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Thailand's Thaksin Prepares For War

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Nisa, #408

Which leads back to my comment that they are either morons or communists leaning.

It amazes me how comfortable and self-assured some people who have never been among Red Shirts in a meaningful way, will parrot the Oppositional characterization of them as if it had merit.

Farangs who dump on the mainstream Red Shirt Movement and its people, are just mimicking and chanting Oppositional characterizations designed to besmirch and disparage those who are their political opposites.

In exactly the same way they portray those citizens who stood up to their coup, as being anarchic and anti-social, opposing their angelic pro-coup aggressors.

It is why I can extremely confidently state that those who come echo and mime the Oppsosition this way, have never been near the Red Shirts in a meaningful way.....absolutely confidently.


Are you the one training Yingluk in public speaking? Words that form run-on sentences lacking a real point, more focused on thumbing through the dictionary for large words.

Angelic pro-coup aggressors? You mean: stopping an out of control politician? He became a dicator that changed the laws for his own benefit. Not kicking him out was a better way?

Sure people among TV and those of us around Bangkok, and expats residing in Isan, know red shirts upclose and personal. Another reason I dismiss them with the sad lack of knowledge and care only for handouts and dependency on the government. The sick thing is they are all feudal minded neanderthals who like a dictator. They admit they don't care about corruption, as long as they get support and don't have to work too hard. Resembles communism all too well. Yep, the red as well.

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Nisa, #408

Which leads back to my comment that they are either morons or communists leaning.

It amazes me how comfortable and self-assured some people who have never been among Red Shirts in a meaningful way, will parrot the Oppositional characterization of them as if it had merit.

Farangs who dump on the mainstream Red Shirt Movement and its people, are just mimicking and chanting Oppositional characterizations designed to besmirch and disparage those who are their political opposites.

In exactly the same way they portray those citizens who stood up to their coup, as being anarchic and anti-social, opposing their angelic pro-coup aggressors.

It is why I can extremely confidently state that those who come echo and mime the Oppsosition this way, have never been near the Red Shirts in a meaningful way.....absolutely confidently.

Sorry CalgaryII, but your constant Amsterdam verbatim is repeated ad nauseum and lacks credibility to the point where I no longer read them.

ad nauseum, and totally / absolutely dishonest.

Where does your salary come from? No need to answer, It's very very obvious.

most of all, i wish you good luck... not for your ability to provide a strong argument, but for your ability to keep trying to reason.

You think that's what he's doing? Or are you him as well?

tbh, i haven't been paying as close attention to this poster as most of the rest of the forum has, ie with a microscope.... under the sun i might add.

but you left out my main point - that everyone was just calling him a troll and i don't think what he's doing constitutes trolling.

so my actual point was about wishing him good luck on his ability to reason with certain people who call him names more than they debate the content of what he says.

  • Like 1

Abhisit is not invited. Why would you invite an honest politician into a bidding war? That would just be impolite.

i think people who view abhisit as this squeaky clean, definition of all that is good and honest in pollitics are as fooled as people who think thaksin has done no wrong, tbh.


Longway, #375

There is one thing the reds are not and that is a democracy movement.

Standing up to the personification of anti-democracy being the coup, would suggest otherwise.

No-one else stood up to this demonstration of anti-democracy. Only them.

As imperfect they may be, Democracy is their central tenet.

Those who question this, show they have not been around them in any meaningful way, and are simply following how the Opposition defines them

I get this impression from reading your posts and others who support your views.

Also the reds lack of action or support other than when Thaksin's interests are threatened, whether you know it or not, you have nothing to do with democracy.

The old saw about simplistically defining the Red Shirts as being devoid of political awareness, other than what an association gives them.

The opposition is preaching this far and wide, but only their own choir is listening.

Until the elites and opposition get over this agenda of theirs, can political progress be made.

Only when political dialogue between equals occurs, can there be progress.

The Opposition seems very blind to this fact.

If they ever hope to have electoral success in the future, they'd better get off their high-horse, instead of pissing-off the electoral majority who elected Ms. Y last time around, and will do so again in a heartbeat.

I repeat I don't get this impression just from the opposition, but from reading you and others who share some of your views. Sometimes I think you must be a planted nation hack as you fit the stereotype of a deluded simpleton so perfectly. Not a clue and not a clue you don't have a clue.

Your pseudo-logic and incoherent ramblings are pretty standard among red supporters here too.

