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Thai Bride Reject Threatens To Kill Herself At British Embassy In Bangkok


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When we foriegners show no feelings for a women who UK immigration is stopping from trying to defend her rights to be heard in court. How can one complain about Thai immigration who by my obsevations goes out of thier way to help and assist so many westerners to stay in their country. Sorry for you that don't have sufficent fundis or a legal job here, but so stop your complaining about your imagined wrongs by Thai immigration. State facts not about how Thai immigration treats 'other nationalities" not just woo woo is me statements. "Justthe facts! What is your real complaint she is angry and states she is so mad she may as well kill herself on the door step, or her husband made money in Kilts and you didin't. Or that she might be entitled to some of his money for him pushing the wrong button?

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She probably read about Boris Berezovsky's wife Galina and her record £100m divorce settlement even after she had been separated from her husband for years. There is no way that she would sell so many assets to finance the case unless she thought she could get a lot of money from it. I would say that this guy is probably getting off lightly.

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Oh, St. Valentine’s Day Masecure... Well more like a St. Valentine’s Day suicide but intreaging just the same.. Looks like I know where I will be on the 14th... Did you know Thailand ranks 56th in suicieds? Firearms are also the top method of suicide while knives don't enven rank in the top 10 and often the sucide is mistaken for a desire for self-mutalation. THANKS WIKIPEDIA!!!

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I think she could do a lot more for attention than boring old suicide.

Can's she eat a few kilts or poke some haggises into her nether orifices?

Jesus - this was obviously a twisted pair coupling from the off and now the coupling's done all that remains is bitter and twisted. Time to move on. The torch is already burned without doing a Jan Palak

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Welcome to reality of life,may be she should ask other nationals in Thailand how THAI immigration is treating them.


I don't understand why you guys are all unhappy with Thai immigration. Are you in Thailand? If so what is the problem? you got a visa.

I have no issues with Thai immigration they are always helpful and easy to get along with, been here 13 years no problems, why are so many of you having a problem?

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Welcome to reality of life,may be she should ask other nationals in Thailand how THAI immigration is treating them.


I don't understand why you guys are all unhappy with Thai immigration. Are you in Thailand? If so what is the problem? you got a visa.

I have no issues with Thai immigration they are always helpful and easy to get along with, been here 13 years no problems, why are so many of you having a problem?

Why they're having problems is self evident from their posts I think!

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Two points are not made clear enough in this discussion

a) in most EU countries you do not need to be present in person to fight a divorce, you can simply appoint a local lawyer to act on your behalf, I assume it is the same in the UK

B) a visa, any visa, is a privilege and not a RIGHT : no country in the world can be forced to explain why they refuse a visa

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In addition to your very true post I wonder what assets she has in her name paid for by her husband sitting in Thailand. It would be interesting to see what he would be awarded by the Thai court in this divorce. My guess would be the standard divorce settlement of zero plus he would have to leave Thailand due to the expiry of his visa.

How many foreigners have commited suicide in Thailand due to being robbed of their entire savings, I have not seen intervention by European Court of Human Rights into any of these cases.

I feel so sorry for her especially having so far spent 100,000.00 UKP trying to rip off her husband and says has a good life in Thailand.

Get on with your life or your threat, either way us foreigners still have to abide by Thai laws.

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If she kills herself (which she will not) it will solve 2 problems. 1. she won't need a visa and 2. she won't need a divorce.

Maybe he can collect on the life insurance and recoop some of the fortune she grifted out of her water buffalo.

Edited by z12
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Story was published last year by AD and again now but still conficting and inaccurate information especially as to dates. She actually married in 2008 and decided that she did not like the cold weather (not surprised). After returning to Thailand she found she could not file for divorce and take him to the cleaner, as the canny Scot had revoked his sponsorship (don't blame him). Now she doesn't feel sure of getting half his fortune in Kilts, she's suing the Agency for 2 Million Pounds Sterling!

She says her Father is a Thai Army Officer, and she was formerly married to a Thai policeman.

This is the article in the Scottish Herald 26th January 2012:


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"All I want to do is fight my divorce and my human rights cases in Britain. When I have finished the authorities can stamp my passport red and say I am a person they do not want. I do not want to stay in the U.K. I love Thailand."

