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Thai Woman Sentenced To Death In Malaysia For Drug Trafficking


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Maybe they will not execute her, they are not going to execute this Singapore woman.

Friday, 20 January 2012 Singapore woman escapes gallows in Malaysia


Singaporean woman sentenced to death in Malaysia for drug trafficking has been spared the gallows, after the charge against her was reduced to possession instead, an offence which does not carry the mandatory death penalty in Malaysia.

Not likely to win in her case. Malaysia has specific quantification of when an addict becomes a pusher. The threshold is different for different drugs. In the case of the Singaporean, the amount was less than 500g.

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the posts in this thread makes for sad reading... these people with their draconian stances, it's pathetic and narrow minded.

it's people who think like this who halt any progress on the handling of societies drug issues - worldwide

i could elaborate greatly but i don't see the point in trying to debate it here

some people sound like they'd do the execution themselves...

Too true. Trouble is, most of the "hang 'em high" brigade get their information from the sensationalist gutter press, and have absolutely no idea or understanding of the issues they presume to adjudicate on.

The tabloids have a lot to answer for,

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It's pretty clear on the entry form everyone fills out on the airplane when approaching Malaysia. In caps with a red skull and cross bones - "Be forwarned, the penalty for trafficking in narcotics is death."

oh...dam, why didn't you say so... that nullifies any argument against killing people for drug offences

go ahead guys...end her life

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Good, no sympathy at all.

These people know the score and if they get away with it, fine, they get paid for the job and continue on to the next time. If they are tumbled and meet a traumatic end, than it must be considered as an occupational hazard.


bakseedaa.... I dont believe many of us have sympathy for drug traffickers no matter what their personal situation... More to the point however is think of the greater harm that these people do...there can be no individual justification for drug trafficking otherwise we enter into a whole new era.... feel sorry for the girl and her plight yes.... want to see her treated in a different way...NO.

He is 100% right,u are wrong and a doggoder.The country has the death penaly,she was peddling drugs,she will be killed nothing more to say,good riddance to drug peddlers.I am desperate for cash but would i peddle drugs in a country that gives the death penalty,of course not.The gut who spoke the truth is an horrible person and u say the drugs smuggler was desperate,u are the bad person


Just out of interest, Gentlemen, lets assume for a moment that the person you love the most in the world has cancer. That could be your wife, your daughter, your mother, the ladyboy you wipe yourself on each night, whoever.

Lets assume that you truely love this person.

Lets also assume that you are piss poor broke. You earn 200 quid a month and there is no money for the mastectomy, the chemo, the radiotherapy.

Now, I offer you a 50/5- splt on the 700 grammes of coke. We can cut it and sell it in BKK and pull back 3 million.Lets take out a million in costs. So, we

have 1 million each.

That 1 mill will pay for all the above - just.

Now, would you take tht chance to potential save the life of the person you love?

I personally would, if that was my only choice, but I'm just interested on where you stand. And no, she can't make the 1 mill on her back.

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You don't know much about cocaine buddy. Very addictive, not many people can keep their use to "social" or "recreational", lots of people inject cocaine and cocaine does kill. Very nasty drug. Heroin is easier on your body than cocaine is


No, Buddy, I think its you that doesn't know much about drugs.

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It's pretty clear on the entry form everyone fills out on the airplane when approaching Malaysia. In caps with a red skull and cross bones - "Be forwarned, the penalty for trafficking in narcotics is death."

oh...dam, why didn't you say so... that nullifies any argument against killing people for drug offences

go ahead guys...end her life

It sounded like she was in transit?

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Good, no sympathy at all.

These people know the score and if they get away with it, fine, they get paid for the job and continue on to the next time. If they are tumbled and meet a traumatic end, than it must be considered as an occupational hazard.

Unlike the prostitutes who claim they are being used as slave labour when the job doesn’t work out, there will be no cavalry coming to the rescue.

