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Abhisit Fears Renewed Political Turmoil During Mid-Year


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Pimay, #11

Evidently you also have never been near a red shirt entity.

You know not of what you speak Pimay.

Here in Udon during the burn Bangkok campaign they were stopping every car and searching them. They tried to stop me and I ran through them much to my wife's chagrin and screaming "stop or they will shoot us". They were armed with guns, sharpend bamboo sticks and anything else they could find. They hit my car with their sticks and it cost me B12,000 to get ithe dents out and repainted. Don't talk to me about these people being peaceful. It ain't so. You need to learn the facts before you start posting nonsense.

By the the burn Bangkok campaign, do you mean those bad taxpayers standing up to the armed aggression from coup-ists.

As for the rest of your stuff about Red Shirt Villages, it is utter and blatant deception. You are probably not even in Udon.

There were no Red Shirt Villages before R'song, and even if there were, the story you spin would never happen.

Never happen!

I know of what I speak Pimay...believe me!

Tell you what Calagryll. If you ever get to Udon PM me and let me know when your flight arrives. I'll be happy to meet you at the airport. It's only four kilometers from my house. We can dicuss this over a beer. I'll bring along my maid. Her brother is one of the ring leaders of the Udon red thug mob. She detests everything they do and stand for. She can enlighten you first hand on all these things that "never happened"!

By the way you might want to improve your reading skills. I did not say anything about a red village during the burn Bangkok campain. Those came later.

In closing, no one believes you because your post have no credibility. Only nonsense.

Yeah right. I know this guy & that guy who know this and said that. Stop spewing rubbish and use facts that are verifiable. Why should anyone believe you or YOUR MAID??? Childish.

The same offer stands for you my friend. Just let me know when you are arriving.

You'll never get acceptance from those 2.

They're too busy lying to face the truth.


Edited by Buchholz
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What Abhisit fears is really TV posters who believe everything their isan bar girlfriend tells them.

Abhisit has only his own history to be afraid of.

Responsibility and accountablity will come.

Can't think of any specific examples? What can they pin on him?

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But only when one has experienced them close up and personal, one wouldn't know that and accepting coupist propaganda is understandable.

Does experiencing their attack on Chulalongkorn University Hospital or their arson at Central World count as close up enough?


Protesters protest and get in the face of those who they are protesting against wherever they can be found.

The arson thing you mention is in dispute, with many loud voices and supporting video, claiming it was the armed aggressors trying to make those they were attacking, look bad. But all of that is another issue.

The protesters were protesting against patients?

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Since this government is a result of blatant vote buying and they now fail to deliver we can expect a hard fall. If the parrott can not fly away she better book a one-way ticket to Dubai.

Every government elected in Thailand is the result of blatant vote-buying - that is what "free and fair" means here.

No one expects the politicians to "deliver" anything meaningful, failing to do so won't hurt their popularity, as long as the opposition continues to make themselves such easy elitist targets Donald Duck could prevail against them, as long as Unkun Scrooge had the dosh to come up with a few hundred per head next time too.

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as he is not saying much what political force can match that of the governmental one and oppose rise of red villages, he is warning of yet another military coup. He has the power to influence it one way or another. He is a better lapdog of the thai ruling elite, than the present government

Close to right, he is no lapdog though and you can look at his education to figure that out...Oxford wasn't it? I'd say he is one of the Thai ruling elite, wouldn't you?

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Peau Thai and UDD need Conflict and division to motivate their supporters .. The Future of Thailand can go to hell

Didn't see that in last years elections.

Again, spoken by someone who has never been near a PTP/UDD entity.

The comment attests to that fact, and is parroting of Oppositional agenda.

Evidently you also have never been near a red shirt entity. Here in Udon during the burn Bangkok campaign they were stopping every car and searching them. They tried to stop me and I ran through them much to my wife's chagrin and screaming "stop or they will shoot us". They were armed with guns, sharpend bamboo sticks and anything else they could find. They hit my car with their sticks and it cost me B12,000 to get ithe dents out and repainted. Don't talk to me about these people being peaceful. It ain't so. You need to learn the facts before you start posting nonsense.