What drivel will appear next... will someone claim that state sponsored covered up executions without trial are not undemocratic or that people in the upper levels of government are not above the law. Oh wait....

Nice one guys. clap2.gif


Nisa, #408

Which leads back to my comment that they are either morons or communists leaning.

It amazes me how comfortable and self-assured some people who have never been among Red Shirts in a meaningful way, will parrot the Oppositional characterization of them as if it had merit.

Farangs who dump on the mainstream Red Shirt Movement and its people, are just mimicking and chanting Oppositional characterizations designed to besmirch and disparage those who are their political opposites.

In exactly the same way they portray those citizens who stood up to their coup, as being anarchic and anti-social, opposing their angelic pro-coup aggressors.

It is why I can extremely confidently state that those who come echo and mime the Oppsosition this way, have never been near the Red Shirts in a meaningful way.....absolutely confidently.


Are you the one training Yingluk in public speaking? Words that form run-on sentences lacking a real point, more focused on thumbing through the dictionary for large words.

Angelic pro-coup aggressors? You mean: stopping an out of control politician? He became a dicator that changed the laws for his own benefit. Not kicking him out was a better way?

Sure people among TV and those of us around Bangkok, and expats residing in Isan, know red shirts upclose and personal. Another reason I dismiss them with the sad lack of knowledge and care only for handouts and dependency on the government. The sick thing is they are all feudal minded neanderthals who like a dictator. They admit they don't care about corruption, as long as they get support and don't have to work too hard. Resembles communism all too well. Yep, the red as well.

It would seem to me that your responses along with the others are making CalgaryII's point look more and more reasonable.

The reason being that, in fact, the retorts to his comments are indeed, just regurgitating the same rhetoric the opponents of the Red Shirt movement use - sound bites and slanders.

There is nothing wrong with debating someone who holds a clear position. Given that you apparently have had your own contact with red shirts - live and in person, I mean - you should also be able to make more interesting comments than "they are all feudal minded neanderthals who like a dictator".

My own experience with Red Shirts does not confirm your comment that ""they are all feudal minded neanderthals who like a dictator", btw. When I have gone through Red Shirt protests, the protests were (1) huge, (2) peaceful, & (3) filled with a wide cross-section of Thai society.

And in any case, it appears unlikely that the Red Shirts are going to disappear. While there is a strong dependency between Thaksin <--> Red Shirts, the two are not joined at the hip, and IMO, even if the Thaksin question is resolved in such a way that he returns the Thailand, the Red Shirts as a group will go on...


I repeat I don't get this impression just from the opposition, but from reading you and others who share some of your views. Sometimes I think you must be a planted nation hack as you fit the stereotype of a deluded simpleton so perfectly. Not a clue and not a clue you don't have a clue.

Your pseudo-logic and incoherent ramblings are pretty standard among red supporters here too.

What drivel will appear next... will someone claim that state sponsored covered up executions without trial are not undemocratic or that people in the upper levels of government are not above the law. Oh wait....

Nice one guys. clap2.gif

Ignore those that spout mindless zombie propaganda.

“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”

Christopher Hitchens

  • Like 2
  • Until one side of the politicaL divide attributes honorable intentions and motivations to their political opposites, trouble will reign in the world of Thai Democracy. One side does not have the market cornered on Political contextualization with political motives. The fact that the coup-ists emenated from that side, would suggest the opposite. It would be very helpful to avoid arrogance and accept political equality.
  • To suggest one side of the political divide functions on the basis of brainwashing is most erroneous. Given the electoral majority, that means a lot of political zombies in Thailand. A most disrespectful view of the Thai electorate.
  • Empowerment by false pretenses is manipulation as you assert....Empowerment by electoral victories is real and attested to by voters. Especially when voters were fully informed and made choices accordingly.
  • Land speculation resulting from water management remedies is a real possibility, as long as the Opposition doesn't try to characterize all Govt. efforts in this regard as tainted. To blame them on one hand for doing nothing,.and then to also malign them on the other hand. for doing something doesn't fly. The Opposition's incessant FROC-flogging media frenzie using a disaster to further their narrow political aims recently, is still fresh in the mind of the Thai electorate who elected and supported their elected choice through the disaster that occurred.
  • You will notice my focus on message, as opposed to messenger. The logic of the message can be judged by the readers.

