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Bangkok's 'Hitler Chic' Trend Riles Tourists, Israeli Envoy


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Using the swastika image, as the Chiang Mai students did some time ago is one thing since it's an ancient religious symbol, but glorifying Hitler and using Ronald McDonald as a Hitler image is a bit much. I expect McDonalds Corp., to sue soon.

Thai ignorance of history is just stunning. No doubt some politicians will soon be seen sporting the Little Dictator moustache.

The swastika is indeed an ancient Asian religious symbol, but when its direction is reversed, it's rotated 45 degrees, and it's put in a white circle on a red flag, which the Chiang Mai students did, it's pretty unequivocally a Nazi symbol. It's disingenuous to say the students were simply using an old religious symbol, especially since their sports day performance included lots of other Nazi-themed imagery.

Not sure if McDonalds will do anything about it. The Ronald McDonald/Hitler shirts have been around for at least a couple years now, and it doesn't seem like intellectual property is taken very seriously in Thailand. All the Red Bull, Heineken, and classic rock band t-shirts you see everywhere? I don't think the rightful owners of those copyrights are getting anything from those.

Thailand is a Buddhist country.

The Nazi symbols is Buddhist way way before Hitler use it.

Who should the Buddhist (like Thailand) collect the copy right fee from? The Germans or the Austrians?

Edited by sparebox2
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True, the "Hitler" look in Thailand seems to be the lack of education in the schools about what has happened in past history. My Thai friend (from the North) knows very little about world history or even geography. This is not his fault but the schools that he attended. I have no idea if the public schools in BKK would be better.

But we all make mistakes of such. I once pointed with my foot to a series of books at a book store (located on the bottom shelf) and was told later by my Thai friend how rude it was.

Then there is the USA military that seems to be "clueless" about the high sensitivity of burning certain holy books in Afganistan.

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Growing up in London during the war us kids would often walk around parodying Hitler, one finger held under our noses as a mustache, the fother arm raised in the Nazi salute, we found it funny. We were not supporting him, we were taking the piss.

Thats not surprising at all considering England has one of the longest and most shameful legacies of Anti-Semetism of any country on Earth. I'll bet your glad all the Jews there have been replaced with vile bearded Islamic clerics calling for Sharia Law in Great Britain right?

You are, of course, aware that many of the bearded Islamics are also Semites.

Definition of SEMITE


a : a member of any of a number of peoples of ancient southwestern Asia including the Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs b : a descendant of these peoples

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How many people has McDonalds garbage food killed vs. Hitler?

Although the morons that ingest that sh*t food have a choice vs. the WW2 unfortunates.

Using the swastika image, as the Chiang Mai students did some time ago is one thing since it's an ancient religious symbol, but glorifying Hitler and using Ronald McDonald as a Hitler image is a bit much. I expect McDonalds Corp., to sue soon.

Thai ignorance of history is just stunning. No doubt some politicians will soon be seen sporting the Little Dictator moustache.


Perhaps some young ignorant soul with cash to splash here will open a slimming spa called Buchenwald Bodyworks. Pathetic.annoyed.gif

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I would have thought the Chiang Mai farce of last year would have brought home to the Thais just how tasteless and tacky so many of their 'fashion' trends are. Sadly, no!!

But when you consider that schools teach Thai history - the official version of what little there is to teach - in some cases without ever touching on global history; in others, getting to more comprehensive history lessons late in school life, should we be that surprised?

And, of course, Thailand was never colonised. Leaving aside the question of why European powers colonised so many surrounding Asian countries, whilst leaving Thailand alone, the Japanese, to all intents and purposes, did just that in WWII. And had the Axis powers succeeded in their aims, Thailand might still be a Japanese satellite today.

And, at least there would be no excuse for lax knowledge of history.

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My view of the holocost? You must know more about my view than I do. Its simple. Read history, and educate yourself. But don't disrespect the suffering the tens of millions of innocent people suffered out of lack of knowledge. Your a sad example of humanity if you can say so little about the murders that occured during WWII

The educational system is seriously lacking in history outside of Thailand to name one area of education. My kids study Thai history, but nothing more as far as I can see. Is it any wonder why Thailand is xenophobic. I am of Jewish ancestory, and if I ever see one of these mentioned things, I will have a hard time controlling myself. I have 3 children in a bilingual school in Chiang Mai, and the owner started giving Christian lessons to the children without parental consent, and I have issues with this. Is it so uncommon in Thailand that people do not show respect for other people's religions and cultures, after all this is a Buddahist country. I bet most Christians if asked what religion was Christ would say that Jesus was a Christian, but anyone who knows history would know he was a Jew. Where is the tolerence i keep hearing about?