Evidently, you've never been near a PAD rally. Where the red shirts might check people out before letting them in, the PAD holds an area in siege! I wandered freely around the Ratchprasong demonstrations, but couldn't set foot near the PAD's camp at Government House. Although I didn't try to crash the barricades, judging by the masked guards, I am pretty sure I would have been met with more than sticks.

Many were the same people as used by the coupists to attack at R'song.

Those encampments you mention were very proffessional. The Red Shirt borders were pitiful in comparison.

They werent the professionals.

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Libelous statements. Where is the proof of red shirts murdering commanding officers? You don't even know where it allegedly happened!! The Dems/DSI were unable to pin anything on the red shirts. If you are allowed to speculate randomly, then I suggest the black shirts at DEMOCRACY monument were planted soldiers used to stir up the situation to make the reds look bad.

And in fact nobody was killed until your heroes upped the ante by collaborating with the army to overthrow an elected government and force a government widely hated by the people.

Yes, Democracy monument, I always mix them up...

If you think that the army would had murdered Colonel Ramklao either you have no idea about anything or you are trolling.

Like I said, what the hell was Colonel Ramklao doing at a political demonstration. He would have known it would simply inflame things.

The electoral majority knew they were the electoral majority, and no amount of armed aggression would suppress that.

Abhi and his henchmen who sent Colonel Ramklao should have known better. They have Colonel Ramklao's blood on their hands.

It was they, who should have gone there, and resolved the issue.

The Politicians didn't do what Politicains are supposed to do, and that started with those who pulled Abhi's strings.

Such chivalry supporting murder. "He had it coming for being there"


Such a political demonstration by legitimate citizens with valid political reasons, was no place to deploy pro-coup armed aggressors.

Even the act of setting up a barricade to confine the protesters was an attack.

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Protesters protest and get in the face of those who they are protesting against wherever they can be found.

The arson thing you mention is in dispute, with many loud voices and supporting video, claiming it was the armed aggressors trying to make those they were attacking, look bad. But all of that is another issue.

Any 'movement' attacking hospitals and burning down public buildings does not deserve respect. Likewise anyone defending such actions.

I defend them, so am not deserving respect.

I take it as a badge of honor.

Protesters seeking out those whom they protest against are legitimate.

The manner in which the hospital (not plural, as you slip into the conversation) magnified the entry by protesters, to check out what they perceived as attacks originating from that location, was in itself an indication of what they were all about.

The burning of buildings is in dispute. To blame one side as if it is an irrefutable fact, is playing the same game as the Coupist aggressors characterizing those they attacked as anarchists and anti-social types.

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Of course there is going to be turmoil. The primary goal of the red shirt movement all along had been to return Thaksin's confiscated stolen loot and pardon the crimes committed by him and his cronies. 46 billion baht was taken from him, and he wants it back. Everyone knows that attempting to return it and pardon him is going to cause massive street protests. Red shirt funding continues because they are to be Thaksin's personal militia to violently smash any protest that threatens him from retaking his ill-gotten money. It is going to be much bloodier this time around, and his thugs will go a lot farther than throwing grenades or performing drive by shootings like they did during previous anti Thaksin demonstrations, and they will go farther than the terrorism and violence they perpetrated during 2010. The anti Thaksin protestors are going to take a bloody beating to scare them in to submission. This is also why the propaganda efforts, even here, continue unabated and they are trying to so hard to disparage those that stand up to this tyrant. They are planning on massacring them and they are setting up the groundwork to excuse their actions.

Edited by DP25
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termsak, #64

Wow!...just wow! Calgaryll....aren't you a piece of work....

Thank you.

