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Can Someone Explain ?


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Sorry if this is in the wrong place and Mods please to move to more appropriate if available.

So, could someone, preferably with a knowledge of Thai explain to me, how to explain to a Thai the phrase:

1) "you are taking the Pi**"

2) "dont take / taking things for granted "

I have tried to explain these well used phrases but I am not having much luck.

If someone could suggest or maybe write a similar meaning phrase in Thai ?

Thanks for any input.

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take the piss - แกล้งเล่น (i.e. tease, kid)

ฉันก็แค่แกล้งเธอเล่นๆ I was only taking the piss (out of you).

take for granted - ไม่เห็น(คุณ)ค่า (i.e. not see the value of something)

เธอไม่เห็นคุณค่าของฉันเลย You take me for granted. (=You don't appreciate me.)

take for granted - ทึกทัก, คิดไปเอง (i.e. assume something to be true without making any attempt to verify that it is in fact the case)

ฉันก็คิดไปเองว่าเขาจะมา I'd taken it for granted that he was going to come. (=I'd assumed that...)

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Many thanks Peppy, the "taking the piss" was actually meant more on "taking advantage of" or "abusing a situation" or "abusing someones generosity" rather than tease / kid someone.

really appreciate the guidance, thanks.

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