I think that statement pretty much says it all. Let's analyse it, shall we?

"All I want to do is fight my divorce and my human rights cases in Britain." - Of course she would, wouldn't she? She can skim off waaay more money - possibly also alimony and a percentage of her ex hubby's pension - if she wins the court case in the UK, as opposed to Thailand. The 'human rights' issue is the least thing on her mind, I would suggest.

"When I have finished the authorities can stamp my passport red and say I am a person they do not want." - Right on, because then she'll have got her money, and that is all she wants in the first place.

"I do not want to stay in the U.K. I love Thailand." - Why marry a geriatric Scottish kilt maker then, skank?

Let's wait until Valentine's Day and see what ingenious method she has devised to kill herself. It will be most interesting. My guess? Nothing will happen, just more wailing and more hired friends protesting at the Embassy against this great injustice. If we applied the same measures we would have scorned, unfairly treated European husband of Thai women demonstrating and threatening to kill themselves in front of Thai embassies all across Europe virtually every day. 'Nuff said.

'All humans are equal, but Thais always consider themselves more equal than other humans.'

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And How The Shoe Fits On The Other Foot... We All Know Why This "Lady" Wants To Return To The UK... And Of Course The Threat Of Killing Herself In Front Of The Embassy Is A Great Way Of Getting That Decision Overturned...

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Oh, St. Valentine’s Day Masecure... Well more like a St. Valentine’s Day suicide but intreaging just the same.. Looks like I know where I will be on the 14th... Did you know Thailand ranks 56th in suicieds? Firearms are also the top method of suicide while knives don't enven rank in the top 10 and often the sucide is mistaken for a desire for self-mutalation. THANKS WIKIPEDIA!!!

And is she really going to stab herself to death, I think NOT. She will turn up on Valentines day and threaten to kill herself at the gates of the U.k embassy and will all the followers just be there to support her in her death? again I think not. In Australia (Melb) the police have the power to under sect 10 of the mental health act to take anyone into custody who threatens self harm and take them for a psych assesment. If Thai police had the same power then this woman would have been taken into custody. I think she has just blown her own case clear out of the water. Doe's anyone really think that the U.K will now grant a person who is a suicidal risk a visa to enter the country? A person with no place to stay or means of support in England. What happens if this person with psych issues does not get her way in a British court, is she going to harm herself or other inocents on the streets outside the British court? The British authorities now have a duty of care for it's citizens and this woman is now a risk.

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Couple of things.

1) For those bashing Thai Immigration, I don't doubt you've had some bad experiences. However, I live in Chiang Mai, and have nothing but good things to say about the Immigration Office here and the people who work there. In the 4+ years I've been dealing with them, I've always found them to be friendly and helpful with whatever I needed.

2) Have a female friend of about 30. Parents are American, but have lived here since before she was born. She acually has dual US/Thai citizenship. She married a man from Holland. The had a daughter. Then about 5-6 years ago he simply walked out on her saying he didn't want to be married to her any more, and moved in with new, younger Thai g/f. She has tried gettiing a divorce here, but told me under Dutch law, the only way she can do it is go to Holland, live & work for 1 year, apply for citizenship, and THEN file for divorce.

3) As for the woman - and I use that term lightly - in this story. It would appear that she's only after money, and will draw attention to herself any way she can in order to achieve that.

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Welcome to reality of life,may be she should ask other nationals in Thailand how THAI immigration is treating them.


I don't understand why you guys are all unhappy with Thai immigration. Are you in Thailand? If so what is the problem? you got a visa.

I have no issues with Thai immigration they are always helpful and easy to get along with, been here 13 years no problems, why are so many of you having a problem?

Obviously they are not all such fine & outstanding indivuals as yourself

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Meanwhile, in Scotland, a retired kiltmaker from Fife has set up camp adjacent to the Scottish National Assembly building in Edinburgh threatening to discombobulate himself if the courts decide to annul his divorce from his estranged Thai wife.

"Ah wus only tryin to order a pizza and I pressed the wrong dam_n button." he explained. "Next thing I wuz married to this hideous banshee."

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