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Anti-Drug Office Gives Thai Rock Star Sek Loso A Week To Talk And Enter Rehab


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Interesting point but don’t you think that the drugs themselves might have anything to do with getting or being morally bankrupt?

It depends a bit what type of drug you’re using but over time there’s definite changes in brain chemistry taking place which will impact your behavior.

These changes can be quite subtle and because everybody’s brain is wired differently there is no clear point in time when changes become permanent but once you reach that stage there is no more point of return basically.

I think they certainly don't help but don't believe they are the sole cause of becoming morally bankrupt, and I also don't believe there is ever no more point of return I have met many people have returned to normality after decades of usage anything is beatable with the will to do so although the brain and thought patterns may need reprogramming to a certain degree..

Not sure why you deleted your other post to which I wanted to reply.

Anyway I’ve used a variety of drugs as a kid and followed the classic route from weed to lsd to heroin to cocaine to amphetamine and never felt any suffering.

I enjoyed them all until I lost my mind and that’s when the suffering started.

In those days (25-30 years ago) the health service for the most part didn’t really know how to deal with addiction and things like drug induced psychosis for example so in my case I got subjected to a whole range of pharmaceuticals which were supposed to get me straight again.

Unfortunately most of these pharmaceuticals have nasty side effects and that’s when the suffering really started.

This might sound strange but for me the so called legal drugs were much worse than anything illegal I had ever taken.

Anyway it’s all water under the bridge and nowadays I stick to alcohol and nicotine out of which nicotine is probably the most addictive because it’s the only drug that the majority of people don’t like when they first try it but they keep on coming back for more.

I deleted it as people tend to form an opinion on what you were and to be honest it in no way reflects the person I have become, i'm not sure why I wrote the post in the first place as even when I had my problems I was never the touchy feely type who sat around at AA meeting talking about stuff I have always been more of the old school bottle it up and bury it at the back of your mind and get on with life way of thinking. Thats not to say that the AA road is bad and doesn't help people it just was never for me thats all.

Fair enough.

The get on with life thinking approach works pretty well actually.

Personally I remember the good times better than the bad times anyway so not much point in digging up the past.

Anyway take care.

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Anyway I’ve used a variety of drugs as a kid and followed the classic route from weed to lsd to heroin to cocaine to amphetamine and never felt any suffering.

I enjoyed them all until I lost my mind and that’s when the suffering started.

In those days (25-30 years ago) the health service for the most part didn’t really know how to deal with addiction and things like drug induced psychosis for example so in my case I got subjected to a whole range of pharmaceuticals which were supposed to get me straight again.

Unfortunately most of these pharmaceuticals have nasty side effects and that’s when the suffering really started.

This might sound strange but for me the so called legal drugs were much worse than anything illegal I had ever taken.

Anyway it’s all water under the bridge and nowadays I stick to alcohol and nicotine out of which nicotine is probably the most addictive because it’s the only drug that the majority of people don’t like when they first try it but they keep on coming back for more.

Thanks for the frank testament. I've experienced similar, though I never went on to pharma drugs. A statistic I read recently: in the US, more people die from pharma drugs than from illegal drugs. The people making drug laws need to talk to people like you and me who are familiar with different types of drugs. Instead, they get their info from puritanical ding dongs who don't know much of what they're pontificating about. It would be like me (who can't speak Greek) making laws which criminalize people for misusing the Greek language. Two examples the idiocy that governs drug law enactment:

1. Hemp is classified as a class 5 drug in the US and Thailand (Thailand copies US drug laws note for note). Have you ever heard of anyone getting stoned on hemp? ....let alone causing any harm?

2. The stand-alone most harmful drug in Thailand, US and around the world is, you guessed it, alcohol. Yet the same people who legislate and prosecute the drug laws, are the same people who chug beer, and gleefully accept whiskey for bribes. Indeed JW whiskey is a requirement, when paying bribes in Thailand - either by the bottle or by the case, depending on how big the underhanded favor you're asking for.

Maybe the Thai pop star can bribe his way out of getting in trouble by handing out some JW bottles to key people.

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And they are convicting him on what proof ??