Keep it up, I enjoy reading the lunatic wannabe farang red supporter posts on a daily basis...never knew that any "educated" farang with typing skills would ever become this lost...may you rest in peace with it one day.

Now you know.

Your focus on the messenger instead of the message, says all I need to know.


I'm Thai by the way..

I don't think so.

.and not a yellow shirt, nor do I support the military.

Yeah, I've heard that before from many of your persuasion.

Declaring false nuetrality.

I don't believe your nuetrality, nor agree with your very strong partisan opinions.

At least have the guts to declare where you stand, and support it.

I do.

All I need is eyes, ears and a bit of logic to know what's going on...from my point of view (and the majority in here), you lack all those necessary senses and traits to be able to communicate on a level that is above "crazy"...

And there we have the nuetrality.

The majority here is not important.

The truth and insight Posters are allowed to express here is the important thing.

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Yeah, I've heard that before from many of your persuasion.

Declaring false nuetrality.

I don't believe your nuetrality, nor agree with your very strong partisan opinions.

Yes .. you'd be used to that with the "I don't support Thaksin, but ..."

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Pimay11, #45

Correct I have never been near a PAD rally and don't intend to be. I do not support this bunch either.

False nuetrality is chicken-shit.

Birds-of-a-feather flock together.

You sympathise with one, you sympathise with them all.

I prefer to use the word 'sympathise', as technically us inconsequential Farangs don't support anyone.

As political junkies, we just spout off.

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Of course there is going to be turmoil. The primary goal of the red shirt movement all along had been to return Thaksin's confiscated stolen loot and pardon the crimes committed by him and his cronies. 46 billion baht was taken from him, and he wants it back. Everyone knows that attempting to return it and pardon him is going to cause massive street protests. Red shirt funding continues because they are to be Thaksin's personal militia to violently smash any protest that threatens him from retaking his ill-gotten money. It is going to be much bloodier this time around, and his thugs will go a lot farther than throwing grenades or performing drive by shootings like they did during previous anti Thaksin demonstrations, and they will go farther than the terrorism and violence they perpetrated during 2010. The anti Thaksin protestors are going to take a bloody beating to scare them in to submission. This is also why the propaganda efforts, even here, continue unabated and they are trying to so hard to disparage those that stand up to this tyrant. They are planning on massacring them and they are setting up the groundwork to excuse their actions.

Well you've certainly swallowed hook, line & sinker. Thaksin was illegally removed from power by a coup that was against the constitution of the time. The red shirt protests were a valid and understandable response by the majority of the electorate who had been marginalized by a scheming coalition of the army, Democrats, aristocrats and those businessmen who suffered under TRT. The election clearly showed that the Democrats had no valid mandate to rule & the fact they were in power was an insult to democracy & justice. Thaksin Shinawatra is simply the most successful & popular leader in the history of the country and he fully deserves to be able to return to his home country and lead Thailand to further prosperity.

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ianf, #21^

Once again: Utter nonsense from this poster. Unbelievabe that any rational human being cannot see the danger of setting up 'political villages'. As one friend of mine (a Thai teacher) living in one of these villages: "I am very scared because now you have to be very careful of what you say even to your neighbour".


There are many examples in history where this type of network politcal organisation has led to a diminishing of himan rights, the close of free speech and, when the going gets rough: extermination.

Very effectively bringing some equilibrium to power relationships in Thailand.

This power imbalance was powerfully on display than during the 2006 coup, and R'song slapping down of those who objected.

Rather than respond with all your rhetoric, lets make a deal: Let's talk to each other in two years and see who was right.

Ya may as well respond to my reasoned and supported Posts, cause we will lose track of this thing two years from now.

Besides, I'm old and decrepit, but with a powerful sense of political equitableness and justness.

Ladies and Gentlemen please can I give you the latest graduate from a red re-education school.

