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Russian Shaman Woman In C.M.


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Seems to me, now that to OP has asked here on this open forum and gotten no solid input about the Russian psychic, he should just pay her a visit and report back. Couldn't hurt, could it?

It is 5000 Baht for 1.5 hours so always good to ask local in the chance people have been.

I want to go, just hoping next few days someone else posts their exp. with her.

Thanks !

Edited by freedomnow
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I'm fascinated, having read through her web site and admit surprise if "shaman" is not on the list of professions limited to Thai people.. It will be nice if someone with any sort of direct knowledge of her can reply. I'm fairly well past my see-the-psychic phase but might bite if there's a personal recommendation forthcoming.

I was once hauled off by Thai friends to a local village to see a "magic healer" about a chronic bad back. I was instructed to bring a boiled egg and baht. After a brief spoken prologue I naturally did not understand, he wrapped the egg with two silver discs in a handkerchief and reached behind him for a rather substantial sword. I had already produced 500 baht so was only mildly alarmed. With much scraping on my back and rubbing with the egg, disc, and handkerchief bundle, he opened the latter periodically to reveal how much evil matter from my bad back had collected on the silver. This went on a couple more times until the egg and my baht were apparently used up and I was blessed and sent off.

It was an impressive show, though not worth the price of admission, given that in second grade I'd learned the "magic trick" of tarnishing silver with the sulfur in boiled eggs. On the way back, my friends asked if I thought he had big powers and I assured them he did-- especially the magical ability to sit in his house and have strangers from far and wide show up with 500 baht notes and poultry products.

Over the years I've met a few people with remarkable psychic or intuitive powers, frame them how you will or Randi might, and a greater number of people without them. If this lady has a few testimonials she could be an interesting visit. Her pricing reveals healthy self-esteem, if nothing else.

FWIW, a week after my visit to the magic man in the village, I realized my back was not troubling me and it has not done so in the nine or ten years since, but I've never represented a connection between the sword, eggs, and that.

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Check this vid when the person tells him he is a twin...... 3.53

Wow, that's proof.

Massive journey about fortune tellers, and from all he saw he got one correct statement (I'm assuming as you would think a promo video would show the best bits)

If he believed....

He will live in fear about reaching the age of 62.

World enlightenment begins in a week!

He will marry twice

Even though he is bi sexual.

and he got himself all scared on a boat when the undeveloped world psychic told him a boat trip can be dangerous....

Oh boy. You prove the point very well. Humans look for patterns, and will concentrate only on those things that they want to hear...

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Wow, that's proof.

Massive journey about fortune tellers, and from all he saw he got one correct statement (I'm assuming as you would think a promo video would show the best bits)

If he believed....

He will live in fear about reaching the age of 62.

World enlightenment begins in a week!

He will marry twice

Even though he is bi sexual.

and he got himself all scared on a boat when the undeveloped world psychic told him a boat trip can be dangerous....

Oh boy. You prove the point very well. Humans look for patterns, and will concentrate only on those things that they want to hear...

What point ? That I believe 90% or higher are bogus and it's good to get independent reviews on the other 10% that I believe may be genuine ?

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Dear Mall Magician,

After you suggested the smart thing for the OP to do was save his money, you were admonished by another member that, "It's a mistake to dismiss what you don't understand."

I would admonish you to save your breath, as there is a sucker born every minute. A fool and his money are soom parted. Might as well be the Russian that gets it.

ALL of the so called psychics are bogus, but you can't argue with stupid, can you?

Edited by TongueThaied
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To believe that people have such powers is to believe that the future is somehow planned or plotted by someone or something. This is a belief without any evidence thus putting it in the realm of the supernatural or religion. If a few people have these special abilities then of the billions of people alive today, thousands if not millions would share this ability, if that were so, then it would be easily proven that these abilities exist, it has not. If a person had such powers they could see the future and easily make a fortune, they would not need to charge money for their services. They all need money from believers, obviously scamming.

