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Please Tell Me The Error Of My Ways


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I've met a many good expats who were happily married or ones that found well trusted, good-heart girlfriends.

You can't tell what's going on behind the scenes. Most of these "girlfriends" are being well paid by Thai standards, though sometimes the "good expat" won't admit it or recognize payment as payment. And Thai women can bide their time for years until they get the house in their own names. I remember a case of 8 years specifically. Yes, there are some exceptions, some do win the lottery, but at what risk?

A naive person such as yourself should stay away from relationships w/ Thai women. They'll just hang you out to dry.

And BTW a quote for the day for ya:

We use a Windows 7 machine when accurate color matters.

For our video editing machines, it's 64-bit windows 7 with

  • a video card that's capable of 10 bits-per-channel (e.g., a Quadro FX)
  • a monitor that can display 100% or more of NTSC (an HP DreamColor, for example)

No Apple monitor can display accurate color, or 100% of NTSC/Adobe RGB/sRGB. And Mac OSX doesn't directly support 10-bits-per-channel color, even if you plugged a 10-bit-per-channel capable card in your machine.

. . .

So, if color accuracy matters to you, you'd be better off with a custom Windows 7 configuration.

Anyone who claims "professionals" prefer Macs is a fanboy. Macs are not suitable for the professional video or photo editing market because of the color management limitations.

Read the full thread here:

Yep, overall I'd say your plan is foolish. My advice is: don't do it.

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On security, condos or apartments are often better than a rented house. Develop a good relationship with the security guards by being pleasant and polite to them and treating them with respect. Take a tip from the Thais, and buy a large padlock for when you go away in particular. Even better one of those cylindrical devices that fits over the door handle and lock which you then put a large padlock thru. That way only you have a key. Won't guarantee you don't get broken into, but cuts down the chances, particularly on opportunists, and limits the lessor and their associate's access :)

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I've met a many good expats who were happily married or ones that found well trusted, good-heart girlfriends.

You can't tell what's going on behind the scenes. Most of these "girlfriends" are being well paid by Thai standards, though sometimes the "good expat" won't admit it or recognize payment as payment. And Thai women can bide their time for years until they get the house in their own names. I remember a case of 8 years specifically. Yes, there are some exceptions, some do win the lottery, but at what risk?

A naive person such as yourself should stay away from relationships w/ Thai women. They'll just hang you out to dry.

And BTW a quote for the day for ya:

We use a Windows 7 machine when accurate color matters.

For our video editing machines, it's 64-bit windows 7 with
  • a video card that's capable of 10 bits-per-channel (e.g., a Quadro FX)
  • a monitor that can display 100% or more of NTSC (an HP DreamColor, for example)

No Apple monitor can display accurate color, or 100% of NTSC/Adobe RGB/sRGB. And Mac OSX doesn't directly support 10-bits-per-channel color, even if you plugged a 10-bit-per-channel capable card in your machine.

. . .

So, if color accuracy matters to you, you'd be better off with a custom Windows 7 configuration.

Anyone who claims "professionals" prefer Macs is a fanboy. Macs are not suitable for the professional video or photo editing market because of the color management limitations.

Read the full thread here:

Yep, overall I'd say your plan is foolish. My advice is: don't do it.

Naive with Thailand, yes...take s time to learn especially when all your values are suddenly meaningless, but foolish that's very subjective based on an outcome that can not be predicted by one that doesn't know all the variables. You don't know me, just generalizations that you can try to piece together within this forum. I know my field and I know what's going on now and down the road of how the Entertainment field is shaping itself and not restructuring by scratching for survival after destroying itself for easy greed - well known - reality TV & Digital downloads.

But on another note, you didn't read what I wrote & by quote are quite bias to PCs, which in the technology world is quite foolish. Each platform, same as OS has their good & bad & all should be equally considered in an open creative environment. Your using RGB, yes, whatever, editors, anything motion including web works with RGB. I'm talking color space the ability to take that false (per print) color and convert it an actual insisting color on live media, like paper - CMYK. I work in print, I established that before. You should read before you type. Anyways, why so hostile...sounds like an ego there yonder.

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there is a certain adventure to it all.

Oh, it soon stops being an adventure and becomes just another place w/ good & bad points--and always hassles. It's much more fun being a tourist in Thailand, believe me. I too remember those happy days before I knew anything. smile.png Now, it IS pretty nice if you're already financially independent and have large reserves so that loss of a million here and there doesn't bother you. BTW, nobody's mentioned the healthcare situation. Having an accident or major problem can be quite costly, plus there's the question of quality. I don't want to open that can of worms now, however.

