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True Move H - Phuket Town


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Was grumpy on the way from Phuket Airport to Phuket Town. My iPhone had no 3G almost the whole trip, and down town despite their web saying there was.

Oooops, forgot my phone still on old trial Network not the new True Move H ( iPad is 3G, 88ms ping, 3.44 DL, 2.13 UL)

Guess I will have to go thought the painful MNP when I get back to BKK.

For the guys who remember previous threads, it's clear as night and day for coverage and speed - need to migrate to true move H.

No doubt anymore

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AIS 3G works good on most places around Phuket.

Its an absolute disgrace in BKK.

I am happy with True Move H so far. Get a few silent/ dropped calls, but far better than it was 6 months back. As I said in another post, my work trip to Paris made it clear it's probably on par or better than my experience there

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