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Thai Policeman Kills Six Fellow Officers After Drinking Session


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My partners father is a Cop, in Yala. Day in and day out he risks being bombed or shot by people none of us want to share a street with.

wow i had to read 3 pages of farangs insulting Thai ROYAL Police before someone recognized the KEY detail of this story. it happened in the south - a WAR ZONE. go spend some time down there watching your back for rag heads and see if you dont go a little crazy. a lot of our friends and family are dealing with the same stress and insanity in the middle east.

i feel bad for the families and even the dead, but you cannot start on some saintly diatribe bashing Thai Police based on a nasty occurrence in the deep south.

i get so tired of these farang here....

I have family working as police in both Phatthalung and at the border between Songkhla and Pattani. Pattani can be dangerous and the poilce there are at higher risk due to the southern problems, although not nearly as bad as in Yala and Narathiwat. But Phatthalung does not have any more problems than any other central or northern province in Thailand. So this guys actions can hardly be subscribed to his daily stress of watching his back. That said, this specific border camp has a nasty reputation. Many new on the job poilce in Phatthalung get assigned there for the first couple of years, and quite a few come out rather cuckoo... crazy.gif

ps. Police who are based at a border camp live there as well and they have to take care of their firearms themselves. Meaning they all have a handgun and an assault rifle in their room or on them. I have some great photos dressed up like a Thai copper in full gear with rifle and everything...

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I have family working as police in both Phatthalung and at the border between Songkhla and Pattani. Pattani can be dangerous and the poilce there are at higher risk due to the southern problems, although not nearly as bad as in Yala and Narathiwat. But Phatthalung does not have any more problems than any other central or northern province in Thailand. So this guys actions can hardly be subscribed to his daily stress of watching his back. That said, this specific border camp has a nasty reputation. Many new on the job poilce in Phatthalung get assigned there for the first couple of years, and quite a few come out rather cuckoo... crazy.gif

ps. Police who are based at a border camp live there as well and they have to take care of their firearms themselves. Meaning they all have a handgun and an assault rifle in their room or on them. I have some great photos dressed up like a Thai copper in full gear with rifle and everything...

it will be an interesting story if the details are reported.

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should have promoted him to a special forces kill squad earlier. wow - 6 people in close quarters with most likely one magazine. impressive. additional points for being drunk.

20 round magazine is easy to kill ppl at close quarters 3 rounds for each victim not too difficult

yes maybe "easy" when people are tied down, but when running or fighting for their lives especially after the first few shots? i've never done it myself, but maybe you have more experience with this?

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I read somewhere that Thailand is actually an extremely dangerous country having (according to the article) the 2nd highest hand gun murder rate in the world,not per.capita.

FWIW: http://en.wikipedia....ated_death_rate

The statistics refered to in in wikipedia are not very acurate. This whole deal is a sad situtation and even more real sad how so many people have jumped to conclusions with out any facts. As far as the war on Drugs from Taksin.... not my place to judge but sure seemed to be weeding out some shady drug related types.

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I cannot recall ever seeing a report of a police officer executing his colleagues in my couple of decades in the West.

I can recall about half a dozen reports of such in my half a decade in Thailand.

I believe that many Thais have repressed anger due to the culture, and that they never get to practice it in a rational manner, thus it builds up and up and up.... while they are culturally forced through conditioning to smile....

It's really quite unhealthy emotionally.

It is actually happens in the west too where police carry guns. They kill themselves, their families and colleagues as well as going on shooting sprees from time to time. Simply do a Google search and you will find numerous stories of all of these instances from just the last year. But don't feel bad for having blinders on and pretending Thailand is so different because you are far from alone.

Edited by Nisa
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I was told that Thailand is high up on the list of countries with a high murder rate.

True or False I don't know but having a life time of learning to repress anger can not help matters.

Murdering with guns is after Columbia and Southafrica, but in a limited area. (International Mafia established areas)

For the rest of Thailand you can be quiet.

Rates high for gun murders but for all intentional murders it rates 33rd out of countries listed in the below link (to put in perspective .. Russia rates 22nd, USA 34th and Ireland 47th)


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Thai policeman kills six fellow officers

BANGKOK, December 27, 2011 (AFP) - A policeman in southern Thailand shot dead six fellow officers before turning the gun on himself after a drinking session in a police canteen turned sour, local police said Tuesday.

Alcohol is served at a police canteen? Astounding.

No big deal really ,,the cops summarily executed 2,500 in 03 in Thaksin's WOD so this news is very small potatoes .

There has to be one to bring Thaksin into the play....

Just drawing simple comparisons pure and simple.
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Is it possible that somebody who was not drunk orchestrated this to blame a drunk policeman??

Not sure if there is any conspiracy going on here (lack of details, yes) but it does make you wonder how 1 person could kill this many people ... assuming the others were also armed.

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Thai policeman kills six fellow officers

BANGKOK, December 27, 2011 (AFP) - A policeman in southern Thailand shot dead six fellow officers before turning the gun on himself after a drinking session in a police canteen turned sour, local police said Tuesday.

