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Dealing With The Stigma Of Having A Thai Gf In Homeland?

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Get over it. They are just curious and you two are interesting to them. Its their loss if someone of them can't admire and appreciate the diversity and richness of other cultures. Most do understand or are just trying to learn.

I agree most of them are just curious. Particularly if you are in a area that is all white.

Introduce her to some people and let them get to know her. The novelty will wear off and they will judge her for who she is not where she comes from.I

It sounds t me like you have let this get to a point whee a little professional help would be a asset.

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You asked for honesty.... Are you so self-deprecating about other things in your life? If so, you probably DO need help. Seriously.

Forget the issue of what other people think. This is not a question of getting over that. This is a classic case of self-stigma: You are not running from other people's judgments, but from your own. Stop wasting yours and everyone else's time by pretending this is about what the 'others' think and admit that YOU carry some kind of stigma or doubt about this. Which, incidentally, is unnecessary and judgmental of you. Face up to your own attitudes and get over THOSE. Then mysteriously the judgment of others will evaporate.

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No need to bother with this thread. OP long since disappeared.

The OP might not be the only one interested in a topic.

THis is not just a shop for free advice, but aplace for discussion as well


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It's usually just the human trash that like to think in this way about Thai women. Avoid and ignore those people and you will be happy.


As the eagles Song goes "get over it" , you should of known full well what you where getting yourself in for before you got into the relationship. There is always challenges with every relationship and people's attitudes

towards mine ranks very low for me, just give the nutters a wide berth.


What everyone else is saying. Work on getting over it. Stop thinking people are judging you in public. Chances are it's all/mainly in your head.

Think of it like this: pretend you do not have a thai girlfriend and you saw/over heard an interatial couple having a conversation. would you really start judging them? start thinking poorly of them? and for those who are acctually judging you, if any, they are ignorant and miss educated.


throw yourself headfirst in the situation ,go to the most busiest crowded whitest place you can find and sit there for hours

have a 5 course meal and take 3 hours to eat it :)

if its crowded ,share a big table with strangers :)

talk to your gf in front of everyone ,as loud as you feel like :)

hold hands in public ,kiss her in parks or shopping centres :)

slap her on the ass ,make her laugh in awkward situations

dont be shy :)

pretend the restaurant is empty apart from the two of you

if anyone stares ,ignore them blankly or look them in the eye until they look back down at their plate :D

repeat this process ,exactly as i have told you,every day until you and her can sit anywhere with anybody and be the most comfortable people in the room

being embarrassed is a behaviour you have learned ,its time to unlearn it

and dont forget to have fun ;)


Are you being sensitive? Maybe, maybe not.

I’m in the UK now for a month with my Thai GF. I’ve been here near 3 weeks now; have to say not so much as a sideways glance. This is the first time I’ve taken my GF here. I’m 54 and she is 40. Have to say I did expect to get some looks……But nothing.

Same here. I took my missus back to the UK for the first time last summer and was naturally a bit cautious as to what some folk may say or the strange looks etc, but nobody even batted an eyelid...we are in 2012 now for goodness sakes. Nobody really cares and people have far too much on their own plates these days to be worrying about you and your gf unless they are extremely shallow and sad people, and if that's thew case then why are you friends with them anyway.

...and if she was from anywhere else, I would feel proud to have her as my gf

Nothing is more telling than this extract from your original post...


Haven't read all the replies so forgive me if I'm repeating. OP says gf so I assume he hasn't married her. If so then he should commit, get married, maybe publicise the ceremony and then both of you sport wedding rings whenever you go out, together or singly. Then just carry on with your life.

I was with my Thai gf for two years before marrying her. Now the comments have ceased, or else we have just stopped noticing them.


the title of this thread should be changed to :

Dealing With The Stigma Jealousy Of Having A Thai Gf In Homeland?

if shes young and hot and exotic ,most men would secretly like to bounce balls on that ass but maybe already unhappily married so they will be critical in front of the wife

western women wil be green with envy ,a thai woman,propbably doesnt drink or smoke ,looks younger ,good figure ,can eat UNLIKE a pig and keep a sexy teenage figure even AFTER having kids

well .your choice really ........;)


Maybe they point and stare because they overhear a seemingly normal ageing gentleman talking to a mature but younger woman in baby speak and think it's a little odd that a man would come out in public with a woman who he can't speak with but is obviously boning.

