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Thaksin Looks To Victory At Every Level


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i hope they let him come back the arrest him right off the plane when he arives.or turn him over to the yellow shirts im sure they would know what to do with that criminal.hes clearly a convict and you can add multiple counts of corruption to his list of crimes

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I wouldn't be surprised if details like this are deliberately leaked to the Nation, and the Nation runs these scare-mongering articles to help sell papers. Reality is, the playing fields are vastly different from 2005 when Thaksin's popularity was at its zenith. He has since been exposed as a corrupt, selfish and mean individual willing to drag the whole country through the mud for his own whitewash, and even now we can see clear examples of fishy decisions in the govt aimed at creating opportunities for himself. Winning over the Bangkok middle class, and anywhere South of Hua Hin, this time around will be far more difficult. He has far more enemies now, and angered alot of people whom he will have to leave out in the cold as revenge, and owes enormous debt of gratitude and reward to those who were loyal. Their expectations are high, the UDD is an unweildy monster who needs to be kept fed, and PT remains a factional party in which more BJTs can be lured away if the infighting sets in. Besides, the establishment have all sorts of dirt on him and it wouldn't surprise me if PT gets dissolved and Yingluck disqualified sooner or later.

Thaksin is a man of boundless ambition, unrealistically so, his judgment of his popularity post election his sky high, but can he deliver and will it make much difference beyond the vast brainwashed masses.

Pity he doesn't seem to realise that one way or another the moment he steps off the plane the PAD and a lot of others will pull a 'Ratchaprasong' on govt and the army aint going bail him out this time. If that doesn't work, a bullet is probably an option on the table. And if he gets too powerful, there'll be another coup, and once again a lot of people will come out in support. There's a great deal of people who despise him and a lot of influential people willing to block his return, they're giving Yingluck a honeymoon, but they'll soon learn.

I do believe you and I are at opposite ends of the political spectrum with respect to Thai politics Virtual traveler.

I can't for the life of me find anything in this Post with which I can agree. But I'm too lazy to counter all your points as easy as it would be to do, and it is too late.

On the contrary, virtualtraveller talks oodles of sense. Well done that man!

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