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Is Pattaya City Too Over Whelming To Manage?


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Since Pattaya is now a "green city" so long as it's a "green" monorail I'm all for it. clap2.gif

You guys need to keep up....that pie in the sky idea has long since been abandoned.

There were reports on this forum that in a few weeks they gonna start digging up Sukhumvith for some railway link and the works would take the better part of this year.If it isn't the monorail,what it exactly is for.
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In an imaginary world where in Pattaya the local government officials running the place were hired based upon their skills and good character such as honesty and integrity then Pattaya would not be hard to manage and improve. But given the actual world the Thais have made for themselves where these people are hired because of their connections and despite their personal dishonesty and greed then Pattaya can't be managed. Until the ordinary/decent Thais rise up and sweep the scum out of the way and into jail or graves where they belong then things won't get any better.

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The Mayor lives in Pattaya and is quite nice in person and very approachable also.

So If they start digging up roads to put in bigger sewers etc. then we might as well bring back a post for 1, 2 and 3 years ago where all the TV poster were complaining about construction all over and how bad the roads are.

So first decide what you want: Construction and infrastructure improvements so you can complain or Nothing done so you can complain?

Digging up roads in a timely manner are the key words. Not dig up roads that take 5 years to complete.

But roads have nothing to do with trash everywhere, mafia everywhere, scams everywhere, drugs everywhere, dirty beaches, corroding beaches, and the long list of other things that have nothing to do with digging up roads.

How difficult is it to keep the place clean? Why is it allowed for anyone to use any soi as a trash dump? Why would a beach tourist city allow their beaches to become filthy and erode? How could any tourist city allow the tourists to be assaulted DAILY by thugs on the beach with weapons and do NOTHING about it? How can a city allow "metered taxis" to ride the streets who refuse to use their meter? Why do they keep arresting FAKE police every 3 days yet still have police uniform and gear sales to the general public in the parking lot of the police station? And so on and so forth.

"Corruption" is the only answer to every problem in Pattaya. How nice and approachable someone may be is irrelevant.

How could anyone complain so much and choose to live here?

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I'm definitely not defending the Mayor or anyone else. just mentioned that it is easy to meet up with him.

I agree that the Civil Engineers in Thailand have NO IDEA of what they are doing and that a normal project that would normally take maybe 1 year anywhere else takes 3 - 5 years here and still isn't done correct.

Let's look at some of the projects here: The "Railway Road" took forever but that was because it was a contract awarded to the Thai Army. We all drove by waiting to see the progress and saw all the uniformed supervisors standing around daily. They got paid on a daily rate I would assume.

The other projects such as sewer replacements are also a farce. The contractor knows that the population of Pattaya requires for instance a 32" or a 48" pipe line however they install a 24" instead. That is to assure that they have a contract in the future. Not stupid by any means. I have worked with Thai Engineers here and there are some pretty smart mother's. Problem is they don't get paid to think. They get paid to keep they mouths shut.

This is however not really in the hands of Pattaya's mayor really because could you just imagine him asking for a 20 billion baht budget in Bkk? They simply say "pai lewae".

Yeah it all sucks but I chose to live here and I have learned that by thinking to much it causes un-rest.

Sure I get worked up sometimes also but then I crack a cold one, kick back on the beach in NaJomtien and ask myself.........why bother?

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