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Im looking at a few 4x4 CJ Jeeps and one has original running gear.

My question's,

Are original CJ 5/6/7 parts available in Thailand or do I have to import then myself ?

Would the tax and duty be excessive meaning steer clear and opt for say a Toyota based Jeep ?

Any help or advise is greatfully received



The internet is littered with sites for Jeep parts. I have not seen any place here in Thailand to buy parts but that doesn't mean there aren't any. My guess is that you will have to import them yourself but the duty on parts is much less than the whole vehicle. You could always stop by one of the many places around that are rebuilding/selling jeeps and ask them how they get parts. I used to be Jeep guy in the US years ago. Great vehicles when they are properly constructed/modified.

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Hi Foggy.

Plenty of local clubs with salesboards for spareparts: "weekendhobby/thai2market/military" or Thailand offroaderclub and many more. Biggest problem IMO is to get the correct paperwork with the vehicle, specially on the islands (checked your profile). I buy and restore old Jeeps and been looking on quite a few on Samui, good prices BUT every time something not correct with the papers. As long as you keep the car on the islands and keep owning it, no problem. But as soon as you try to sell it off the islands, it is a no go! If you are on Samui with all the hilly roads, I think a Toyota/Nissan based Jeep is a better option. Good luck, they are lovely cars.

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