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Tony Blair To Deliver Address At BOI's Confidence-Boosting CEO Forum: Bangkok


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Middle East peace envoy. That had to be someone with an odd sense of humour giving him that post.

Middle East peace envoy. That had to be someone with an odd sense of humour giving him that post.

yes bush and the neo-cons,your with em or against them,and we all know what happens if your not
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Tony Blair "International statesman"cheesy.gif

Love Blair or Hate him,his Party,looked after the working classes,something you will never ever see the Tories do.

Whilst Cameron and Clegg have been pruning any benefit in sight,they have today announced a new Motorway from London to Birmingham,4 miles of the Motorway will have a tunnel,and they have already bought the boring/drills,at a cost of £80 million.

Some bankrupt Country eh?

oh almost forgot,this years Foreign Aid allocation is: £30 Billion

Ah, yes, the European socialist - solidarity to your own wallet and not towards your fellow (browner) man.

Your entitled to think that if you wish. But what sort of politician announces 18 months before he goes that he will hand power to Brown.

He left the country in limbo as no one wanted to do business with someone who wasn't going to be around much longer. They both were inept at their jobs and what has happened since has proven that.

Who sold the countries gold reserves at the worse possible time?

Who Backed Bush over weapons of mass destruction, and took the country to war on a fabricated lie? He has the blood of working class soldiers on his hands, That's how well he has looked after the working classes!

He was is and always will be a plonker who has no real idea of real politics. He became UN envoy to the Middle east peace process. Even the Palestinians hate him and wish he would go away.

Edited by garrfeild
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The new English international statesman Cameron has to sit on the back rows for the photo opportunity in Europe and he is so well liked that people just walk past him and totally ignore and blank him out, His side kick George just take look at him looks as if he is a retard sitting nodding in the house of commons, at least Gordon led from the front in Europe and also at the front at the G20. Gordon was a statesman who lead from the front and a gentleman.

The difference is Brown kissed a*se and played the game. Cameron has told them to go <deleted> themselves

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Tony Blair's money-making has soared to unprecedented levels as official figures reveal his companies posted a bonanza 42 per cent rise in income last year.

The former Prime Minister's secretive business empire declared a £12million turnover, up from £8.5million the year before.

Yet this is potentially only the tip of the iceberg, since Mr Blair exploits a perfectly legal loophole to keep his finances secret.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2083827/The-12m-tax-mystery-Tony-Blairs-earnings-soar-42--pays-315-000-HMRC.html#ixzz1iss0eS00

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"Love Blair or Hate him,his Party,looked after the working classes,something you will never ever see the Tories do." Yes, but at what cost ?

"Thatcher destroyed the industrial base" But why? Did she do this just for fun or just for the sake of policy ?

"All done under the false flag of breaking the Unions´power." I don't believe this.

As I see it, even today. people just don't realise that a Government is not there to hand out money to every citizen. Morally and in practice, it should look after those who really have no hope of looking after themselves. This doesn't mean every person who cant be bothered to work or who finds earning a few pounds demeaning or who wants governments to support their particular lifestyle or beliefs.

Thatcher, like conservative politicians around the world, could see and understand that ever increasing labour costs harm business and lead to an increase the general cost of living. Unions, have as their raison d'etre the policy of looking after their members (and rightly so), and this often means pushing for large, sometimes unwarranted wage increases. IMHO it was this aspect of Unions that Thatcher was against. She could see and understand that if workers kept earning more and more then businesses wouldn't be able to compete in the world market and would eventually shut down, leaving the workers unemployed, which sadly has happened. Its simple economics. The same is occurring now in Australia where a socialist PM is turning back the clock and we watch as unemployment grows and businesses close. Even China now has a problem in that much of their workforce are now more expensive than countries to their south.

Blair and Brown just embraced socialist policies: give the people more and more. If we haven't got it, borrow: tomorrow will look after itself. Well, tomorrow has come and its not looking a pretty picture.

Blair has no credibility when it comes to advising businesses. He is on the government payroll and never has to worry, unlike his constituents. He is so morally corrupt, that even though he has millions, he still takes every perk and benefit of the office and position he held, even though his actions have cost the country and the British taxpayer billions.

