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You Think Thailand Is Bad? Try The Uk Pensions Lot!


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Last November, trying to be an honest citizen ( subject?), I wrote to the local pensions office indicating that I was now living in Thailand. No word from them, except in ? January a letter to my old UK address asking if the move is permanent. I of course did not get/ have not got that letter yet ( although I hope to if I've made enough merit and the Thai post office doesn't lose it) Then , this pension date -17th Febuary- the pension stops!!!!!

Frantic Skype phone calls to Newcastle International Pensions- the explanation?

The local office can't put my new details on the computer, they had not told the 'international dept' so they simply stopped paying me. Not sure if they thought I was dead or what!! I've sorted it out by phone, but being simple minded I thought that a letter to the UK, which they clearly had received would suffice. ( How much has the Government there spent on 'joined up Government'/ computer systems??)

For all the problems here, the Thais in ,for example the Immigration Dept, do seem to sort them out.

( Last rant! why is my pension not inflation proofed? I paid in for 40 years, all my other pensions are inflation proofed. I thought I had a contract, but no. it's a so called 'benefit in kind'. Why does it matter where I live, maybe instead they would just protect me against the falling pound by paying me at 70 Baht to the pound?? any chance?)

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The UK pension system is fine,I just spoke to my old man,he retires next month 13th March,he lives in an ex council semi detached which he paid £20,000 for,he has a private pension from British Gas and with his soon to be Govt pension claws in over £ 1200 a month.

Much depends on where and how you want to live I'm afraid.

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I forgot to mention,he got £250 winter fuel allowance before Xmas,and a further £50 last week because of the recent cold snap,that's as we'll as a rebate of £105 by Eon of all people on the electric bill for some reason.

I suspect he would beg to differ that the UK pension and such is a bag of nails.

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I forgot to mention,he got £250 winter fuel allowance before Xmas,and a further £50 last week because of the recent cold snap,that's as we'll as a rebate of £105 by Eon of all people on the electric bill for some reason.

I suspect he would beg to differ that the UK pension and such is a bag of nails.

yes but his state pension is only about £100 per week, the rest is private pension. which far outweighs the state

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I'm trying to raise the issue of communication, the UK Pensions system is not fine if it can't pass information from one office to another.

If they freeze my pension why can't they also freeze the exchange rate as they claim it's a 'benefit in kind' ( This question is a joke!!)

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sounds a good income ,until you have to consider what has to paid for ie

council tax

gas bill

water rates

tv licence

elec bill

telephone bill


road tax

car insurance

house insurance

food bills


going out

ands there is propaly a few more i forgot

add that lot up,bet not much left,at end of month.

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I forgot to mention,he got £250 winter fuel allowance before Xmas,and a further £50 last week because of the recent cold snap,that's as we'll as a rebate of £105 by Eon of all people on the electric bill for some reason.

I suspect he would beg to differ that the UK pension and such is a bag of nails.

yes but his state pension is only about £100 per week, the rest is private pension. which far outweighs the state

No it's £113,reduced due to the fact that he has a private pension,but point taken.

Naturally living in Thailand and dealing with any UK agency is time consuming and tedious,it's what you forfeit by living here,if you were in the UK you would hop on the bus with your free bus pass and speak with someone face to face.

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sounds a good income ,until you have to consider what has to paid for ie

council tax

gas bill

water rates

tv licence

elec bill

telephone bill


road tax

car insurance

house insurance

food bills


going out

ands there is propaly a few more i forgot

add that lot up,bet not much left,at end of month.

Take away the Internet,road tax and car insurance and yes your somewhere near,it does not leave to much spare,but that is what the UK government want,they don't want the average honest hard working man on the street to have to much,they like to keep people at a level where they can be controlled.

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I wish that everybody who has a UK state pension was entitled to the same where ever they choose to live,but with the current economic struggle things are only going to get worse,I pay my taxes and NI in the UK still,I'm 32 and worked since I left school,but the government want me to work until I am 67 or likely 70 for my pension is that fair.

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I wish that everybody who has a UK state pension was entitled to the same where ever they choose to live,but with the current economic struggle things are only going to get worse,I pay my taxes and NI in the UK still,I'm 32 and worked since I left school,but the government want me to work until I am 67 or likely 70 for my pension is that fair.

I somehow doubt that you will get any UK State pension when you eventually retire!

But, I hope I am proven wrong.

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I wish that everybody who has a UK state pension was entitled to the same where ever they choose to live,but with the current economic struggle things are only going to get worse,I pay my taxes and NI in the UK still,I'm 32 and worked since I left school,but the government want me to work until I am 67 or likely 70 for my pension is that fair.

I somehow doubt that you will get any UK State pension when you eventually retire!

But, I hope I am proven wrong.

At 32, I would say, no chance.

