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Provocative School Girl Clip Becomes Viral: Thailand


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Provocative School Girl Clip Becomes Viral

Yet another controversial video clip has gone viral. This time it features seven girls making in appropriate gestures, actions considered highly inappropriate for their age. One of the girls is seen in the clip wearing a grade school uniform, which hints to the age of the other girls in the clip.

The news hit the headlines on the heels of Teacher's Day in Thailand and immediately stirred widespread criticism as to how quickly Thai society is deteriorating. The ten minute clip was posted by someone who calls themselves “Beer”. Most of the girls were seen in their bras, switching between very inappropriate poses. The one girl who had her grade school uniform on sat with her legs open, revealing red panties.

When asked to comment on the issue, senior officials at the Ministry of Culture said she blames the lack of social values and the need of youngsters to attract attention from others. Social networking feeds this need so youngsters are now doing outrageous things and posting the clip on the Internet just to attract attention.

If that was indeed their motive, the girls succeeded. Just minutes after the clip was posted, they garnered a substantial amount of views and thousands of “likes”.

Culture Ministry officials say they will cooperate with the ICT Ministry to try and find a solution to the problem.


-- Tan Network 2012-01-18


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School girls all over the world take sexy pictures or videos and post them on the internet to gain attention..

This isn't a new thing and I really don't understand why in Thailand there has to be some big deal made every time some young girl is acting "inappropriately" when really all that is it is- is normal teenage behavior. What are they gonna do? Stop young guys from jerking off? I mean, really...


This is just another story where Western media is to blame and Thailand is supposed to blame everyone but themselves and it really isn't that big of a deal in the first place.

Perhaps you should google it in Thai. Since you know so much about Western media as opposed to Thai media I assumed.......

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Is this covered in TEFL training? Obviously a lot of high school teachers are wondering right now.

What do you say in class? Hi Lek saw you on face book. Today we are going to learn how to say red bra.

Edited by kerryk
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Chicks going wild and Thai authorities go nuts??? i have to girlfriends , we all study in the same university, same class , same bed, and we all are very happy, hell yes, i do love Thai students, specially if they like going wild.jap.gif

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What the ...?? All these people asking for the link?...

You never heard of Google? laugh.png

I'll go one better, i've had THREE pm's asking for the link..

A link that must it be remembered contains pictures of under age girls in quite raunchy pictures.

TV Members slip to predictable new lows..

Thumbs down.

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Red panties.....what next..don't the schools have proper dress codes and require white ones. Maybe a new form of red shirt..

Yeah, they should have panties dress codes and strictly enforce the rules. Should we sign up as inspectors?

On second thoughts, we will probably need work permits and it might hurt my back to bend down that often.

Activities like this is a clear result of the 20+ years age limitation to enter bars in Bangkok.

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