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Of course there is going to be turmoil. The primary goal of the red shirt movement all along had been to return Thaksin's confiscated stolen loot and pardon the crimes committed by him and his cronies. 46 billion baht was taken from him, and he wants it back. Everyone knows that attempting to return it and pardon him is going to cause massive street protests. Red shirt funding continues because they are to be Thaksin's personal militia to violently smash any protest that threatens him from retaking his ill-gotten money. It is going to be much bloodier this time around, and his thugs will go a lot farther than throwing grenades or performing drive by shootings like they did during previous anti Thaksin demonstrations, and they will go farther than the terrorism and violence they perpetrated during 2010. The anti Thaksin protestors are going to take a bloody beating to scare them in to submission. This is also why the propaganda efforts, even here, continue unabated and they are trying to so hard to disparage those that stand up to this tyrant. They are planning on massacring them and they are setting up the groundwork to excuse their actions.

Well you've certainly swallowed hook, line & sinker. Thaksin was illegally removed from power by a coup that was against the constitution of the time. The red shirt protests were a valid and understandable response by the majority of the electorate who had been marginalized by a scheming coalition of the army, Democrats, aristocrats and those businessmen who suffered under TRT. The election clearly showed that the Democrats had no valid mandate to rule & the fact they were in power was an insult to democracy & justice. Thaksin Shinawatra is simply the most successful & popular leader in the history of the country and he fully deserves to be able to return to his home country and lead Thailand to further prosperity.

hahahaha. its you that have the hook, line and sinker. Thaksin was not actually prime minister at the time of the coup. and this government won on promises that so far have not been given.

Edited by thaicbr
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Protesters protest and get in the face of those who they are protesting against wherever they can be found.

The arson thing you mention is in dispute, with many loud voices and supporting video, claiming it was the armed aggressors trying to make those they were attacking, look bad. But all of that is another issue.

Any 'movement' attacking hospitals and burning down public buildings does not deserve respect. Likewise anyone defending such actions.

I defend them, so am not deserving respect.

I take it as a badge of honor.

Protesters seeking out those whom they protest against are legitimate.

The manner in which the hospital (not plural, as you slip into the conversation) magnified the entry by protesters, to check out what they perceived as attacks originating from that location, was in itself an indication of what they were all about.

The burning of buildings is in dispute. To blame one side as if it is an irrefutable fact, is playing the same game as the Coupist aggressors characterizing those they attacked as anarchists and anti-social types.

There is no dispute, many of us saw it with our eyes as residents in BKK, along with videos from journalists, CCTV, and others heaps of videos (that you yourself can view on youtube). They can't be called a conspiracy nor a set-up.

I exited the phloen chit office as idiot red shirt gangsters were throwing objects like rocks at telephone booths, trying to light up a BKK branch and break windows, and firing off pistol shots. It was some red shirt bums on motorcycles doing it. There is no dispute nor denying the cold hard facts of what we saw with our own eyes. As residents we saw the stakes, and rubberneckers as well, and tons of petrol in cans littered around for the use of pyromania. No defensive argument for this, especially calling it a protest. It was a city nearing a small scale civil war.

Thanks go out to for some people with balls like the guys at loxley and neighboring residents, along with security guards, who challenged these foolish rogues when they stormed past enroute to channel 3.

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Since this government is a result of blatant vote buying and they now fail to deliver we can expect a hard fall. If the parrott can not fly away she better book a one-way ticket to Dubai.

Every government elected in Thailand is the result of blatant vote-buying - that is what "free and fair" means here.

No one expects the politicians to "deliver" anything meaningful, failing to do so won't hurt their popularity, as long as the opposition continues to make themselves such easy elitist targets Donald Duck could prevail against them, as long as Unkun Scrooge had the dosh to come up with a few hundred per head next time too.

Not a "result of', but in 'spite of". All parties of all political stripes do it, in spite of some trying to put fingers elsewhere

The question that always follows, if there were no vote buying, would the result have been different.

