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Thai Parties Facing Up To Problem Of Boozed MPs


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Parties facing up to problem of boozed MPs



BANGKOK: -- MPs from both Pheu Thai and opposition Democrat parties continue to work on the problem of parliamentarians who turn up drunk for work, following claims Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung was intoxicated during a meeting on Friday night.

Pheu Thai MP Paijit Sriworakhan, as chairman of the committee on House affairs, said the committee would discuss measures to prevent alcohol consumption in the Parliament compound during a meeting on Thursday morning.

Incidents of drinking are reported to have happened many times before, especially late at night, but Chalerm's case had received much public attention.

Paijit said the committee would also consider Democrat MP Rangsima Rodrasmi's proposal of introducing alcohol check equipment at the Parliament. However, any investigation into whether Chalerm was really drunk was for House Speaker Somsak Kiartsuranont, as chairman of the House committee on morality, to conduct.

Rangsima said she planned to ask the Democrat party meeting today, and the next meeting of opposition whips committee, to consider how to deal with the Chalerm case.

A 20-member committee on parliamentarians’ morality and ethics was appointed earlier this month. Its members include the House Speaker, opposition leader Abhisit Vejjajiva and former House speakers such as Chuan Leekpai and Wan Muhamad Noor Matha.

According to Article 38 of the parliamentarian Code of Ethics issued in 2010, in a case where the committee finds an MP guilty of wrongdoing, it can determine the penalty, give a warning or force the offender to apologise in minor cases, and propose impeachment in serious cases.

In the parliamentary regulations on morality, no article directly prohibits an intoxicated MP from attending parliamentary meetings. However, other regulations might be considered in Chalerm’s case - such as Article 11 that requires parliamentarians to uphold the reputation and dignity of the Parliament and not do anything disgraceful. Article 15 requires MPs to respect other people’s rights and not use impolite words or conduct as an insult, or accuse others without proof. They must not bring false stories into parliamentary discussion or anywhere else. Under Article 16, the MP must not intimidate or threaten others. And under Article 28, an MP must not cause sexual or any harassment towards others.

Meanwhile, Chalerm insisted yesterday he had never been drunk while in Parliament, saying he was swaying while walking on Friday night due to an old illness in his ears.

He said he suffered from the condition for three months about four years ago. He also denied reports he had intimidated MP Rangsima Rodrasmi on the same night. Rangsima shouted out during a parliamentary meeting that Chalerm was drunk.

"May I modestly clarify that I walked towards Rangsima but I did not intimidate her. We usually talked when we met outside (the chamber). Her hometown is in Samut Songkram, mine is in Bang Bon suburb, that’s a nearby area. I was just joking when I told Rangsima I was not drunk with alcohol but I was just intoxicated by love," he said.

"All agencies please come and examine my morality… bad people are those having adultery with another's wife or husband. That’s bad. And I was accused of having a red face, how can my face be dark [revealing a shadow of bad energy]? My face is red because I work out," he said.

Chalerm said he has a rule not to drink alcohol before delivering a speech or speaking in parliamentary meetings. He said to accuse someone of being drunk would need an alcohol check, not just a look at their face.

He said the Democrat’s claim of finding alcoholic drink bottles at the Parliament was not proof against him as there were over 2,000 people at the Parliament. He said the Democrats should propose a fresh enquiry so he could clarify the situation in the coming House meeting.

Asked by reporters what he thought about introducing alcoholic test equipment to the Parliament, Chalerm said that would need a law amendment. But members had the opportunity to consume alcohol anywhere - at home or in restaurants - not just in the Parliament.


-- The Nation 2012-02-28

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"... Chalerm insisted ...... he was swaying while walking on Friday night due to an old illness in his ears."

It is quite deep seated, actually between his ears, the major symptom being a lack of conscience.

A 20-member committee on parliamentarians’ morality and ethics will examine the Chalerm case. The biggest difficulty expected is finding any morality and ethics in Mr Chalerm.

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'"May I modestly clarify that I walked towards Rangsima but I did not intimidate her. We usually talked when we met outside (the chamber). Her hometown is in Samut Songkram, mine is in Bang Bon suburb, that’s a nearby area. I was just joking when I told Rangsima I was not drunk with alcohol but I was just intoxicated by love," he said.'

This may be the funniest thing I've ever heard a politician say.