America is falling down a long ever so dwindling tunnel and our own President rooting it along. My own client had to shut down offices in LA, move to Texas & merge with a sister company.

Ah, well, simple problem here is, you listen to the news too dam_n much. It will make you crazy. Stop listening and paying attention to any politics. Each side claims everything is screwed up, but if you didn't listen, you'd think--or realize--things are good/bad as ever. Remember: you can't do anything about it anyway--there OR here. A few years ago we had a military coup. Now was THAT screwed up or what? Just stick to technical and business news in your own field, plus great art, lit, and music (such as Thailand can't even conceive of). Have you read Harry Browne's How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World? Great classic.

Businesses are always in a constant state of flux. They come and go. Capitalism = creative destruction.

Read this forum often enough and you'll conclude Thailand has gone to the dogs, too, in every possible way.

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getting late... meant converting RGB to CMYK (being the color space I referring) while maintaining the same values provided to you in RGB & the PMS guide. PCs are good editing stations, yes can once again be as well (I fell out of that area awhile ago - I worked IT for a Trailer/Motion Graphic/CGI company in another life), depending what you're using, but that can change, just as easy as Mac stealing the AVID market for FCP once upon a time. Enough, no room for bias in technology, cigarette time.

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It's not listening to the news, the media is completely bias & misleading the people. It's being here and living through the experience...the results. Anyways I'm not going to talk politics, I opened that door by mistake...consider it closed. Side note capitalism doesn't destroy creativity. Creativity is always independent on all levels, that is if you're a real artist at heart rather than one where training made the Artist, of which creativity was destroyed prior to that 1st job. Please don't take this the wrong way if the wording seems to, this is just a statement which I know my musician friends with the ears rather than the need to read would agree.

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Then why are you still there? There has to something keeping you there. Experienced Editors (if that's what you do) can always find work in the US. Most editors are often well versed in motion graphic apps (After Effects & such) as well which are also always of a demand. I know of the medical facilities, I separate the cartilage on my lower sternum in a motorbike accident in Chiang Mai. I had to push for the MRI & then hang over the technicians shoulder (in extreme pain) telling her where to look at, zoom in & pointed, before they found it, other it would of been just an x-ray - ah we don't see anything. They did nothing useful and now I have a small lump of cartilage protruding from my chest. Took me a week to get to the point of enduring the pain before flying back to BK & going to Bumrungrad. I knew of the coup, have enough expat friends to fill me in on what the media is broadcasting worldwide.

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Thanks, I'll sort through the Visa section & post if necessary. I should check out info on the gov website first rather than waste anyone's time. I just got back a couple days ago & suffering from terrible jet-lag, so my mind is a bit slow.

I wouldn't be working for a Thailand company. It would be just the same as if I were on any trip and a person from the US sent me an email - "Can you make a quick logo?" I don't understand how working on my computer for an US client whom is located in the US is considered working in Thailand. Actually I don't know any creative professional who never stops working even on vacation, but I also am just cracking the surface of this country. Yes, I figure I'll be competing with a mess of low wagers. Before bringing the big workstation over, I plan to test out the market with smaller projects targeting US and UK clients; if that doesn't work, I'll have to get more creative...but how much do I need to live there, respectively of a decent living?

Renting first, even in the US, I need to rent for a few years in one area before even consider buying. I'll take a look around ThaiVisa for rental info, didn't even think of Craigslist for housing rentals in Thailand.


Under Thai law that isn't true.

You can not do any work here legally without a work permit or temporary working visa or whatever they are called.

You will face deportation or prison if caught, but more likely a very large tea money contribution.

Plenty of people do it though. Don't be surprised if after you have done the work you don't get paid if you work for Thai companies. It won't take much for them to workout you are working illegally and they know there is nothing you can do about it short of grassing yourself upto the police who will side with the Thai. It may explain why the police weren't interested in helping you recover your work station.

Edited by arthurwait
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Oz, you don't sound like the usual person wanting to ditch everything to live in Thailand.

Fact is, most of the very people who are telling you it's a bad idea probably did exactly what you want to do.

You have some money, skills, and a plan. Take the leap, but leave room to go back. What's the worst that could happen?

Chiang Mai is a great place. And you have skills that don't rely on where you live in todays world. It won't be easy, but if you are flexible, focused and determined, you can make it work.

I wish you luck.

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Your experience in Krabi was trying to tell you something.