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I wish that everybody who has a UK state pension was entitled to the same where ever they choose to live,but with the current economic struggle things are only going to get worse,I pay my taxes and NI in the UK still,I'm 32 and worked since I left school,but the government want me to work until I am 67 or likely 70 for my pension is that fair.

I am 42 and self employed

I pay £2.20 National Insurance a week, and only need 30 years to qualify for the state pension

The 10% that would normally be paid into the state pension (paye) I put into a private pension, of which the government adds 20% to it!, so I invest £80, and the government gives me £20. When I retire I plan to keep a residence in the UK, so as to keep up with inflation, but will retire in Thailand, or another ASEAN country. If I have to fly back each year (which I plan to do anyway in the 'rainy season' and when its nice in the UK) then so what.


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I wish that everybody who has a UK state pension was entitled to the same where ever they choose to live,but with the current economic struggle things are only going to get worse,I pay my taxes and NI in the UK still,I'm 32 and worked since I left school,but the government want me to work until I am 67 or likely 70 for my pension is that fair.

I somehow doubt that you will get any UK State pension when you eventually retire!

But, I hope I am proven wrong.

At 32, I would say, no chance.

when I was 18, everyone said to me that I would not get a state pension, but as I nearer the age I fail to see how they are going to take it away!

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I wish that everybody who has a UK state pension was entitled to the same where ever they choose to live,but with the current economic struggle things are only going to get worse,I pay my taxes and NI in the UK still,I'm 32 and worked since I left school,but the government want me to work until I am 67 or likely 70 for my pension is that fair.

I somehow doubt that you will get any UK State pension when you eventually retire!

But, I hope I am proven wrong.

At 32, I would say, no chance.

when I was 18, everyone said to me that I would not get a state pension, but as I nearer the age I fail to see how they are going to take it away!

I wish I had your optimism.

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sounds a good income ,until you have to consider what has to paid for ie

council tax

gas bill

water rates

tv licence

elec bill

telephone bill


road tax

car insurance

house insurance

food bills


going out

ands there is propaly a few more i forgot

add that lot up,bet not much left,at end of month.

Take away the Internet,road tax and car insurance and yes your somewhere near,it does not leave to much spare,but that is what the UK government want,they don't want the average honest hard working man on the street to have to much,they like to keep people at a level where they can be controlled.

The government don't stop people from accumulating wealth, people do that all by themselves.
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I wish that everybody who has a UK state pension was entitled to the same where ever they choose to live,but with the current economic struggle things are only going to get worse,I pay my taxes and NI in the UK still,I'm 32 and worked since I left school,but the government want me to work until I am 67 or likely 70 for my pension is that fair.

Rather than worry about if it's fair, make it a non-issue by making your own provisions for retirement and dont rely on the state. Then you can retire at whatever age you like.

The retirement age in the UK is NOT 67 or 70. The age at which you receive a state pension is 67 and rising. You can retire at any age you like.

I can't think of a better incentive for saving yourself, rather than be subject to the political and economic whims of governments 9000 miles away.

Edited by bendix
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I wish that everybody who has a UK state pension was entitled to the same where ever they choose to live,but with the current economic struggle things are only going to get worse,I pay my taxes and NI in the UK still,I'm 32 and worked since I left school,but the government want me to work until I am 67 or likely 70 for my pension is that fair.

I somehow doubt that you will get any UK State pension when you eventually retire!

But, I hope I am proven wrong.

Not sure I agree. I can't see any governmetn having the political balls to do away with the state pension, although I would support its abolition.

Much more likely is that it will be diluted and available at much older ages, which is only appropriate considering we are all living longer now than when it was first introduced.

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sounds a good income ,until you have to consider what has to paid for ie

council tax

gas bill

water rates

tv licence

elec bill

telephone bill


road tax

car insurance

house insurance

food bills


going out

ands there is propaly a few more i forgot

add that lot up,bet not much left,at end of month.

Take away the Internet,road tax and car insurance and yes your somewhere near,it does not leave to much spare,but that is what the UK government want,they don't want the average honest hard working man on the street to have to much,they like to keep people at a level where they can be controlled.

The government don't stop people from accumulating wealth, people do that all by themselves.

I'm sure it will come as a shock to you to learn that some people (who have no 'advantages' in life), earn so little that they have to spend all their income on surviving.

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I thought the UK was just under 6,000 miles from Thailand - have they moved it?

Yes, it's trying to distance itself from the French.

Who wouldn't?

Mea culpa . . I meant kms

I have a vision of people grabbing there km miles converter calculator :)

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I wish that everybody who has a UK state pension was entitled to the same where ever they choose to live,but with the current economic struggle things are only going to get worse,I pay my taxes and NI in the UK still,I'm 32 and worked since I left school,but the government want me to work until I am 67 or likely 70 for my pension is that fair.

