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I recently posted about an ONET camp. That is not a worry now as I only need to keep the kids entertained for 3 20-30 min stretches. The groups are very big though, up to 300 kids. I thought the idea about a relay was a good idea so am going to incorporate the egg and spoon relay into the activities. the idea of a dance sounds good as well so I am thinking of teaching the kids the Macarena. Both of these a great as I will not need any props or materials. It would be good to use some English games as well, so I am thinking of a team race to make a sentence out of words supplied, by sticking them to a board. I would appreciate any other ideas as I would like to have options. I do know other games but unfortunately they are already being used.


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Plans change like that a lot, so not a big surprise that the ONet stuff got called off.

Another decent relay (educational even!) is "Chinese Whispers", where you write some sentence and let the first person in line read it, then they have to whisper it to the next person etc. Final person in line has to write what they heard, and you compare with the original sentence. I have done that with around 400-500 students in 10 groups of 40-50 in a hall, and it went OK. However, I had a Thai homeroom teacher for each group to monitor and help explain what the idea is.

Doing it on your own, I'd recommend taking a few very strong students up to the front with a microphone and getting them to act out the process. Do it two times, with the first time making an exaggerated mistake for comedy -- "Teacher X likes cats" becomes "Teacher X is fat" or something. Then the second time have them get the correct answer at the end and say that they will get more points for that. Maybe have a bag of candy to give to the winning team.

Probably more good options, that is another one that came to mind for me.

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