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To believe that people have such powers is to believe that the future is somehow planned or plotted by someone or something. This is a belief without any evidence thus putting it in the realm of the supernatural or religion. If a few people have these special abilities then of the billions of people alive today, thousands if not millions would share this ability, if that were so, then it would be easily proven that these abilities exist, it has not. If a person had such powers they could see the future and easily make a fortune, they would not need to charge money for their services. They all need money from believers, obviously scamming.

I once put my hand on the TV during a Jimmy Swaggart show.....got a bloody electric shock - probably knew I wasn't going to send any money.......and got punished.

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I once had the shaman of a Lisu village perform a ritual for me, because I wasn't feeling too good during one of my many stays. It involved a chicken (dead), some other trinklet's, a length of rope and lots of chants whilst sitting on his heels. I only agreed to it because my Lisu friends insisted I needed 'something' (apart from the liquor, which was probably the cause). I took it with the good heart it was intended and remained respectful during the ceremony. The next day I felt better, but I would have anyway - but my friends were pleased for me and I thanked them all including the Shaman.

The point of this is, that it wasn't done for money or reward, it was done on the top of a mountain because a friend of their's seemed unwell and they did what they knew best to try and make me feel better.

These people I respect.

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she didn't get a good response from the 'readers letters' column in CityLife - from what someone reported is was very bad with all sorts of mumbo jumbo but GO and report back - it will be interesting to read of your experience

OK, I found the link...."As if" reader's letter


Thanks for that independent info which I could not find.

I won't be going to see her.5000 Baht saved.Thanks.

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To believe that people have such powers is to believe that the future is somehow planned or plotted by someone or something. This is a belief without any evidence thus putting it in the realm of the supernatural or religion. If a few people have these special abilities then of the billions of people alive today, thousands if not millions would share this ability, if that were so, then it would be easily proven that these abilities exist, it has not. If a person had such powers they could see the future and easily make a fortune, they would not need to charge money for their services. They all need money from believers, obviously scamming.

You are playing the if game. Used properly that game can make you king of England.

I used to hang around with people who made their living doing readings. Some were better than others. None of them claimed to be perfectly accurate. Also they did not charge that much money.

I learned to do psychometry and was so so at it. I know there is some thing there that we do not understand and yes it is a great base for false prophets. But I also know there are people who can predict the future to a degree with out any raw knowledge to base there predictions from.

What about the prophets in the bible. They were psychics.

Scientific proof is a joke. Reminds me of my doctor back home he told me taking Glocosimine for my joints would not help. Two years later he told me science had shown that it definitely helped. Heck me and millions of other people could have told them that.

Basically when one says science has proven some thing one way or the other they are saying that They know every thing.

I would not go t see her for several reasons.

1 cost

2 I was told a good psychic would record it and I was not aware of the fact that shaman was a Russian term. I always thought it was a Native American term for medicine man.

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Hellodolly, shamanism spans the globe....from Siberia to Peru they are regarded as shamans.

Wish she or her husband read this thread and challenged the most hardened skeptic that has posted to drop in for a free reading.But I don't rate her now at all which was my original aim...dig up good external reviews and find out either way.

I know one guy in UK whose instructions are this :-

Write your questions on paper before-hand ,

have them in front of you when you phone,

don't tell me your questions however specific....

Then he'll answer them.

He reels off exact names no matter how uncommon and exact dates to the day.He is regarded as top 1%.


But I'm sure I'll get lambasted again for putting that up and I also know a sceptic would never pay 40 quid to prove him wrong so it is a catch-22.

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How about I do this. We can all get together, put some questions on paper, and await the call. I will pay for it. If he gets anything right without fishing for info, I will give you the same amount for sharing the experience. If however he fails, then you pay the reading costs. If you genuinely believe this guy is the real deal, this should be a no brainer. Free money for you!

Ready when you are. Would love to give it a go, and would happily pay the money to be proved wrong.