  • To suggest that the exploitation of the people, by the governments of the people, could be framed so ludicrously as Them v Us is stupidity suspiciously too creepy to be attributed to a zombie. This world is made up of 7 billion victims who all think they're crafty and shrewd. Everyone is exploiting everyone they can; which unfortunately, will only ever be those they're ostensibly supposed to be caring about. The Army Generals had no motive to seize power. They've been doing a rollicking trade by virtue of their lassai-faire attitude to enforcement of things that can only be especially profitbable if they carry terrifying penalites. To be waived or not waived, by understanding or confused members of the judicial branch. The Army would have preferred to be neither seen nor heard, but they were forced to protect what Thaksin was competing to control. They were merely showing an ambition to counter-act ambition. A reminder to the player who is playing a bit...ambitiously / intensely; that you can own the airwaves but until you get a standing army the reality is that your well-funded portals and your well-funded radio stations and your expensive non-syndicated but widely disseminated glossy Spam magazines won't do much against an armoured division. This isn't China, Thais aren't as stupidly deluded at those tragics at Tinnamen - because 9/10 you just get splattered all over the square. And 1/10 your fate is too horrific to contemplate. Thaksin is not DASSK. He's a winner. He skipped along, perfectly understandable reaction to overplaying your hand and running head-first into an armoured division. You will be forced to run like a girl...or boy...who doesn't want to be subjected to laws which aren't even supposed to apply to the rich, anyway. They're supposed to apply, to those who - need - to be deterred from crimes of confusion. Like you. Because if they took the law away, naturally you would start raping and killing people. Right? This is what I've been reliably told, by no less than Honourable Magistrates; who assert this fact daily. I have suggested - boldly - that perhaps the legislature and the judiciary might spent less time confusing them...because the Executive usually has that Portfolio covered more than competently (pretending to be incompetent, I mean). I proposed this 'controversial' solution in some letters sent to some Editors of some fine papers, who will never print anything like that. Ever.
  • There are a lot of political zombies in Thailand. But not nearly as many as there are in the US. Or Greece. Or Australia. Or Israel. Or Canada. I couldn't care less about zombies; because they're dead and cannot be brought back to life, with reason. I just don't like it when they bring their kids into their zombie worlds, is all. To suggest that democracy is government of the people rather than exploitation of the people by creepier / wealthier people (who seem to have cornered the representative market)...is a little too disingenious to be anything short of disgusting. Don't you agree? To use words like 'disrespectful', when the jury is not yet ready to ascertain whether or not you are a victim or a manipulator...leads me to conclude you're probably in the middle. Victimised, but with lofty ambitions of exploiting your own victims (one day!) - hey we all gotta dream, right? You'd be a lot like every - successful - manipulator, in that way. Dreams are the chains of 21st century slaves; with millions or billions of delusional slaves at the bottom of pyramid schemes...and a tiny handful of delusional slaves at the top (who got in on the 'ground floor'). They never get out, happy. Have you noticed that?
  • In a less Polite and far more Decent world, you could be quite fairly slapped by an 'insulted' type prone to such things, for your feigning indignancy at the mere 'suggestion' that victims of manipulation could be "political zombies". Why if I had a glove handy....


  • Who are you ridiculing here (I suspect the joke may be on me)? Using big words and fancy phrases straight out of a Politics 101 textbook - gosh, you remind me of 17 year girls I would slaughter quite accidentally in political 'debates' I wasn't trying to win on account of wanting to sleep with my 'opponents'. But they would get slaughtered anyway, despite my delicate tip-toeing around the eggshells of their stupidity. You're not a cute girl, perchance? You remind me of some 17 year old stunners. Cute as a button and twice as stupid as one. Such fancy buzz words for democracy! "empowerment", "real victories", "fully informed" and "choices"; how dare you insult these people with your 'patronising' rhetoric! You're talking about people who make 5000-10000 baht a month - though I am aware that those with 'better' daughters who have appropirate levels of respect and gratitude and a sound appreciation of how much their parents have done for them, can 'earn' substantially more collecting remitted earnings (whilst taking the opportunity to parrot their 'concern' and pleading with little girls to return from their lives of shame and vice - the money...is not important; you must understand; the little girls only send it home because they know they're so...wicked.) But if they're not 'lucky' enough to have a daughter who looks after them? Some get destroyed by floods, trying to earn an honest living in their middle age. My point being that none of these politically active individuals could possibly be in possession of any of your insultingly-asserted traits - which I note you take pains to assert, in their 'defence'. Are you impossibly confused, or merely impossibly creepy? I'm afraid it has to be one or the other, a third option simply isn't materialising...
  • That's exactly how it flies. Actually, it's the only way corruption flies. Aside from petty larcency, corruption is not opportunistic. Corruption premeditates or even creates the crisis, then does nothing or exacerbates the trauma - pointedly causing or contributing towards the suffering and pain and turmoil - which then affords corruption the 'opportunity' to be seen to be doing something, by a frantic and confused and betrayed and victimised DESPERATE electorate. Some of whom will blame themselves. Some will blame those who tried to feed them. Some will merely suckle at the teat of those who beat them, ever harder. Not sure what it has to do with Stockholm, but "imprinting" has been practiced in domestic households for almost as long as it's been practiced domestically by those who raise standing armies to fight foreign 'threats'.
  • You will notice....nothing. You're not a messenger. You're a one-way transmitter, blasting more worthless noisy Spam into the din roar that is billions of slaves tricked into thinking democracy could possibly represent their interests when they're incapable of even distinguishing their own irrefutable interests (the welfare and happiness of their adolescents) from their inexplicable yearning for the products and poison marketed to them endlessly by Spam. What a riot...! Inevitably, they riot. Like you will. Because you are not interested in communication, or even persuasion. You're just a frustrated one-way transmitter who's working his way towards the rationalisation that "violence is the only way"...when people just don't listen to a word you have to say...!!