And who are you to judge..... you know nothing of that young girls situation.... obviously she was desperate for cash to take such a risk... God be with her... and as for you.... you have obviously sold your soul already to make such a cruel statement.... horrible person...

Do we really have to know the girl's situation? (and she was 28 for crying out loud. She's a woman, an adult) Unless someone physically forced the pellets down her mouth, I see her as completely responsible for her own actions. I see nothing cruel in the comments made by Beetlejuice. Good riddance to drug traffickers at any level. <<Snip>>

Edited by metisdead
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Just out of interest, Gentlemen, lets assume for a moment that the person you love the most in the world has cancer. That could be your wife, your daughter, your mother, the ladyboy you wipe yourself on each night, whoever.

Lets assume that you truely love this person.

Lets also assume that you are piss poor broke. You earn 200 quid a month and there is no money for the mastectomy, the chemo, the radiotherapy.

Now, I offer you a 50/5- splt on the 700 grammes of coke. We can cut it and sell it in BKK and pull back 3 million.Lets take out a million in costs. So, we

have 1 million each.

That 1 mill will pay for all the above - just.

Now, would you take tht chance to potential save the life of the person you love?

I personally would, if that was my only choice, but I'm just interested on where you stand. And no, she can't make the 1 mill on her back.

I don't see what building scenarios like the one above achieves. Does the girl even have living family? If she does, are any of them ill? You (or I) don't know with the limited information we are given through the article, yet you can let your imagination run free, profess yourself as a drug supplier and appeal to the minds of others.

People like yourself are only looking at the one side of the story, and not looking at the long term consequences of her actions, and the possible lives she will be particially responsible for destroying.

I am not a "hang em' high" type of person, but do believe that if you play with fire you will eventually get burnt. I do not neccessarily agree with the death penalty either, and do feel sorry for her to an extent, but it is the known laws of the country she was transiting, loaded with class A drugs for profit.

Drug control can only start from awareness and education, in my opinion. Destruction of source and supply follow, (but this is hard to achieve when in some cases it is encouraged by certain governments) and strong deterrent against smuggling. Disregard these actions, and we will accept the drug problems we already have into society and humankind takes another step in its evolution.

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Good, no sympathy at all.

These people know the score and if they get away with it, fine, they get paid for the job and continue on to the next time. If they are tumbled and meet a traumatic end, than it must be considered as an occupational hazard.

Unlike the prostitutes who claim they are being used as slave labour when the job doesn’t work out, there will be no cavalry coming to the rescue.

And who are you to judge..... you know nothing of that young girls situation.... obviously she was desperate for cash to take such a risk... God be with her... and as for you.... you have obviously sold your soul already to make such a cruel statement.... horrible person...

Do we really have to know the girl's situation? (and she was 28 for crying out loud. She's a woman, an adult) Unless someone physically forced the pellets down her mouth, I see her as completely responsible for her own actions. I see nothing cruel in the comments made by Beetlejuice. Good riddance to drug traffickers at any level. <<Snip>>

The chances are good she was tricked and then forced into being a mule.

It happens a lot, another form of human trafficking.

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sorry, not easy on the ipad..take 2: so what is your point? That people who make a stupid decision should be killed? Or that any law, as stupid and unfair it is, should never be questioned?

Most of these people that say "Good just kill her.. She deserves it" are brainwashed into believing what some 'superior govt' power tells them to do they don't question it. THEY ARE HUMAN JUST LIKE US~! Pretty sad they can't think for themselves. I grew up with people like them and I actually feel bad for how close minded they are. There's such a great world out there to see instead of being stuck in your cave.

You are confused.

The laws regarding drug trafficking in Malaysia are well know, just as they are in Thailand.

She got caught. It's really that simple. Now she will be hung by her neck until she is dead.

As stated previously, I support the laws of death to drug traffickers. That doesn't mean I want anyone to die. I'd much prefer people didn't traffic drugs. But if they do, and they get caught, then the outcome is pre-determined. Nothing you or I can do about it.

