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How Much Is The Real You?

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I have chosen a different tactic.

If I want a serious discussion of an important issue, I post it on a web-site where the chances of censorship aren't very high and people feel free to give their honest opinions.

I find that major brown-nosing to the moderators works quite well for much of the time. In the unlikely event that it doesn't, death threats and nocturnal visits to their relatives abroad generally has the desired effect.

(Mods: please check your desks for apples :o )

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I'm on my way... :D:o

PS> I like this redrus guy!!!

Me too..................



Redrus... that's not the Real You in your avatar, is it? :D:D

I don't think I want to answer that,.....!!!!! :D


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I have noticed, especially having met a lot of ThaiVisa members over the years, that nobody posts in the same way as the next.

Some people post as characatures of themselves such as myself, The Dude and The Moog, whereas others seem to post a particular side of their character.

The people who seem most themselves are the ones who are the most innocuous and less prolific, as if they are protecting themselves.

Some people are awful online but very nice in real life and others are exactly as they seem.

This thread is inspired by a recent bout of Scamp bashing from these members who find it too confusing that an opinionated yet decent man who loves to get his teeth into a good conversation should find it easier to post in a highly exaggerated, cartoon characature version of himself and so find it much easier to just assume that that is what he is like and follow him around the board with a heavy stick.

Human nature fascinates me. :D

So how much of the real you (the reader/poster) do you reveal?

Do you release your wild side that may be supressed in reality?

Do you release your child side that may be supressed in reality?

Are you yourself or a particular facet of yourself or are you a charicature, or do you simply speak when spoken to and follow the flow.

Whatever you are you have a right to be how you choose to be both in real life and online and there is no right or wrong providing you live and let live in this mini cyberworld we all share which, like the real one, contains a vast myriad of different views and personalities which is what makes life so interesting.

If we were all the same there would never be any need to log on whatsoever.



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