To the red shirts, democracy means the minority (them) can do what ever they want. Zero rights for anyone else.

To humanity, democracy means the rich keep getting more miserable, and the poor keep getting more misery. Futher and further apart, until they meet in dust; at the merciful end of a long and miserable game. But then people like this Calgary joker can't understand what drives winners like Thaksin...ever higher, higher and higher, nothing is ever - high - enough. And never will be, sadly...

But then people who admire winners are rarely ever winners. Winners know all about the dark misery that is their pain which drives them onwards. And onwards. And gives them no respite, no time to relax. No time to lose, when you're playing to win. Not if you're a winner.

That is of course assuming he was allowed to make that decision which he clearly would not have been by those behind and complicit in the machinations behind the 2006 coup.

Abhisit v Army on Bomb Dectector Scandal. Who - allowed - that result?

Abhisit v Police on Saudi Blue Diamond Scandal. Who - allowed - sanity to scrape through there, much to the chagrin of an irrefutably unlucky recently-promoted high-ranking officer?

Abhisit v Police & Army on Sale of Flip-Flops (when politicised 'arrests' of thongs peddlers attempted to drag him into a compromised position, involving lese majeste and insults). The Army spokesman did a 180 degree about face on his hardline rhetoric, I seem to recall.

Abhisit v Army on Whether To Be Provoked Into A Horrifying Trap When 'Peaceful' Hijackers Started Shooting From Their Protest Lines. No doubt some grateful generals were thankful their hands were tied. Soldiers earning 9000 baht a month, firing on their own people; is what those people were paid 2000 baht a day to induce. Having failed to deliver the result, they then gave their last full measure of devotion - and the result was achieved. Would Amsterdam have been furious? I would bet my life on it. He would have been livid. He would have been - budgeting - for many more deaths, to work with.

He may just be a vile corporate shill who defends the worst of Society's creeps (who fall out of favour with other creeps, and this is a Polite Society for Creeps); but a man still has his pride. 83 deaths?

I can see him spitting into his triple-espresso, at the news. How's he expected to work with such a pitiful number. He's the real victim, of this whole tragic affair. There's no easy way to spin that.


Abhisit went up against the establishment repeatly and came away with the - right - result for Thailand. Using the power of his office and his immense genius, he did more to battle corruption than any regional leader has managed in decades of nepotism and cronyism and corruption. Of course, the Red Shirts then descipably attempted to pin his anti-corruption stance as 'evidence' that he presided over a corrupt government, plagued with 'scandals'. Yes, they were scandals that Abhisit brought front and centre, demanding and receiving the resignations of half a dozen members of his corrupt junior coalition 'partners' and even a couple MPs from his own party (including some Cabinet ministers). I have challenged Red Shirts who pretend to be ignorant to correct my ignorance and educate me on any equivalent examples of Thaksin v Vested Interests.

That's Thaksin, for Thailand v Vested Interests. Not to be confused with Thaksin, for Thaksin partnered with Myanmar military juntas at the expense of Thailand's interests. It's easy to get the two confused.