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From the actual CD Cruising in a pink BMW

Mr. C's Lament

I got a reputation going round,

Aint never been the kind to back down

I’ve thrown a punch or two and gave a few black eyes,

But Jack Daniels kicked my ass again last night

I did pretty good for a parliament session or two,

But they don’t fight fair like daddy taught me to,

Thaksin’s memory turned my head and they snuck up from behind,

Yeah Jack Daniels kicked my ass again last night

Always thought this heart was made of steel and bulletproof,

But the memory of my master fading just breaks it right into,

They say every superman has got his kryptonite,

Yeah Jack Daniels kicked my ass again last night

I didn’t bleed and I aint black and blue,

It aint hard to tell who got the best of who,

Cause in the morning light I’m hard to recognize,

Yeah Jack Daniels kicked my ass again last night

That black label’s like black powder for my soul,

Yeah my head feels like a bomb about to blow,

But hell I’m halfway inclined to give that fuse a light,

Yeah Jack Daniels kicked my ass again last night

Yeah let Jack Daniels kick my ass again tonight

Original soundtrack right here:


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Assuming you are half serious... Maybe they could confine it to bars, restaurants, hotels, home, etc., and not make a public display that brings Parliament into disrepute. :)

What a crock of poop.

Every other business in thailand is conducted over a bottle of scotch, do they honestly think politics is any different????

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Assuming you are half serious... Maybe they could confine it to bars, restaurants, hotels, home, etc., and not make a public display that brings Parliament into disrepute. smile.png

What a crock of poop.

Every other business in thailand is conducted over a bottle of scotch, do they honestly think politics is any different????

IMHO your penultimate word should have been "greater"

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Assuming you are half serious... Maybe th ey could confine it to bars, restaurants, hotels, home, etc., and not make a public display that brings Parliament into disrepute. smile.png

What a crock of poop.

Every other business in thailand is conducted over a bottle of scotch, do they honestly think politics is any different????

partytime2.gifI don't think that it is alcohol that brings the Parliament into disrepute but the motley collection of members themselves. drunk.gif

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Hmmmm... On the other hand, if they all drank themselves under the benches, we wouldn't have to put up with watching their antics on TV. Then, they'd need to fail a breathalyzer test to get into a session, where they could promptly collapse insensate (probably OT, sorry).

Assuming you are half serious... Maybe th ey could confine it to bars, restaurants, hotels, home, etc., and not make a public display that brings Parliament into disrepute. smile.png

What a crock of poop.

Every other business in thailand is conducted over a bottle of scotch, do they honestly think politics is any different????

partytime2.gifI don't think that it is alcohol that brings the Parliament into disrepute but the motley collection of members themselves. drunk.gif

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Perhaps he needs to change his social circle if he thinks "that's what men do." Some men. Role models? Unlikely.

Remember, Chalerm's first defense was that drinking alcohol is just "what men do." Well, thanks for clearing up THAT issue. Time vote more women into Thai Parliament?

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Remember, Chalerm's first defense was that drinking alcohol is just "what men do." Well, thanks for clearing up THAT issue. Time vote more women into Thai Parliament?

As far as I remember before that he admitted having " a couple of drinks" at a wedding reception...

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Remember, Chalerm's first defense was that drinking alcohol is just "what men do." Well, thanks for clearing up THAT issue. Time vote more women into Thai Parliament?

As far as I remember before that he admitted having " a couple of drinks" at a wedding reception...

The guests must have been SO proud to have him attend.burp.gif

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All agencies please come and examine my morality

clap2.gif Give me strength! It's a bit like Joseph Kony saying " Can you point out exactly where I might have been a bit overzealous in my actions? "

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Remember, Chalerm's first defense was that drinking alcohol is just "what men do." Well, thanks for clearing up THAT issue. Time vote more women into Thai Parliament?

As far as I remember before that he admitted having " a couple of drinks" at a wedding reception...

The guests must have been SO proud to have him attend.burp.gif

...and happy as clowns because he was not the groom!

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Breathalyzers on exit from Parliament

and if you blow over the limit, straight to jail

and the press called for a perpwalk.

Fastest way to create a bone dry Parliament.

Btw: Do they all have drivers to bring them home, or are breathalyzer test not aplicable if you enjoy immunity as a MP?

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Since politicians are given money from the state coffers, much like a well-fair recipient, I think there should be mandatory alcohol and drug tests of all politicians on a monthly basis. We wouldn't want our money to feed someones substance abuse, would we?

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Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung yesterday denied that he was trying to gag the press in relation to reports about his alleged drunkenness during last Friday's parliamentary session.

"I have targeted seven newspapers to enlist them as witnesses against three Democrats for libel," he said.

Chalerm added that the Thai Journalists Association should not construe his move as an attempt to intimidate the press and that he was only trying to protect his reputation.

From: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Chalerm-swears-he-is-not-gagging-30177105.html

Tzzz, it looks like he still believes having a reputation worth to protect…

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