Thai native 'bread' disgusting. Luckily, Tesco baguettes are OK.

So question, which brands of butter/margarine are vanilla-free, if any? OGT

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i have always been fussy with butter,being from taffyland i was brought up on welsh salted butter,the only one i can get on with is allowrie salted which contains 80%butter oil,2%salt,2%milkpowder

Thanks meatboy. I'll look for Allowrie. Any other decent brands, anyone?

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I bring mine from the US as I also get that vanilla-type taste here too often.

What about margarine/olio? Anyone tried the local offerings?

I don't think that the peculiar taste is coming from additives. Rather, it's due to poor storage. Mostly, butter isn't stored at a low enough temperature here. So the fats break down into other substances. To me, this slightly rancid butter has what I call a coconut kind of flavor. But not pleasing.

I was at one of the major baking supply places in Chiang Mai a year or so ago and they were storing their butter out on floor of the store. When my wife pointed out to an employee that this might not be such a great idea, he countered with the fact that the store had a/c. Apparently, in his mind, so long as the butter was comfortable, it's quality wasn't going to be affected.

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