The election of last year was so overwhelmingly in favour of one side, that it can be easily argued that votebuying did not affect the final outcome.

Your ant-politician stance falls into the catagory used by many of the anti-democracy types in Thailand, who use anti-poitician mantra's to attack the very process of electoral democracy.

Thinking if they attack the results, they get at the process.

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Of course there is going to be turmoil. The primary goal of the red shirt movement all along had been to return Thaksin's confiscated stolen loot and pardon the crimes committed by him and his cronies. 46 billion baht was taken from him, and he wants it back. Everyone knows that attempting to return it and pardon him is going to cause massive street protests. Red shirt funding continues because they are to be Thaksin's personal militia to violently smash any protest that threatens him from retaking his ill-gotten money. It is going to be much bloodier this time around, and his thugs will go a lot farther than throwing grenades or performing drive by shootings like they did during previous anti Thaksin demonstrations, and they will go farther than the terrorism and violence they perpetrated during 2010. The anti Thaksin protestors are going to take a bloody beating to scare them in to submission. This is also why the propaganda efforts, even here, continue unabated and they are trying to so hard to disparage those that stand up to this tyrant. They are planning on massacring them and they are setting up the groundwork to excuse their actions.

Thaksin hater tirade.

Oppositional arrogance in characterizing their opposites of possessing no political context beyond their associations.

Thank God we have elections so these types can be sidelined.

Edited by CalgaryII
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Tell you what Calagryll. If you ever get to Udon PM me and let me know when your flight arrives. I'll be happy to meet you at the airport. It's only four kilometers from my house. We can dicuss this over a beer. I'll bring along my maid. Her brother is one of the ring leaders of the Udon red thug mob. She detests everything they do and stand for. She can enlighten you first hand on all these things that "never happened"!

By the way you might want to improve your reading skills. I did not say anything about a red village during the burn Bangkok campain. Those came later.

In closing, no one believes you because your post have no credibility. Only nonsense.

I can't believe "Calagryll" even attempted that approach to defend the shameful actions of his "taxpayers" (yeah right). Pretty pathetic.

In the meantime, this cartoon explains very well how the red shirts' constant antagonism was viewed by a very large number of people, here in Bangkok and elsewhere.


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ianf, #21^

Once again: Utter nonsense from this poster. Unbelievabe that any rational human being cannot see the danger of setting up 'political villages'. As one friend of mine (a Thai teacher) living in one of these villages: "I am very scared because now you have to be very careful of what you say even to your neighbour".


There are many examples in history where this type of network politcal organisation has led to a diminishing of himan rights, the close of free speech and, when the going gets rough: extermination.

Very effectively bringing some equilibrium to power relationships in Thailand.

This power imbalance was powerfully on display than during the 2006 coup, and R'song slapping down of those who objected.

Rather than respond with all your rhetoric, lets make a deal: Let's talk to each other in two years and see who was right.

Ya may as well respond to my reasoned and supported Posts, cause we will lose track of this thing two years from now.

Besides, I'm old and decrepit, but with a powerful sense of political equitableness and justness.

Ladies and Gentlemen please can I give you the latest graduate from a red re-education school.

Thank you, thank you

Your enthusiastic support is gratifying.

Together we will conquer all.

From which political education I come from is not important.

What is important is the education of this Board and its' wonderful contributors.

Your warmth and generosity is truly appreciated.

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Protesters protest and get in the face of those who they are protesting against wherever they can be found.

The arson thing you mention is in dispute, with many loud voices and supporting video, claiming it was the armed aggressors trying to make those they were attacking, look bad. But all of that is another issue.

Any 'movement' attacking hospitals and burning down public buildings does not deserve respect. Likewise anyone defending such actions.

I defend them, so am not deserving respect.

I take it as a badge of honor.

Protesters seeking out those whom they protest against are legitimate.

The manner in which the hospital (not plural, as you slip into the conversation) magnified the entry by protesters, to check out what they perceived as attacks originating from that location, was in itself an indication of what they were all about.