Moving to Thailand for the scenery isn't reason enough, given your situation. It soon becomes wallpaper anyway. Nowhere in the USA has great scenery? Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Florida, Appalachia? There's a lot more to California than LA. I can't imagine being unhappy w/ the scenery in Big Sur or Carmel. Santa Barbara's quite nice. You can visit Thailand anytime.

I agree w/ previous posters. Giving up the stability and advantages you have now during your productive years isn't wise at all.

I'm active and feel perfect zen looking out at the horizon.

I'm afraid your perfect Zen is going to receive a kicking pretty soon, it's now January and it's been a perfect past six months in CM, couldn't wish for a better climate. All things being equal however, by the start of February, the temperatures will soar and the smoke/pollution will start to fill the air, I realize that last year was the exception but I'm not confident that represents any form of trend. So, when you're sat in your high floor condo/room come March, your eyes itching and your throat spluttering and you realize that you can't even see Doi Suthep or any part of the mountain that it sits on I wonder if you will think that it was a good move!

Note for anyone else other than the OP: I'm trying to demonstrate a point and have no interest in getting into a CM pollution bunfest, those of you have lived here for more than five minutes will appreciate the analogy.

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Yes in the long think, I am leaving an out. At first I couldn't figure out why a general question of making a transition work, this time around ( the Topic title was the wrong choice of wording ) turned into... run, run, get out while you still can! Kidding, but in all my visits - all in Krabi, most retired & some just floating not yet decided what to do in life - seem to be living their dreams in their own chosen paradise.

So many of you chose to live there. Why? And if you're from the UK, I understand the tax issue which considering how high it is, it's good reason enough.

By the way #38, I wasn't working in Thailand when my laptop was stolen in Krabi, I just got there parked my stuff & went to Chiang Mai. I had intention in mind to use my laptop for personal projects later on. A month later however, I did get a request from my client in the US (Texas not Thailand) to create something but obviously had to decline. The Krabi police didn't do anything because the Suspects were of one of the oldest - thus more respected families in Krabi town (they just let the criminals use their 2nd floor room, climb out the window, walk across their metal roof probably while the bar was open & climb onto my 2nd floor balcony (security guard was sleeping as usual), pick the back door lock & in their own time take everything. I also suspected housekeeping because they knew exactly where to look. The manager (another old family) vouched for her employees which immediately excluded them from the investigation. They wouldn't even run the prints or reveal the findings, even though they requested I remain out of the room for the night so they could seed their Prints' guy in the morning. I even offered them a reward just to get my data back - keep the computer, give me the hard drive - their casual reply was the reward would have to be greater than the total value of everything reported lost (around $7000 US). This reply was in a not so direct fashion, but the jist of it from my Thai translator (my friend's wife). The Thailand travel Insurance I got in Bangkok prior to going to Krabi turned out to be useless. Oh, we cover everything....no we don't cover electronics or anything else without a receipt proving purchase.

So, I HAVE NOT WORKED IN THAILAND BEFORE NOR AM I CONSIDERING WORKING IN THAILAND IN THE FUTURE. What I do on my laptop & share only with my American colleagues who are in America is my business (I should never of posed the question - see I'm learning); Even if I decided to stay I would do nothing to affect the economy of Thailand, I won't even open bank account.

I'm still coming out there but will return to the US after accomplishing certain creative goals (stock photography stuff) without working at all. No need to talk visas anymore, I'll get the 3-entry Tourist visa but probably only stay around 6-7 months. Gotta visit China while on that side of the world, Malaysia too, and if it's cheap enough, I'll stay a month.

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A part of me wishes kama exsited and gave evidence when it was given(for good or bad deeds), but until now Ill have to remain a judas. The old chinese proverb of " If you sit by the river long enough your enemies will float by" lends a little merit when you see bad people do bad things intentionally and get away with it.

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Oz, ignore most of the advice you get on TV.

If you do things correctly in Thailand, life is easy. Try to cut too many corners and things can go bad quickly.

Getting correct Non-B visa is straight forward. Setting up a small company and paying yourself minimum wage and minimum tax is not difficult. WP's are not difficult. Bank accounts take 30 minutes to set up. Credit cards will take a little longer and need a financial record, but not impossible. Earning money offshore will not be visible locally. Renting a decent place in CM will be cheap.

...or you could just rent a condo and just happen to spend a lot of your time on the Internet doing "stuff".

It is not hard to set yourself up in Thailand cheaply and correctly. It just takes a bit of planning, research and time.