I challenge you with the same request to put some evidence behind your patronising rhetoric. Your silence will be deafening, I'm sure.

Just a final note for coup proponents : why did the coup occur just 5 weeks prior to an election?

Because the Thai Army were a decade behind in the race to hijack the electorate's 'opinions', in the media wars constantly being waged silently; conducted between creeps in midnight auctions, endlesslly scrapping to buy up media entities at prices you cannot begin to fathom. A PM known for his probity will likely not be considered much - value - to such a midnight affair. It's a Supply v Demand world. And Spam's channels have been owning the face of Decency for a very long time now.

But of course, those who jostle for the right to influence your children...aren't buying the exclusive right to influence you by virtue of the validity or strength of their arguments. That's why they let their media do the talking, rather than be 'baited' into a discussion or a debate; about whether or not they have your best interests in mind. They'd rather you just believed them, and heard nothing else to the contrary.

Yingluck is adorable, but then refusing to be drawn into a political debate during a political campaign is one of the reasons why she's adorable.

I must be sexist though, because I didn't find it all that adorable - personally - when Thaksin continually did the same thing.

PM Abhisit, about to be soundly beaten by Spam: "I wish they’d come straight out and compete with us on how to run the country… The people’s priorities are economic and social concerns.”

What a silly-billy. Lingluck is no fool. She would be, of course; if she took Thaksin's Thinks, Peau Thai Acts up against Abhisit's Welfare State in a live debate. Abhisit would have treaded so gently, it'd have been painful to watch....

All those eggshells being slaughtered. Acht.

  • Like 2

Nisa, 405

They represent communism or socialism at best ... don't be naive. This is neither a negative or positive comment but just a realistic one.


All of the above is true, but now let me focus on the photo. A photo carefully selected to slander and villify the dominant Political Movement in Thailand.

They are not allowed on the UDD stage.



Longway, #375

There is one thing the reds are not and that is a democracy movement.

Standing up to the personification of anti-democracy being the coup, would suggest otherwise.

No-one else stood up to this demonstration of anti-democracy. Only them.

As imperfect they may be, Democracy is their central tenet.

Those who question this, show they have not been around them in any meaningful way, and are simply following how the Opposition defines them

I get this impression from reading your posts and others who support your views.

Also the reds lack of action or support other than when Thaksin's interests are threatened, whether you know it or not, you have nothing to do with democracy.

The old saw about simplistically defining the Red Shirts as being devoid of political awareness, other than what an association gives them.

The opposition is preaching this far and wide, but only their own choir is listening.

Until the elites and opposition get over this agenda of theirs, can political progress be made.

Only when political dialogue between equals occurs, can there be progress.

The Opposition seems very blind to this fact.

If they ever hope to have electoral success in the future, they'd better get off their high-horse, instead of pissing-off the electoral majority who elected Ms. Y last time around, and will do so again in a heartbeat.

I repeat I don't get this impression just from the opposition, but from reading you and others who share some of your views. Sometimes I think you must be a planted nation hack as you fit the stereotype of a deluded simpleton so perfectly. Not a clue and not a clue you don't have a clue.

Your pseudo-logic and incoherent ramblings are pretty standard among red supporters here too.

What drivel will appear next... will someone claim that state sponsored covered up executions without trial are not undemocratic or that people in the upper levels of government are not above the law. Oh wait....

Nice one guys. clap2.gif

You really do have a way with words Longway of which I agree with every single one , keep up the good work! cowboy.gif

^ Thanks Colin yai.

I gave Calgary a hard time in my last post, but hats off to him, either he is a very creative troll or quite a unique individual with a unique insight into a part of thai society that most foreigners of do not see.


Nisa, 405

They represent communism or socialism at best ... don't be naive. This is neither a negative or positive comment but just a realistic one.


All of the above is true, but now let me focus on the photo. A photo carefully selected to slander and villify the dominant Political Movement in Thailand.

They are not allowed on the UDD stage.


Isn't it amazing the level, or 'lowvel', of disingenuous propaganda BS

that egregiously we are subjected to here regularly.


Nisa, 405

They represent communism or socialism at best ... don't be naive. This is neither a negative or positive comment but just a realistic one.


All of the above is true, but now let me focus on the photo. A photo carefully selected to slander and villify the dominant Political Movement in Thailand.

They are not allowed on the UDD stage.


Isn't it amazing the level, or 'lowvel', of disingenuous propaganda BS

that egregiously we are subjected to here regularly.