Alcohol is served at a police canteen? Astounding.

I hope they were referring to a bar that mainly police frequent and not a canteen at the cop shop.

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Assault rifle, I did not recognice first when reading!

I feared an Austrian GLOCK was used for that infamous act.

GLOCK, the beloved Pistol of Thai Police men, with a lot of cartridges in the magazine, usualy the only thing Thai Policeman know about Austria and that it is a different country and not Australia.

Edited by ALFREDO
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Usually when cops get drunk here, they shoot farangs or regular Thai people. Or chop the arm off of a karaoke girl. The combination of being arrogant , carrying weapons, and liking to get drunk is apparently a poor combination. So I suspect to the average Thai person, who bears the brunt of of the pain from these leeches on their back, I suspect one arrogant policeman shooting a bunch of other policemen, has to create a sense of delicious irony.......

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It seems common sense that Police Oficers should not be allowed to be drunk while on duty. Random drug testing of all Police Officers should be routine. If found to be under the influence of drugs, or alcohol, they should be terminated from employment. Training needs to be improved, and updated annually. Anger management must be part of this training. Psychological assistance should be offered and available for Police Officers. This is a very streesful profession in any country. We have Human Beings doing these jobs not Super Men. Bettter training creates a more professional Police Department.

Were they on duty? In many places police are required to carry their gun at all times, even when off duty. However, I believe they are also never supposed to be intoxicated.

Where are these many place that police are required to be Armed at ALL TIMES, the U.S, Afganistan, Somalia??? I assume that you are refering to places in Thailand like the deep southern region, if you are then I would tend to agree with you to a degree. They are entitled to have time to relax and enjoy a drink or two but when they do it should be away from the area and they definately should not have access to weapons.

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It seems common sense that Police Oficers should not be allowed to be drunk while on duty. Random drug testing of all Police Officers should be routine. If found to be under the influence of drugs, or alcohol, they should be terminated from employment. Training needs to be improved, and updated annually. Anger management must be part of this training. Psychological assistance should be offered and available for Police Officers. This is a very streesful profession in any country. We have Human Beings doing these jobs not Super Men. Bettter training creates a more professional Police Department.

Were they on duty? In many places police are required to carry their gun at all times, even when off duty. However, I believe they are also never supposed to be intoxicated.

Where are these many place that police are required to be Armed at ALL TIMES, the U.S, Afganistan, Somalia???

I probably misspoke as I really don't know how prevalent it is around the globe but can tell you in the US that it is common in most states and jurisdictions. The notion is that a police officer is always a police officer and needs to be prepared and act to protect the public ... similar to a doctor having a duty to try to save lives regardless if during working hours or not. I'm sure in many countries, such as Japan, weapons are handed out and collected when officers arrive and leaves work but I know this is not done in Thailand because the police in my extended Thai family seem to always be carrying when we go out. But to be clear, I didn't say at ALL TIMES and certain jurisdictions specify not carrying in a bar and other places/citcumstances and you certainly wouldn't be expected to carry while swimming but as a general rule a cop need always be able to act as a cop in the US, and I imagine other places, that requires officers being armed.

Edit: I found this online in an article on a blog titled "Interview with a Thai Cop (Part 2)" .. can find on Google not sure if I can link.

What rights do you have for carrying a gun?

At all times. In theory, a police officer is never ‘off duty’, if he sees a crime at anytime he must deal with it. In our spare time, dressed in casual clothes, we should still carry our guns but they ought to be concealed under our shirts etc…. That is the regulation.
Edited by Nisa
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At least we should all be thankfull that there were no innocent victims.

The deceased (a.k.a. victims) were guilty of what?

Judging from some of the posts here they were guilty of not just being Thai but also police in Thailand.

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Alcohol is poison. I know Muang Thai so well because I can feel their way of thinking. A Police Officer was killed by someone in a rich family because he said that someone stepped on his foot. Penalty?

I will Preach this until I am dead: it is a hierarchical society . When people get mad here you are finished. Tragic but true. Adios

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It seems common sense that Police Oficers should not be allowed to be drunk while on duty. Random drug testing of all Police Officers should be routine. If found to be under the influence of drugs, or alcohol, they should be terminated from employment. Training needs to be improved, and updated annually. Anger management must be part of this training. Psychological assistance should be offered and available for Police Officers. This is a very streesful profession in any country. We have Human Beings doing these jobs not Super Men. Bettter training creates a more professional Police Department.

Were they on duty? In many places police are required to carry their gun at all times, even when off duty. However, I believe they are also never supposed to be intoxicated.

Where are these many place that police are required to be Armed at ALL TIMES, the U.S, Afganistan, Somalia???

I probably misspoke as I really don't know how prevalent it is around the globe but can tell you in the US that it is common in most states and jurisdictions. The notion is that a police officer is always a police officer and needs to be prepared and act to protect the public ... similar to a doctor having a duty to try to save lives regardless if during working hours or not. I'm sure in many countries, such as Japan, weapons are handed out and collected when officers arrive and leaves work but I know this is not done in Thailand because the police in my extended Thai family seem to always be carrying when we go out. But to be clear, I didn't say at ALL TIMES and certain jurisdictions specify not carrying in a bar and other places/citcumstances and you certainly wouldn't be expected to carry while swimming but as a general rule a cop need always be able to act as a cop in the US, and I imagine other places, that requires officers being armed.