Your arguments on the injustice of Malaysian law is irrelevant at this point.

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I don't see what building scenarios like the one above achieves. Does the girl even have living family? If she does, are any of them ill? You (or I) don't know with the limited information we are given through the article,

You are indeed correct and , for that reason, its wise to withold judgement. As we dont know WHY she did it, perhaps it is best to not strig her up just yet or say ALL trafficers derserve it.Some don't.

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People like yourself are only looking at the one side of the story, and not looking at the long term consequences of her actions, and the possible lives she will be particially responsible for destroying.

No, people like me are attempting to say......'dont be so judgemental untl you have walked a few steps in heer flip flops'.

I agree, drugs cause death and destruction and hurt society. BUT, I am also saying that PERHAPS circumstances override normal considerations.......who knows without having the facts. I am not a jury, a judge - rather, before I say string the bitch up, I'd like to know WHY.

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Just out of interest, Gentlemen, lets assume for a moment that the person you love the most in the world has cancer. That could be your wife, your daughter, your mother, the ladyboy you wipe yourself on each night, whoever.

Lets assume that you truely love this person.

Lets also assume that you are piss poor broke. You earn 200 quid a month and there is no money for the mastectomy, the chemo, the radiotherapy.

Now, I offer you a 50/5- splt on the 700 grammes of coke. We can cut it and sell it in BKK and pull back 3 million.Lets take out a million in costs. So, we

have 1 million each.

That 1 mill will pay for all the above - just.

Now, would you take tht chance to potential save the life of the person you love?

I personally would, if that was my only choice, but I'm just interested on where you stand. And no, she can't make the 1 mill on her back.

I don't see what building scenarios like the one above achieves. Does the girl even have living family? If she does, are any of them ill? You (or I) don't know with the limited information we are given through the article, yet you can let your imagination run free, profess yourself as a drug supplier and appeal to the minds of others.

People like yourself are only looking at the one side of the story, and not looking at the long term consequences of her actions, and the possible lives she will be particially responsible for destroying.

I am not a "hang em' high" type of person, but do believe that if you play with fire you will eventually get burnt. I do not neccessarily agree with the death penalty either, and do feel sorry for her to an extent, but it is the known laws of the country she was transiting, loaded with class A drugs for profit.

Drug control can only start from awareness and education, in my opinion. Destruction of source and supply follow, (but this is hard to achieve when in some cases it is encouraged by certain governments) and strong deterrent against smuggling. Disregard these actions, and we will accept the drug problems we already have into society and humankind takes another step in its evolution.

People like yourself are only looking at the one side of the story, and not looking at the long term consequences of her actions, and the possible lives she will be particially responsible for destroying.

thing is, her capture makes absolutely no dent on drug availability in real world terms, so does she personally have the responsibility for destroying lives.. i don't think so.

the person responsible for a drug addicts use and the destruction of their life is the person themselves... obviously personal reasons for the addicts use vary considerably.

if someone smokes, gets cancer and dies.. who do you blame? the cigarettes or the person who smokes them knowing the risk involved?

you don't hear "jim died of lung cancer from smoking last week"...

"oh really? those scumbags in the 7/11 selling cigs"...

"no it wasn't their fault, it was the couriers who deliver to 7/11"....

"actually thinking 'bout it, it was the.." etc etc

the girl was obviously extremely desperate.. why else would she do it?

of course she should be punished but.. hung?? &lt;deleted&gt;, get a grip ppl

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Just out of interest, Gentlemen, lets assume for a moment that the person you love the most in the world has cancer. That could be your wife, your daughter, your mother, the ladyboy you wipe yourself on each night, whoever.

Lets assume that you truely love this person.

Lets also assume that you are piss poor broke. You earn 200 quid a month and there is no money for the mastectomy, the chemo, the radiotherapy.

Now, I offer you a 50/5- splt on the 700 grammes of coke. We can cut it and sell it in BKK and pull back 3 million.Lets take out a million in costs. So, we

have 1 million each.