It is amazing.

Fortunately, isn't easy to dispel their falsehoods.

Of course, when they are the same falsehoods repeated monthly, it also makes it easy.

Their talking points have all been recycled repeatedly.



Abhisit is not invited. Why would you invite an honest politician into a bidding war? That would just be impolite.

i think people who view abhisit as this squeaky clean, definition of all that is good and honest in pollitics are as fooled as people who think thaksin has done no wrong, tbh.

Since they entered politic's one has creamed billions from Thailand, considered himself above the law, financed and led a terrorist attack against Thailand, has been convicted in criminal courts, and is a fugitive on the run, while the other is still here, with no convicts, has along with the Army defended Thailand from terrorist attack, works within the law, and has only increased his net wealth while in politics at normal investment rate returns. In Thai politics I would say people like Abhisit are worthy of all that is good and honest. Problem is from recent polls corruption is viewed as acceptable by the thai majority.

well, counting you and the likes on your post... there's four people who i was talking about


Abhisit is not invited. Why would you invite an honest politician into a bidding war? That would just be impolite.

i think people who view abhisit as this squeaky clean, definition of all that is good and honest in pollitics are as fooled as people who think thaksin has done no wrong, tbh.

Since they entered politic's one has creamed billions from Thailand, considered himself above the law, financed and led a terrorist attack against Thailand, has been convicted in criminal courts, and is a fugitive on the run, while the other is still here, with no convicts, has along with the Army defended Thailand from terrorist attack, works within the law, and has only increased his net wealth while in politics at normal investment rate returns. In Thai politics I would say people like Abhisit are worthy of all that is good and honest. Problem is from recent polls corruption is viewed as acceptable by the thai majority.

well, counting you and the likes on your post... there's four people who i was talking about

But friend, do you see how the gentlemen you just attempted to denigrate actually used logic and made an argument in support of his opinion / position?

Compare and contrast with your assertion.

You: I think those who think X are as bad as those who think Y.

Roadman: Evidence, argument, logic - all factual, easily verifiable by evidence in the public domain. Mountains of evidence in fact.

You: You're one of the people who are as bad as those who think Y.



Are you, really, being honest as you asserted ("tbh")? To be honest, you could be a lot more convincing if you were - in fact - trying to be objective.

  • Like 1

But friend, do you see how the gentlemen you just attempted to denigrate actually used logic and made an argument in support of his opinion / position?

Compare and contrast with your assertion.

You: I think those who think X are as bad as those who think Y.

Roadman: Evidence, argument, logic - all factual, easily verifiable by evidence in the public domain. Mountains of evidence in fact.

You: You're one of the people who are as bad as those who think Y.



Are you, really, being honest as you asserted ("tbh")? To be honest, you could be a lot more convincing if you were - in fact - trying to be objective.

by evidence, you must mean of abhisit not being squeaky clean and totally honest? then yes there is evidence against this and it's easy to find.

one such case where even the nation, yes the biased nation... said the evidence for coruruption by the democrat party... which abhisit denied... was 'clear cut'.

so yeah, i do think people are fooled to believe that abhisit is squeaky clean and a completely honest politician.


So you are or are not in support of 'guilt by association'?

what an obtuse question to ask.

i believe he knew what happened and denied it... that constitutes guilt straight on him.


-- sniper --

Since they entered politic's one has creamed billions from Thailand, considered himself above the law, financed and led a terrorist attack against Thailand, has been convicted in criminal courts, and is a fugitive on the run, while the other is still here, with no convicts, has along with the Army defended Thailand from terrorist attack, works within the law, and has only increased his net wealth while in politics at normal investment rate returns. In Thai politics I would say people like Abhisit are worthy of all that is good and honest. Problem is from recent polls corruption is viewed as acceptable by the thai majority.

well, counting you and the likes on your post... there's four people who i was talking about

But friend, do you see how the gentlemen you just attempted to denigrate actually used logic and made an argument in support of his opinion / position?

Compare and contrast with your assertion.

You: I think those who think X are as bad as those who think Y.

Roadman: Evidence, argument, logic - all factual, easily verifiable by evidence in the public domain. Mountains of evidence in fact.

You: You're one of the people who are as bad as those who think Y.



Are you, really, being honest as you asserted ("tbh")? To be honest, you could be a lot more convincing if you were - in fact - trying to be objective.


Tell me when was this terrorist attack against Thailand?

