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Right Wing Groups In Losi


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I certainly agree with you though that expat life in Thailand does attract a lot of dross, but certainly not just from the UK or indeed England. If you live in Pattaya, then you will see the extreme of course; the place is a cess pit with scum bags from every walk of life there. I do not see them as expats though as you and I might but more as refugees from countries that frankly do not need or want them either hence why they live here dreaming of their homeland, but completely unable to return most likely for financial reasons.

Edited by AdamBanks
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Still can`t see how this is Thai related?

Still can`t see how this is Thai related?

It pertains to certain groups of expats in Thailand and their still retaining their racist identities/neurosis in a country which is not concerned with them and which they can do nothing about in said adopted country - no vote, for instance, and so is 'Thai related'.

Or would you prefer I start yet another thread on sinsod or where to buy spectacles?

Your post certainly is Thailand related, I’m not disputing that and go along with you all the way on this one.

My point is that many of the responses on here are not Thailand related, such as the BNP for example, Hitler and the rest of it. The problem is that these themes can quickly turn into platforms for the extremists among us.

I loathe racists and bigots of any shape and form; there is no room for them on this planet in this day and age. Let them flush they’re philosophies where they belong, down the toilet.

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Field Marshall/Premier Plaek Phibun Songkhram of the 1930's and 1940's Siam/Thailand was a deep romantic of contemporary Fascism. Such contradictory policies, as they applied to Thai culture, were greatly implemented throughout the society.

Would be of great interest to those who might not be familiar with this brief segment of contemporary Thai history.

I imagine a large part of this was due to the Japanese influence on the Kingdom at the time.

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@Silsburyhill - "And yes, 'sporting' (how quaint) the symbol of the Cross of St George does a right wing dick make. League of St George ring any bells?". I am a Rugby man. I sport the Cross of St George as it is my flag. I am not right wing. I am not a racist. I have 3 lovely unbeaten dogs. It is my flag. Your generalisation of a complete culture and nationality makes you no better than the right wing waste of genetics you were complaining about in the first place.

@Silsburyhill - "And yes, 'sporting' (how quaint) the symbol of the Cross of St George does a right wing dick make. League of St George ring any bells?". I am a Rugby man. I sport the Cross of St George as it is my flag. I am not right wing. I am not a racist. I have 3 lovely unbeaten dogs. It is my flag. Your generalisation of a complete culture and nationality makes you no better than the right wing waste of genetics you were complaining about in the first place.

Um, believe you should re read my post, or you're thinking confused. Where do I refer to any particular nationality (there are expats of many nationalities here, and only time I'd ever seen those few 'sporting (how quaint)' the Cross of St George in England were the BNP, and mercenaries), and any 'generalisation of a 'complete culture'?

How do you know those sporting the Cross of St. George were BNP?

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I have an old German pal who zieg hails the nazi salute every now and then . He does a fair impression of Hitler ranting over the radio from childhood memories He has a whistling stutter , it is very amusing . sort of like Peter Sellers .. The children in his extended family salute him . Could he be encouraging a nazi splinter group to surface in Det Udom ? Nah he is just having a laugh .

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Field Marshall/Premier Plaek Phibun Songkhram of the 1930's and 1940's Siam/Thailand was a deep romantic of contemporary Fascism. Such contradictory policies, as they applied to Thai culture, were greatly implemented throughout the society.

Would be of great interest to those who might not be familiar with this brief segment of contemporary Thai history.

I imagine a large part of this was due to the Japanese influence on the Kingdom at the time.

Not so much, as he, and his loyal followers, was quite enamored with the works of Hitler and Mussolini before Japanese contacts were the fashion. Yet, he had already aligned himself with Tojo's Japan from 1939 onward, thus making a Japamese "occupation" less than that.

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The nazi's wasn't right-wing. They were staunchly left-wing authoritarians.

But perhaps by right-wing I suppose the OP isn't trying to refer to free market groups...but those that have racists views?

This is how things, mindsets, ideals, models, and theories are developed - repeated over and over again. These social mindwashing techniques also include the deeper seeded understanding and standards as how we're sippossed to view political philosophies.

It's quite evident regarding historiography.

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As I give it deeper thought, I'm finding that we've been duped and manipulated for generations, for their advantage.

This fancy of a right-wing and left-wing segregation that has been put upon us and repeated time and again, still employs the twisted engeering that feeds their need to keep us of the dream state. An opposition is invented for our convenience.

