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Policeman Nabbed For Shooting And Wounding Motorists In Bangkok


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I think you've all missed the point of what the Thai police is all about. Like the army it is an armed business group but unlike the army, where the top brass retain total control over operations and their brand, the police is a pyramid franchise operation from the people who have power to appoint the national police chief right down to the lowliest bobbies on the beat. Army footsloggers are just required to carry out orders and don't receive any distributions of profits, while the top brass handle all the revenue generating operations, such as purchasing divining rods, logging and narcotics operations, by themselves. Just conscripting anyone who is too poor to bribe his way out of the draft and isn't obviously a katoey is good enough for their staffing needs and, since virtually no training or skills are required from the rank and file, they can tolerate extremely high staff turnover. The police, on the other hand, need to recruit people with special qualities or the entire franchise system will break down with no torrents of cash flowing up the pyramid any more. They need motivated go-getters with a psychopathic frame of mind - men who are not afraid to violate all laws and regulations in their ruthless pursuit of material gain and who will not hesitate use force to get an extra few bucks, of which the designated percentage will make its way uphill towards the police chief and the polticians. The business model is extremely effective but, hey, you need to be able to tolerate a minimal amount of collateral damage from time to time. This is minimised by an efficient damage limitation programme which ensures that crimes committed by police franchisees will be automatically by covered up by their superior officers in order to keep the statistics of police convictions acceptably low. Sometimes the system breaks down when a franchisee is stupid enough to confess to a serious crime. The idiot in Pai could easily have claimed that a mysterious third party, known only by a nickname, rushed into his house, clubbed his beloved wife to death and then disappeared into thin air. Then he would be still enjoying life, getting shitfaced, gunning down tourists and having fun beating defenceless, illiterate hill trbe women to death.

Well thought out, very accurate and precise.

Let the posters here who constantly bang on about "Thai Bashers" have a good read and soak up the reality of this wonderful smiling land of Thailand. There is far too many incidents of absolute corruption and fraud where the Thai police are involved. They are up to their scrawny dirty necks in every sector of protection, fraud and corruption.

If you don't have any semblence of law and order, or fair and reasonable justice for all, then you have a broken society......Thailand fits very nicely into this mould.

Edited by harleyclarkey
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anyone has information on the Police who killed the couple farangs in Kanchanaburi some time ago? I heard he was acquitted and is in service again waiting for another pair of victims...

I heard that it was deemed an accidental shooting, he was promoted and moved to Chai Nat. No I can't confirm or deny it as it was just what I heard.

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