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OK hypothetically if one drove in through the Malaysia border, having just gotten a fresh single entry B visa and went through customs OK, even declaring a vehicle on a 30 day temp import, but somehow managed to not go through immigration procedure, hence no entry stamp...

The question is; what would the fine be per day ?

And would they consider the B visa used and would one need to get fresh visa ?

Thanks in advance for any response.


you are ilegally in the country.

There is no fine per day, I think in case you go to court the sentence is not exceeding 2 year and a certain fine.

You should go back to the place you entered Thailand and explain the situation, hopefully you have the exit stamp from Malysia Immigration, in that case they will do adjustment and stamp you into the country.


Er, not me, as visarunner said, you are in Thailand illegally and should immediately go back to the point of entry and try to resolve the problem with Thai immigration. If you have the exit stamp from Malaysia and the temp import docs for the car I don't think that you will have a problem. Obviously, the car didn't drive itself accross the border.


Section 62 : Whoever fails to comply with the provisions of Section 11 or Para.2 of Section 18 shall be

punished by imprisonment not exceeding two years and a fine not exceeding 20,000 Baht.

If the person committing an offense under Para.1, holds Thai citizenship he will be punished by a

fine not exceeding 20,000 Baht.

Above would be illegal entry - there are similar provisions for conveyance provider and such so it would seem you could have multi charges under the immigration act if a bad day. As said you really need to address this if more than hypothetical.



A call to Airport Immigration advised going to the provincial bureau. They advised road travel back to the border and seemed rather uninterested in harassing or arresting, er, the person. The head was much amused and called around so does not seem to be dire emergency.

So, big question is, will the person lose that single entry B?

I f so SOL to have to wait until Wed to be able to go to Penang. (CNY holiday Mon and Tues.)

Lawyer concurs travel can wait so as to not have to wait in MY for 5 days if new B is needed.

Does Langkawi have a Thai consulate?


I suspect they will stamp in for the B visa entry if return to border and advise what happened (person was concerned with vehicle procedures and forgot?).


^ It is April, but Ihinking they will assign the prior obvious entry to that visa. and tell, er, person to go out and come back in.

Better that than have a tourist stamp If there is have an interuption in the B visa, may well lose the status needed for the car import .

Also now, no time to get the perm docs from BKK for import so that car will need to leave - again in three weeks - another horrid drive.

Just as soon take it out, get another B - than lose the status and get a fresh 30 day car temp import - and also argue that ridicolus value assigned at the temp import - three times the Malay value, and about 7 times the US value..

One would pay 2 million if the car is not exported in time - JHFC !!

Thanks for the responses


I suspect they will stamp in on that B visa entry if return to border and advise what happened (person was concerned with vehicle procedures and forgot?).

More like confusing a second window at Customs for that of Immigration, along with a smiling waving - one- on officer and a sudden entry into a town street with a poorly labeled detour that seemed to be another unmanned area, er, person should just drive through, following traffic, avoiding dogs.

Used the local's eastern Hitram gate apparently , not the usual tourists haunt Pedang border.

Cluster Fckd

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