From what I understand theres 'allegations' of drug use.. So they will now convict him based on that ?? Not on possession or a failed test..

Makes a mocker of the law when they can simply hand out a sentence because they think it seems right.



We ´ve all been there. You smoke and you realize at some point that you got way higher than you thought you would or it creeps up on you and hits you all at once. Then you are past the point of no return. You instantly turn into a vegetable that will only move to get food or to make your way to your bed. You still feel lovely though.

It happens to the best of us. Here are someways that I have experienced that let me know i ´m too stoned..........

  1. You can ´t hit your bowl cause it ´s clogged with resin.
  2. You light your cigarette the wrong way.
  3. When you realize that the song you thought you were listening to ended ten minutes ago .
  4. When you decide to found your own religion entirely based on the eating of Doritos.
  5. You are tired of talking midway through a sentence .
  6. Your bags are empty and you don ´t know why.
  7. When you find yourself at McDonald ´s with no money because you spent it on weed.
  8. If you play through just one level of a video game, then look over and find the clock has somehow skipped five hours.
  9. When you cough up a lugie and it tastes like bong water.
  10. When you stare at a TV that ´s not even turned on because you don ´t feel like turning it on.
  11. You put your lighter in your mouth and try to light it with your bowl. (true story)
  12. When you put sentences together like George Bush.
  13. When your friend tells you to roll another joint, and half an hour later you wonder why no one ´s smoking.
  14. When you go to Mc Donalds and pass out with your face in your french fries.
  15. When you decide its a good idea to moon a police officer.
  16. When everything is just a little too funny.
  17. When walking to your kitchen seems like an epic journey.
  18. When you start to do one thing, get distracted by another and never even remember that you started the original thing.
  19. When you wake up still high and rush to work only to realize that this is your day off.
  20. When you say a joke to someone who originally said that same joke to you.


You keep convincing yourself of that if it helps justify things, but I promise we have not 'all been there'. Me, never ever. Not once in my life have I taken any drugs or recreational drugs, and looking at your list, I can safely say i'm missing nothing.

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Here are some of the things that people do when they're not using illegal drugs:

>>>> kill others

>>>> drive dangerously

>>>> get lividly angry

>>>> lie and cheat

Perhaps society should enact laws which make it illegal to not use drugs.

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Here are some of the things that people do when they're not using illegal drugs:

>>>> kill others

>>>> drive dangerously

>>>> get lividly angry

>>>> lie and cheat

Perhaps society should enact laws which make it illegal to not use drugs.

Here is a list of things people do when on illegal drugs:

--- Post multiple times on the same subject while responding to themselves.

Hopefully you can convince everyone to legalize drugs before you end up in the monkey house.

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Here are some of the things that people do when they're not using illegal drugs:

>>>> kill others

>>>> drive dangerously

>>>> get lividly angry

>>>> lie and cheat

Perhaps society should enact laws which make it illegal to not use drugs.

Well thats a little bit like saying that 1/3 of all the people that die on the roads in the UK are killed by drunk drivers, so 2/3rds are killed by sober ones, so make everyone drive drunk and save 2/3rds of the people !!!! i.e it's bloody stupid.

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Thanks for the frank testament. I've experienced similar, though I never went on to pharma drugs.

I think you're slightly missing the point.

I did not go on to pharma drugs voluntarily. It was more a case of me being completely fuc_ked up in the head because of the other stuff as a result of which pharmaceuticals were forced on to me in order to straigthen me out.

These were not your run of the mill pharma's that people normally abuse such as valium and oxycontin but more serious ones like haldol, anatensol, trilafon and lithium.

Edited by meom
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Does he have a soppy all-too-sweetsie sounding voice like all other popular Thai boy singers? When will Thailand get a male singer who can sing with more depth than a canary on quaaludes?

Listen to Ponsak Songsaen, the album Khon jon jeung klai ban (poor people far from home), a voice with power and tuneful.

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What a load of bolloc-- it is his body and and he is free to do put what he likes in it.

True. But he's buying the drugs from who? Answer: a drug dealer who will sell to anyone, even kids. So, he's as guilty as the dealer or anyone else that buys drugs. It's the same as buying anything illegal. If you're caught, you should be punished according to the law.