Hellodolly, shamanism spans the globe....from Siberia to Peru they are regarded as shamans.

Wish she or her husband read this thread and challenged the most hardened skeptic that has posted to drop in for a free reading.But I don't rate her now at all which was my original aim...dig up good external reviews and find out either way.

I know one guy in UK whose instructions are this :-

Write your questions on paper before-hand ,

have them in front of you when you phone,

don't tell me your questions however specific....

Then he'll answer them.

He reels off exact names no matter how uncommon and exact dates to the day.He is regarded as top 1%.


But I'm sure I'll get lambasted again for putting that up and I also know a sceptic would never pay 40 quid to prove him wrong so it is a catch-22.

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Why don't you gather the dough by paypal from anyone that wants to test him who read this thread....., hit him up for 1 hour and as you said, you know this stuff inside-out through analysis as a magician and then he will not hoodwink YOU ? I think the questions would have to be personal to one person ????....rather than "can you give me info about John's aunt......Steve's car crash date?" etc unconnected to you.

It can be recorded on Skype for the others to laugh at one of the best mediums on the planet ?


He is supposed to be better than the top 3 megabucks U.S. TV psychic-mediums... but he is not famous as he has poor marketing skills till his site was put up this year...

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5,000 baht for 1 1/2 hrs?!!! Wow, she has gone up a LOT!!!

I've got a reading years ago. Went there as I never had been to a Shaman, let alone heard of it at that time.

Overall impression of that particular reading: not impressed, waste of money. Her angel-guides told her to tell me, that in order to improve my life I should ............... tadatadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ..... sell dog food. Hmmmmmmmmm. happy.png

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To believe that people have such powers is to believe that the future is somehow planned or plotted by someone or something. This is a belief without any evidence thus putting it in the realm of the supernatural or religion. If a few people have these special abilities then of the billions of people alive today, thousands if not millions would share this ability, if that were so, then it would be easily proven that these abilities exist, it has not. If a person had such powers they could see the future and easily make a fortune, they would not need to charge money for their services. They all need money from believers, obviously scamming.
You are playing the if game. Used properly that game can make you king of England. I used to hang around with people who made their living doing readings. Some were better than others. None of them claimed to be perfectly accurate. Also they did not charge that much money. I learned to do psychometry and was so so at it. I know there is some thing there that we do not understand and yes it is a great base for false prophets. But I also know there are people who can predict the future to a degree with out any raw knowledge to base there predictions from. What about the prophets in the bible. They were psychics. Scientific proof is a joke. Reminds me of my doctor back home he told me taking Glocosimine for my joints would not help. Two years later he told me science had shown that it definitely helped. Heck me and millions of other people could have told them that. Basically when one says science has proven some thing one way or the other they are saying that They know every thing. I would not go t see her for several reasons. 1 cost 2 I was told a good psychic would record it and I was not aware of the fact that shaman was a Russian term. I always thought it was a Native American term for medicine man.
I have no ides what the if game is and how that can make me "king of England" ..... the prophecies of the bible have been debunked. "scientific proof is a joke" ? Science never claims "to know everything" it only asks questions and seeks answers. A good example is the Dr. that would not recomend a treatment until clinical trials were completed and the treatment shown to be effective. (only took 2 years?). I was not aware that glucosamine had passed review. Ihear these types of arguments often, I blame the education system.
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But I also know there are people who can predict the future to a degree with out any raw knowledge to base there predictions from.

What about the prophets in the bible. They were psychics.

because there are prophets in the bible, that means there are psychics?

There is no proof the bible is factual, so you are using a non factual text to create a fact to try and support your assertion.

Who are these people u know who can predict the future to a degree? What did they predict?

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i think all these things cannot be put in the same basket-

placebos work, believing i healing can work very well not just with imagined illnesses

divining also can work -there are magnetic fields the human body is sensitive to and the rod shows that

many use it to find water easily and cheaply

but psychics work only for themselves

it s bogus

Psychics are real but not all. I have a relative that can just look at your face intently and tell you about your past.

