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Nuclear reactor temperature at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi plant rises to 82°C


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If not for the sovereignty issues, it is well past time for some organization with more than just monetary concerns (Tepco) to step in and take over. After the accident Tepco obfuscated the extent of the damage and remediation. Since then they have just been hoping it will all just go away.

yeah its amazing isn't it that “ certain groups “ in the world have no problem doing whatever is required to remove heads of state and achieve regime change to suit their agenda and yet in this matter seem happy to sit by watching the Pacific Ocean being slowly poisoned

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If not for the sovereignty issues, it is well past time for some organization with more than just monetary concerns (Tepco) to step in and take over. After the accident Tepco obfuscated the extent of the damage and remediation. Since then they have just been hoping it will all just go away.

yeah its amazing isn't it that “ certain groups “ in the world have no problem doing whatever is required to remove heads of state and achieve regime change to suit their agenda and yet in this matter seem happy to sit by watching the Pacific Ocean being slowly poisoned

Well, it was all we could do to get Obama off the golf course long enough to make an address this morning over today's massacre in Cairo. We can only get his attention long enough for one crisis per day. Now if he thought he could gain some liberal voters in the process, he would be on it link stink on <deleted>.

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^ Hardly Obama's fault.

If not for the sovereignty issues, it is well past time for some organization with more than just monetary concerns (Tepco) to step in and take over. After the accident Tepco obfuscated the extent of the damage and remediation. Since then they have just been hoping it will all just go away.

yeah its amazing isn't it that “ certain groups “ in the world have no problem doing whatever is required to remove heads of state and achieve regime change to suit their agenda and yet in this matter seem happy to sit by watching the Pacific Ocean being slowly poisoned

Yeah, no oil or pipeline route makes a difference.

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^ Hardly Obama's fault.

If not for the sovereignty issues, it is well past time for some organization with more than just monetary concerns (Tepco) to step in and take over. After the accident Tepco obfuscated the extent of the damage and remediation. Since then they have just been hoping it will all just go away.

yeah its amazing isn't it that “ certain groups “ in the world have no problem doing whatever is required to remove heads of state and achieve regime change to suit their agenda and yet in this matter seem happy to sit by watching the Pacific Ocean being slowly poisoned

Yeah, no oil or pipeline route makes a difference.

The gist of the exchange was over "some" countries lack of honoring the sovereignty of other countries when it comes to "security" measures, while at the same time ignoring something that has far greater ramifications, such as the Fukushima meltdown.

No one said it was Obama's fault. If we go down that road, we have to include the village idiot from Texas which is a show-stopper. The point being that someone, somewhere needs to lean on the Japanese government to actually do something about Fukushima instead of twiddling their thumbs as the Pacific becomes radioactive. If this thing melts down and the fuel rods come into contact with the atmosphere, then radioactive cesium will be carried by the jet stream to every corner of the planet.


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It's sad how the Japanese have suffered so much from radioactivity. The closing chapters of WWII, and now this Fukushima. For all the VIP Big Shots in Thailand (including EGAT) who want Thailand to go nuclear, I suggest they grab their bathing suits and go swimming off-shore at Fukushima.

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And the beat goes on and on and on.

The official version.


Radiation levels in Fukushima bay highest since measurements began - reports

Readings of tritium in seawater taken from the bay near the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant has shown 4700 becquerels per liter, a TEPCO report stated, according to Nikkei newspaper. It marks the highest tritium level in the measurement history.

Earlier, Tepco admitted that an estimated 20 to 40 trillion becquerel’s of tritium may have flowed into the Pacific Ocean since the nuclear disaster.

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It is worse than anyone is admitting.


Fukushima apocalypse: Years of ‘duct tape fixes’ could result in ‘millions of deaths’

Fukushima operator TEPCO wants to extract 400 tons worth of spent fuel rods stored in a pool at the plant’s damaged Reactor No. 4. The removal would have to be done manually from the top store of the damaged building in the radiation-contaminated environment.

In the worst-case scenario, a mishandled rod may go critical, resulting in an above-ground meltdown releasing radioactive fallout with no way to stop it, said Consolo, who is the founder and host of Nuked Radio. But leaving the things as they are is not an option, because statistical risk of a similarly bad outcome increases every day, she said.


'If and when the corium reaches the Tokyo aquifer, serious and expedient discussions will have to take place about evacuating 40 million people'


Across the Pacific, we have at least two peer-reviewed scientific studies so far that have already provided evidence of increased mortality in North America, and thyroid problems in infants on the west coast states from our initial exposures.


And all this collateral damage will continue for decades, if not centuries, even if things stay exactly the way they are now. But that is unlikely, as bad things happen like natural disasters and deterioration with time...earthquakes, subsidence, and corrosion, to name a few. Every day that goes by, the statistical risk increases for this apocalyptic scenario. No one can say or know how this will play out, except that millions of people will probably die even if things stay exactly as they are, and billions could die if things get any worse.

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And the beat goes on and on and on.

The official version.