Tell me why Thai's need to be force fed your view on the holocaust?

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I was in the Korat shopping centre and one small were selling swastika flags along side the British Flag ( union Jack ) i sad to my girlfriend about it and just got it just a picture on a flag, I told her to look at youtube about what happen she did'nt bother as thats in the past and is not important and you can't eat it or sell it. That's what it comes down to,as one member said " Thai ignorance of history is just stunning"

If you drive down to Hua Hin from Bangkok you wil see a big gold dome with a big red Swastika on the done, maybe an old Asia symbol but it still brings the memories back to most farang one way or another.

But that is YOUR issue. If you cannot rationalize that the swastika on the dome has nothing to do with Hitler then you are displaying just as much intellectual processing as your girl friend.

Unfortunately, any intellect has failed to rub off on you; conjuring such nonsense that a person with a learned sense of history and a person that ignores history (ignoranus) are somehow equivalent. You are obviously the latter.

How rude!

But free of typographical errors.

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The educational system is seriously lacking in history outside of Thailand to name one area of education. My kids study Thai history, but nothing more as far as I can see. Is it any wonder why Thailand is xenophobic. I am of Jewish ancestory, and if I ever see one of these mentioned things, I will have a hard time controlling myself. I have 3 children in a bilingual school in Chiang Mai, and the owner started giving Christian lessons to the children without parental consent, and I have issues with this. Is it so uncommon in Thailand that people do not show respect for other people's religions and cultures, after all this is a Buddahist country. I bet most Christians if asked what religion was Christ would say that Jesus was a Christian, but anyone who knows history would know he was a Jew. Where is the tolerence i keep hearing about?

Hmmmm. The English commited attrocities against the Irish for centuries, including the quaint practice of pitchcapping, but you don't hear the vast majority of Irish swearing that if they see a Union Jack they'll have a hard time controlling themselves. Within the lifetime of people still living, the Japanese commited awful things against the Chinese, but you don't hear the Chinese wobbling on about it now. In fact they're real good pals if the media is to be believed.

It's life- bad things happen- move on.

If attrocities really mattered that much, why is the world's media blind, deaf and dumb about the DRC?

PS, if any person didn't know that Jesus was a Jew, they wouldn't be a Christian any more than I am a Buddhist just because I think some Buddhist beliefs are pretty good.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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True, the "Hitler" look in Thailand seems to be the lack of education in the schools about what has happened in past history. My Thai friend (from the North) knows very little about world history or even geography. This is not his fault but the schools that he attended. I have no idea if the public schools in BKK would be better.

But we all make mistakes of such. I once pointed with my foot to a series of books at a book store (located on the bottom shelf) and was told later by my Thai friend how rude it was.

Then there is the USA military that seems to be "clueless" about the high sensitivity of burning certain holy books in Afganistan.

You must be the stupidest foreigner in town. Pointing with your foot to a book might be rude but killing 6 million jews and millions of Russians, homosexuals and gypsies is really something different. I bet that Thais would love to take the smell of your socks over the gas chamber.

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In the context of this discussion it might be worth pointing out that Thailand was actually an ally of the Axis powers during World War 2, a fact that has been largely forgotten with the help of a little convenient historical revisionism. There was a short war fought between Thailand and the Vichy French administrators of French Indochina in the early 40's which the Japanese had to come in and mediate, since they were supposed to be on the same side.

These T-shirts are more evidence of utter stupidity and ignorance than any malice. There were Osama Bin Laden T-shirts for sale on Sukhumvit Road within weeks of 9/11, and I have on more than one occasion seen very mild-mannered middle aged Thai women wearing T-shirts with slogans like "F&*K you, you f*%#ing F*&k" (without the special characters) apparently with no idea what the words actually meant.

In the context of this discussion it might be worth pointing out that Thailand was actually an ally of the Axis powers during World War 2

Interesting take on history. The declaration wasn't delivered to the US, but unfortunately,

In the immediate aftermath of the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japanese forces invaded Thailand's territory on the morning of December 8, 1941. Only hours after the invasion, the then prime minister Field Marshal Phibunsongkhram, ordered the cessation of resistance against the Japanese. On December 21, 1941, a military alliance with Japan was signed and on January 25, 1942 Sang Phathanothai read over the radio Thailand's formal declaration of war on the United Kingdom and the United States.


