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Answer For Sexual Relief Is Football: Thai NIETS Chief


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"One question was, "If you have a sexual urge, what should you do?" The available alternatives were: a) Ask friends if you can play football together; b ) Consult family members; c) Try to sleep; d) Go out with a friend of the opposite sex; or e) Invite a close friend to watch a movie together.

Critics pointed out that both "a" and "b" could be taken as correct answers for boys; furthermore, in the case of most girls, "a" would be a strange option, and therefore not a viable choice."

This is wrong in so many ways!

All the answers are total crap (giving that the question makes any sense...which it doesn't!) but after that you also turn sexist, because -sure- girls and football...hahahaha...have a laugh at that!

This country gets stranger and stranger every day!

And as this material was aimed at, what could be classed as, young adults, I'm left wondering about the quality of materials that will be loaded on to the free tablets.

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The best answer doesn't appear: Make love on and for your body. Boys can give freedom of (short) live to thousands of living beings.

Although this is not illegal, it should not be encourages. Thailand is a Buddhist country.

In certain country, one could be stoned to death for doing that at a public square.

Then don't do it at a public square....!

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"One question was, "If you have a sexual urge, what should you do?" The available alternatives were: a) Ask friends if you can play football together; b ) Consult family members; c) Try to sleep; d) Go out with a friend of the opposite sex; or e) Invite a close friend to watch a movie together.

Critics pointed out that both "a" and "b" could be taken as correct answers for boys; furthermore, in the case of most girls, "a" would be a strange option, and therefore not a viable choice."

This is wrong in so many ways!

All the answers are total crap (giving that the question makes any sense...which it doesn't!) but after that you also turn sexist, because -sure- girls and football...hahahaha...have a laugh at that!

This country gets stranger and stranger every day!

And as this material was aimed at, what could be classed as, young adults, I'm left wondering about the quality of materials that will be loaded on to the free tablets.

Or what will be loaded onto the tablets AFTER being distributed to students......

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The best answer doesn't appear: Make love on and for your body. Boys can give freedom of (short) live to thousands of living beings.

Although this is not illegal, it should not be encourages. Thailand is a Buddhist country.

In certain country, one could be stoned to death for doing that at a public square.

Thailand is a hypocrite Buddhist country. They have the death penalty..

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Playing football to relieve sexual tension?

John Terry - one time captain of England and Chelsea caused a ruckus by shagging a team mate's ex girlfriend.

Wayne Rooney - Man U and England star caught out paying for play when his wife was pregnant. Was a regular visitor to a Liverpool brothel where he cavorted with a 48 year old grandmother and also a mother of six who dressed up as a cowgirl for him.

David Pleat ex football manager and perv. Cautioned 3 times by the police for kerb crawling,

Peter Storey ex Arsenal and England star - fined for operating a brothel and received a suspended sentence. Was later jailed for importing 20 porno films.

Graham Rix ex Arsenal and England sentenced to 12 months for sex with underage girl who he plied with booze and drugs.

I was always kicking a ball about as a young lad but still found time to 'ease springs' with a selection of young girls. I hasten to point out that I was under age myself. Reminds me of the slogan of the flower people - Make love not war. My generation found time for both.

I sometimes wonder if it is a requirement to undergo a full frontal lobotomy before becoming a Thai politician or Government official.

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Not surprising that to help gain entry into a Thai university one has to totally agree and suck up to the societal dogma dished out by those "in the know" jap.gif, ie: "sex is bad & it should be controlled", "a sexual urge should be withheld/controlled", "this is fact, so no other idea is even able to be contemplated" etc....

It would be counter productive to allow people with free thought and their own opinions (who may challenge the status quoangry.png ) into a Thai "university". If they allowed free thought etc then these esteemed Thai institutions could become like those terrible foreign universities, and everyone in Thailand knows how inferior they areangry.png . coffee1.gif

Years ago I couldn't believe it the first time I found out those school kid sin uniform were actually university students!?!?! Uniform at a university drunk.gif ? Universities are supposed to be be institutions about free thought, free expression and blossoming as an individual. In Thailand they are instead (at best) extensions of (Thai-)high school education. You aren't even regarded as an adult at university (even if over 20, which as a side point is ridiculously old "age of majority")!! ...something somewhere went terribly wrong here....

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"After the teachers design the questions, university lecturers with expertise in those subjects then step in as speakers to advise and screen the questions," Samphan said. "After that, testdesign and screening committees for each subject will work out the final sets of questions for the tests"

That is a lot of paedophiles in the system..... don't they know the life of many young football players has been ruined because after football they lay with their girlfriend, no penetration but active spermatozoa managed to find a way inside with resultant pregnancy.

Maybe the University people need to get a life rather than only read books!!!

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There should be some movements initiated by the masses to get rid of individuals like this idiot Dr Samphan from having to do anything with the local education system.....the type of questions set were a joke and really Thais should defend their intellect by having idiots like this sacked.

