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I'M Sick - High Fever (99.8), Whole Body Aches, The "Runs"


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The poster above is full of it! Misinformed and passing out erroneous info. There is a big difference between Bronchitis and pneumonia. Anyway. Whoever decides to pay attention to his advice instead of seeking proper medical attention gets what they deserve. The above post does add to the posters message count. And only 29.

Edited by Lifer
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Just got this from Dr. Morgan


Recently We have been seeing many patients especially young schooling students come in with acute fever and gastro-intestinal symptoms mainly nausea, vomiting and fever.

Some blood work was done and it seems likely to be acute viral infection.

We therefore would like to inform our patients, to be aware of the problem, please make sure that your kids wash their hands thoroughly, eat freshly cooked food and avoid uncooked food and non-peeled fruits. Use alcohol rubbing gel whenever touching any objects in public places/school/kinder garden.

If your family members develop the following symptoms.

- Acute high fever

- Nausea/vomiting

- Diarrhea

- Stomachache

- Body Aching

Rehydration with electrolyte drink and supportive treatment ( ie paracetamol for fever)is recommended. If rehydration can not be addressed, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Just had a bout of those exact symptoms for 24 hours. All is fine now but the body aches are still there a bit. Never heard of an epidemic of this sort, but there must be some conditions causing it.

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Just got this from Dr. Morgan


Recently We have been seeing many patients especially young schooling students come in with acute fever and gastro-intestinal symptoms mainly nausea, vomiting and fever.

Some blood work was done and it seems likely to be acute viral infection.

We therefore would like to inform our patients, to be aware of the problem, please make sure that your kids wash their hands thoroughly, eat freshly cooked food and avoid uncooked food and non-peeled fruits. Use alcohol rubbing gel whenever touching any objects in public places/school/kinder garden.

If your family members develop the following symptoms.

- Acute high fever

- Nausea/vomiting

- Diarrhea

- Stomachache

- Body Aching

Rehydration with electrolyte drink and supportive treatment ( ie paracetamol for fever)is recommended. If rehydration can not be addressed, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Helpful, wish I'd seen this earlier, one of my sons just had this & spent a couple of nights on a drip to rehydrate, at the local hospital, when he couldn't keep anything down. projectile-vomiting at both ends ! sick.gif

Although thus far, none of his classmates have had it, fingers-crossed. cool.png

I said something similar in the thread... im not sure what all these people are talking about running to the doctor for diarrhea and a temp of 100...

as someone else said, if this was dengue he would of had to crawl to the hospital and likely would of had a rash as well...

all a doctor will do is prescribe para and electrolytes...and they love to give u unnecessary antibiotics as well.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

I agree a temp of 100 is not a "high fever" but all the symptoms more indicate an intestinal virus as posted..

In deed antibiotics if not required can be even more harmful and make it worse and prolong the symptoms as they kill off the beneficial bacteria we all have in our intestines to digest and fight off these illnesses...

Get some charcoal packets or a product here finally called Bismol which is the same as a famous American brand (Pepto Bismol) for this purpose and drink plenty of fluids. Add thinly sliced fresh ginger to water and make a ginger tea and put it in everything liquid you try to drink it will help considerably with calming your stomach on both ends.. Also Ginger ale is great and salt crackers but not oily or greasy ones like Ritz for example but something like saltines.. Plenty of clear liquid soups, chicken mostly, the purpose of ginger while taking it with critical water to replenish and hydrate is to let your stomach accept other mild nourishment, by itself it's not intended to re-hydrate or provide electroytes ..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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The poster above is full of it! Misinformed and passing out erroneous info. There is a big difference between Bronchitis and pneumonia. Anyway. Whoever decides to pay attention to his advice instead of seeking proper medical attention gets what they deserve. The above post does add to the posters message count. And only 29.

I'm afraid he is off the mark on several points, bacterial infections are most certainly treated and should be treated immediately with antibiotics especially in children but not over or unnecessarily treated which is where the real problem with antibiotics is caused.

Also to say the bronchial tubes are part of the lungs is like suggesting that just because the small intestines are part of the "digestive" system they're the same as the esophagus, stomach, large intestine, bowel, etc. all completely different organs with different associated illnesses....

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Reference the young 29 year old medical expert a few posts above. Before you tell people that a prominent internal medicine doctor does no what he's talking about and chastising me for what you think is a lack of knowledge, you need to know more about what your talking about. My earlier post before the medical lesson above was not impolite to anyone. Just passing on what I have learned about the current endemic in Chiangmai. The 29 year old Naboo was extremely insulting to both me and the highly trained and professional doctors in chiangmai.Inectious agents indicted below include viruses and bacteria.

Food Poisoning Causes

More than 250 known diseases can be transmitted through food. The CDC estimates unknown or undiscovered agents cause 68% of all food-borne illnesses and related hospitalizations. Many cases of food poisoning are not reported because people suffer mild symptoms and recover quickly. Also, doctors do not test for a cause in every suspected case because it does not change the treatment or the outcome.