That 1 mill will pay for all the above - just.

Now, would you take tht chance to potential save the life of the person you love?

I personally would, if that was my only choice, but I'm just interested on where you stand. And no, she can't make the 1 mill on her back.

I don't see what building scenarios like the one above achieves. Does the girl even have living family? If she does, are any of them ill? You (or I) don't know with the limited information we are given through the article, yet you can let your imagination run free, profess yourself as a drug supplier and appeal to the minds of others.

People like yourself are only looking at the one side of the story, and not looking at the long term consequences of her actions, and the possible lives she will be particially responsible for destroying.

I am not a "hang em' high" type of person, but do believe that if you play with fire you will eventually get burnt. I do not neccessarily agree with the death penalty either, and do feel sorry for her to an extent, but it is the known laws of the country she was transiting, loaded with class A drugs for profit.

Drug control can only start from awareness and education, in my opinion. Destruction of source and supply follow, (but this is hard to achieve when in some cases it is encouraged by certain governments) and strong deterrent against smuggling. Disregard these actions, and we will accept the drug problems we already have into society and humankind takes another step in its evolution.

People like yourself are only looking at the one side of the story, and not looking at the long term consequences of her actions, and the possible lives she will be particially responsible for destroying.

thing is, her capture makes absolutely no dent on drug availability in real world terms, so does she personally have the responsibility for destroying lives.. i don't think so.

the person responsible for a drug addicts use and the destruction of their life is the person themselves... obviously personal reasons for the addicts use vary considerably.

if someone smokes, gets cancer and dies.. who do you blame? the cigarettes or the person who smokes them knowing the risk involved?

you don't hear "jim died of lung cancer from smoking last week"...

"oh really? those scumbags in the 7/11 selling cigs"...

"no it wasn't their fault, it was the couriers who deliver to 7/11"....

"actually thinking 'bout it, it was the.." etc etc

the girl was obviously extremely desperate.. why else would she do it?

of course she should be punished but.. hung?? &lt;deleted&gt;, get a grip ppl

She was probably tricked into it by the Argentinian called "Rado", he probably pretended he loved her and bought her a ticket to Argentina or just offered her a fake job. Once there he coerced her into being a mule. I am guessing it is not the first time he has done this, nor will it be the last. It would be better to kill him and the guy she was to deliver the drugs to. More than likely, she is a victim of human trafficking. imo

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She was probably tricked into it by the Argentinian called "Rado", he probably pretended he loved her and bought her a ticket to Argentina or just offered her a fake job. Once there he coerced her into being a mule. I am guessing it is not the first time he has done this, nor will it be the last. It would be better to kill him and the guy she was to deliver the drugs to. More than likely, she is a victim of human trafficking. imo

i'm pretty confident that she didn't just do it out of pure greed anyway

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Just out of interest, Gentlemen, lets assume for a moment that the person you love the most in the world has cancer. That could be your wife, your daughter, your mother, the ladyboy you wipe yourself on each night, whoever.

Lets assume that you truely love this person.

Lets also assume that you are piss poor broke. You earn 200 quid a month and there is no money for the mastectomy, the chemo, the radiotherapy.

Now, I offer you a 50/5- splt on the 700 grammes of coke. We can cut it and sell it in BKK and pull back 3 million.Lets take out a million in costs. So, we

have 1 million each.

That 1 mill will pay for all the above - just.

Now, would you take tht chance to potential save the life of the person you love?

I personally would, if that was my only choice, but I'm just interested on where you stand. And no, she can't make the 1 mill on her back.

I don't see what building scenarios like the one above achieves. Does the girl even have living family? If she does, are any of them ill? You (or I) don't know with the limited information we are given through the article, yet you can let your imagination run free, profess yourself as a drug supplier and appeal to the minds of others.

People like yourself are only looking at the one side of the story, and not looking at the long term consequences of her actions, and the possible lives she will be particially responsible for destroying.