Look at his photo above. Look at his eyes. He's running scared that someday everyone will realise the fraud that he in reality is.

Your timeframe is all wrong. All the big industries went tits-up after the unions had their teeth removed. Have a close look at which individuals actually got rich from the carnage and where their loyalties were. Research and learn. It's all about personal short-term greed, rather than the common good. Didn't you notice?

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"Love Blair or Hate him,his Party,looked after the working classes,something you will never ever see the Tories do." Yes, but at what cost ?

"Thatcher destroyed the industrial base" But why? Did she do this just for fun or just for the sake of policy ?

"All done under the false flag of breaking the Unions´power." I don't believe this.

As I see it, even today. people just don't realise that a Government is not there to hand out money to every citizen. Morally and in practice, it should look after those who really have no hope of looking after themselves. This doesn't mean every person who cant be bothered to work or who finds earning a few pounds demeaning or who wants governments to support their particular lifestyle or beliefs.

Thatcher, like conservative politicians around the world, could see and understand that ever increasing labour costs harm business and lead to an increase the general cost of living. Unions, have as their raison d'etre the policy of looking after their members (and rightly so), and this often means pushing for large, sometimes unwarranted wage increases. IMHO it was this aspect of Unions that Thatcher was against. She could see and understand that if workers kept earning more and more then businesses wouldn't be able to compete in the world market and would eventually shut down, leaving the workers unemployed, which sadly has happened. Its simple economics. The same is occurring now in Australia where a socialist PM is turning back the clock and we watch as unemployment grows and businesses close. Even China now has a problem in that much of their workforce are now more expensive than countries to their south.

Blair and Brown just embraced socialist policies: give the people more and more. If we haven't got it, borrow: tomorrow will look after itself. Well, tomorrow has come and its not looking a pretty picture.

Blair has no credibility when it comes to advising businesses. He is on the government payroll and never has to worry, unlike his constituents. He is so morally corrupt, that even though he has millions, he still takes every perk and benefit of the office and position he held, even though his actions have cost the country and the British taxpayer billions.

Look at his photo above. Look at his eyes. He's running scared that someday everyone will realise the fraud that he in reality is.

Your timeframe is all wrong. All the big industries went tits-up after the unions had their teeth removed. Have a close look at which individuals actually got rich from the carnage and where their loyalties were. Research and learn. It's all about personal short-term greed, rather than the common good. Didn't you notice?

Btw, Blair's eyes have always looked like that. The Tories tried to make it an election issue many years ago. I put it down to the fact that he's a soulless lawyer. David Icke (and possibly our very own Scoots) thinks he's a shape-shifting alien lizard. I'll stick with my lawyer theory for now.

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The new English international statesman Cameron has to sit on the back rows for the photo opportunity in Europe and he is so well liked that people just walk past him and totally ignore and blank him out, His side kick George just take look at him looks as if he is a retard sitting nodding in the house of commons, at least Gordon led from the front in Europe and also at the front at the G20. Gordon was a statesman who lead from the front and a gentleman.

The difference is Brown kissed a*se and played the game. Cameron has told them to go <deleted> themselves

He made some noises a few weeks ago,now watch him back peddle!he won't carry through the veto, neither will he give the British People the Referendum on Europe he promised,just like Blair he will renade on the Election promise

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And the true face of the "farang' shows up on ThaiVisa. Sanctimonious Tories who don't live in the UK. Blair was the best thing to happen to the UK after the likes of Thatcher destoyed manufacturing etc.

insulting the guy and being unable to make a intelligent, cogent statement, only name calling, shows you up for what you are. tsk tsk.

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The new English international statesman Cameron has to sit on the back rows for the photo opportunity in Europe and he is so well liked that people just walk past him and totally ignore and blank him out, His side kick George just take look at him looks as if he is a retard sitting nodding in the house of commons, at least Gordon led from the front in Europe and also at the front at the G20. Gordon was a statesman who lead from the front and a gentleman.