The known causes of food poisoning can be divided into two categories: infectious agents and toxic agents.

  • Infectious agents include viruses, bacteria, and parasites.
  • Toxic agents include poisonous mushrooms, improperly prepared exotic foods (such as barracuda - ciguatera toxin), or pesticides on fruits and vegetables.

Food usually becomes contaminated from poor sanitation or preparation. Food handlers who do not wash their hands after using the bathroom or have infections themselves often cause contamination. Improperly packaged food stored at the wrong temperature also promotes contamination.


I will take the medical explaination from the Dr before listrenig to bad advice here. The bottom line is, if your sick with symptoms that don't go away, seem to get worse, or don't go away, GO see a good Dr. for his recommendations. Just sound advice.

Edited by Lifer
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I'm sorry If I offended you.

Bacteria being spread vitally is a phrase you should look at about avoiding.

Stating that bacterial infections require antibiotics is misleading. Some do but the vast majority don't require any treatment at all, just rest and good nutrition. Some do. I personally avoid them unless absolutely necessary.

I'm not sure what my age has to do with anything.

Again, I apologise If I offended you.

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The posters that are telling people to stay at home and take tylenol and keep hydrated are dead wrong in advising not necessary to see a Doctor. One of the best internists (internal medicine Docs) in Chiangmai indicated to me that the reports they were getting concerning this endemic is that it is a form of food poinsoning bacteria spreading virally. Don't take a chance with your kids or yourself. If you get sick see a good doctor and see if you need further treatment.

Especially with kids, it can progress fast. So please don't advise on a public board to just take tylenol and electrolytes. Bacterial infections, if present require antibiotics from a good doctor that kinows what to prescribe. Viruses don't. There is something about this combination of infection going around, especially with kids in school that is not the usual virus.

BTW, there now is a bacterial infection that is quite quick to reach the bronchials and lungs with just a couple of days of nonstop coughing and high fevor in Chiangmai. Starts with allergy type congestion and drains downward. Requires a visit to the pediatrician or Dr.

Where does it state 'NOT TO SEE A Dr'?

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This thread is a classic....

It was started about a week ago by a poster who is now , no doubt, back to full health or has gone on to meet his maker.

I do really , really hope that those reading, take all of the advice with a grain of salt. [which would probably be unhealthy]

While I am sure that all suggestions, recommendations, and other offered advice was given with the best of intent, something like this can be very, very dangerous. Some combinations of medicines may have a tendency to be very harmful and, in fact, possibly fatal.

If the OP'er is still with us and not back to good health, go see a doctor.

Others reading this may feel they have the same symptoms and take some of the well meaning suggestions and find themselves in deep doo doo...... Please remember that most of the good advice givers are not medically trained. If you are sick and still can feel up to making a post such as this, then you are probably not on deaths door, so go see a doctor for your meds.

Wouldn't want this forum shut down for possibly allowing improper advice to continue on.

OP'er, sincerely hope you are back to good health and are good enough to start a new post on another important topic.

Like something to do with food as example


Edited by Gonzo the Face
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This thread is a classic....

It was started about a week ago by a poster who is now , no doubt, back to full health or has gone on to meet his maker.

I do really , really hope that those reading, take all of the advice with a grain of salt. [which would probably be unhealthy]

While I am sure that all suggestions, recommendations, and other offered advice was given with the best of intent, something like this can be very, very dangerous. Some combinations of medicines may have a tendency to be very harmful and, in fact, possibly fatal.

If the OP'er is still with us and not back to good health, go see a doctor.

Others reading this may feel they have the same symptoms and take some of the well meaning suggestions and find themselves in deep doo doo...... Please remember that most of the good advice givers are not medically trained. If you are sick and still can feel up to making a post such as this, then you are probably not on deaths door, so go see a doctor for your meds.

Wouldn't want this forum shut down for possibly allowing improper advice to continue on.

OP'er, sincerely hope you are back to good health and are good enough to start a new post on another important topic.

Like something to do with food as example


sticky it, incase anyone in cm gets sick, they will know what to do :D

note posted from dr. morgan (with medical training and all that) earlier in this thread is the best advice by far.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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a very low possibility of Denge fever. It is quite rare in cities, in jungle - yes.

I was recentlysick also with a very high fever and body aches during 5 days! It's normal for a flue.

Only fever reduce pills helpful here, no antibiotics. Wait 5 days- that will gone.

Huh??? Quite rare in the cities??? That is utter nonsense. Dengue Fever carrying mosquitoes are everywhere in the city. Children get bit by them in schools in the center of the city. Adults get bit by them anywhere, anytime.

+1 For those not familiar with Dengue, the mosquitoes that carry and transmit this malady are mostly found among large populations and not sparsely populated forest communities. Google if you wish.

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a very low possibility of Denge fever. It is quite rare in cities, in jungle - yes.

I was recentlysick also with a very high fever and body aches during 5 days! It's normal for a flue.

Only fever reduce pills helpful here, no antibiotics. Wait 5 days- that will gone.

Wow! Please do some research before you advise. Some one could suffer from the ignorance.

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