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Do You Plan To Live In Pattaya When Your "Old"?


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Agreed that you cannot foresee sudden illnesses like heart attacks.

But with an address in Belgium, my Belgian sick insurance covers me during my "holiday" in Thailand.

When it is something you see coming, like diabetes or cancer, I would stay in Belgium for treatment.

''unless you require limb amputation, in which case you'd probably be better off doing it at home''.

i think thats a bit extreme, no insurance?

Diabetes is one the leading causes of amputation of the lower limbs throughout the world. It is also a leading cause of blindness. The sad part is that these "symptoms" are usually avoidable if diabetes is detected early through a cheap and simple blood test.

The problem with your "happy to die when I reach xx age" mentality is that often the dying process can be gradual and painful. It's not like you're going to wake up one day and decide - "this is the day I die".

i think there are many balcony vaulters in Pattaya who would disagree with you.

if they could........

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I think I would live in Pattaya when "old" or (in my words) in the golden years. I would like to be able to sit along the beach across Royal Garden and watch the jet ski scams for entertainment; complain when the price of Leo goes up 5 baht; and still be called a "sexy man" when 92 years old.

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I can't imagine Pattaya will be fit for living in another 10 years (or less) at the rate it is declining as drug abuse and violence increases. Unless someone steps in to clean it up, and it won't be the current mayor, Pattaya has no place to go but down. To consider living there when I'm "old" is laughable.

I'm going to go where I can live comfortably, have affordable and competent health care, and generally be left alone to my own affairs. If that is Thailand, so be it. But I highly doubt it will be Pattaya.

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I was planning to, even bought a house that I was going to furnish comfortably but not now. Will go back to UK for a while then go to Spain/Greece/Portugal for the rest of my days. Even considering Zambia where I was brought up but for some reason I have gone right of Pattaya. Mai kow jai.

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