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60,000Bht In Crisp Packet,


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Was cleaning up outside our Salon/shop tonight, and found a crisp packet with 60,000bht inside, and the following conversation with Mrs follows,,

me, lets take it to police,

mrs, Yes, police have very good new year party!!!

me, ok, put notice on shop door, anybody can prove they lost the money can claim it here.

mrs, yes can do that, and all town come here with false reciepts,

me, ok, but some poor sod, farmed all year, sugar cassava,rubber, rice, and now has lost all!!

Mrs, or perhaps drug dealer,, or car thief,or debt collector?

Anybody got any ideas what to do?

Thanks Lickey,,

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Put it to one side for a month and allow time for the person to come and claim it. Pretty sure they'll notice at some stage.

I agree with this, tell none about it, and wait for things to happen. biggrin.png

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Keep it for a while along with the crisp packet and then if nobody fronts with an accutrrate description of what it was in and how much then i would take a 10 % commission , or put it into a interest bearing account and u keep the interest, and then share it around to people in the area who have a genuine need ie: medical /educational needs, whatever, and aren't going to piss it up or use it as a stake for gambling. I know it eliminates about 80% of the Thai population but there are genuine people who are needy.Or else give it to the local Wat. Just keeps the Kharma circulating .

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..ever heard of 'stealing by finding'..it's not your property, so why wouldn't you hand it in to the Police and get a receipt, chances are you can claim it after three months if the owner doesn't come forward..let your conscience be your guide.

Edited by rodcourt49
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..ever heard of 'stealing by finding'..it's not your property, so why wouldn't you hand it in to the Police and get a receipt, chances are you can claim it after three months if the owner doesn't come forward..let your conscience be your guide.

Hand it in to the police, get a receipt, and possible claim it after 3 months..........huh.png

Now I wonder why I didn't think of this option? rolleyes.gif

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..ever heard of 'stealing by finding'..it's not your property, so why wouldn't you hand it in to the Police and get a receipt, chances are you can claim it after three months if the owner doesn't come forward..let your conscience be your guide.

Why wouldn't you hand it in to Thai police ??

Are you serious ?

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..ever heard of 'stealing by finding'..it's not your property, so why wouldn't you hand it in to the Police and get a receipt, chances are you can claim it after three months if the owner doesn't come forward..let your conscience be your guide.

Or, rather, let common sense be your guide and understand your surroundings and be able to appreciate the the Rozzers are not of the same cloth as the Rozzers in jolly old England.

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..ever heard of 'stealing by finding'..it's not your property, so why wouldn't you hand it in to the Police and get a receipt, chances are you can claim it after three months if the owner doesn't come forward..let your conscience be your guide.

Why wouldn't you hand it in to Thai police ??

Are you serious ?


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Im inclined towards the 1 month, if some distraught thai dosent come to the door saying we lost this money, then its ours, ive told mrs to stump about this, and i hope she does!!, she said she will call her brother, police captain in Kohn Kaen about this for advice, she also said that if we give to police, they will keep money, and if nobody claims it, it will go for police overtime at Songkram, and we might get a small %, It was a big crisp packet, 20bht size, the money was neatly folded and in plastic bag, we have all seen thais riding motorbikes, holding money or mobile in left hand, somebody got a bit careless,

Edited by Lickey
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My free advise would be to hide the money safely, keep your mouth shut and your ears open.......but too late for that! If the money is legal, there will be people asking and you can return it to the riteful owner but if the money is illegal, then most likely they won't ask around and after a month take a trip.

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