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Forget Gay Marriage; We've More Important Things To Do: Thai Opinion


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I am glad to hear that you are sorry that you come from a homophobic population.

I came from the population where it is a big (if not the biggest) sin. And I am sorry to tell ya something you'd not like - not I am sorry I came from that population. Im proud that I came from there, FYI.

You have the power of choice and the human power of critical thought, dude. I come from a culture where people tend to think Big Macs are good eating and the Super Bowl is the zenith of high culture. I resisted and I'm a better man for it.

i love the super bowl, so many big hunky men in tight shorts, they look so camp licklips.gif
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I come from a culture where people tend to think Big Macs are good eating and the Super Bowl is the zenith of high culture. I resisted and I'm a better man for it.

A grain of brain here (compared to other posts&posters). Thanks.

So, while you'd resisting that - you hadnt consume that, and explained your kids all PROs and CONTRAs. Am I right?

The same way I am, just "the food" is a bit different - and that's all. :)

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That was all, but they must have wanted to freeze the moment. You would want to do it for them.

"If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them" Lev. 20:13

"For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper." Rom. 1:26-28

"We also sent Lut : He said to his people : "Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever) committed before you? For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds." Qur'an 7:80-81

"What! Of all creatures do ye come unto the males, and leave the wives your Lord created for you? Nay, but ye are forward folk." Qur'an 26:165

"Kill the one who sodomizes and the one who lets if be done to him." (Tirmidhi, a sahih (authentic) hadith)

"I undertake to observe the precept to abstain from sexual misconduct" (Lord Buddha)

In Thailand, traditional accounts propose that "homosexuality arises as a karmic consequence of violating Buddhist proscriptions against heterosexual misconduct. These karmic accounts describe homosexuality as a congenital condition which cannot be altered, at least in a homosexual person's current lifetime (http://en.wikipedia....uality#Buddhism)

The Dalai Lama ... commented that all forms of sex other than penile-vaginal sex are prohibited for Buddhists, whether between heterosexuals or homosexuals. At a press conference the day before the meeting, he said, "From a Buddhist point of view, [gay sex] is generally considered sexual misconduct." (http://www.religionf...ty/buddhism.htm)

Should I copy-paste more?

What is your point, please?

Copy\paste homework, of course.

If you are quoting from holy books, why don't you quote something Jesus said about homosexuality.

I await your response, sir.

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This thread getting hot. intheclub.gif

Just a small question are you a active member of the taliban?

Are you the passive one? wink.png

Hunny i can take as good as i give, why should i deny my partner her pleasure as well, live and let live crazy.gif

Keep trolling. But hey, Im out for a dinner. :)

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So will you love your gay children just as much as your straight children?coffee1.gifwub.png

I have no gay children, and will never have.

The day one become gay, even sound it - will be the day I will have -1 children. I swear to God.

And yes - it is my task as a parent NOT to let them even think this way. Grow them in proper way, point them to a good directions I meant.

I can't imagine a parent disowning his child. That is immoral.
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If you are quoting from holy books, why don't you quote something Jesus said about homosexuality.

I await your response, sir.

Easy cake:

And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ “and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh?’” (Matt. 19:4.)

PS: Since when Jesus became a God, but not just his Messenger - to quote Him separately?

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So will you love your gay children just as much as your straight children?coffee1.gifwub.png

I have no gay children, and will never have.

The day one become gay, even sound it - will be the day I will have -1 children. I swear to God.

And yes - it is my task as a parent NOT to let them even think this way. Grow them in proper way, point them to a good directions I meant.

I can't imagine a parent disowning his child. That is immoral.

A picture where a men f..ks other men just for lust has a greatest morale ever, hasnt' it? Especially where the one is your son, regardless the position.

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So will you love your gay children just as much as your straight children?coffee1.gifwub.png

I have no gay children, and will never have.

The day one become gay, even sound it - will be the day I will have -1 children. I swear to God.

And yes - it is my task as a parent NOT to let them even think this way. Grow them in proper way, point them to a good directions I meant.

I can't imagine a parent disowning his child. That is immoral.

A picture where a men f..ks other men just for lust has a greatest morale ever, hasnt' it? Especially where the one is your son, regardless the position.

If your gay son didn't fancy anal sex (many gays do not) would you then still love your gay son? Edited by Jingthing
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If you are quoting from holy books, why don't you quote something Jesus said about homosexuality.

I await your response, sir.

Easy cake:

And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ “and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh?’” (Matt. 19:4.)

PS: Since when Jesus became a God, but not just his Messenger - to quote Him separately?