Edit: I found this online in an article on a blog titled "Interview with a Thai Cop (Part 2)" .. can find on Google not sure if I can link.

What rights do you have for carrying a gun?

At all times. In theory, a police officer is never ‘off duty’, if he sees a crime at anytime he must deal with it. In our spare time, dressed in casual clothes, we should still carry our guns but they ought to be concealed under our shirts etc…. That is the regulation.

That's fine Nisa I wasn't having a swipe at you, I wasn't sure if you refering to most police or simply Thai Police. Yes police are considered to be on duty 24/7 but are only required to act on a situation that they are equpped to immeadiately handle. In Australia police are issued firearms at the start of shift and they are returned at the completion of the shift. Unlike the U.S Australians do not have the right to carry arms and this includes off duty police. (on call situations may vary) Should a police officer in Australia be involved in a fatal shooting, or any situation where a firearm is discharged then they are immeadiately drug and alcohol tested and should they be found to have either in thier system at the time then they have a real hurdle to jump. They will face internal disciplinary action and looking down the barrel of criminal charges.

Edited by softgeorge
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I was told that Thailand is high up on the list of countries with a high murder rate.

True or False I don't know but having a life time of learning to repress anger can not help matters.

Murdering with guns is after Columbia and Southafrica, but in a limited area. (International Mafia established areas)

For the rest of Thailand you can be quiet.

Rates high for gun murders but for all intentional murders it rates 33rd out of countries listed in the below link (to put in perspective .. Russia rates 22nd, USA 34th and Ireland 47th)


Gun murder rate isn't that high. It is not even close to Colombia and South Africa. The statistics putting them third for gun murders are wrong.. 'Gun crime' (which includes illegal possession) got reported as gun murders. So they have Thailand down as over 20,000 gun murders per year, when there are under 5000 murders total per year. All the gun murder statistics for Thailand you see online are wrong because they are reporting 'crime' as 'murder'. 'Gun murders' as a statistic doesn't even exist for Thailand. Just total murders

You can see statistics here


Total murders last year were 3658

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I was told that Thailand is high up on the list of countries with a high murder rate.

True or False I don't know but having a life time of learning to repress anger can not help matters.

Murdering with guns is after Columbia and Southafrica, but in a limited area. (International Mafia established areas)

For the rest of Thailand you can be quiet.

Rates high for gun murders but for all intentional murders it rates 33rd out of countries listed in the below link (to put in perspective .. Russia rates 22nd, USA 34th and Ireland 47th)


Gun murder rate isn't that high. It is not even close to Colombia and South Africa. The statistics putting them third for gun murders are wrong.. 'Gun crime' (which includes illegal possession) got reported as gun murders. So they have Thailand down as over 20,000 gun murders per year, when there are under 5000 murders total per year. All the gun murder statistics for Thailand you see online are wrong because they are reporting 'crime' as 'murder'. 'Gun murders' as a statistic doesn't even exist for Thailand. Just total murders

You can see statistics here


Total murders last year were 3658

Good Catch!!

The total intentional murder rate ranking was per capita and not total number.of murders. Thailand rated 33rd with 5.3 murders per 100,000 people. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate

Yet the number of gun murders, which they claim rates Thailand 3rd, is 33 per 100,000 people. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_firearm-related_death_rate

Even if you counted accidental; gun deaths and military actions ... I don't see how you can get to 33 with the total murders only being 5.3

Edited by Nisa
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seven men shot.... how many rounds in a gun belonging to a policemen .... ah... he used his colleagues gun too! OR Could this be a pay off in Russian roulette by others now not on the scene in the same force? Seems like something for NCIS to take over, or is the case that simply closed off?

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interesting statistics!!! We should keep in mind though what Thailand categorizes as murder or declared as murder. The many incidents where Farangs have fallen off balconies, drowned in a bathtub, knocked down by hit and run lost face driver, gone missing on a fishing trip and shot by people drunk. Statistics are good for the record. However, the reality is the absence of law and its ignorance is more and more prevalent among the lawmakers themselves. We should not rate ourselves better than the next beggar in the % list internationally! We MUST rate ourselves in the light of the law and its absence or ignorance or its tolerance, not for personal gain. The aim should be not to be on that list in the first place! What are you/we aiming for ..... a cookie? -

Edited by alanferdi
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First thing one should ask, what is the reason for any1 becoming a cop in Thailand?

1. Too stupid to do something else.

2. I get to shoot people, which is always fun.

3. I don't get any salary, but can make a fortune from bribes and extortion, forget about policing.

even people dead and this is the best shit this forum can come out with

no wonder Thaivisa is considered to be a joke and an absolute disgrace

Thanks! I completely agree with you. Hard enough that so many guys got killed and people are writing BS about them. Let them Rest In Peace.....jap.gif

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