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Non O Retirement Extension

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Can i extend my non O visa (retirement) at any immigration office in the country?

I've been living in CM with this visa for a few years now but after my last session at immigration there, I'd prefer to do it somewhere else next time.


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Can i extend my non O visa (retirement) at any immigration office in the country?

I've been living in CM with this visa for a few years now but after my last session at immigration there,  I'd prefer to do it somewhere else next time.


Curious as to what happened to make you want to change, unless it is too personal?

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Some real rude dykes at CM who I'd rather not have to sit opposite again. Last time it took me almost 3 hours to get the twenty minute job done. Most of the time that I was sitting in the office, the official was either chatting and laughing with all the other clowns (workplace must be sanuk you see) or having a coffee break. Either that or the fat mole's rectum was so clogged with clay that she had to sit on the bog for hours to clear it.

All my paperwork was hunky dory and I'd already extended the visa a number of times. I can also converse freely in Thai so there were no misunderstandings. It was a Friday afternoon so perhaps the monkeys were all getting excited and couldn't stop chattering and shrieking before being let out of their cage. Whatever the reason, the work was unprofessional. A number of times the official had to correct mistakes she'd made because she'd been too busy bragging about the cheap price she'd paid for a set of screwdrivers or something about food and not concentrating on the task at hand.

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14 years getting annual work extensions never had any real problems with immigration in CM. I would write it off as a one time thing, unless it has happened to you several times. Not worth the stress to get upset with them and certainly doesn't warrant going somewhere else where the problem could be even worse.

Just jai yen yen and don't let it become such an issue that you forget why you are here. What's a few hours for another years stay here?

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I think you can, Had a friend over here who changed to Ranong from BKK because it's closer, but he got pissed off by Ranong imm people, asked too many private questions to gf, nothing to do with requirements for retirement extension, none of their business....

I was told by BKK imm I could also extent visa in Surat Thani, which is further away than Ranong from where I live.

Btw, I extended my retirement in BKK last week flying in a few days before expiration date, waiting list was 72 people before me with their new "draw a number system"

I might wel change to Ranong next year.

Edited by jef
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Thanks for your replies everyone but it seems that the jury's still out on whether you can extend a non o (retirement visa) in any office in the land. Looks like I might have to go and ask the mob in CM about it....unfortunately.

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I have had a retirement visa for 5 years now and I think it was the third renewal I did in Pattaya instead of Bangkok and their were no problems. The last 2 renewal were back in Bangkok. As many well know it's hard to say what other immigration offices require.

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I have been on one year extensions for ten years.

Did the first 4 in ChiangMai then they started giving me a hard time so I moved to MaiSai. Year two in MaiSai they gave me a really bad time so I changed to Nan.

The Nan guys have been very helpful.

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