I am not a "hang em' high" type of person, but do believe that if you play with fire you will eventually get burnt. I do not neccessarily agree with the death penalty either, and do feel sorry for her to an extent, but it is the known laws of the country she was transiting, loaded with class A drugs for profit.

Drug control can only start from awareness and education, in my opinion. Destruction of source and supply follow, (but this is hard to achieve when in some cases it is encouraged by certain governments) and strong deterrent against smuggling. Disregard these actions, and we will accept the drug problems we already have into society and humankind takes another step in its evolution.

People like yourself are only looking at the one side of the story, and not looking at the long term consequences of her actions, and the possible lives she will be particially responsible for destroying.

thing is, her capture makes absolutely no dent on drug availability in real world terms, so does she personally have the responsibility for destroying lives.. i don't think so.

the person responsible for a drug addicts use and the destruction of their life is the person themselves... obviously personal reasons for the addicts use vary considerably.

if someone smokes, gets cancer and dies.. who do you blame? the cigarettes or the person who smokes them knowing the risk involved?

you don't hear "jim died of lung cancer from smoking last week"...

"oh really? those scumbags in the 7/11 selling cigs"...

"no it wasn't their fault, it was the couriers who deliver to 7/11"....

"actually thinking 'bout it, it was the.." etc etc

the girl was obviously extremely desperate.. why else would she do it?

of course she should be punished but.. hung?? &lt;deleted&gt;, get a grip ppl

K, lets try to answer:

"thing is, her capture makes absolutely no dent on drug availability in real world terms, so does she personally have the responsibility for destroying lives.. i don't think so." If she is not making a dent, then why is she doing it? Personal use?

"the person responsible for a drug addicts use and the destruction of their life is the person themselves... obviously personal reasons for the addicts use vary considerably." I would argue that to be addicted in the first place then you need a supply: when a user becomes dependant, then they are addicted.

"if someone smokes, gets cancer and dies.. who do you blame? the cigarettes or the person who smokes them knowing the risk involved?" I would say that it would be the smoker today. But before? Cigarette advertising everywhere, then it was encouraged. And then it comes down again to supply; if everyone is so certain that smoking causes cancer, why is it still freely available over the counter? We know that answer is government tax.

"the girl was obviously extremely desperate.. why else would she do it?" Why obviously? One reason that springs to mind is money. How many times has she done the trip to South America, or elsewhere for that matter involved in the same thing? We don't know because all the information we have been told in the article is that she agreed to becme a mule, through the internet! Bit like answering a spam mail.

"of course she should be punished but.. hung?? &lt;deleted&gt;, get a grip ppl" These are the known laws of the country she was caught in; don't neccessarily agree with it, but the law is the law.

I have said in an earlier posting that I am not a hang em high person, and that is true. I am just looking at the few facts we have been given in the article and am looking at them from another angle. Three side to every story, his, hers and the truth!

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Always the mule who gets the whip...never the big boy who clearly has done this before and will again. Police and authorities always gor for the easy target and will no doubt not bother to find Mr. Big. Find Mr. Big and you stop a lot more than a kilo of coke.

Silly girl......but I do sympathise as I don't believe that the death penalty is the right course of action for this crime for a mule.

How they can do it is a mystery to me as I worry when I have a carton or two of extra cigarettes!

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"thing is, her capture makes absolutely no dent on drug availability in real world terms, so does she personally have the responsibility for destroying lives.. i don't think so." If she is not making a dent, then why is she doing it? Personal use?

that's why i said in real world terms... as in it makes no difference to drug availability, maybe someone somewhere will have to wait a couple of hours to source their hit... but does it make a real dent in drug availability... no.

"the person responsible for a drug addicts use and the destruction of their life is the person themselves... obviously personal reasons for the addicts use vary considerably." I would argue that to be addicted in the first place then you need a supply: when a user becomes dependant, then they are addicted.

that's not an argument against the responsibility lying with the user... are you saying they are not the ones who are ultimately responsible for their own drug use?