Rather than worry about if it's fair, make it a non-issue by making your own provisions for retirement and dont rely on the state. Then you can retire at whatever age you like.

The retirement age in the UK is NOT 67 or 70. The age at which you receive a state pension is 67 and rising. You can retire at any age you like.

I can't think of a better incentive for saving yourself, rather than be subject to the political and economic whims of governments 9000 miles away.

Good advice IF you are earning enough to pay one of the (thieving) UK private pension providers for a private pension.

Unfortunately, many in the UK do not earn enough nowadays and, things are getting worse...

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sounds a good income ,until you have to consider what has to paid for ie

council tax

gas bill

water rates

tv licence

elec bill

telephone bill


road tax

car insurance

house insurance

food bills


going out

ands there is propaly a few more i forgot

add that lot up,bet not much left,at end of month.

Take away the Internet,road tax and car insurance and yes your somewhere near,it does not leave to much spare,but that is what the UK government want,they don't want the average honest hard working man on the street to have to much,they like to keep people at a level where they can be controlled.

The government don't stop people from accumulating wealth, people do that all by themselves.

I'm sure it will come as a shock to you to learn that some people (who have no 'advantages' in life), earn so little that they have to spend all their income on surviving.

Doesn't come as a shock to me but they shouldn't blame the government because they have neither the intelligence or motivation to better themselves. I have heard countless idiots from the UK telling me how superior the British education system is to the Thai education system so what's their excuse for not applying themselves and taking advantage of that fact?
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sounds a good income ,until you have to consider what has to paid for ie

council tax

gas bill

water rates

tv licence

elec bill

telephone bill


road tax

car insurance

house insurance

food bills


going out

ands there is propaly a few more i forgot

add that lot up,bet not much left,at end of month.

Take away the Internet,road tax and car insurance and yes your somewhere near,it does not leave to much spare,but that is what the UK government want,they don't want the average honest hard working man on the street to have to much,they like to keep people at a level where they can be controlled.

The government don't stop people from accumulating wealth, people do that all by themselves.

I'm sure it will come as a shock to you to learn that some people (who have no 'advantages' in life), earn so little that they have to spend all their income on surviving.

Correct,one would expect the poster if he has spent any amount of time or is in Thailand to have witnessed this first hand.

The same thing does occur in the UK also believe it or not.

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I wish that everybody who has a UK state pension was entitled to the same where ever they choose to live,but with the current economic struggle things are only going to get worse,I pay my taxes and NI in the UK still,I'm 32 and worked since I left school,but the government want me to work until I am 67 or likely 70 for my pension is that fair.

Rather than worry about if it's fair, make it a non-issue by making your own provisions for retirement and dont rely on the state. Then you can retire at whatever age you like.

The retirement age in the UK is NOT 67 or 70. The age at which you receive a state pension is 67 and rising. You can retire at any age you like.

I can't think of a better incentive for saving yourself, rather than be subject to the political and economic whims of governments 9000 miles away.

Good advice IF you are earning enough to pay one of the (thieving) UK private pension providers for a private pension.

Unfortunately, many in the UK do not earn enough nowadays and, things are getting worse...

The old excuse, trotted out time and time again.

People make their own choices in life. Those same people who are earning so little that they can't tuck away 5% of their income are probably sitting at home watching flatscreen tvs, thinking its their right to have overseas holidays, head to the pub or restaurant a couple of times a week, eat processed food rather than making their own and drive a couple of cars.

We have forty years working life. If people can't plan ahead a little, then we're in a sorry state.

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Correct,one would expect the poster if he has spent any amount of time or is in Thailand to have witnessed this first hand.

The same thing does occur in the UK also believe it or not.

I was talking about the UK government - that is what you said in your post - what has Thailand got to do with it?

Some people struggle to survive, sure, I am aware of that. I have had severe financial problems myself in the past but I never blamed them on the government, that's weak.

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Correct,one would expect the poster if he has spent any amount of time or is in Thailand to have witnessed this first hand.

The same thing does occur in the UK also believe it or not.

I was talking about the UK government - that is what you said in your post - what has Thailand got to do with it?

The same principal applies globally I'm afraid,it's just that some countries are better than others at taking care of the dummies.

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Doesn't come as a shock to me but they shouldn't blame the government because they have neither the intelligence or motivation to better themselves. I have heard countless idiots from the UK telling me how superior the British education system is to the Thai education system so what's their excuse for not applying themselves and taking advantage of that fact?

I didn't think the UK government was in charge of handing out intelligence.

If you are stupid, nothing can change that, no matter what you spend on education.

(unless the school is Eton, Harrow, Rugby, then you can still be stupid and make loads of money as an investment banker or MP)

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