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Whether it was in thailand or timbuktu it really does not matter. His record company dumped him for drug abuse. He is getting the chance to get help and to be honest I commend the Thai Government for giving him the chance and not righting him off.

DRUGS KILL and are proven to cause crime. THE THAI GOVERNMENT HAS MADE ALL DRUG USE ILLEGAL. If you want to do drugs fine it is your body but next time you buy ask your provider if he sells to kids?

1. "Drugs" is a pretty broad category. I'm sure we can all think of a few "drugs" that neither kill nor have been proven to cause crime.

2. No, the Thai government has not made all drug use illegal. See alcohol, tobacco.

3. While there are certainly drug dealers who sell to children, I'd guess that 95% of them don't.

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Ah, "DRUGS".

The very word conjures up images of depravity and misery in the minds of those who have no knowledge. And it is generally the ones who are clueless (that is to say, the ones who read the newspapers and believe everything that is written therein) who are most vociferous about the subject. They are the ones who subscribe to the "Reefer Madness" version of events, and who condemn all who don't agree with them.

I first smoked weed back in the sixties, and since then I've taken just about every drug under the sun, sometimes in industrial quantities. I've had a ball and I don't regret any of it.

And I've never been a wreck. Now in my 60s, I'm fit and healthy (and still enjoying my cigarettes and wine and the occasional spliff when it comes along), I have four clever adult children, I've had a number of good businesses and I still think life is to be lived to the max.

As Kingsley Amis once said:

“No pleasure is worth giving up for the sake of two more years in a geriatric home at Weston-super-Mare”

I get so tired of all these self-righteous moralists who think anything beyond their limited experience should be banned. Do what you want with your life, but don't seek to impose your morals on me. I don't need them.

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When will Thailand get a male singer who can sing with more depth than a canary on quaaludes?

This post wins.

Here are some of the things that people do when they're not using illegal drugs:

>>>> kill others

>>>> drive dangerously

>>>> get lividly angry

>>>> lie and cheat

Perhaps society should enact laws which make it illegal to not use drugs.

It's funny, how many people would read that and then have an emotional reaction where some stuff happens in their brain which isn't all that embarrassing - not really - but then they could ACT on the back-firing and spluttering of their mind (the killing fields where logic goes to genocide)...and it's when they act, hyped up in their delusional emotional 'wrath'...that really embarassing stuff happens.

And criminal stuff. Stuff they could fairly be hanged for, because they're killing innocents with their 'righteous' ignorance. All these 'pious' subscribers to their preferred flavour of Spam.

And it's just funny, how badly they need some medicine. Cause they're very, very ill. Spam will do that to you, if Spam believes it's in their best interests.

Perhaps society should enact laws which make it illegal to not use drugs.

You can say that again. But of course, if no one was foolish enough to think the urgent hurting of others was in anyone's best interests, no one would be driven to drink poisons or take meds in the first place. Either way would work, which is why only one thing is going to happen from here on in: Spam is just gonna ratchet up the pain.

I get so tired of all these self-righteous moralists who think anything beyond their limited experience should be banned. Do what you want with your life, but don't seek to impose your morals on me. I don't need them.

And children who've never contemplated the possibility that they could even have a reason to hurt or rape or kill anyone (when playing with them is substantially more fun); they don't really need to be told that strangers they've never met were tortured in bloody, descriptive and traumatic detail - and that all this horrifying torture was ostensibly carried out because of them. On behalf of them. For 2000 years, they've been washing the non-existent sins of children, clean away.

It's preemptive suggestive selling by Spam, or - you know - it's 'sweet' (however you want to look at it; it would depend on how moronic you are, I guess). But then they do have a need to give the Good News away, and you don't need to be so rude in politely declining.

4 billion copies of that Book, just for perspective about who needs what. They need to give you and your children that gift, and it's never been that kind of a gift. But there are all kinds of needs, when Spam gets awfully terrifying when it's too needy to be sane.

But then I was an idiot for even being in Silom. Did you know Silom is Pat Pong? I didnt know that. Kinda wish I knew that, no one needs that kind of Spam

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