Far be it for me to suggest, but chances are there truly isn't any difference of said fabricated political philosophies and ideologies, all, mind you, manufactured by and for the establishment of every distinction.

Yet, the redundancy of political extremes is fed towards us throughout our social standing, media, educational modem, and historiographical examinations.

I don't mean to be rude at all but am I correct in assuming that English is not your mother tongue?
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@Silsburyhill - "And yes, 'sporting' (how quaint) the symbol of the Cross of St George does a right wing dick make. League of St George ring any bells?". I am a Rugby man. I sport the Cross of St George as it is my flag. I am not right wing. I am not a racist. I have 3 lovely unbeaten dogs. It is my flag. Your generalisation of a complete culture and nationality makes you no better than the right wing waste of genetics you were complaining about in the first place.

@Silsburyhill - "And yes, 'sporting' (how quaint) the symbol of the Cross of St George does a right wing dick make. League of St George ring any bells?". I am a Rugby man. I sport the Cross of St George as it is my flag. I am not right wing. I am not a racist. I have 3 lovely unbeaten dogs. It is my flag. Your generalisation of a complete culture and nationality makes you no better than the right wing waste of genetics you were complaining about in the first place.

Um, believe you should re read my post, or you're thinking confused. Where do I refer to any particular nationality (there are expats of many nationalities here, and only time I'd ever seen those few 'sporting (how quaint)' the Cross of St George in England were the BNP, and mercenaries), and any 'generalisation of a 'complete culture'?

You may not be generalising about an entire culture but you did state that sporting a st. george's cross makes you a right wing dick. So basically, any Englishman (or woman) who displays their national flag in any form is a right wing dick? That would be the logical conclusion from what you have said.
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@Silsburyhill - "And yes, 'sporting' (how quaint) the symbol of the Cross of St George does a right wing dick make. League of St George ring any bells?". I am a Rugby man. I sport the Cross of St George as it is my flag. I am not right wing. I am not a racist. I have 3 lovely unbeaten dogs. It is my flag. Your generalisation of a complete culture and nationality makes you no better than the right wing waste of genetics you were complaining about in the first place.

@Silsburyhill - "And yes, 'sporting' (how quaint) the symbol of the Cross of St George does a right wing dick make. League of St George ring any bells?". I am a Rugby man. I sport the Cross of St George as it is my flag. I am not right wing. I am not a racist. I have 3 lovely unbeaten dogs. It is my flag. Your generalisation of a complete culture and nationality makes you no better than the right wing waste of genetics you were complaining about in the first place.

Um, believe you should re read my post, or you're thinking confused. Where do I refer to any particular nationality (there are expats of many nationalities here, and only time I'd ever seen those few 'sporting (how quaint)' the Cross of St George in England were the BNP, and mercenaries), and any 'generalisation of a 'complete culture'?

I have just spent the last 10 minutes . . . wait ... . . please wait . . . . 15 minutes laughing my face off about the Cross of St George in England being used as a some kind of outward membership to the Right Wing bunch.

If this was the case then I must live in the most racist county in England. I live in Lancashire and of course that it is in England (Northern England) for those that dont know. We are proud to be English due to our location and proudly display the Cross of St George over the British Flag from public buildings, Churches and Private homes, this is because the Duke of Lancashire is HM the Queen and we have special permission to president the English Flag over the British Flag by Royal Accent.

The fact that you allude the person you saw was of the moody disposition and beat his Dog and probably anything else that gets close enough for a kick means that it is likely in all proability.

A Lancastrian like myself, who are not known for their kindness to a pup, pooping in the garden or from nosy neirbours peering through the cracks in the fence to bear witness to the beatings of the dog.

So I hereby call this case closed. Far from being a racist biggot, he was a Lancastrian who caught his dog pooing in the garden and disciplined it, you witness this, saw the flag of my country and obviously jumped to conclusions.

Theres no need to apologise, because I dont care, but can we please lock this thread down and move on to some more constructive like.

Huntsmen Spiders and is there any way you keep them from crawling to your bed, when your in the middle of the jungle.

And please keep your answers to a little longer than the usual .. .. . "No".

Many Thanks

Love you


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St George's flag is also unfurled in other countries , Greece , Portugale, Palestine , India and Iraq to name but a few . I used to frequent a Portugese bar and the place was hanging with the St George's Cross . The barlord would shrug his shoulders when Englishmen questioned the flag's relevence , and tell them , " George is our Patron too " . dam_n Visigoths .