Radiation levels in Fukushima bay highest since measurements began - reports

Readings of tritium in seawater taken from the bay near the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant has shown 4700 becquerels per liter, a TEPCO report stated, according to Nikkei newspaper. It marks the highest tritium level in the measurement history.

Earlier, Tepco admitted that an estimated 20 to 40 trillion becquerel’s of tritium may have flowed into the Pacific Ocean since the nuclear disaster.


Sources: http://jmkorhonen.net/2013/08/05/graph-of-the-week-fukushima-tritium-leak-in-context/


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In fact there seem to be so many leaks going on, it's hard to know which one people are talking aboutblink.png

now we have another one that has seeped into the ground reported on BBC today

Fukushima nuclear plant: Radioactive water leak found

Radioactive water has leaked from a storage tank into the ground at Japan's Fukushima plant, its operator says.


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It is worse than anyone is admitting.


Fukushima apocalypse: Years of ‘duct tape fixes’ could result in ‘millions of deaths’

Fukushima operator TEPCO wants to extract 400 tons worth of spent fuel rods stored in a pool at the plant’s damaged Reactor No. 4. The removal would have to be done manually from the top store of the damaged building in the radiation-contaminated environment.

In the worst-case scenario, a mishandled rod may go critical, resulting in an above-ground meltdown releasing radioactive fallout with no way to stop it, said Consolo, who is the founder and host of Nuked Radio. But leaving the things as they are is not an option, because statistical risk of a similarly bad outcome increases every day, she said.


'If and when the corium reaches the Tokyo aquifer, serious and expedient discussions will have to take place about evacuating 40 million people'


Across the Pacific, we have at least two peer-reviewed scientific studies so far that have already provided evidence of increased mortality in North America, and thyroid problems in infants on the west coast states from our initial exposures.


And all this collateral damage will continue for decades, if not centuries, even if things stay exactly the way they are now. But that is unlikely, as bad things happen like natural disasters and deterioration with time...earthquakes, subsidence, and corrosion, to name a few. Every day that goes by, the statistical risk increases for this apocalyptic scenario. No one can say or know how this will play out, except that millions of people will probably die even if things stay exactly as they are, and billions could die if things get any worse.

This is all definitely not funny, but if we don't have a laugh, we end up needing to cry about it.

I had to chuckle at one comment written under one of these articles which said “And the purpose of getting up for work is what at this point in time? “

I can't understand the world sitting by and allowing this group of incompetent buffoons ( TEPCO) alone to attempt something which has never been done before on this scale . How can you trust anything these people do or say just based on the sheer number of lies they have told since 2011?

" evacuating 40 million people' " good luck with that one !

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How close are we to China Syndrome? (Or in their case US or Canada syndrome, but I don't have a globe handy).

It starts to get potentially dangerous in November (that is if the world allows this company to tackle something they are clearly not competent to deal with) so we have 2 1/2 months to hope and pray

( provided there isn't another earthquake before then )

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and another leak……………………..facepalm.gif

Crippled Fukushima nuclear plant springs fresh leak

TEPCO which at a press conference this morning announced that "roughly 300 tonnes of radioactive water has seeped from a storage tank, marking the worst leak in more than 2½ years of efforts to contain the effects of the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami."

In other words, not only is the irradiated coolant water overflowing the storage tanks, it is also leaking straight into the environment, including the surrounding soil, ocean and who knows where else.

at a press conference on Tuesday, Tokyo Electric Power said it had detected a leak in one of the tanks that store water used to cool melted uranium fuel rods. A puddle that formed near the tank was emitting a radiation dose of 100 millisieverts an hour when measured a short distance above the surface, Tepco said – about 350,000 times higher than natural background levels.


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I just checked. The pictures have indeed been removed.

But I just found another link with 22 pictures from a Korean website who assembled this image collection of produce from towns and villages surrounding the Fukushima Daiichi


and here are pictures of kiwi fruit from as far away as California ohmy.png


Based on this can you imagine the possibilities of what kind of genetic mutations are occurring regarding sea life in the

Pacific Ocean? vampire.gif

Here is a note from the MSN post

CORRECTION: A post on a website in Japan reports that these images aren’t related to the Fukushima disaster. We regret passing along the misinformation.


Dont believe everything you see or read without challenge.

Dont become sheep.

Free will and intellect are some of our most unique traits.


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I just checked. The pictures have indeed been removed.

But I just found another link with 22 pictures from a Korean website who assembled this image collection of produce from towns and villages surrounding the Fukushima Daiichi


and here are pictures of kiwi fruit from as far away as California ohmy.png


Based on this can you imagine the possibilities of what kind of genetic mutations are occurring regarding sea life in the

Pacific Ocean? vampire.gif

Here is a note from the MSN post

CORRECTION: A post on a website in Japan reports that these images aren’t related to the Fukushima disaster. We regret passing along the misinformation.


Dont believe everything you see or read without challenge.

Dont become sheep.

Free will and intellect are some of our most unique traits.