Eddie Murphy did a great sketch about this 20 odd years ago...


the title of this thread should be changed to :

Dealing With The Stigma Jealousy Of Having A Thai Gf In Homeland?

if shes young and hot and exotic ,most men would secretly like to bounce balls on that ass but maybe already unhappily married so they will be critical in front of the wife

western women wil be green with envy ,a thai woman,propbably doesnt drink or smoke ,looks younger ,good figure ,can eat UNLIKE a pig and keep a sexy teenage figure even AFTER having kids

well .your choice really ........wink.png

Obviously you're right as, all Western women are fat and ugly and therefore jealous.

Repeat this over and over again...

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the title of this thread should be changed to :

Dealing With The Stigma Jealousy Of Having A Thai Gf In Homeland?

if shes young and hot and exotic ,most men would secretly like to bounce balls on that ass but maybe already unhappily married so they will be critical in front of the wife

western women wil be green with envy ,a thai woman,propbably doesnt drink or smoke ,looks younger ,good figure ,can eat UNLIKE a pig and keep a sexy teenage figure even AFTER having kids

well .your choice really ........wink.png

Obviously you're right as, all Western women are fat and ugly and therefore jealous.

Repeat this over and over again...

you forgot bloated ,fat ,loud ,obnoxious and go sour faster than milk in summer .....:)


Maybe they point and stare because they overhear a seemingly normal ageing gentleman talking to a mature but younger woman in baby speak and think it's a little odd that a man would come out in public with a woman who he can't speak with but is obviously boning.

Eddie Murphy did a great sketch about this 20 odd years ago...

I remember this one--funny stuff! And it's quite relevant to Thailand and the idea of taking a traditional Thai woman to the west. Really not a good idea.


the title of this thread should be changed to :

Dealing With The Stigma Jealousy Of Having A Thai Gf In Homeland?

if shes young and hot and exotic ,most men would secretly like to bounce balls on that ass but maybe already unhappily married so they will be critical in front of the wife

western women wil be green with envy ,a thai woman,propbably doesnt drink or smoke ,looks younger ,good figure ,can eat UNLIKE a pig and keep a sexy teenage figure even AFTER having kids

well .your choice really ........wink.png

Obviously you're right as, all Western women are fat and ugly and therefore jealous.

Repeat this over and over again...

you forgot bloated ,fat ,loud ,obnoxious and go sour faster than milk in summer .....smile.png

How could I have missed that giggle.gif ?


the title of this thread should be changed to :

Dealing With The Stigma Jealousy Of Having A Thai Gf In Homeland?

if shes young and hot and exotic ,most men would secretly like to bounce balls on that ass but maybe already unhappily married so they will be critical in front of the wife

western women wil be green with envy ,a thai woman,propbably doesnt drink or smoke ,looks younger ,good figure ,can eat UNLIKE a pig and keep a sexy teenage figure even AFTER having kids

well .your choice really ........wink.png

Obviously you're right as, all Western women are fat and ugly and therefore jealous.

Repeat this over and over again...

Yup, it is amazing how many scared men we have on here - scared of women with brains and their own opinion, aka western women.

I guess it is easier to hire women by the hour/night and not have to make any effort in any way.


the title of this thread should be changed to :

Dealing With The Stigma Jealousy Of Having A Thai Gf In Homeland?

if shes young and hot and exotic ,most men would secretly like to bounce balls on that ass but maybe already unhappily married so they will be critical in front of the wife

western women wil be green with envy ,a thai woman,propbably doesnt drink or smoke ,looks younger ,good figure ,can eat UNLIKE a pig and keep a sexy teenage figure even AFTER having kids

well .your choice really ........wink.png

Obviously you're right as, all Western women are fat and ugly and therefore jealous.

Repeat this over and over again...

Yup, it is amazing how many scared men we have on here - scared of women with brains and their own opinion, aka western women.