"if someone smokes, gets cancer and dies.. who do you blame? the cigarettes or the person who smokes them knowing the risk involved?" I would say that it would be the smoker today. But before? Cigarette advertising everywhere, then it was encouraged. And then it comes down again to supply; if everyone is so certain that smoking causes cancer, why is it still freely available over the counter? We know that answer is government tax.

so you agree then.

the answer is government tax and the veil is the freedom of choice for the individual... even though it is a veil, for me it's still the correct policy... if people wanna smoke, let them and the consequences will be their own responsibility....i'd rather live in a society where you make your own life decisions rather than being nannied by the government about everything.

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"the girl was obviously extremely desperate.. why else would she do it?" Why obviously? One reason that springs to mind is money. How many times has she done the trip to South America, or elsewhere for that matter involved in the same thing? We don't know because all the information we have been told in the article is that she agreed to becme a mule, through the internet! Bit like answering a spam mail.

ok maybe not obviously but logically.. considering the small amount of money in relation to the huge risk.

if you don't think a person is likely to be desperate to take such drastic actions to make some money then that's your prerogative.

These are the known laws of the country she was caught in; don't neccessarily agree with it, but the law is the law.

well yeah, that's my point too.. that i don't agree with it.

and the saying 'the law is the law' doesn't exonorate that law from being a total disgrace.

i'm sure people said "but the law is the law" when people questioned why they were burning the woman who was guilty of being a 'witch'

I have said in an earlier posting that I am not a hang em high person, and that is true. I am just looking at the few facts we have been given in the article and am looking at them from another angle. Three side to every story, his, hers and the truth!

fair enough, i was just taking you up on the one point about only looking at one side and not considering what you brought up but i had considered and don't agree with the point.

- edited to fix quotations.. the quotation system is a joke.

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Those were the rules of the game, it was there to deter. Now that she played and lost, who is to question.

Extreme circumstances in needing cash does not justify the offense. I too need money, can I go robbing the banks tomorrow?

extreme laws do not justify the hanging of a woman for such an offense.

you don't think you should question a law... because it's... a law.


what do you think about stoning women to death in iran for adultery?

i guess your answer is

Those were the rules of the game, it was there to deter. Now that she played and lost, who is to question.
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Do you know how these hardcore drugs affect people and the lives that they ruin? I doubt it.

End of story.

I am very familiar with how the hardcore drug alcohol affects people and the lives that it ruins. Nevertheless, I would never again attempt the folly that was Alcohol Prohibition in the United States. The result would be the same kind of madness you see in this particular case of Drugs Other Than Alcohol Prohibition.

For myself, there is little I can do but add Malaysia to the list of countries that I will never give one penny to. I'm going strong with over 7 years of boycotting Singapore because of their killing of Van Tuong Nguyen. Many are those killed since then, proving that the theory of executing to send a message in order to prevent future occurrences is not working... But the madness must continue. I mean, just think of the children!

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Those were the rules of the game, it was there to deter. Now that she played and lost, who is to question.

Extreme circumstances in needing cash does not justify the offense. I too need money, can I go robbing the banks tomorrow?

extreme laws do not justify the hanging of a woman for such an offense.

you don't think you should question a law... because it's... a law.


what do you think about stoning women to death in iran for adultery?

i guess your answer is

Those were the rules of the game, it was there to deter. Now that she played and lost, who is to question.

Yes, it's all about double standards.

"I personally think that drugs are a bad thing (because they said so in the tabloid press, so it must be true), so it's quite right that they should kill this young woman. The law must be upheld. She knew the consequences. But I personally don't think it's so terribly wrong for a woman to commit adultry (because in the tabloids I read etc etc...) so I don't think this young woman should die. Even though it's the law. Even though she knew the consequences."

But it's the law of the land, right?

So must be upheld, right?

Hypocrites, all.

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