The difference is Brown kissed a*se and played the game. Cameron has told them to go <deleted> themselves

He made some noises a few weeks ago,now watch him back peddle!he won't carry through the veto, neither will he give the British People the Referendum on Europe he promised,just like Blair he will renade on the Election promise

He told them no the the treaty change, if he back peddles he will have many problems at home. The coalition would collapse. Though you could be right, but 26 other Euro countries are still to vote on the treaty change. Some already having a change of mind!

Besides Europe have not got any closer to solving their problems. They are still in the same position, with no real agreement of dealing with the problems of the Euro. Looking out for their own interests as independent nations.

At the end of the day, all politicians are useless. Party politics has no place in modern government is not relevant to the needs of the people.

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Begs the question: what is Blair doing over in SE Asia?

Maybe nowhere else wants him?

There are some pretty crappy characters in world politics, and I wouldn't want any of them as a neighbour, but Tony Blair and his grotesque wife are in a class of their own as far as lying, cheating, self-serving toss-pots go. They really are the pits of the world.


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Tony Blair "International statesman"cheesy.gif

Love Blair or Hate him,his Party,looked after the working classes,something you will never ever see the Tories do.

Whilst Cameron and Clegg have been pruning any benefit in sight,they have today announced a new Motorway from London to Birmingham,4 miles of the Motorway will have a tunnel,and they have already bought the boring/drills,at a cost of £80 million.

Some bankrupt Country eh?

oh almost forgot,this years Foreign Aid allocation is: £30 Billion

Ah, yes, the European socialist - solidarity to your own wallet and not towards your fellow (browner) man.

Your entitled to think that if you wish. But what sort of politician announces 18 months before he goes that he will hand power to Brown.

He left the country in limbo as no one wanted to do business with someone who wasn't going to be around much longer. They both were inept at their jobs and what has happened since has proven that.

Who sold the countries gold reserves at the worse possible time?

Who Backed Bush over weapons of mass destruction, and took the country to war on a fabricated lie? He has the blood of working class soldiers on his hands, That's how well he has looked after the working classes!

He was is and always will be a plonker who has no real idea of real politics. He became UN envoy to the Middle east peace process. Even the Palestinians hate him and wish he would go away.

Gordon Browns sell off of our Gold Reserves was a major error on his part,but compared with Maggie Thatcher and her thieving Tory Government/and subsequent Tory Governments, what they sold off wholesale during 18 years in power,Browns error was totally insignificant in financial comparison. The percentage of what was sold off of the UK Public Assets during the Tory eighteen years of Feeding Frenzy /Tory Asset Stripping was horrendous,the bulk of the UK is now owned by Foreign interests,who profit in the UK,and send the Proceeds back home to Europe or America.In case you are unaware,the UK does not even own it's Utility Companies any more.

Expect more of the same from David Cameron,after all he was a advisor to Margaret Thatcher.

Edited by MAJIC
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Expect more of the same from David Cameron,after all he was a advisor to Margaret Thatcher.

Good Oh, after all Maggie squared away the financial dung heap Labour left her, and quelle surprise, Cameron has now to do the same with the disaster that Bliar and his incontinent one eyed sidekick left him.

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Expect more of the same from David Cameron,after all he was a advisor to Margaret Thatcher.

Good Oh, after all Maggie squared away the financial dung heap Labour left her, and quelle surprise, Cameron has now to do the same with the disaster that Bliar and his incontinent one eyed sidekick left him.

Yes Maggie did lots of things - she destroyed all heavy industry, sold off state assets, created record mass unemployment all to serve her idea that the UK should become a "service economy". Oh Yes she did screw Arthur Scargill - the biggest idiot ever produced by the Trades Union movement.

But where has her service economy taken the UK?

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Expect more of the same from David Cameron,after all he was a advisor to Margaret Thatcher.

Good Oh, after all Maggie squared away the financial dung heap Labour left her, and quelle surprise, Cameron has now to do the same with the disaster that Bliar and his incontinent one eyed sidekick left him.

Gordon Brown lost the sight in one eye playing rugby; that's a tough sport. Why do think it appropriate to mention it as an implied shortcoming, given that he has probably achieved a great deal more than you.

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Expect more of the same from David Cameron,after all he was a advisor to Margaret Thatcher.