I guess it is easier to hire women by the hour/night and not have to make any effort in any way.

yeah because all Asian women are demure airheads made for shagging not conversation who attend to every whim of their male benefactor - oh wait apart from the angry penis removers, oh and the doctors and oops forgot the lawyers - but hey I'm sure you get my point - Western women smart and opinonted, Asian women brainless shag baubles.

you both made equally stupid sweeping genralisations about a whole genre of women based on location to prove a ludicrous point, which to be fair any woman feeling beneficial of such support I don't even want to know for an hour/night whether she be western, asian or wearing pink pajamas when she comes!


the title of this thread should be changed to :

Dealing With The Stigma Jealousy Of Having A Thai Gf In Homeland?

if shes young and hot and exotic ,most men would secretly like to bounce balls on that ass but maybe already unhappily married so they will be critical in front of the wife

western women wil be green with envy ,a thai woman,propbably doesnt drink or smoke ,looks younger ,good figure ,can eat UNLIKE a pig and keep a sexy teenage figure even AFTER having kids

well .your choice really ........wink.png

Obviously you're right as, all Western women are fat and ugly and therefore jealous.

Repeat this over and over again...

Yup, it is amazing how many scared men we have on here - scared of women with brains and their own opinion, aka western women.

I guess it is easier to hire women by the hour/night and not have to make any effort in any way.

Not women with opinions, just opinionated women.

Yes it is easier to hire women by the hour/night and a lot better not having to make an effort. That is one of the joys.

Don't forget cheaper as well.


As for cheaper. It seems easier to get robbed here with little recourse in the the practical application of the law than it does back on your home turf. It happen, sure, but I think the percentages are favouring picking a partner from your own country.

Anyway, none of my business really. Sorry if any offence caused. Boring if we were all the same and all that pish. coffee1.gif


As for cheaper. It seems easier to get robbed here with little recourse in the the practical application of the law than it does back on your home turf. It happen, sure, but I think the percentages are favouring picking a partner from your own country.

Anyway, none of my business really. Sorry if any offence caused. Boring if we were all the same and all that pish. coffee1.gif

No offence caused.

I meant cheaper as in.........lose your home and superannuation etc etc. I would imagine the whole gf through to wife and difforce experience in the west is lot more expensive.


As for cheaper. It seems easier to get robbed here with little recourse in the the practical application of the law than it does back on your home turf. It happen, sure, but I think the percentages are favouring picking a partner from your own country.

Anyway, none of my business really. Sorry if any offence caused. Boring if we were all the same and all that pish. coffee1.gif

No offence caused.

I meant cheaper as in.........lose your home and superannuation etc etc. I would imagine the whole gf through to wife and difforce experience in the west is lot more expensive.

I've not been man enough to follow through on that one - I chickened out half way, and I'm still married.

I suppose I should put that down to lack of planning and preparation. I feel bad, now, whenever I go back home, and I don't have a Thai girlfriend to show off.

Anyway, I never really did a full Least-Cost study when I was getting married... lack of preparation and foresight again, I suppose. That's typical of people on this forum, who just live for today, and don't think ahead - don't book their divorce, prepare a prenuptial agreement, keep a bag of peas in the freezer to keep their severed member fresh, start saving for an urn-space at the local temple and so forth.

At least I've got a strategy for my old age - I'm going to work till I'm seventy, and then start saving for a pension,...



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As for cheaper. It seems easier to get robbed here with little recourse in the the practical application of the law than it does back on your home turf. It happen, sure, but I think the percentages are favouring picking a partner from your own country.

Anyway, none of my business really. Sorry if any offence caused. Boring if we were all the same and all that pish. coffee1.gif

No offence caused.

I meant cheaper as in.........lose your home and superannuation etc etc. I would imagine the whole gf through to wife and difforce experience in the west is lot more expensive.

much better deal in thailand

how much it would take to romance a woman in the west ?

eventually have kid ?

engaged ?

married ?

buy a house with your life savings ?

pay if off in 20-40 years of work ?

then get divorced and she takes the fXXXXXG lot ?

and then theres thailand :



They are probably jealous that their wives are over weight and yours is not.

They are also probably jealous that you get to eat exquisite Thai food on a daily basis,

and the closest they get is a pot noodle.

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