There is nothing anti-gay in that quote. We need heterosexuals to make the homosexuals. God (said ironically) bless the heterosexuals. Love everyone.wub.png Edited by Jingthing
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So will you love your gay children just as much as your straight children?coffee1.gifwub.png

I have no gay children, and will never have.

The day one become gay, even sound it - will be the day I will have -1 children. I swear to God.

And yes - it is my task as a parent NOT to let them even think this way. Grow them in proper way, point them to a good directions I meant.

I can't imagine a parent disowning his child. That is immoral.

A picture where a men f..ks other men just for lust has a greatest morale ever, hasnt' it? Especially where the one is your son, regardless the position.

Ahm...at least "lust" is a somewhat positive feeling...compared to "hate" , like you are promoting it.

And why can a man not "love" another man?

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If your gay son didn't fancy anal sex (many gays do not) would you then still love your gay son?

I am not fixed on sex only. The above picture was described just as a good sample to the previous poster. The gay is the gay (as the way of his being) - he's f..ing right now or not.

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If your gay son didn't fancy anal sex (many gays do not) would you then still love your gay son?

I am not fixed on sex only. The above picture was described just as a good sample to the previous poster. The gay is the gay (as the way of his being) - he's f..ing right now or not.

Stop being so wishy washy. You meant you would disown your gay son even if he was celibate so why not say so?
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And while you are on it: pray tell, why they should promote anything on you?

For example, I DO NOT like when I went shopping on BigC, stand in front of one shell and thinking about new TV\read specs etc - and one of "sweeeeeeeet guuuyyysss" (from the staff) came to my back and stand a little (no any problem so far, despite his looookinnnggg) and then asked me...you know what? No, not something like "How may I help you chosing new TV mista". No. He sweetly asked me "Do you have a boyfriend yet?? I am freee.....". This once happened to me in Pattaya (BigC South Ptty).

I DO NOT like when I come to men toilet somewhere - and there is someone in front of the mirror, refreshing himself by putting pink girly lipstick (once happened in one bank's toilet)

I DO NOT like when someone coming to interview with me with this kind of gay's attitudes, styles of speaking etc., you know what I mean.

etcetcetc, on DAILY basis. Include the picture at the 1st post, yeah.

I simply do NOT want my kids even see this daily sodomity. Even a men wearing woman's cloth is already inappropriate picture to youngsters - you know their wants to copy adults just to look like adult one...But this country, it seems so normal...and they call themself "Buddhists", yeah. sad.png

1) You could just answer "Sorry, I am not interested!" like a civilized person would do!

2) Just ignoring it and going on with your business is not an option, obviously?!

3) No I don't know, what you mean! Because I much rather don't like someone coming to an interview and being plain stupid! Because that is what matters!

4) Let me guess: you are Muslim! And let me also guess (for I don't know for sure): your Holy Book might have one or the other thing to say about "empathy" or "compassion" and "love for your fellow humans"?!

Actually: what do you bother? No one is gay "at you"!

I once had a gay friend who tol;d my GF "If you ever suspect him (me) to be gay- let me know!" I saw that as a compliment, because an inteligent, kind, friendly and funny person had a crush on me! Not that I would have taken the chance, but...thank you!

You really need to grow some balls...oooops....

well said DocN & totally agree !

alexakap .. you need to wake up and smell the coffee sir. !!

The young man in BigC who said that to you considers it a joke in his environment. He just said that as amusement to his everyday life ... and you were offended by it ?? oh my god .. lets call the police .. haha ..

If you consider that offensive and you dislike the comment or other actions you mentioned then I've got a good solution .... move !! these people were here long before you and I arrived ... wai.gif

JMHO... ... did you know openly gays are part of thai society ??

Edited by steven100
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Ahm...at least "lust" is a somewhat positive feeling...compared to "hate" , like you are promoting it.

No one post here I'd promiting "hate".

And why can a man not "love" another man?

Should I quote you my 1st post in this thread?

Nooooooooooohoooo....spitting out at someone is an act of heartfelt love!

Saying that homosexuality is the worst of sins (by the way: worse than rape, murder, child molesting?) is a very humane and sweet little thing to do!

...no please: no more quotes!

Why don't you (for a change) use your own brain and not just repeat what other have told you!?

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If your gay son didn't fancy anal sex (many gays do not) would you then still love your gay son?

I am not fixed on sex only. The above picture was described just as a good sample to the previous poster. The gay is the gay (as the way of his being) - he's f..ing right now or not.