This is one those taboo subjects in Thailand. Either Thailand had little choice in suppoprting the Japanese or it was eyeing the main chance.... a bit like the Swiss with the Nazis.

Edited by bigbamboo
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History is constantly being re written by historians and their own interpretation of the facts. Left wing PC historians refer to Julius Caesar as a tyrant who subjugated indigenous peoples.....oh really !

If you want a gov grant or ' career progressment then you have to condemn Hitler. In 50 years from now we will have a new generation of historians who may put Hitler in a far more favourable light and condemn the jew bankers for corrupting and ruining the west.Everything about history is vulnerable to the political agenda of the day.

Edited by jalansanitwong
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My view of the holocost? You must know more about my view than I do. Its simple. Read history, and educate yourself. But don't disrespect the suffering the tens of millions of innocent people suffered out of lack of knowledge. Your a sad example of humanity if you can say so little about the murders that occured during WWII

The educational system is seriously lacking in history outside of Thailand to name one area of education. My kids study Thai history, but nothing more as far as I can see. Is it any wonder why Thailand is xenophobic. I am of Jewish ancestory, and if I ever see one of these mentioned things, I will have a hard time controlling myself. I have 3 children in a bilingual school in Chiang Mai, and the owner started giving Christian lessons to the children without parental consent, and I have issues with this. Is it so uncommon in Thailand that people do not show respect for other people's religions and cultures, after all this is a Buddahist country. I bet most Christians if asked what religion was Christ would say that Jesus was a Christian, but anyone who knows history would know he was a Jew. Where is the tolerence i keep hearing about?

Tell me why Thai's need to be force fed your view on the holocaust?

The second world war was a sad period, lives where lost on both sides. It was a war after all. There are all different account of what happened. Just becuase you accept one opinion or the other doesn't give you the right to preach over here. Just because something is in a book it doesn't make it a fact. It means it was taken on by a publisher.

Your opinions should not be forced on Buddhist Thai's. Its a completely different continent.

How is is different to wearing a Chairmen Mao t-shirt?

Edited by Pui
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The educational system is seriously lacking in history outside of Thailand to name one area of education. My kids study Thai history, but nothing more as far as I can see. Is it any wonder why Thailand is xenophobic. I am of Jewish ancestory, and if I ever see one of these mentioned things, I will have a hard time controlling myself. I have 3 children in a bilingual school in Chiang Mai, and the owner started giving Christian lessons to the children without parental consent, and I have issues with this. Is it so uncommon in Thailand that people do not show respect for other people's religions and cultures, after all this is a Buddahist country. I bet most Christians if asked what religion was Christ would say that Jesus was a Christian, but anyone who knows history would know he was a Jew. Where is the tolerence i keep hearing about?

Hmmmm. The English commited attrocities against the Irish for centuries, including the quaint practice of pitchcapping, but you don't hear the vast majority of Irish swearing that if they see a Union Jack they'll have a hard time controlling themselves. Within the lifetime of people still living, the Japanese commited awful things against the Chinese, but you don't hear the Chinese wobbling on about it now.

It's life- bad things happen- move on.

If attrocities really mattered that much, why is the world's media blind, deaf and dumb about the DRC?

PS, if any person didn't know that Jesus was a Jew, they wouldn't be a Christian any more than I am a Buddhist just because I think some Buddhist beliefs are pretty good.

The IRA was active until only a few years ago, and take an older Chinese aside and ask him privately what he thinks of the Japs.

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As already pointed out, Stalin put Hitler distinctly in the shade with his prowess for putting millions to death, and you don't have to look very far to find other runners-up, so what's the big taboo with Hitler? I for one came here to escape the strychnined, egg-shell tip-toeing that passes for daily existence in the "mustn't offend anyone" West. grow a set & stop projecting your insecurities into what everyone knows to be one of the most polite cultures on the block.

Thank you for pointing that out for those that think only the Jews suffered. Gypsies were also exterminated, but it's still OK to be politically incorrect about them.

As for mass murderers, Mao was right up there, but no one in the west seems perturbed about him. In fact, many of the so called intelligensia still admire him. And, let's not forget that China's leaders are still involved in trying to destroy the Tibetan culture, but Obama still gives a state welcome to the Chinese vice premier.

Seems to me that a lot of people want to have it both ways with bad leaders- but that's a tad hypocrytical, no?

It also seems to be apparent that a lot of people don't realise that Thailand was allied to the Axis side in the war.

