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Tony Blair To Deliver Address At BOI's Confidence-Boosting CEO Forum: Bangkok


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Such polite posts so far!

"But all eyes will be on Blair, now an international statesman"

From war criminal to international statesman in two short steps. What a mad mixed up world the mainstream media and their political cohorts are. Between them they serve up so much badness for our world

The sooner they're both history the better. All power to the internet and the citizens.

Blair truly is a nasty criminal. I have a quote of his where he says "my christian conscience" is clear, in relation to the invasion of iraq on false pretences. I always remember his need for an adjective to describe a clear conscience, and the zero reactions by the mainstream media to this absurd claim of his.

How terribly sad he is coming to taint thailand with his ideas.

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You're welcome to him. He's spent all our money - now he's gone to Thailand to spend all yours laugh.png

If he brings his old financial advisor Brown with him don't let him 'advise' you on gold. We'll be paying for his 'expertise' on that for ever.

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Why anyone gives this slimeball the time of day is beyond me.

Well somebody must,he's made £30 Million pounds,mainly from his speeches,since leaving office.

Personally I wouldn't attend one of his speeches for free,and a 9 course dinner thrown in.

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I pitty the poor Thai people if they listen to this slimeball. Between this creature and Brown, they destroyed my country. Thailand has enough problems of its own right now without his idiot interfering.

It was already destroyed by 18 years of Tory Rule,Corruption,and Sell offs, incoming Labour merely picked the Carcass.

Edited by MAJIC
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I have never really hated anyone in my life ,but for Blair and his odious wife i am prepared to make an exeption ,he will go down in history as one of the most self serving ------s in the history of Britain ,which along with Gormlas Gordon he ruined.

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I wonder what speakers fee he charges nowdays? 50,000 pounds per event maybe plus expenses?

You think he gets 50.000 for telling everyone his address ?

Anyway why has he travel so far to deliver his address,he could just send it by post,not?

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I wonder what speakers fee he charges nowdays? 50,000 pounds per event maybe plus expenses?

You think he gets 50.000 for telling everyone his address ?

Obviously doesn't support the idea of free speech!!!!

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Good on you Tony nice to see you visiting us, he was a brilliant leader in UK it was a sad day when he left Downing St and now look at the coalition government we have 20 millionaires in the cabinet alone just a shower of pompous clueless stuck up toffs who will come to a sticky end soon we hope.

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Good on you Tony nice to see you visiting us, he was a brilliant leader in UK it was a sad day when he left Downing St and now look at the coalition government we have 20 millionaires in the cabinet alone just a shower of pompous clueless stuck up toffs who will come to a sticky end soon we hope.

I thought the days of these people was gone, but I see there are still some around.

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The new English international statesman Cameron has to sit on the back rows for the photo opportunity in Europe and he is so well liked that people just walk past him and totally ignore and blank him out, His side kick George just take look at him looks as if he is a retard sitting nodding in the house of commons, at least Gordon led from the front in Europe and also at the front at the G20. Gordon was a statesman who lead from the front and a gentleman.

Edited by metisdead
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Tony Blair "International statesman"cheesy.gif

Love Blair or Hate him,his Party,looked after the working classes,something you will never ever see the Tories do.

Whilst Cameron and Clegg have been pruning any benefit in sight,they have today announced a new Motorway from London to Birmingham,4 miles of the Motorway will have a tunnel,and they have already bought the boring/drills,at a cost of £80 million.

Some bankrupt Country eh?

oh almost forgot,this years Foreign Aid allocation is: £30 Billion

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Tony Blair "International statesman"cheesy.gif

Love Blair or Hate him,his Party,looked after the working classes,something you will never ever see the Tories do.

Whilst Cameron and Clegg have been pruning any benefit in sight,they have today announced a new Motorway from London to Birmingham,4 miles of the Motorway will have a tunnel,and they have already bought the boring/drills,at a cost of £80 million.

Some bankrupt Country eh?

oh almost forgot,this years Foreign Aid allocation is: £30 Billion

Ah, yes, the European socialist - solidarity to your own wallet and not towards your fellow (browner) man.

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Tony Blair "International statesman"cheesy.gif

Love Blair or Hate him,his Party,looked after the working classes,something you will never ever see the Tories do.

Whilst Cameron and Clegg have been pruning any benefit in sight,they have today announced a new Motorway from London to Birmingham,4 miles of the Motorway will have a tunnel,and they have already bought the boring/drills,at a cost of £80 million.

Some bankrupt Country eh?

oh almost forgot,this years Foreign Aid allocation is: £30 Billion

Ah, yes, the European socialist - solidarity to your own wallet and not towards your fellow (browner) man.

Whilst I fully support Foreign Aid,in troubled times "Charity begins at Home"

Edited by MAJIC
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I pitty the poor Thai people if they listen to this slimeball. Between this creature and Brown, they destroyed my country. Thailand has enough problems of its own right now without his idiot interfering.

It was already destroyed by 18 years of Tory Rule,Corruption,and Sell offs, incoming Labour merely picked the Carcass.

Could not agree with you more. Thatcher destroyed the industrial base. Her cronies made millions from the sell-offs and break-ups. All done under the false flag of breaking the Unions´power. Blair and his cronies merely got the carrion under their ´New Labour´ boll0x. I went from being a donater to a withheld vote within months of him getting hold of the Labour party. History will also label him a war criminal of an even higher order than Thatcher, and his god won´t be able to do **** all about it.
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"Love Blair or Hate him,his Party,looked after the working classes,something you will never ever see the Tories do." Yes, but at what cost ?

"Thatcher destroyed the industrial base" But why? Did she do this just for fun or just for the sake of policy ?

"All done under the false flag of breaking the Unions´power." I don't believe this.

As I see it, even today. people just don't realise that a Government is not there to hand out money to every citizen. Morally and in practice, it should look after those who really have no hope of looking after themselves. This doesn't mean every person who cant be bothered to work or who finds earning a few pounds demeaning or who wants governments to support their particular lifestyle or beliefs.

Thatcher, like conservative politicians around the world, could see and understand that ever increasing labour costs harm business and lead to an increase the general cost of living. Unions, have as their raison d'etre the policy of looking after their members (and rightly so), and this often means pushing for large, sometimes unwarranted wage increases. IMHO it was this aspect of Unions that Thatcher was against. She could see and understand that if workers kept earning more and more then businesses wouldn't be able to compete in the world market and would eventually shut down, leaving the workers unemployed, which sadly has happened. Its simple economics. The same is occurring now in Australia where a socialist PM is turning back the clock and we watch as unemployment grows and businesses close. Even China now has a problem in that much of their workforce are now more expensive than countries to their south.

Blair and Brown just embraced socialist policies: give the people more and more. If we haven't got it, borrow: tomorrow will look after itself. Well, tomorrow has come and its not looking a pretty picture.

Blair has no credibility when it comes to advising businesses. He is on the government payroll and never has to worry, unlike his constituents. He is so morally corrupt, that even though he has millions, he still takes every perk and benefit of the office and position he held, even though his actions have cost the country and the British taxpayer billions.

Look at his photo above. Look at his eyes. He's running scared that someday everyone will realise the fraud that he in reality is.

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I wonder if someone will ask the Socialist why he dodges paying tax on the 8m quid he earned last year?

Should make for some interesting conversation with the Shinawatra clan. NB "How" not "why"

They all know how. "how much" they can get away with more likely.

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