Stop being so wishy washy. You meant you would disown your gay son even if he was celibate so why not say so?

I already said: I will NOT have "gay son". In any and all means.

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If your gay son didn't fancy anal sex (many gays do not) would you then still love your gay son?

I am not fixed on sex only. The above picture was described just as a good sample to the previous poster. The gay is the gay (as the way of his being) - he's f..ing right now or not.

Stop being so wishy washy. You meant you would disown your gay son even if he was celibate so why not say so?

I already said: I will NOT have "gay son". In any and all means.

You're funny. Do you think your gay son will tell you he is gay when you are such a hate monger of gays?

Do you think telling your gay son you don't accept gay people, that being gay is morally wrong, that gay sex is disgusting, etc. prevents your gay son to be gay if he is gay?

How many parents want their children to be gay? Not many, I can tell you. Mine offered me money to go to a lady whore when I told them.

Edited by Jingthing
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The young man in BigC who said that to you considers it a joke in his environment.

I am not from his environment. And public BigC is not his own environment, too.

He should expect at least some kind of possible misunderstanding.

and you were offended by it ?? oh my god .. lets call the police .. haha ..

On my enviromment you could be dead for such kind of jokes. And dead fast - police will not arrive that fast, and usually will not help (they are also born/grown in the very same environment). Really.

I've got a good solution .... move !!


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The young man in BigC who said that to you considers it a joke in his environment.

I am not from his environment. And public BigC is not his own environment, too.

He should expect at least some kind of possible misunderstanding.

and you were offended by it ?? oh my god .. lets call the police .. haha ..

On my enviromment you could be dead for such kind of jokes. And dead fast - police will not arrive that fast, and usually will not help (they are also born/grown in the very same environment). Really.

I've got a good solution .... move !!


So what would be a "homosexual"- environment?

A pink-painted bar with cozy, furry chairs and Kylie Minogue- songs? (...ahm...Kylie Minogue...she makes this kind of modern "beat"- music, people talk so much about lately...)

And I really give up on your environment, so please tell me: what planet??

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Saying that homosexuality is the worst of sins

I didnt say that, my dear little troll.

I said "a big sin (IF not the worst)". I won't dare to judge this "if" by myself.

worse than rape, murder, child molesting?

These also not welcomed and be fast-punished (mostly PRIOR the pollice arrives). Dont worry.

Why don't you (for a change) use your own brain and not just repeat what other have told you!?

Because in my posts I prefer to decide myself - what to repeat and what to not. Do you?

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Saying that homosexuality is the worst of sins

I didnt say that, my dear little troll.

I said "a big sin (IF not the worst)". I won't dare to judge this "if" by myself.

worse than rape, murder, child molesting?

These also not welcomed and be fast-punished (mostly PRIOR the pollice arrives). Dont worry.

Why don't you (for a change) use your own brain and not just repeat what other have told you!?

Because in my posts I prefer to decide myself - what to repeat and what to not. Do you?

My dear little troll?

Eeeeewwww...that sounds somehow...gay!!!

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You're funny. Do you think your gay son will tell you he is gay when you are such a hate monger of gays?

Do you think telling your gay son you don't accept gay people, that being gay is morally wrong, that gay sex is disgusting, etc. prevents your gay son to be gay if he is gay?

How many parents want their children to be gay? Not many, I can tell you. Mine offered me money to go to a lady whore when I told them.

You're funny. Do you really think that I can't see the gay in gay? I can detect'em even the way they writing the posts here (a pcychology background and personal and social patterns, you know)....how can't I not see this in my own son, being around me 24/7?? :)

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You're funny. Do you think your gay son will tell you he is gay when you are such a hate monger of gays?

Do you think telling your gay son you don't accept gay people, that being gay is morally wrong, that gay sex is disgusting, etc. prevents your gay son to be gay if he is gay?

How many parents want their children to be gay? Not many, I can tell you. Mine offered me money to go to a lady whore when I told them.

You're funny. Do you really think that I can't see the gay in gay? I can detect'em even the way they writing the posts here (a pcychology background and personal and social patterns, you know)....how can't I not see this in my own son, being around me 24/7?? smile.png

Mothers usually know, but you'd be surprised how many fathers don't. Do your children know you would be happy to throw them in the trash for something they can't help, like being gay? Sounds like psychological child abuse to me, even knowing the love of a parent was so conditional. Edited by Jingthing
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And I really give up on your environment, so please tell me: what planet??

This one. Unfortunately. sad.png


...for the "unfortunately" of course!

Mother Earth really has enough to endure already!

Edited by DocN
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