Thais should defend their what????

Edited by Tanaka
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Playing football to relieve sexual tension?

John Terry - one time captain of England and Chelsea caused a ruckus by shagging a team mate's ex girlfriend.

Wayne Rooney - Man U and England star caught out paying for play when his wife was pregnant. Was a regular visitor to a Liverpool brothel where he cavorted with a 48 year old grandmother and also a mother of six who dressed up as a cowgirl for him.

David Pleat ex football manager and perv. Cautioned 3 times by the police for kerb crawling,

Peter Storey ex Arsenal and England star - fined for operating a brothel and received a suspended sentence. Was later jailed for importing 20 porno films.

Graham Rix ex Arsenal and England sentenced to 12 months for sex with underage girl who he plied with booze and drugs.

I was always kicking a ball about as a young lad but still found time to 'ease springs' with a selection of young girls. I hasten to point out that I was under age myself. Reminds me of the slogan of the flower people - Make love not war. My generation found time for both.

I sometimes wonder if it is a requirement to undergo a full frontal lobotomy before becoming a Thai politician or Government official.

You beat me to the punchline Bags!
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The last time any of these old cronies in BKK had sexual urges, the latest thing to hit the big screen was Charlie Chaplain........Anyway, at least Thai students now have facebook etc so that they can freely ridicule the system (within certain limits of course..LM.....lets not go there on this fred).

Edited by chinook
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"Based on what is provided by Obec, our invited specialists have developed test blue prints and item specifications," Samphan said.

" Based on what is provided by my wife between her legs, my internal specialists have developed Anti Test Finger Print Scanners and brain development specifications," my wife said. Obec= Obviously Brain Extraordinary Claustrophobia. spamsign.gif

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Playing football to relieve sexual tension?

John Terry - one time captain of England and Chelsea caused a ruckus by shagging a team mate's ex girlfriend.

Wayne Rooney - Man U and England star caught out paying for play when his wife was pregnant. Was a regular visitor to a Liverpool brothel where he cavorted with a 48 year old grandmother and also a mother of six who dressed up as a cowgirl for him.

David Pleat ex football manager and perv. Cautioned 3 times by the police for kerb crawling,

Peter Storey ex Arsenal and England star - fined for operating a brothel and received a suspended sentence. Was later jailed for importing 20 porno films.

Graham Rix ex Arsenal and England sentenced to 12 months for sex with underage girl who he plied with booze and drugs.

I was always kicking a ball about as a young lad but still found time to 'ease springs' with a selection of young girls. I hasten to point out that I was under age myself. Reminds me of the slogan of the flower people - Make love not war. My generation found time for both.

I sometimes wonder if it is a requirement to undergo a full frontal lobotomy before becoming a Thai politician or Government official.

Better a full bottle in front of me than a full frontal lobotomy.

I can understand how getting a shot or two into the nets could ease sexual tension.

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Get a group of expert teachers together to write the questions, then another set of university teachers to vet them, and you still come up with rubbish questions. Well done guys, give yourselves a promotion.

.....and they wonder why I only taught in BKK for 4 months clap2.gif

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Shouldn't the "most correct" answer have been: masturbate???

Could be, but that is not allowed in the Thai society. One have to go underground to do that.

While katoey (ladyboy) is everywhere, on every TV program, and I believed, it is most encourage in Thailand to become one.

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Shouldn't the "most correct" answer have been: masturbate???

Could be, but that is not allowed in the Thai society. One have to go underground to do that.

While katoey (ladyboy) is everywhere, on every TV program, and I believed, it is most encourage in Thailand to become one.

However, losing your virginity in the local brothel is allowed, well, maybe not officially, but it is happening with the majority of Thai males.

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This really hi-lights how far out of touch Thai pooyais are from reality.

Yes there is teen pregnancy, there is prostitution, there is a massive sex industry, thousands of current students engage in the sex industry to supplement their incomes, and the answer to all of these issues is to "play football"?????????

I have never been more amazed at the supposed intelligensia of Thailand to utterly miss the point of what they are trying to do. Can't talk about condoms, can't talk about Aids, can't talk about teenage pregnancy, and the answer is to "play football"? Whoever set these questions should be sent to an inactive position, preferably on a stool in Firecat for a week, and calculate how often they think about football.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Shouldn't the "most correct" answer have been: masturbate???

Could be, but that is not allowed in the Thai society. One have to go underground to do that.

While katoey (ladyboy) is everywhere, on every TV program, and I believed, it is most encourage in Thailand to become one.

However, losing your virginity in the local brothel is allowed, well, maybe not officially, but it is happening with the majority of Thai males.

Do you think that is a bad thing? And if it is bad as opposed to what?

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About 30 years ago the answer if such a test was given would probably be..Take a cold shower.....It did not say before or after.

The great majority of Thais don't have hot water showers. So it is still going to be a cold shower.

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