Good Oh, after all Maggie squared away the financial dung heap Labour left her, and quelle surprise, Cameron has now to do the same with the disaster that Bliar and his incontinent one eyed sidekick left him.

Yes Maggie did lots of things - she destroyed all heavy industry, sold off state assets, created record mass unemployment all to serve her idea that the UK should become a "service economy". Oh Yes she did screw Arthur Scargill - the biggest idiot ever produced by the Trades Union movement.

But where has her service economy taken the UK?

The start of the Road to Ruin,along with her other misguided policies.

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I wonder what speakers fee he charges nowdays? 50,000 pounds per event maybe plus expenses?

And tax free as well with the way he set up his crooked companies to avoid tax!! Which remember the British tax paper helped set up for him, to the tune of at least GBP 800k. The likes of John Goti could have learned a few things from the Blairs!!
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Tony Blair's money-making has soared to unprecedented levels as official figures reveal his companies posted a bonanza 42 per cent rise in income last year.

The former Prime Minister's secretive business empire declared a £12million turnover, up from £8.5million the year before.

Yet this is potentially only the tip of the iceberg, since Mr Blair exploits a perfectly legal loophole to keep his finances secret.

Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz1iss0eS00

So our former champagne socialist hero is a paid advisor to JP Morgan (advises them on what exactly?) and has deals with the feudal family than runs Kuwait and a country whose corruption levels would make a Thai official blush. As for his tax dodging you have to take into account that wife Cherie's daily makeovers can't come cheap.

Edited by bigbamboo
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Expect more of the same from David Cameron,after all he was a advisor to Margaret Thatcher.

Good Oh, after all Maggie squared away the financial dung heap Labour left her, and quelle surprise, Cameron has now to do the same with the disaster that Bliar and his incontinent one eyed sidekick left him.

Gordon Brown lost the sight in one eye playing rugby; that's a tough sport. Why do think it appropriate to mention it as an implied shortcoming, given that he has probably achieved a great deal more than you.

Probably thinking old the old adage, in the land of the blind the one eyed man is king.

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As far as T Blair.co.uk is concerned he had certainly learnt how to feather his nest and tour the world at someone elses expense, no need to worry about carbon tax and passenger duty they help pay for mewai.gif . What does he advise JP Morgan on, well Palestine of course. I think he joined them because he thought there would be some free bottles of Rum coming his way!

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Couldn't recommend highly enough.....................G Brownclap2.gif

Someone should tattoo the word "prudent" on his forehead, so that he is reminded every morning in-the-mirror, of how he took the credit for a boom but failed to foresee its eventually coming-to-an-end !

And Tony will be remembered as having taken the country into a war, on the basis of lies & spin, yet can still 'work' as a peacemaker in that region, truly 'Amazing UK' !

Then the Thatcher-era, when "if it's not hurting, then it's not working", was used to justify the unfeeling/uncaring approach to rationalising Victorian/Empire-era industries. OK it had to happen, but there are ways of helping/supporting/retraining people, for the new era !

One can only hope that Thailand will prove better at evolving its economy away from the medieval-approach to rice-growing, but where are the political-leaders who can do any better, than these faded remnants from the UK ? Time for coffee !coffee1.gif

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Couldn't recommend highly enough.....................G Brownclap2.gif

Someone should tattoo the word "prudent" on his forehead, so that he is reminded every morning in-the-mirror, of how he took the credit for a boom but failed to foresee its eventually coming-to-an-end !

And Tony will be remembered as having taken the country into a war, on the basis of lies & spin, yet can still 'work' as a peacemaker in that region, truly 'Amazing UK' !

Then the Thatcher-era, when "if it's not hurting, then it's not working", was used to justify the unfeeling/uncaring approach to rationalising Victorian/Empire-era industries. OK it had to happen, but there are ways of helping/supporting/retraining people, for the new era !

One can only hope that Thailand will prove better at evolving its economy away from the medieval-approach to rice-growing, but where are the political-leaders who can do any better, than these faded remnants from the UK ? Time for coffee !coffee1.gif

Dubai Calling................."You rang Sir?" Or you can go down to Big C and see if some one mastered the art of controlling a trolley and blocking all aisles, if you see this person they could be promising!
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