Not to mention the "works within the law" comment... Really? Not a chance...

And you guys complain about CalgaryII drunk.gif


- sniper )

well, counting you and the likes on your post... there's four people who i was talking about

But friend, do you see how the gentlemen you just attempted to denigrate actually used logic and made an argument in support of his opinion / position?

Compare and contrast with your assertion.

You: I think those who think X are as bad as those who think Y.

Roadman: Evidence, argument, logic - all factual, easily verifiable by evidence in the public domain. Mountains of evidence in fact.

You: You're one of the people who are as bad as those who think Y.



Are you, really, being honest as you asserted ("tbh")? To be honest, you could be a lot more convincing if you were - in fact - trying to be objective.


Tell me when was this terrorist attack against Thailand?

Not to mention the "works within the law" comment... Really? Not a chance...

And you guys complain about CalgaryII drunk.gif

I think its a fair call to say that if a group of protestors set up barracade in the central shopping district, search fellow citizen without authority and assult those that dont comply, fire granades at them and into public places like BTS stations, raid hospitals and remove bodies, set fire to occupied buildings and asuult, murder and fire apon their countries miltary who were legally acting to restore order, as terrorist committing terrorist acts. This occured in 2010 in Bangkok and occured a a direct result of the confiscation of the ill gotten gains of an ex-premier who gained his wealth from corrupt practices while a public official. It was funded by that ex-premier who is a convicted criminal and a fugitive from justice. All this is evident through newspaper articals and opinion pieces and through the charges of terrorism against the protest movements leaders.

I knew perfectly well what he meant. It is hyperbole and off-the-chart hysteria. And it was not a "terrorist attack".

Please re-read the closing line of my last post...


Thaksin has the people by his side.

Mark has the army by his side.

If there is a war, it will be like Mao against Chiang Kai Sak in China.

In the end, the people wins.


Thaksin has the people by his side.

Mark has the army by his side.

If there is a war, it will be like Mao against Chiang Kai Sak in China.

In the end, the people wins.

Will the red shirts be the red guard? Or will it be more like pol pot khmer rouge? Will Thailand be returned to an agrarian only country? Will there be a genocide of all the teachers, doctors, lawyers, govt workers, business owners, farangs? Should the farangs be leaving Thailand before the civil war starts?


Thaksin has the people by his side.

Mark has the army by his side.

If there is a war, it will be like Mao against Chiang Kai Sak in China.

In the end, the people wins.

Thaksin has the people he can buy on his side. That certainly isn't everyone, and there's a substantial number who can now see right through his schemes - more than ever before.

A full blown conflict may just highlight how flawed democracy in Thailand really is.


Thaksin has the people by his side.

Mark has the army by his side.

If there is a war, it will be like Mao against Chiang Kai Sak in China.

In the end, the people wins.

Will the red shirts be the red guard? Or will it be more like pol pot khmer rouge? Will Thailand be returned to an agrarian only country? Will there be a genocide of all the teachers, doctors, lawyers, govt workers, business owners, farangs? Should the farangs be leaving Thailand before the civil war starts?

Denigrating, besmirching, disparaging, slandering and villifying ones political Opposition seems such an odd exercise, when a vast majority of the countries' electorate gave them a landslide mandate, and will do so again next election.

Either those who are contemptuous are wrong, or those thousands of voters were wrong.

Very confusing and complicated.


Thaksin has the people by his side.

Mark has the army by his side.

If there is a war, it will be like Mao against Chiang Kai Sak in China.

In the end, the people wins.

Thaksin has the people he can buy on his side. That certainly isn't everyone, and there's a substantial number who can now see right through his schemes - more than ever before.

A full blown conflict may just highlight how flawed democracy in Thailand really is.

Denigrating, besmirching, disparaging, slandering and villifying ones political Opposition seems such an odd exercise, when a vast majority of the countries' electorate gave them a landslide mandate, and will do so again next election.

Depriving them of political awareness by suggesting they are narrowly motivated by their associations, instead of political self-interest seems strange as well.

Either those who are contemptuous are wrong, or those thousands of voters were wrong.

Very confusing and complicated.


Denigrating, besmirching, disparaging, slandering and villifying ones political Opposition seems such an odd exercise, when a vast majority of the countries' electorate gave them a landslide mandate, and will do so again next election.

Either those who are contemptuous are wrong, or those thousands of voters were wrong.

Very confusing and complicated.

Vast majority? Red shirts?

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