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Getting correct Non-B visa is straight forward. Setting up a small company and paying yourself minimum wage and minimum tax is not difficult. WP's are not difficult.

You have to pay yourself something like 50,000 baht a month and pay tax on it to get a one year business visa in Thailand.

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i would reckon one of your prinmary errors was to seek advice from the the incredibly negative crew of retired curmugeons here on TV.

Plenty of us have upped sticks and started lives in Thailand, others are simply here to die.

you be the judge of who offers more useful advice.

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i would reckon one of your prinmary errors was to seek advice from the the incredibly negative crew of retired curmugeons here on TV.

Plenty of us have upped sticks and started lives in Thailand, others are simply here to die.

you be the judge of who offers more useful advice.

Wipe your mouth young Nocturn, you've still got some bits of BS on your lips.

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Getting correct Non-B visa is straight forward. Setting up a small company and paying yourself minimum wage and minimum tax is not difficult. WP's are not difficult.

You have to pay yourself something like 50,000 baht a month and pay tax on it to get a one year business visa in Thailand.

..and your point would be?

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Let me just see if I understand the OP correctly. In his original attempt to move to Thailand, he had approximately $7000 USD of equipment stolen from him and this was the reason he left? Or did he leave instead because he was frustrated the police would not help him recover his merchandise?

Let me just say that the first error of your ways was not being able to handle a $7000 hit to your pocketbook without needing to return to the states. I have been here over a decade and recently I just lost almost $20,000 USD due to the flood. You bet I'm pissed, but like you, I won't be receiving any compensation, and homeowner's insurance over here doesn't cover flood damage. So there are lots of ways you can lose a bunch of money quickly, theft only being one of them. The first error you have is not having enough money to insure yourself against any number of things that could go wrong, whether it be theft, vandalism, fire or flood. Anticipate losing everything you have here, and have a plan for how you will recover without being forced to return the West.

Now, if you previously left because you became frustrated with the police not helping you, well, that problem is just as bad as it ever was and there is no solution for it. This isn't Kansas Dorothy, and while I have met some very fine policemen who genuinely would like to help people, I have also met some real scoundrels who are nothing more than thugs in uniform. Both types coexist within the force, and if you think you can expect the police here to do the same job they would in other countries, then you don't understand the nature of the Thai police force. I have been here 12 years and still don't really understand them, and I would be highly critical of anyone who thinks they can generalize about them enough to describe them to you in a few sentences. It is an art form dealing with them, not a science. But the general rule is people here are not equal, and the criminals you come in contact with are sometimes higher up the social ladder than you. When that happens you need to accept your inferiority and get over it, because you won't change the system.

If you are going to come to Thailand, you need to come expecting things to go wrong, whether it be from your girlfriend, health, the police, disasters, or any number of other unanticipated problems. If you don't have the resources to recover from that scenario, you don't belong in Thailand yet. And if you are going to get angry and huff back home the first time life spits on you over here and things don't go your way, then you won't be long for the country no matter how many times you try and make the move.

Why do you want to come here again? Really think about that and write it down, because you might forget and want to refer back to your notes sometime in the future when you are penniless and in despair. I'm not sure I would still make the move again if I knew then what I know now, but my family and my job in Thailand make it difficult for me to leave at the moment. Also there were solid reasons I left the states and those certainly haven't improved, so I can't think of anywhere better to go even if I could leave.

Making a move to Thailand work for you is all about having the right attitude. From a cursory read of your post, it sounds to me like your problem before is you were underfunded and apparently had the wrong one. You may not like this advice, but your problem before was not Thailand, it was you. And if you come back, the main problem will still be you. Your experience in Krabi could easily repeat itself. What would you do differently today that you didn't do the last time? What did you learn from the experience, and have you grown enough as an individual to weather the same thing in different packaging this time around?

These are the questions you need to be asking yourself. Only when you can give yourself a satisfactory answer should you contemplate a return.

Edited by gregb
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food, ok

transportation, well many pit falls unless basic public transport

Relationships, nightmare, maybe try date sites before you come, you will get many applications for partnership, your either going to end up keeping somebody elses kids or end up with an unwanted one of your own. kids = health care, pension and food in old age so a must have asset.

what ever advise you get on relationships its one of those things you just have to sort on your own and go through the pain like everybody does. IMHO its not a case of how s**t they are but the depth of the S**T that varies.

my assets are a 7000 baht tv and laptop, and most important of all my dog.

just my 15 years worthviolin.gif

p.s dont have a plan cause it wont work out.

Edited by marstons
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