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Passport And B.A Degree Names Not Exact Match

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As the title says, I just noticed something that I previously did not even think about. First off, I have a pretty weird name. For some reason, I have a hyphanated middle name... or basically two middle names. The first part is my father's first name, Phillip. Not a weird name. The second part is Omar....... OMAR!??!! My mom said it had something to do with her side of the family and her father's father etc.. So my middle name as shown on my passport is the full Phillip-Omar. I never use the Omar part. I think the only documents that have the -Omar are my birth cert, passport, State Driver's lisc.

My entire life, I have never gone by my full name. Sometimes I forget I even have the extra part.

Here is the thing- My B.B.A degree has just the "Phillip" part printed. Not the hyphen Omar. SO my degree reads First Name Phillip Last Name, while my passport has the entire name printed.

How much of an issue will this be at Thai immigration when I go to apply for a work permit. Does it depend on what immigration office I am applying at? Who I get?

I just read on a forum that some guy was just denied his work permit last week because his passport read his first name as Samuel but his B.A degree read "Sam"

If this was an issue, do I involve my university or my embassy?

The funny thing about this is this- At a lot of universities, you can pick what your degree name displays as... to a point. Like you can leave your middle name out, or just an Initial. They ask you what you want at a lot of schools, at least mine did. So its not like what is printed on the degree is "official" or whatever.

My university unfortunatly takes 10 weeks to get new degrees printed and mailed out.

Any thoughts, commens, experiences would be appreciated.

Thanks everyone, I hope I explained the issue above clearly.

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As Lopburi stated, you are from the US, as we both are, there is a 12 hour time difference from EST. You're awake, we're asleep!

From another post, if you are coming in May it's not the best time to look for a teaching job as the school year here starts 1 May and most of the desireable postions will be taken. I'm sure that there will be some still available, but maybe not in the locations that you want. If you can come earlier , there would be more openings available.

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He is still in the USA? If so then just go to the University and have them make a new degree with like you said "choose the name you want"

Why would that take take 10 weeks?

I had my Engineer degree stolen here and for the position I had in your other post I spoke of I had to send for a new one from back home in Canada and had it in about 3 weeks.

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