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Best Visa Option For Long-Term Thailand Stay (U.S.A. Age 40)

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I apologize in advance for asking what must be a super common question, but the amount of information on the web and in the forums is a bit dizzying to say the least.

Any and all information is truly appreciated and I thank you in advance.

I am currently in Bangkok and plan on staying long-term, as in years.

I am a freelance photographer and I travel abroad often, but would like the option of not doing a flight border run every 30 days.

I am not ready to start a Thai Corporation, as my biz does not require hiring 4 Thais.

Never been married, and don't plan to anytime soon.

Are there any visa options available for periods longer than 30 days, that can be obtained by me flying out of Thailand to KL for example?

Can these be obtained multiple times and how long do they take to process?

I am interested in learning massage, speaking thai, or cooking.

So recommendations for Bangkok based schools, and ED Visa specifications would be appreciated.

But, since I travel a bit, not sure I can meet the scheduling requirements.

In the end it may be the only viable option for long term, so I may have to adjust, or if I can make-up classes, that could work also.

Best option would be 60-90 day visas that can be renewed. Does this bird exist?

I am willing to do almost anything to stay, within reason.

End of the day I may just have to fly in and out on cheap flights.

Thank you again!

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Best and only option would be an Ed-visa. This requires you to study for at least 4 hours a week at a recognized institution. Most study Thai language, but it is not limited to that.

You would need paperwork from the school and can get an ED-visa in a neighbouring country, allowing you to stay for 90 days. This can be extended every 90 days as long as you continue to study.

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Perfect! I had thought the Thai language course had more stringent requirements time-wise.

I already speak enough Thai to get around, and one of my goals is to become much more proficient in the language.

Can you recommend a legitimate school that is viewed as such by the Thai government?

I recently read of a crack-down on schools that were really only Visa mills.

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There are many schools, and they have different teching methods. You should choose a school in your area, which has a teaching method that fits you. A lot of schools will over you to join a lesson for free to get a taste of the school.

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If you really want to learn Thai, audit a class and talk to the students at the school before you pay them any money. If they want money before you sit in on a class, turn around and walk out.

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There is another option open to you, but it depends on what kind of freelance photography you do. If by chance you are a photojournalist, and are published at least 3 times in the last year, with one of those you publish with willing to vouch for you with written documentation, then you might qualify for a type "M" media visa good for one year, that comes with a work permit.

The media visa is actually a very good visa to have if you qualify for it. If you don't, or can't in the immediate future, then an "ED" visa is your other option. With the blatant abuse of the "ED" visas you will have no problem getting one for the first year (they are only issued now for a total of 3 years), with your school charging around bt30,000 at the most for the 160 hours of class time required for the year. The second year might require a simple language test if they carry out with what was changed in the requirements to renew it.

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