Allied where exactly?


n the immediate aftermath of the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japanese forces invaded Thailand's territory on the morning of December 8, 1941. Only hours after the invasion, the then prime minister Field Marshal Phibunsongkhram, ordered the cessation of resistance against the Japanese. On December 21, 1941, a military alliance with Japan was signed and on January 25, 1942 Sang Phathanothai read over the radio Thailand's formal declaration of war on the United Kingdom and the United States.

But let's not split hairs huh?

You might seek out a better historian to quote. He makes the classic mistake of thinking the invasion of Thailand was an aftermath when in fact it was simultaneous for all intents and purposes. Pearl Harbour was attacked on the 7th, but this side of the International Date Line, it was the 8th.

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Once again Thailand hits a homerun for ignorance.


Speaking of ignorance, who is this gushing over the big guy while "it" was all happening?Looks like Bertie's elder brother David, aka Edward VIII. I guess that implies the Brits were really in league with the Axis powers???



Edited by Suradit69
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The educational system is seriously lacking in history outside of Thailand to name one area of education. My kids study Thai history, but nothing more as far as I can see. Is it any wonder why Thailand is xenophobic. I am of Jewish ancestory, and if I ever see one of these mentioned things, I will have a hard time controlling myself. I have 3 children in a bilingual school in Chiang Mai, and the owner started giving Christian lessons to the children without parental consent, and I have issues with this. Is it so uncommon in Thailand that people do not show respect for other people's religions and cultures, after all this is a Buddahist country. I bet most Christians if asked what religion was Christ would say that Jesus was a Christian, but anyone who knows history would know he was a Jew. Where is the tolerence i keep hearing about?

Hmmmm. The English commited attrocities against the Irish for centuries, including the quaint practice of pitchcapping, but you don't hear the vast majority of Irish swearing that if they see a Union Jack they'll have a hard time controlling themselves. Within the lifetime of people still living, the Japanese commited awful things against the Chinese, but you don't hear the Chinese wobbling on about it now.

It's life- bad things happen- move on.

If attrocities really mattered that much, why is the world's media blind, deaf and dumb about the DRC?

PS, if any person didn't know that Jesus was a Jew, they wouldn't be a Christian any more than I am a Buddhist just because I think some Buddhist beliefs are pretty good.

The IRA was active until only a few years ago, and take an older Chinese aside and ask him privately what he thinks of the Japs.

Which is why I specifically state "the VAST MAJORITY". Many Irish live in the UK, and are quite capable of controlling themselves while there.

You could also ask an older Australian what they think of the Japs, but they don't go around attacking Japanese tourists in the street.

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As already pointed out, Stalin put Hitler distinctly in the shade with his prowess for putting millions to death, and you don't have to look very far to find other runners-up, so what's the big taboo with Hitler? I for one came here to escape the strychnined, egg-shell tip-toeing that passes for daily existence in the "mustn't offend anyone" West. grow a set & stop projecting your insecurities into what everyone knows to be one of the most polite cultures on the block.

Thai culture and Thais "polite"! Sorry to disillusion you as you may not have been here long. So 'Dream on'....until you realise that, on the whole, to be polite here is mostly either utilitarian or to 'lick arse' and determined solely by status in Thai society. But I don't bitch and blame the Thai people as individuals, as many farang do, as it is ingrained in Thai culture, which hopefully can and will eventually evolve and change for the better.

Back on topic....It should be to easy to teach Thai kids about Hitler by equating him with Pol Pot, and the Nazis with the Khmer Rouge....or are KR bandanas also on sale and another fashion icon for another Thai sub-culture?

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The Thai's do not see Hitler as this evil person. The supported the Japanese/Germans during WWII. I believe this is where their insensitivity to the whole issue comes from. Expecting Thai's to be sensitive to something that had never effected them, well....... I think is asking for too much.

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Thai people dont fancy communists or jews for that matter. Some time ago I was sitting next to Gen. Sayut during lunch, he was supreme commander of the thai armed forces when they defeated the last communist enclave in Khao Yai in the late 1960's, what he told me about what they found in Khao Yai its no suprise the Thais have no problem with killing communists.

Please do educate me as how "jews" fit into your comment. I was unaware that Thais don't fancy "jews". Please explain what makes you think this.

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Once again Thailand hits a homerun for ignorance.


Speaking of ignorance, who is this gushing over the big guy while "it" was all happening?Looks like Bertie's elder brother David, aka Edward VIII.

And let's not forget that a young relative of his recently went to a party in full Nazi regalia, LOL!

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