When my grandfather passed away i dreamt of the devil at 4am and woke up....at 6 am i received a call from my cousin informing me my grandfather had passed away.

Who's arm hairs are standing up now?

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She has solved historic murder cases


People got jailed.

She told me my best friend's dead mum's name (Anne) and my dad's dead friend's name (Frank) in a single shot with zero drawn out cross-interrogation......no drumroll of 80 names.Single shot.

All I had to do was tell her the city name over the phone....boom 2 seconds flat.

Yet as I said 95% are bull in my opinion.The other 5% ?

The sceptics will deny they have anything till they are blue in the face.

I'd love Diana Manilova to challenge someone to a free reading, but it looks like she falls into the 95% group anyway !

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I looked at Rosemary's website, I noticed that when booking an appointment she requires name, phone number, mailing address and email. This is more than enough info. to do an internet search to uncover names of relatives and other personal information.

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They were not relatives and Frank was not phoned for years due to fall out.

I was calling her from half way round the world from my hometown.

I asked her to identify people known to me and my family on the south side of the city who had recently passed.Both passed 2008,2009.

My friend's mum never contacted me or my hometown house in any way but I'm starting to get blue in the face here.

She solves unsolved murder cases by coming into contact with relatives/items.

Quote <<<

P.P.S. I would also like to mention missing persons are given priority and are charged on a donation bases. I also work on open murder cases at my regular rates, however all leads should be treated as strictly confidential as a recent case resulted in three arrests for murder.

I will only work for law enforcement or immediate family members on missing person cases, no exceptions.>>>

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I looked at Rosemary's website, I noticed that when booking an appointment she requires name, phone number, mailing address and email. This is more than enough info. to do an internet search to uncover names of relatives and other personal information.

it is simple enough to get a 3rd party to pay which I'd always recommend.

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Seems to me, now that to OP has asked here on this open forum and gotten no solid input about the Russian psychic, he should just pay her a visit and report back. Couldn't hurt, could it?

It is 5000 Baht for 1.5 hours so always good to ask local in the chance people have been.

I want to go, just hoping next few days someone else posts their exp. with her.

Thanks !

Wow 5000 Baht - I think i'll stick to watching 'The Mentalist' and spend my 5000 Baht on bargirls. They always predict that they will 'love me long time' and call me 'handsome man', that always makes me feel good. licklips.gif

It would be interesting to know how she does get a work permit, I thought you had to form a company, invest a few million baht and employ 4 Thai staff etc or does she use 'ghost workers"wai.gif

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Seems to me, now that to OP has asked here on this open forum and gotten no solid input about the Russian psychic, he should just pay her a visit and report back. Couldn't hurt, could it?

It is 5000 Baht for 1.5 hours so always good to ask local in the chance people have been.

I want to go, just hoping next few days someone else posts their exp. with her.

Thanks !

Wow 5000 Baht - I think i'll stick to watching 'The Mentalist' and spend my 5000 Baht on bargirls. They always predict that they will 'love me long time' and call me 'handsome man', that always makes me feel good. licklips.gif

It would be interesting to know how she does get a work permit, I thought you had to form a company, invest a few million baht and employ 4 Thai staff etc or does she use 'ghost workers"wai.gif

Who knows, all I know is I won't be forking out on her. Mission accomplished. See ya !

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She has solved historic murder cases


People got jailed.

She told me my best friend's dead mum's name (Anne) and my dad's dead friend's name (Frank) in a single shot with zero drawn out cross-interrogation......no drumroll of 80 names.Single shot.

All I had to do was tell her the city name over the phone....boom 2 seconds flat.

Yet as I said 95% are bull in my opinion.The other 5% ?

The sceptics will deny they have anything till they are blue in the face.

I'd love Diana Manilova to challenge someone to a free reading, but it looks like she falls into the 95% group anyway !

she has solved what historic murder case?? do u just make this up as u go along?

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