The burning of buildings is in dispute. To blame one side as if it is an irrefutable fact, is playing the same game as the Coupist aggressors characterizing those they attacked as anarchists and anti-social types.

There is no dispute, many of us saw it with our eyes as residents in BKK, along with videos from journalists, CCTV, and others heaps of videos (that you yourself can view on youtube). They can't be called a conspiracy nor a set-up.

I exited the phloen chit office as idiot red shirt gangsters were throwing objects like rocks at telephone booths, trying to light up a BKK branch and break windows, and firing off pistol shots. It was some red shirt bums on motorcycles doing it. There is no dispute nor denying the cold hard facts of what we saw with our own eyes. As residents we saw the stakes, and rubberneckers as well, and tons of petrol in cans littered around for the use of pyromania. No defensive argument for this, especially calling it a protest. It was a city nearing a small scale civil war.

Thanks go out to for some people with balls like the guys at loxley and neighboring residents, along with security guards, who challenged these foolish rogues when they stormed past enroute to channel 3.

The coupists will be proud of you.

It is very important for them to denigrate and besmirch those they were attacking, in defence of their ill-gotten gains.

To characterize the protesters as the aggressors, and diminish the vengeful and vicious attack on taxpayers by armed aggressors, is a key agenda

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Of course there is going to be turmoil. The primary goal of the red shirt movement all along had been to return Thaksin's confiscated stolen loot and pardon the crimes committed by him and his cronies. 46 billion baht was taken from him, and he wants it back. Everyone knows that attempting to return it and pardon him is going to cause massive street protests. Red shirt funding continues because they are to be Thaksin's personal militia to violently smash any protest that threatens him from retaking his ill-gotten money. It is going to be much bloodier this time around, and his thugs will go a lot farther than throwing grenades or performing drive by shootings like they did during previous anti Thaksin demonstrations, and they will go farther than the terrorism and violence they perpetrated during 2010. The anti Thaksin protestors are going to take a bloody beating to scare them in to submission. This is also why the propaganda efforts, even here, continue unabated and they are trying to so hard to disparage those that stand up to this tyrant. They are planning on massacring them and they are setting up the groundwork to excuse their actions.

Well you've certainly swallowed hook, line & sinker. Thaksin was illegally removed from power by a coup that was against the constitution of the time. The red shirt protests were a valid and understandable response by the majority of the electorate who had been marginalized by a scheming coalition of the army, Democrats, aristocrats and those businessmen who suffered under TRT. The election clearly showed that the Democrats had no valid mandate to rule & the fact they were in power was an insult to democracy & justice. Thaksin Shinawatra is simply the most successful & popular leader in the history of the country and he fully deserves to be able to return to his home country and lead Thailand to further prosperity.

If he was illegal removed from power can be discussed because he was illegal in power at that time if you remember what happened, with the election after election after election. And when were the Democrats in power without valid mandate?? They had together with their coalition partner a majority.

(That the Democrat lead government showed a very poor performance is another thing, but in no way illegal)

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throatwobbler, #81

Out of all the posters I have read in the years this guy must be the worst. Despite plenty of evidence of red shirt violence he believes it's not true.

Only in the sense that it was a reaction against being attacked viciously and vengefully by those they were protesting against.

Not only was that reaction justified and understandable, so was their reason for protesting.

They were the electoral majority who knew they were the electoral majority as validated in last years election.

Who in their right mind would accept governance from a minority who forcefully overthrew the Government you voted for.

Maybe it's alzheimers coming on. Anyway I won't be wasting anymore of my time on this guy. I would suggest others do the same.

Why would you suggest others do the same thing throatwobbler?

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What is important is the education of this Board and its' wonderful contributors.

Democracy in action.

Yes it is, and I appreciate it.

The thought also occurred to me how many countries this sort of political dialogue would not be tolerated.

I also appreciate Thailand.

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