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Food As A Deal Breaker?


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I'm just curious if food preferences would be a deal breaker in any Farang-Thai relationship? Many non-Thais don't like the taste or smell of certain Thai dishes; Thai partners aren't fond of particular non-Thai food, either.

If your Thai mate is a Pla Ra (fermented fish) junkie or whatever food you find repulsive and even after many tooth-brushing and mouth-washing sessions, you're still not so turned on during the make-out. The Thai gig is not so crazy about the whatever food you cannot live without and to her, you reek what you eat.

If you continue such relationship, how do/did you or your partner compromise or learn to live with the offensive food?

Did you actually end the relationship because of this?

(P.S. I did a lot of polls and surveys in my previous incarnations. Only retired, not dead yet. lol)

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In 21 years never had a problem. They L ove Pla Ra , I have my likes , No worries. Food styles Never destroyed a relationship, Have to have their hit of Som Tum , daily,+ their other "needs" I always coped ,with no problems. Don't understand why some of you are so " f123cked" about Their Food needs. It is you who have the problem ,not them .Would you believe ,this is their country ,in which you are a guest? Don't like it ? Bye Bye . Good riddance

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It is you who have the problem ,not them .Would you believe ,this is their country ,in which you are a guest? Don't like it ? Bye Bye . Good riddance

My god man, you can turn an innocent little topic like this in to a 'if you don't like it, leave' rant ..... bit of a stretch.

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As awful as pla ra smells before it is eaten, the aroma does not seem to remain on the breath too long. There is, however, a type of bean which, when eaten together with raw garlic and pla ra has some sort of internal reaction that causes breath bad enough to jam radar. If my beloved has been on that, it'll linger with her for two or three days, wake me from a deep sleep and blister paint. Diligent use of an extractor fan to freshen up a bedroom is also a requirement.

It is at such times that I consider alternatives, such as separate rooms or, recognising that it is I who have the problem, an air ticket to faraway places. And good riddance, some say!

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As awful as pla ra smells before it is eaten, the aroma does not seem to remain on the breath too long. There is, however, a type of bean which, when eaten together with raw garlic and pla ra has some sort of internal reaction that causes breath bad enough to jam radar. If my beloved has been on that, it'll linger with her for two or three days, wake me from a deep sleep and blister paint. Diligent use of an extractor fan to freshen up a bedroom is also a requirement.

It is at such times that I consider alternatives, such as separate rooms or, recognising that it is I who have the problem, an air ticket to faraway places. And good riddance, some say!

If mine can put up with the affects of 7 bottles of LEO, I can put up with her som tam.

I have noticed that both of you having garlic seems to have a neutralising effect.

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It is you who have the problem ,not them .Would you believe ,this is their country ,in which you are a guest? Don't like it ? Bye Bye . Good riddance

My god man, you can turn an innocent little topic like this in to a 'if you don't like it, leave' rant ..... bit of a stretch.


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My beloved, being from Central Thailand, doesn't do the really stinky stuff, although barbecued rat does occasionally make an appearance on the dinner table :P

She does however pop those evil little chillies (that she grows herself, bred for maximum lethality) like sweets. Once she's munched a few she wants a kiss, with tongue of course, arrrgggghhhh!!!!

A few beers do at least soothe the open blisters smile.png

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She does however pop those evil little chillies (that she grows herself, bred for maximum lethality) like sweets. Once she's munched a few she wants a kiss, with tongue of course, arrrgggghhhh!!!!

Makes me wanna grow some myself right here in Florida. lol

Anyway, thanks y'all for your comments.

My Thai friends who are married to Farangs and now live in the United States have learned to air out the carpeted, air-conditioned, heated, double paned, American-style houses to let Thai food smell out. Or, as a compromise, cook and eat such offensive food when their Farang partners are not around.

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A deal breaker ? No . Infact learning a few dishes from my partner such as om gai , tom pla ,tom tua farang, has added to our relationship . We have had some great days in the kitchen (read kitchenette when in the city ) . Of cousre this is a two way street with a few western plates making it into our family staples . Once upon a time I decided to make a paella dish for my sweetheart as way of showing my appreciation for all the super stuff she was cookong up . I brought home the rice , chorrizo, chicken (on the bone), prawns , squid,mussels, saffron even and all the herbs and so on .Now she was looking at all these ingredients and was quite impressed with the idea of the dish . She also commented that it smelled good whilst I was preparing it . Alas , when I was about done, I called her in to see what I was doing and she had to say " What's that , gweilo chau fan ? " or white man's fried rice .Oh how we laughed . It was a great dish .Enjoy your food and your partner's . ooh pl la , ooh pla la ...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Durian and som tam I've grown quite fond of, although detested both at first.

The only thing I draw the line at is LIVE food in the house. Had enough of chasing crabs across the living room floor as they make a forlorn dash for freedom, or finding prawns skinny-dipping in the bathroom washbasin...

It's true about both eating garlic cancelling each other out but the neighbours won't talk to you for a week.

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It is you who have the problem ,not them .Would you believe ,this is their country ,in which you are a guest? Don't like it ? Bye Bye . Good riddance

My god man, you can turn an innocent little topic like this in to a 'if you don't like it, leave' rant ..... bit of a stretch.

A bit OTT and quick on the draw - even for me.jap.gif

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  • 1 month later...

My beloved, being from Central Thailand, doesn't do the really stinky stuff, although barbecued rat does occasionally make an appearance on the dinner table tongue.png

She does however pop those evil little chillies (that she grows herself, bred for maximum lethality) like sweets. Once she's munched a few she wants a kiss, with tongue of course, arrrgggghhhh!!!!

I have been told that a BJ in these circumstances can be particularly unpleasant.

Having only once been for a pee after preparing chillies (and forgetting to wash my hands), I can believe it.

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