Edited by onionluke
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St George's flag is also unfurled in other countries , Greece , Portugale, Palestine , India and Iraq to name but a few . I used to frequent a Portugese bar and the place was hanging with the St George's Cross . The barlord would shrug his shoulders when Englishmen questioned the flag's relevence , and tell them , " George is our Patron too " . dam_n Visigoths .

Fashion perhaps?

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St George's flag is also unfurled in other countries , Greece , Portugale, Palestine , India and Iraq to name but a few . I used to frequent a Portugese bar and the place was hanging with the St George's Cross . The barlord would shrug his shoulders when Englishmen questioned the flag's relevence , and tell them , " George is our Patron too " . dam_n Visigoths .

Fashion perhaps?

Yeah , like Sigue Sigue Sputnick .

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Just have to read the Jokes section in this website to see that racism is thriving in our midst.

Concur wholeheartedly with JAG as well; The cross you are referring to is the English flag and to use it as an example of right wing / fascist style behaviour is absurd as well as frankly insulting.

I'm a Scotsman, I think that it is particularly tragic that the Flag of St George has any right wing or racist connotations. The English nation fought and struggled for freedom for centuries before countries such as Italy, Germany, and the US came into existence, and the Magna Carta is the foundation of Western freedom.

The English should be proud of this and proud of the Flag of St George, however the English nation ceased to exist in 1707, the English have achieved nothing since, all achievements since 1707 have been United Kingdom achievements......they should have been disqualified from the World Cup in 1966 on the basis of the fact that they are merely an administrative region of the United Kingdom, and had no right to even enter the tournament as a seperate entity.

I reckon it's about time the English declared independence from the United Kingdom and they should still rise now, and be a nation again.......

Just like we are going to be in 2014.

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Patriotism, and it's fetid cousin Nationalism, is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Garbage......it's the glue that holds nations together.

Too many people see the negative parts only, and choose to ignore the positive parts such as...............

The people of the US of A who resolutely refused to get involved in WW2 until they were cowardly attacked at Pearl Harbour........

Reaction? A call to arms to defend the nation, a vast increase in industrial production, and likewise a vast increase in nation debt. Who financed the national debt? The American people did from their own pocket, by buying war bonds......it was their patriotic duty to defend their nation.

Or would you have prefered that they cowered under the attack? That they surrendered to the brutality of the Japanese without a fight?

Your comment is lazy.........the facts throughout history show that mankind is very often at it's best when it works for the greater good under the banner of nationalism and patriotism.

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Patriotism, and it's fetid cousin Nationalism, is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Revised. Add-on: Nutters, Looney Tunes, and Fantasist to ending sentence above.

Try to resist looking in the mirror when you reply on Thaivisa

Oh would some power the git tae gie'us...

Or, to see others as they see themselves...


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Patriotism, and it's fetid cousin Nationalism, is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Revised. Add-on: Nutters, Looney Tunes, and Fantasist to ending sentence above.

Try to resist looking in the mirror when you reply on Thaivisa

Oh would some power the git tae gie'us...

Or, to see others as they see themselves...


"Arouse my boys! Exert your mettle, to get auld Scotland back her kettle."

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A few European kids dress like Nazi and I don't see you say they are backward third world kids.

It's a slighted European superiority thing.....regardless of ethical or moral condemnation.

The racial kinship is too ingrained.

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Beg to differ Hitler was not a leftist but a corporate right wing fascist, he allowed the industrialist to create policy and govern the country.That is why people like Henry Ford admired Hitler.

The original post got me to thinking, after reading about the charmless bastard and his equally sadistic Thai wife beating their dogs. The comment he couldn't see any lefties doing that made me think of a few lefties that have done it to people, such as Mao, Stalin,Hitler, Pol Pot etc where they were lefties and put down millions of people. I guess people aren't as good as dogs. (although I know a great many good dogs in comparison to good people) smile.png

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Beg to differ Hitler was not a leftist but a corporate right wing fascist, he allowed the industrialist to create policy and govern the country.That is why people like Henry Ford admired Hitler.

The original post got me to thinking, after reading about the charmless bastard and his equally sadistic Thai wife beating their dogs. The comment he couldn't see any lefties doing that made me think of a few lefties that have done it to people, such as Mao, Stalin,Hitler, Pol Pot etc where they were lefties and put down millions of people. I guess people aren't as good as dogs. (although I know a great many good dogs in comparison to good people) smile.png

Here hear !!

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