Somehow I doubt if the use of inaccurate photographs would alter the seriousness of the present situation?ermm.gif

And you talk about sheep............ The real tragedy isn't about the sheep not challenging the authenticity of a bunch of photographs but that they have been so willing to believe the bombardment of lies that TEPCO has been telling the world since 2011 i.e. “ don't worry everything is under control “

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The beginning of the end. Really not a d*mnn thing anyone can do. Might as well live it up and use and abuse the forsaken planet at pleasure. Deteriorating environment with exploding population, doomed.

Glad to not be any younger, kids born today will really see their lives degrade.

Good bye mother.

Anyone else catch the Bkk Post article stating 300 litres ... The correction the next day was so tiny as to be laughable. Guess who wants public monies spent on nuclear

Looks like my wife was right. We need to spend all our money right now because we might die tomorrow.

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How close are we to China Syndrome? (Or in their case US or Canada syndrome, but I don't have a globe handy).

Closer now than when you first asked this question I thinksad.png

Fukushima radioactive leak causes the sea off Japan coast to boil
The sea is boiling off of the coast of Fukushima, Japan, and the picture of this devastating phenomenon has recently been called the photo of the day by Coolbuster. While it certainly can’t be good for any plant or animal life left off of the coast of Japan, it might have even worse consequences for the North American continent. If Fukushima radiation keeps leaking, the boiling seas are likely to spread all the way across the Pacific Ocean to the West Coast of the US causing a massive environmental catastrophe.


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  • 4 weeks later...

It's sad how the Japanese have suffered so much from radioactivity. The closing chapters of WWII, and now this Fukushima. For all the VIP Big Shots in Thailand (including EGAT) who want Thailand to go nuclear, I suggest they grab their bathing suits and go swimming off-shore at Fukushima.

Sad , or weird? Like they are a nuke vortex. if one looks at the geographic area through the alternative arts; fire on fire.

well l seems intervention is on the way in way of . France, the second worse environmental enemy, and purveyor of nuke energy .

Where does their waste go?

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It's sad how the Japanese have suffered so much from radioactivity. The closing chapters of WWII, and now this Fukushima. For all the VIP Big Shots in Thailand (including EGAT) who want Thailand to go nuclear, I suggest they grab their bathing suits and go swimming off-shore at Fukushima.

Sad , or weird? Like they are a nuke vortex. if one looks at the geographic area through the alternative arts; fire on fire.

well l seems intervention is on the way in way of . France, the second worse environmental enemy, and purveyor of nuke energy .

Where does their waste go?

For US nuke plants, the industry people want to bury it deep inside a rock hill in SW USA. Among other protesters, it's significant that resident Native Americans don't want that. To them, the Earth is sacred, and not something to bury radioactive waste within - regardless of how deep. As for the French, I don't know. Maybe at one of their Pacific Islands, when no one is looking. ...or at Chartres Cathedral, and they can somehow mix radioactivity in with the myths of healing forces there.

Where will the Chinese put radioactive waste from the dozens of nuke plants? Perhaps dump it in rivers on dark cloudy nights, which they do with all other types of waste they generate.

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Well there is CIGEO in Marne

There is Cap de la Hague (handily at top of Cotentin peninsula near teh D Day beaches so in even t of a leak it can blow to Uk

Some I believe was sent to Sellafield and Gerleben? in Western Germany by train.


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Dr. Helen Caldicott, physician: It’s worse, it’s much worse — Chernobyl was absolutely ghastly […] This is worse, because there are 3 reactors which melted down [...] Chernobyl stopped burning and it’s now sort of a radioactive mausoleum, it’s quiet. But these reactors are not quiet, and they are polluting millions of gallons of water. There’s no end in sight to this you see, there was an end in sight to Chernobyl. There’s not an end in sight for Fukushima. Nuclear engineers are saying that, and I predict they’ll never be able to fix it.

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I don't see what even the world can do?

Arnie Gundersen , the nuclear engineer, says building 4 is distorted and leaning and is essentially sitting on mud. Hardly surprising when you consider a river was diverted to build this place. Can you believe that?! They built it on a river bed?crazy.gif

And then some of the fuel rods are likely bent or broken. If they even attempt to lift out those fuel rods manually I think it could be disastrous.

Here is an example of the latest “faux pas “by TEPCO…..i don't think I would have confidence in them by now to trust them to even repair my car !

Fukushima worker accidentally switches off cooling pumps, backup kicks in

The operator of Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant said on Monday that pumps used to inject water to cool damaged reactors were hit by a power failure, but a backup system kicked in immediately.

The Nuclear Regulation Authority said a worker conducting system inspections mistakenly pushed a button turning off power to some of the systems in the four reactor buildings at the Fukushima plant.


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Typhoon tracking toward Fukushima, to hit area in 2 days — Threat of mudslides, flooding — Soaking rainfall predicted for days after storm


one reason this could be serious is …………………..

New report shows support braces completely severed on 400-foot tower near Fukushima reactors


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