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No Menstrual Period For 2 Months


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As the phone call went today with all pleasantries from an ex girlfriend, she casually informs me she has not had a period for the last 2 months - she went back home late October / early November.

My concern is that she is pregnant yet she says not and that she has had a test from the pharmacy which came back negative. She has had 2 children (13 yrs + 8 yrs) and tells me she feels no pregnancy symptoms.

I am concerned, as a friend, what the cause might be.

? Helpful information.

She is only 35 years old so I cannot see age as being the cause, but I may well be wrong about that, not really understanding the workings of a woman's body.

While we were together she had the 3 month injections to prevent pregnancy. She did this 3 times. The last injection would have expired in early November. She tells me she is currently not taking contraceptives. No serious health problems.

She has not asked for money or made any demands. We remain friends. Therefore I do not see this as some way of getting money from me.

Obviously I am concerned she may be pregnant and I have asked her to see a doctor but she says there is no need.

Any ideas on the cause of her missing 2 periods?

Thanks for any helpful or constructive advice.

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it is quite common for women using injectable contraception to "miss" a period, some even stop menstruating altogether (with no ill effects).

in addition, that is a very effective means of birth control. So the fact that she used it plus a negative pregnancy test make it very unlikely she is pregnant.

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It is possible for women to remain infertile for up to a year after the injectable contraception, particularly after a series of them, and irregular or infrequent periods also are common. The negative pregnancy test would be relatively reliable.

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As posted above is the likely cause. Only important point to mention is that she may become fertile again at any time without first having established her normal cycle again and another form of contraception (such as condoms) should be used.

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Sheryl, Wyzelli, FBN.

I appreciate the quick replies.

Thanks very much for the information. It helps a lot to set my mind at ease from 2 perspectives.

One that she does not need to be pregnant.

Two that it is a relatively common reaction to the injected contraceptive.

I will talk to her later about the subject.

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